What does your Paizo handle mean?

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What the hell do you think?

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That you like cranking s#~@ :-)

Please to be allowing me to explaining!

Seeing as how there are being new residents of Limbo, who are not of the toad form, and discovering the Slaad thread, I was doing the needful of making the Slaad alias. However, it was soon to see that Protean discuise is not vah, so clever plant slaad protean hybrid I am being, as Ku Kachumber Salad is play on Cucumber Salad in the Indian style.

Also, tongue in cheek inspired by many past places of employ in my industry and devoid of malice, only brought out when maximum silliness is achieved.

Scarab Sages

KingmanHighborn wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
KingmanHighborn wrote:

What does your nickname here on Paizo mean?

It's a name I've went by since I was a teen, it's just how I love to think of myself, as a King and Highborn. :P

How the hell did you get people you know to actually call you "Kingman Highborn"?

I know I personally would have been like "Whatever Todd (or whatever your name is), I'm not calling you that".

Should say nick name then I guess. It evolved from a lot of influences and my (overinflated) ego.

Really only my close friends call me Kingman, and those in the furry fandom.

And I say there's nothing wrong with that!

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

*reaches out of Your Closet, turns out light*

Pleasant dreams!

*falls asleep the second the light goes out, collapsing halfway into the closet and on top of IHIYC before he can even close the door*


Somebody get me a medkit! This woman has severe narcolepsy, and I've got a hypospray for that.

Sovereign Court

Verbal comes from me talking way too much, both in and out of character.

Leandro Garvel was generated by Neverwinter Nights.

Ragadolf, my longest running PC in a D&D style game (We were using Hero System rules) He was an old, cranky, insane and memory-challenged wizard who tended to speak of things that the other PC's had never heard of. (Particularly bad Movie and TV references, Based on Zifnab of the Seventh Gate Cycle Series) The name was a combination of Radagast and Gandolf. He became my favorite PC, and Now I use the name for all of my gaming-related PC/online stuff. I have never found it used by anyone else. :)

The avatar was rather how I envisioned him, so I chose it.

Something about me- I am living proof that Old Nerds/Geeks never die, we just keep hanging around playing games, pretending that we're still 20. ;P

captain yesterday wrote:
That you like cranking s%~+ :-)

And this is why you are Captain Yesterday, not Obvious. >:D

Someone already took Captain Obvious >:(

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I should be shunned for not thinking of this one sooner, I blame Tacticslion for getting the shunning thread locked by not being there :-)

Edit: evidently having smurf in the name isn't enough, well that's just smurfy!

Captain Smurf wrote:
I should be shunned for not thinking of this one sooner, I blame Tacticslion for getting the shunning thread locked by not being there :-)

I'm thinking the rest of the summer will be the time of "blame Tacticslion for not being there".

Guess who this alias was made to spoof!

Strategytiger wrote:
Captain Smurf wrote:
I should be shunned for not thinking of this one sooner, I blame Tacticslion for getting the shunning thread locked by not being there :-)

I'm thinking the rest of the summer will be the time of "blame Tacticslion for not being there".

Guess who this alias was made to spoof!

What? I didn't even say the s-word.

Does...does "spoof" activate the smurf program?

EDIT - OH, You're "Captain Smurf". Duh.

Tom Cruise!

Brad Pitt!

Kathy Bates!

Kim Basinger!

Ah ha! The name does work!

.... on others, oh deary me what shall I do now!... this, is a game changer!

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I will Get You all. NOTHING CAN STOP THE CLAW!!!

I am fond of winter, and shade.

By contrast, I dislike summer and bright light.

It's the name of my very first Pathfinder character.

Please tell me it was all a front and he wasn't really a Cleric, I had a Charlatan Rogue, a Halfling named Brother Buford, he got be captain, then when they needed to be healed and he was all like "oh, no, I'm not one of those clerics" next thing I know the Ranger tosses him to the Bunyips attacking the ship.

He was actually the first "Captain Red Shirt" of our somewhat serious taking the gloves off Skull and Shackles :-)

Captain Smxrf wrote:
I should be shunned for not thinking of this one sooner, I blame Tacticslion for getting the shunning thread locked by not being there :-)

I blame Tacticslion for not being here to explain his name. (Wait, should we start a new thread just for this?)

I am the Chris Pine version of a classic and beloved sci-fi character. My avatar sorta looks like me. I joined the boards to get psychoanalyzled by a teenaged horse.

I never held the rank of Admiral. My middle name is Tiberius.

My God Jim... What happened to you?!?!

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Dr. Leonard H. McCoy wrote:
My God Jim... What happened to you?!?!

JJ Abrams :(

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm a fan of a certain computer rpg, and was drawn to the name of the planet with the plant creature. Being a horticulturalist it was sort of natural.

Don't mind me:-)

I'm just here to steal your thunder, bang your girlfriend (or boyfriend, I gots the spells to make it work) and Save the f~#$ing World!!

Welp, my first foray into tabletop games was actually Warhammer 40,000, and I was an avid Chaos Space Marine Player. Leading my carefully painted Khorne Berzerkers was an absolute monster of a Daemon Prince named Mourge. The name has stuck ever since for my handles.

What does the 40k stand for? You got a lot of bling :-)

captain yesterday wrote:
What does the 40k stand for? You got a lot of bling?

Hah. No. Warhammer 40,000 = Warhammer 40k. I still really, really like 40k, so I tend to use it when I can.

Oh I know, my daughter's best friend's mom's boyfriend plays it :-)

An alias when I need to seriously consider something....

Like which is better Skid Row or Motley f@#*ing Crue!

Sovereign Court

Mine's pretty obvious to those who know their Greek mythology. Charon is the ferryman of The River Styx (the reason Greeks put coins over your eyes - to pay Charon) - it's my standard gamer-tag as I help people into the land of the dead. (By killing them.)

I picked a shield because I tend to prefer defensive-minded characters.

Aniuś is my name. It is a Polish diminutive of Ania, a feminine name, and happens to use the diminutive ending -uś, which is technically masculine. I am Polish and the name has both feminine and masculine qualities, so it is a suitable name for me.

'Talewise' is an epithet that was given to me by a friend. It refers to my wisdom in storytelling.

It's my real name!

...I'm boring.

The name I came up with. Which got me an email from paizo moderators to change. I promptly changed the ss to zz.

....I think they were mis-pronouncing it.... ; )

Shadow Lodge

It stands for TriOmegaZero.

TOZ wrote:
It stands for TriOmegaZero.

It could be silly, but it took me months until I realized it.

TOZ wrote:
It stands for TriOmegaZero.

You don't say.

This one came about in an unusual way,
When the captain was joking with something to say,
And I noticed my reply was starting to rhyme,
So I thought what about a new alias this time?
After all with the green theme there's more than just tea,
And Seuss was a childhood favorite to me.
So I scrambled to make it and finished the post,
Of rhyming which I do exaggerate most,
And favorites came, and it's not a surprise,
Though it seemed a bit few in this poster's eyes.
After all how many people craft verse while sitting on crapper,
Making do figurative and literal, like an internet rapper?

Capt. James T. Kirk - Reboot wrote:
Dr. Leonard H. McCoy wrote:
My God Jim... What happened to you?!?!
JJ Abrams :(

At least you are no longer played by a boring, and utterly annoying guy now stuck doing Priceline commercials. And you as a character are actually interesting now.

It's my name.

Scarab Sages

KingmanHighborn wrote:

At least you are no longer played by a boring, and utterly annoying guy now stuck doing Priceline commercials. And you as a character are actually interesting now.

If so, it's apparently because he made it with the Queen of the Energy Vampires and gained the power to suck all the interesting out of the rest of the J.J. Trek universe.

I'm a Picard guy anyway.

KingmanHighborn wrote:
Capt. James T. Kirk - Reboot wrote:
Dr. Leonard H. McCoy wrote:
My God Jim... What happened to you?!?!
JJ Abrams :(
At least you are no longer played by a boring, and utterly annoying guy now stuck doing Priceline commercials. And you as a character are actually interesting now.

Explosions?! are more interesting than sex? Because that's about the extent of eithers' development excepting the old Kirk's interactions with other more interesting characters.

On a related note I'm a trekkie, and we are legion. As far as anyone needs to know I happen to be the 90909th; mostly this is a semi-random string of numbers long enough the tag is rarely taken. I have yet to pick an avatar a) because most of them seem rather boring, and b) I have yet to find one sufficiently borg. Although I did briefly consider mimicking the forum glitterazzi robot once, as the closest board analogue.

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My favourite Shadowrun characters street name - his human parents were fans of an early 20th Century fantasy author and they named him after the 8th dwarf through some guys door..... So he called himself The 8th Dwarf... Been using the handle since the 90's and the Shadowrun BBS.

The funny thing was when communist dockworker Ork physad on the team found out my characters name he would rant about how the Author was a racist and his books were basically Mein Kamph for Elves.

Mine was given to me by one of my gaming groups when I was the GM. They started calling me "Oh, Great Silverhaired One." So I kept the silverhair part and 2008 was when I started on the Paizo boards.

NOTE: Just for the record, my hair is now silver.

It's my name, yo. The avatar looked goofy and humorous which is why it done got picked!

Back in college, some friends and I started a tradition of heading up to a cabin in the mountains over Spring/Fall break and playing D&D (3.0 was still in its prime back then) for the long weekend. We've all left school far behind us now and have spread out across varying states and most are now married with little kiddos running around, but the 6 of us still get together once a year for a long weekend of gaming up at the cabin. When it all started, I offered to run a homebrew campaign for them and it featured a few prominent NPCs that they really responded to.

This alias was the primary antagonist for our first 5 trips.

The avatar had a devilish look about it, which fit Selpher's personality pretty well, I thought.

Liberty's Edge

Corsario is my net handle since the beginning (last millennium, on the BBS world, predating the internet).
I wanted something to show it's a DM account, and the flute playing skeleton fills the bill perfectly. I am very fond of movies and the reference to Metropolis (Fritz Lang) and Army of Darkness (Sam Raimi) is great!

The Exchange

Mine is my handle for many of these online organizations however mine is a play off a not-so-well-known movie called Gentlemen Broncos and in that movie a not-so-good Sci-Fi writer says that any name can be turned into a Sci-Fi name by adding
-Anous, -Inous, or -Onous to the end of the name.

My real name is Cody and Sci-Fi'd it is now Codanous!

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