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Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +4, Charisma +0
Power Feats: +2 hand size, all except You may recharge a card to evade a summoned bane ( ) or discard a card to allow anotehr charactewr to do so.
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +0
Weapons: Skirmishing Spear, Starbow, Stalker's Crossbow, Planar Crossbow +2, Firebow, Skirmishing Spear
Spells: Cure, Cure, Steal Soul
Armors: Stole of the Inheritor, Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Boomcrown, Chalice of Ozem, Banner of Valor
Allies: Celestial Unicorn, Celestial Unicorn, Bat, Thylacine
Blessings: Abadar, Shelyn, Abadar, Nethys
Mythic Path: Champion

In addition, please add which cards you redeemed:
Cards Redeemed: Ghoul Hide, Unholy Aspergillum +3

Character Name: Adowyn
Role Card: Pack Leader
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, At the start of your turn, you may search your deck or your dscard pile for a cohort ([check] or a card that has the Animal trait)... , Youe may reveal a card that has the Anilam trait to add 1d4 to your combat chack....
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1
Weapons: Force Shortbow +1, Starbow, Spirit Blade, Flaming Spear +1, Demonbane Light Crossbow +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Bloodscent
Armors: Ghoul Hide(redeemed), Barding of Pleated Light
Items: Banner of Valor, Sage's Journal
Allies: Wolf, Bat, Pegasus
Blessings: Sarenrae, Shelyn, Nethys, Baphomet
Mythic Path: Champion


I just finished Into the the Worldwound adventure gaining my first card feat, now my questions is, when do i gain it ? Because according to rulebook i think i gain it after i rebuilded my character deck, but it means that i go into first scenario of 1st adventure (the worldwound incursion) without that card in my deck am i right or can i keep chosen card from the ones i finished scenario venegeance at sundered crag.

Rulebook p17 "If the players defeat the villain and prevent him from escaping or they achieve a different condition for winning listed on the scenario card, your group defeats the scenario and earns the reward listed on scenario card. (...) Once you played a scenario, whether you won or lost, rebuild your character deck (...) If you're playing an adventure and you successfully complete a scenario, you may proceed to the next scenario on the adventure card. If you've successfully completed all scenarios on the adventure card, you earn the reward on the adventure card."

Which suggest that i first rebuild my character deck and after that i gain adventure reward is it correct ?

Can i use this power in encounter in which i'm using my another ranged weapon ? for example i use my heavy crossbow to fight monster using 2d10+1 and i'm recharging my javelin for another d4 ?

Can she use this power on herself ( to let herself shuffle card from discard into deck) ?