If your fighter could have any 1st lvl spell as an SLA 3 / day, what would you choose?


Obvious ones are enlarge, lead blades, divine favor. Others?

Liberty's Edge

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True Strike and Shield come to mind.

Cure Lt Wounds might be nice

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Protection from Evil: several great buffs versus a lot of the possible opponents:
- you are now immune to any mental control, charm, command etc from a NPC of evil alignment. Fighters are generally extremely susceptible to mind control. Now you are not. This alone is huge, especially later on.
- a summoned evil creature cannot touch you physically so most evil summons are next to useless against you.
- deflection bonus to AC and resistance bonus to saves vs all evil creatures - meh later on, but quite valuable at low levels.

Charm person, Command, and Hypnotism. What?

(But really, if we're going combat-type spells, it'd have to be Protection from Evil, Shield, and Truestrike.)

EDIT: Ah, the idea is "any one"? I misread that, combined with the OPs thing. Sure, okay, it'd be charm person from the first category, and protection from evil for the second.

Liberty's Edge

Longstrider's not bad for general utility. Touch of the Sea in a nautical campaign. If you're a Sylph for some reason, Windy Escape is pretty good.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is asking for Wish or miracle wrong?

I'd ignore anything that requires a save as it's not like your save DC is ever going to be above the low teens. Truestrike... it's probably never going to be a good idea for you to spend a turn buffing just so your first hit, the one that is practically guaranteed to hit anyway, can just surely hit a little more.

Windy Escape seems like a solid choice to me. Immediate action, get DR 10 magic versus one attack, but more importantly negate crits, poison, and any precision damage on it.

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windy escape is an excellent contender. Good choice. Probably the other contenders for my choice might be the old classics, protection from evil and shield. Which one to choose would depend on the character.

Dark Archive

Long Arm would be helpful.

Vanish, Abundant Ammunition, and even Mage Armor would all be quite strong, build depending.

Shadow Lodge

My first thought like many was Shield. A +4 TO AC while dual wielding or two handing would be awesome. However, I think Vanish and Protection from Evil would both prove to have more uses and remain relevant even at high levels.

chaoseffect's Windy Escape idea is good too, but once you start fighting CR 5 and higher creatures the ability to bypass the DR would be common enough and would reduce its effect some. I'd consider it if I know my GM was going to be hitting the party with back-stab and precision damage; but that would just encourage the GM to switch tactics.

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Heightened Awareness would be a real nice buff. +2 to perception and +4 to initiative checks. At three a day you should just be rolling with some nice useful bonuses for almost all combats in a given day.

Grand Lodge

Of the ones not listed yet, Expeditious Retreat and Heightened Awareness would probably make my list.

Comprehend Languages, might, though I'd probably hope for someone else to have it.

Air Bubble, if it is an aquatic campaign.

Summon Monster 1, if there are a lot of traps.

Silver Crusade

long arm, would work wonders for my Dual wielding TWW fighter.. that, or enlarge person, or shield.

Blade Lash, Vanish or Thunderstomp for fun!

Shield for value : )

Infernal Healing. :P

Obscuring Mist is pretty handy when dealing with ranged attacks / magic. Harder to see through than Vanish and can protect your whole party.

Silent Image does all that and more.

Comprehend/speak languages. Everyone should speak redneck and I should be able to preach it all the way to the gates of Hell if I want.


Oh, first level? … Extended Prestidigitation.


Getting a shield bonus while wielding a 2h weapon is fairly difficult, even at high levels.

Grand Lodge

True strike

Enlarge person


Long Arm

Feather Step

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
QuidEst wrote:


Oh, first level? … Extended Prestidigitation.

Realized I couldn't read either just now. I would go with enlarge person.

QuidEst wrote:


Oh, first level? … Extended Prestidigitation.

Why this?

Tough question.

Probably the best ones would come from this list, but it depends on what sort of build I'm trying and what campaign I'm in:

  • Color Spray - It's just a good spell, period, and you'll be in the thick of the melee anyway with most builds.
  • Gravity Bow - Because Fighter archers are even cooler with magic.
  • Blade Tutor's Spirit - Because Power Attack, Fighting Defensively and so forth are all very good things.
  • Lead Blades - Because swords should hit harder.
  • Protection From Alignment - Because the mind is a fragile thing when your Will Save progresses slowly.
  • Bless Weapon - Because lots of campaigns have evil creatures.
  • Ghostbane Dirge - Because undead-focused campaigns typically have lots of Shadows.
  • Restoration, Lesser - Because poison and other forms of ability damage SUCK.
  • Entangle - Because archery is easiest when your enemies can't move.


    EDIT: Oh, and Divine Favor for obvious reasons. D'oh.

  • RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    Renegadeshepherd wrote:
    Comprehend/speak languages. Everyone should speak redneck and I should be able to preach it all the way to the gates of Hell if I want.

    he said fighters, not barbarians. Fighters speak Olympian!


    Shield or Shield of Faith for me.

    Aelryinth wrote:
    Renegadeshepherd wrote:
    Comprehend/speak languages. Everyone should speak redneck and I should be able to preach it all the way to the gates of Hell if I want.

    he said fighters, not barbarians. Fighters speak Olympian!


    Last I checked barbs had more skills than fighters :) to learn other languages. But I digress.

    Shillelagh. ; )

    And a big beer mug in the other hand

    Enhance Water. All other answers are wrong. I mean, c'mon. You can transmute water to mead with that spell. And if the water is dirty, poisoned, or suchlike, the resulting mead tastes better (but isn't any more alcoholic!)

    Though expeditious retreat is almost a decent alternative.

    Sandslice wrote:

    Enhance Water. All other answers are wrong. I mean, c'mon. You can transmute water to mead with that spell. And if the water is dirty, poisoned, or suchlike, the resulting mead tastes better (but isn't any more alcoholic!)

    Though expeditious retreat is almost a decent alternative.

    I think we are on the same page!

    Lead blades

    Grease, because it'd be hilarious. Also, it'd be funny to cast it on the main bad guys weapon and watch them drop it. Especially since they have to roll a reflex save every turn to keep a hold of it.

    Grand Lodge

    Grace, Feather Step, Enlarge Person, Lead Blades, Gravity Bow, Longarm, Divine Favor, Blade Lash, Protection from [insert alignment here], Shield, Shield of Faith are all good choices.

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