
Strategytiger's page

103 posts. Alias of thegreenteagamer.


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How is "Attack" a plan? It's the exact opposite of a plan. Leeroyjenkinsbat already qualifies as our "don't have a plan" plan.

What the hell happened to him anyway? He was...interesting.

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Perturbed? Streetwise?

Those are adjectives, not even nouns, let alone synonymous with plans!

*walks off, grumbling and muttering about kids these days and the state of the internet, and how people don't try anymore*

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I did indeed start it. I even suggested Gambitbear's name, and threw a fit when people didn't follow the pattern (Uppercase plan synonym, lowercase animal name, no spaces). This is assuredly my most anal retentive alias.

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We are legion.

A legion of around ten, I think. TL, Me, Tacticslioness, Gambitbear, Leeroyjenkinsbat, Maneuvermoose, Schemesnake, Somethingcarcal, Nappingbushbaby...I'm missing someone I think.

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Mythic Tacticslion wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Mythic Tacticslion wrote:
The CR30 Green Tea Demigod wrote:
Get on my level.
I am.
Wrong alias for that reply...mythic at least, man. Priorities.
Pssst. Look what you quoted...

THAT WAS THE BEST NINJA EDIT EVER! It was regular TL when I hit reply!

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Elephant in a Room wrote:

I just noticed it said to ask Tacticslion to favorite ALL your posts.

Pretty please! All fifteen thousand+.

I recommend just using the alias list and go through, one at a time.

It's okay, I'll wait around.

grabs the 1999 Sports Illustrated on the table, makes himself comfortable

Can I get a bottle of flavored water while I wait...

Note: It said ask him to - it didn't say he necessarily would. You're going to have to earn your own favorites...

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The Zimbabwe dollar has apparently made quite a recovery in the last decade - I remember when a million bucks Zimbabwe was something you could get for less than ten bucks USD. Now, that's actually a few thousand bucks, so it's more or less the equivalent of a part-time job.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Arg! How much am I being paid for this gig?!

One Million Dollars* per year.

Zimbabwe Dollars, that is.

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You've been Bushing around, so I took the liberty of Cheney-ing behind the scenes while you were taking yet another vacation at the ranch.

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Anyway, didn't we just elect TL president a few months ago? What is this, a coup?!

Puts hand up to earpiece There is a Hippo in the Lion's Den people, I repeat, there is a Hippo in the Lion's Den. This is not a drill!

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Batman vs. Punisher vs. Iron Man vs. Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow, five man battle royale of Marvel and DC's most well known non-powered characters.

They have one hour to prepare and do not know who they will battle exactly. The field is, let's say Death Valley at midnight on a cloudless night with a full moon, all approaching from opposite ends of the desert.

They are allowed only as much equipment as they can carry or wear, so Iron Man does not have access to like 372 suits when he needs to change styles.

What is the order of elimination? Who survives to the end? Why?

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We went over this a few months back. She's Tacticslioness.

Orthos is Gambitbear, by the way (Oh my!) It was a good day when the cunningplanimals came together.

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...and get resurrected in Episode X, along with Darth Maul, because Disney knows how to print money.

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Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
Anyhow, Strategytiger, all of your political positions are wrong. No arguing back: dragons just have a superior ideology to tigers.

All of them? Given I was recently told that I seem to follow no heuristic basis for ideology, and my individualized positions on popular issues fit literally no existing party as a whole, including third parties, then by extension, if you're saying I'm totally and completely wrong with everything, then you, too, and by extension the truth you assert, have no rhyme nor reason to your positioning - because with all my contradictions following no pattern, neither then does the opposite.

This means I am, actually, right about at least one thing - that all of the major parties are wrong. Which makes you wrong, because you asserted that absolutely everything I believe is wrong.

So, you see, calling me wrong about everything is a logical fallacy, a paradox, and impossible.

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Why do I particpate in political conversation?

Actually, why does anyone? I don't think I've met anyone who's had an opinion changed by it, even when the discussions are rational and well formed. Everyone simply entrenches further in their original belief. If someone is undecided on an issue, they probably don't care in the first place and aren't paying attention to those talking.

On another note, I miss playing IRL (group is being pretty flaky with finals, the holidays, and the like - I've had at least five groups disband because they couldn't get back on schedule after the thanksgiving to new years lull), and I'm tired of only being the GM online.

That being said, life is still pretty awesome, because those are seriously first world issues to whine about. When "oh, noes, I can't play my free hobby as often as I'd like" is your major concern, life is good. (Ah, there are a few real life concerns, like needing a new car, but meh, whatever.)

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An expression of ambivalence.

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Hey, I wasn't personally involved in this stuff this time around, except knowing my tithes and offerings went into this...and I think we put a little extra on one of the people leaving's gofundme account to finance their ticket...but yeah, it's kind of nice that my church is out there trying to live up to its name. ...but yeah, I want to do more for the next one.

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My church had some folks just came back from a mission trip to Nicaragua with photos and videos from it. The "houses" these people lived in...I expected like thatch huts, similar to the ones we saw in Peru, but...they were literally plastic refuse roofs stretched over sticks, like, some awful homeless tents in just...mud. So, yeah...that's humbling.

So proud that my church doesn't just build pews and throw potluck dinners. A couple years ago we got money together to build rain barrels and wells in Uganda! SO...I'm gonna find out what I can do to help the next trip. :-)

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Yeah, but imitation can be a form of flattery.

Plus, it's not like it isn't fun.

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Wait, TL has been interjecting between our comments this entire time?!

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I almost bought the Power Armor Brotherhood of Steel bobble head guy at GameStop. Almost. I resisted the temptation; all he would do is decorate my cubicle, anyway.

I'm sitting in a mall bench waiting on my wife, mom, and brother, who are all shopping.

I. Hate. Black. Friday.

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I hate Black Friday.

No, I'm not working. I still hate it.

The voice of Ron Perlman wrote:
War. War never changes.

Oh come on, that wasn't even relevant.

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Honestly, I hated the 4e story change so much I stopped paying attention, and I used to follow FR regularly. Seriously it went from a deep unique tapestry to just another generic fantasy world.

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Shar: Unkilled since the dawn of time. Secondary goddess of magic, creator of the Shadow Weave and mother of the original Mystra. In every edition uninjured. How is the magic portfolio unstable again?

Internal logical consistency, where art thou?

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Strategytiger likes cheese.

Strictly speaking, he is infatuated with it, to the point where he will always accept cheese, even when totally gut-bustingly, Homer Simpson "uuugh, Enchiladas!" Full.

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Gambitbear wrote:
Gambitbear wrote:
Okay, the list of things to not mention around TGTG has expanded to include "quality levels of 90s sitcoms" "television personalities in general" in addition to "preferred methods of preparing and drinking tea".
Probably safer this way.

It also wouldn't hurt to avoid bringing up education, politics, and...

Crap, what else do I soapbox on?

Seinfeld was literally an excuse to squeeze another joke out of that alias. I respect his standup for being genuinely funny without being filthy or cursing (I like filthy and curse heavy comedians, too; Katt Williams is easily in my top 3, but it is definitely harder to pull off laughs clean) and like all the ground he broke with his show, but dude's just an entertainer, and if you differ of opinion about him it doesn't bother me too much. You're still cool by me, O. Just don't let my other aliases find out.

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I'm just under 1000 favorited by others, but my ratio is almost 1/2.

This may be because I say what people are all thinking.

On what I swear is an unrelated note...

Trump and Clinton are both horrible for different reasons and if it comes down to them I'm voting 3rd party. Again.

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I'm curious about CY's birthdays...but not curious enough to brave the depths of FaWTL. No...that's...that's a rabbithole I'm not willing to dive into...

My mom's entire family came to visit around my...11th or 12th birthday... we were living in Orlando at the time. They went out to Wet and Wild ON my birthday, and I had to go to school. EVERYONE. WENT. BUT. ME. ON. MY. BIRTHDAY. My mom had vacation days. My dad...I don't remember. My family visiting from Germany. Even my brother, as he was like 4 at the time, and hadn't yet started school.

It was adamant I don't miss school.

It was the second day of school.

I remind my mother of this every year on my birthday. It's been over 20 years.

I forgave her, but I'll be damned if I'm letting her forget that one.

That was a good time, otherwise. My cousin kept swearing in English and his dad had no idea what he was saying. The one time he said "sheizen" (sp?) though, he got popped, and HARD. Pretty funny considering he otherwise sounded like a George Carlin standup routine in the 1970s and his dad had no clue.

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
EDIT: I would also like very much to meet this tac. o:

Ask, and ye shall receive.

Methinks we may soon have a new Cunningplanimal.

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I haven't seen a TV show worth the cost of so much as basic cable in over ten years.

The only time I watch TV is when it's incidentally included in my internet package. Seriously, I'll pay a dollar less if it means no TV.

I do, sometimes, grab really old shows from the library on DVD (currently on Psych season 5, and enjoying it), or stream them, but nothing has been exceptional enough to warrant any sort of fee whatsoever.

I guess when books are free, and the internet is included in my cellphone package, I don't see the point of paying for entertainment.

This generation really puts too much emphasis on entertainment. Our society idolizes people who merely alleviate boredom - and only temporarily, at that. Think of five actors. Think of five scientists. Which took you longer?

Maybe it's the celebrity aspect? After all, not many scientists are famous (which is part of the problem). Think of five musicians. Think of five politicians.

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Captain Smurf wrote:
I should be shunned for not thinking of this one sooner, I blame Tacticslion for getting the shunning thread locked by not being there :-)

I'm thinking the rest of the summer will be the time of "blame Tacticslion for not being there".

Guess who this alias was made to spoof!

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It could be worse. They could be Comcast.

Wait, I thought TL was a President, not a king. Does that change me from a VP to some kind of Vizier?

You know what Pratchett says, now I need to start planning my inevitable takeover scheme, only to have some young upstart take me out.

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Tacticslion wrote:

But seriously. They taste terrible. Also, I'm supposed to keep the thing 'constantly' soaking in warm water... until I do 'activities' after which I'm supposed to ice it down... then put it in warm water...



... oh, mercy. I've gone from nerd to jock* and retained only the downsides of each.


* This is not a bash on all you awesome athletic types. This is a joke on myself. Also: ow. And: I am such a daggum wuss. :D

Use a smartphone and the Speak Now feature.

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I enjoy my nephews and nieces when I feel like it (mom and dad are always ready to get a couple hours of downtime at the drop of a hat) and when they get on my nerves, they go home. It's just that simple. Any aspect I don't feel like dealing with, I don't. Any aspect I do, with mom and dad's permission, I do. I skip talking about sex with my niece and leave that to her parents, but tell her about picking a college or whatnot. I avoided diapers with the nephew, but later take him to play videogames at Dave and Busters. You cannot tell me this is anything less than perfection.

Also, because they don't always see me, I can let them do stuff that would get on my nerves if it was 24/7, or would be bad for them if they experienced it all the time. It's always a treat for them to see me as a result.

Since I don't buy their necessities, everything I give them is luxury, so in their eyes I look WAY more generous than mom and dad, even though I spend maybe 5% a year in comparison...Because kids don't care about food, shelter, clothes, utilities, and even everyday luxuries like cable or air conditioning, because they've never gone without, and to them it's all just expected.

Because of all this, they're a heck of a lot more psyched when I pick them up from school or pop by the house to visit, and they have no idea that as much as I love them it pales in comparison to their parents.

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John Kretzer wrote:
The above post is one of the reasons why I want kids....

You can do the same with nieces and nephews, without dealing with the negatives associated with having your own kids.

Uncle life FTW!

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I really didn't want to start reading and favoriting everything to make up for your absence.

True fact I totally made up - total favoriting on the boards dropped by 7% in your absence.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Wow that's some post "graduation" hang over for the tactically minded kitty clan:-)



...Well, at least you put it in quotations, so you could be using it ironically.

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Tacticslion wrote:

My oldest is finishing his last day of his first year of school today!


I'm happy for you! That's great!

I'm even happier that you didn't say "graduating kindergarten"!

why I don't like that phrase:
My cousin keeps saying that about her son, and many schools are tossing that term around and doing ceremonies, and it's just too much. I get positively reinforcing their desired actions, but...

1) it's kindergarten. Admittedly it's way harder than I was as a kid (my pre-k teacher friends have kids writing and doing simple math already), but it's one year.

2) it's not fair to call it a graduation when you have to go right back in two months. It's not even moving up to a new school. It's still elementary. Preschool is more of a justified "graduation" thank K.

3) it's setting them up for disappointment when they don't do this every year. Kids have ridiculous memories at that age. My brother could remember stuff from when he couldn't talk when he was five.

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Lewis Carol is significantly less interesting when psychedelic drugs are not involved.

(This post isn't pro-acid/shrooms/etc, it's anti-Carol.)

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...As self-elected (and never actually positionally contradicted by the President himself) Vice-president of the Cunningplanimals Club, normally I'd point out that napping isn't a tactic or synonym for it...

...but actually, when faced with a difficult problem, a nap sure as heck is a genius plan for solving almost any situation. I'm almost positive every problem in life can be solved by sleep, except perhaps narcolepsy. I like it.

Mind you, the lion is the man here, I'm just a stripy sidekick with a big mouth.

Seriously, I love me some napping. I'm gonna go bump your thread. That's how much I love napping.

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She doesn't frequent the boards.

Heck, she barely even checks Facebook.

Frankly, sir, you could do with an actual lion :-P

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Hey, I found an actual tiger avatar instead of a leopard! Sweet. ...and it's almost as white as I am!

Geeze, I look grumpy with this avatar, and my two new ones for my original handle.

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Because you already established Fire as a tactic, so Firedove is actually acceptable, and not an alias.

Also 'cause I doubt John would've wanted Tacticslioness.

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Tels wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Strategytiger wrote:

If you made a cunning planimal alias it couldn't hurt your chances, John. Leeroyjenkinsbat gets all his posts favorited by TL, and I have no idea what he's saying half the time.

Most seem to be predators on the animal side, usually apex predators at that. (Can't think of much that hunts lions, tigers, bears, snakes, or bats.) Are you a seafaring man? I don't think we have an aquatic member. Blitzkriegshark has a nice ring to it, or Sheereffingnumberslocust if you want to buck the trend.

What has been taken all ready?
How about SchemingLemur?

Only the first letter is capitalized. Pattern, people, pattern. Remember, TL is lawful good.

There's Tacticslion, Strategytiger, Gambitbear, Leeroyjenkinsbat, Schemesnake, and...Tacticslioness, technically.

...I feel like I'm missing one more, less vocal individual, and I'm too lazy to search.

I know I made a handful of fun suggestions a while back.

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If you made a cunning planimal alias it couldn't hurt your chances, John. Leeroyjenkinsbat gets all his posts favorited by TL, and I have no idea what he's saying half the time.

Most seem to be predators on the animal side, usually apex predators at that. (Can't think of much that hunts lions, tigers, bears, snakes, or bats.) Are you a seafaring man? I don't think we have an aquatic member. Blitzkriegshark has a nice ring to it, or Sheereffingnumberslocust if you want to buck the trend.

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Tacticslion wrote:
At my parent's, celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary! Woo! Congratulations to them: they're AWESOME!

Yep, sounds occupied. 50 years is no small event!

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Gambitbear, read the books instead. The sexual stuff is mentioned, but isn't as graphically in your face as the show. It is a little graphic, but not nearly like the show, maybe a paragraph here or there you can easily gloss over.

TL...um...I don't know what to say about that story, except sorry for your family's loss

Tactics was arguably the best game Square ever made, and yet every single sequel to it was a great big steaming pile of donkey droppings. I almost said horse, but no, it's not even horse, it's donkey. It wishes it was horse dung. Horse waste would be an improvement to the sequels.

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