Troymk1's page
Organized Play Member. 574 posts (1,397 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.
I think it’s pretty safe to infer that discard includes to a recovery pile
Ah ha! I had seen that bad boy get discarded in closed locations at least 4 times but never encountered him !
You cant really acquire boons in 7A , but thank you so much for the clarification sir !
Level 7 Loot Armor from Curse of the Crimson Throne. Where does it get awarded ??
Clarification please?
If a Scenario adds Banes to the Blessings deck, and I turn one over, do other start of turn abilities trigger before I encounter that card? Or, do I pause the ‘start of turn’ and encounter that card, resuming start of turn triggers (wounded for example) after the encounter?
But is the Danger always used in a scenario. Just did A City Gone Mad that mentions a rioting mob. I saw no mechanic to actually encounter the danger.
Am I correct?
BGG is weekend before Thanksgiving. I'll be there!
skizzerz said it would still count as failing to acquire So no problem then
I had thought I had seen that attempting to acquire a boon was no longer optional, to align the game with the App.
However I note the FAQ still has it as optional
Did I misunderstand a post somewhere?
I thought they had changed it to align with the app?
Recently clarified that you have to check
adjusted for playing the blessing. Alahazra(Troymk1) wrote: Hand: Holy Light, Cure, Frigid Blast, Amulet of Life, Blessing of the Gods, Crown of Charisma
(Displayed: )
Deck: 9 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Note: Temple
I've been ill a few days I'll get to this shortly
I'm not holding us up somehow am I?
skizzerz wrote: Last scenario is fun, just keep in mind that when you encounter the ship instead of Kerdak that he is simply shuffled back in and doesn't escape or you may accidentally play it on "hard mode" (which imo is more fun, but ymmv). WotR B is easier than any of those scenarios, however the difficulty is unusually high for a B adventure where the characters are ill equipped to handle varied challenges. was this a clarification?
lots going on in Dallas I will get to this later tonight I hope
Hawkmoon269 wrote: If only there was a monster that rewarded you with multiple boons when you decimated it. That Monster is commonly referred to as the Piñata
It will be seen in an upcoming Aztec themed path
cartmanbeck wrote: Calthaer wrote: The loot collection aspect of the game is the very best aspect of the game, albeit not the only aspect.
Wrath was not that fun because it removed boon-collecting from your "risk assessment." The question: "Can I save this blessing to acquire a really awesome item?" was always answered with "No." Many don't like Runelords because the answer to that same question was always "Yes." S&S was the best because that question was usually "Maybe." As always, Calthaer is incorrect. The best part of the game is absolutely decimating combat checks against monsters. :-P Is that where you roll a tenth of your expected result?
Troymk1 wrote: Theryon Stormrune wrote: And you should probably report these issues on Obsidian's forum so they can better work on the situation. Sure, talking about it here might be a release of your frustration but since Paizo isn't involved in the actual development and support of the app, this might not be seen by their people. After seeing egregious errors for which I myself would have been fired. I can't continue to throw more tidbits into this dog's breakfast.
I've also stopped playing
I levelled some quest characters up to level 30. They received a power feat, which meant they all had to tick off the last feat available on their character card. It's at level 31 they receive their role card...
I can't even begin to tell you how angry that made me.
So, I've moved on.
Theryon Stormrune wrote: And you should probably report these issues on Obsidian's forum so they can better work on the situation. Sure, talking about it here might be a release of your frustration but since Paizo isn't involved in the actual development and support of the app, this might not be seen by their people. After seeing egregious errors for which I myself would have been fired. I can't continue to throw more tidbits into this dog's breakfast.
jduteau wrote: Alahazra Stargazer wrote: Alahazra(Troymk1) wrote: Hand: Holy Light, Find Traps, Frigid Blast, Amulet of Life, Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of the Gods, Crown of Charisma
(Displayed: )
Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Note: Temple
You have Holy Light and Frigid Blast listed above, but not Fireblade which was in your original hand and I don't see you using it above.
yeah my excel didn't save when the Pc decided to close everything for an urgent upgrade
(it wasn't urgent)
Alahazra(Troymk1) wrote: Hand: Find Traps, FireBlade, Frigid Blast, Amulet of Life, Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of the Gods, Crown of Charisma
(Displayed: )
Deck: 9 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Note: Temple
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm a tad embarrassed and frustrated by what I've been seeing from Obsidian in the Tablet game.
I was very forgiving and hopeful at first, but as someone who works in Software dev I'm professionally embarrassed by the fundamental errors I've seen creeping in.
Patches seem to be based off different software builds, errors that were fixed in one patch are back again after another. Core game system terms like display and reveal don't seem to be hard-coded in and the game confused the two as display.
I've lost numerous parties to saving errors/corruptions and I'm going to leave story mode alone for I'm guessing a very long time.
I've stopped adding bug reports to their support page as it seems to be a dog's breakfast over there.
As usual with computer/video games a lot of time and effort was made to make it look nice and add cool chrome. Seemingly Fundamentals were not a massive priority.
(I even looked if they had a job posted along The Senior PM and/or Release manager lines so I could back my words with some action, but no go. Nor could I afford to move to SoCal I daresay)
I will name my next dog thusly
1 person marked this as a favorite.
You guys are getting good at this ;)
Diego Valdez wrote: Hello Troymk1,
Thank you for letting us know. I have set up a replacement for you that should be on its way shortly. You will be receiving an email confirmation.
Thank you Sir. Not Paizo's fault of course USPS has really gone downhill since they started using independent contractors (read dodgy bloke in a van)
Now it is Thursday June 1st and no arrival. I have a locked mailbox. This shouldn't be an issue :/
I haven't received issue 6. Let me check the mail once more today, but I fear that your comic shipments are just not getting to me at whatever address! Does this happen a lot now? (I've noticed my USPS amazon shipments rarely arrive also)
I will be at BGG Spring for the next few days gents!
jduteau wrote: Krellort - Villain/Monster 2
First two are shuffled in and normally, I'd put the Villain on top, but it would just go to the bottom and force you to fight a Sea Devil Prince, so I think it should go on the bottom.
Yes, this way we wont have to keep facing Krellort over and over again
Kyra, Sarenrae's Light wrote: If I remember correctly, Vic ruled that anything that gives you a free exploration is considered "immediately."
I found it in the S&S FAQ. They're stopping the immediately phrasing but making them all immediate.
That's how the app does it too
Our online game just featured Koren yelling the following
"Charging at the Zombie with my lance, riding my dog..."
Not something you hear every day.
Yeah, I bet some of the barriers are curses that accrue on your character :/
And I wanted to make the comment that these cats are truly powerful now!
I was surprised that no matter what nefarious bane emerged, that the characters seemed to have the answer.
Furthermore and in closing
Alain is now riding a Dire Griffon :/
Andrew L Klein wrote: Keith Richmond wrote: Andrew L Klein wrote: I'm extremely excited to see how the Occultist is done though, one of my favorite RPG classes. I think the Occultist will explode some people's minds.
In the good way, I mean. Is there a non-good way to explode a mind?!?! H.P. Lovecraft might have a thing or two to say on this subject.
May I cancel my subscription once issue 6 heads out the door?
Thank you in advance.
They've also now got about 6 or so Class decks from the original line for $6
Myfly wrote: More blessings please... 5?
October is my Birthday precious
Sajan, Blade Sage wrote: Ostog Pshaws at Armor wrote: @City Gate, would like to go to Farmhouse but the dog keeps biting I do like dogs, but the only food I have for him is my Turtle, so maybe later.
Meanwhile, I wonder if the Goblin Fortress has any goblins. Let's find out! I believe that was an emphatic yes!
I finished AD2 with my 6 character party, trying the story path again at higher difficulty with the other 5 :)
(Unfortunately this also means I've been prolific at finding bugs for them :/)
Hawkmoon269 wrote: I think if you look at the Gallery in the app, you can see placeholders for the treasure chest cards. The same might be true for the promos. And I would guess (though don't know for sure) that the promos are the original RotR promos. So, Poog of Zarongel, Blessing of Zarongel, Dance with Squeally Nord, etc. Poog & Blessing of Zarongel are in my decks now
I'm actually well into AD2 ~ashamed at my lack of a life~
jduteau wrote: Turn 18
Blessing: Blessing of Pharasma
no changed locations (to Vika's shame at losing to a plant!)
Perhaps it was a Triffid
Awesome turn !!! I Chortled.
I'm downloading the app !!!
Frencois wrote: ... 6 iPads in front of me just waiting to start downloading ... Dude???
Sidebar Discussion who is thinking of getting the App ?
Ouch. You've gone above and beyond sir!