GM Mawgrim's Dead Suns campaign (group A)

Game Master Mawgrim

Combat maps: Google Slides Link :: Loot list: Google sheets link
Current ship: Hippocampus, tier 1

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Hi all – I’m looking to put together a group of about 4-5 players to run through the first instalment of Starfinder’s Dead Suns Adventure Path, Incident at Absalom Station (the campaign could continue through the remaining instalments, depending on interest and availability).

A bit about myself: I am a long time face-to-face GM, having started running games soon after D&D 3.5 was released. With the release of Starfinder I have returned to the forums and interested in getting back into PbP, and currently I am running my face-to-face group through the Starfinder AP.

Characters will start at 1st level are to be created as per the standard character creation steps presented in the core rulebook in chapter 2. Ability scores to be generated using the 10-point buy method on pg. 18. As per the basic premise, the PCs are looking to become Starfinders for their own varied and sundry reasons, and should be created with this in mind (please note however I am not intending this to be run with SFS credit in mind).

Races: Core Rulebook only. Core races are preferred, but the legacy races (dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, halfling) will also be allowed.
Classes and archetypes: Core rulebook only. Both archetypes presented on pages 128 & 129 will be available to be chosen at 2nd level.
Themes: Use of themes is encouraged, but the Themeless option is also available to use.
Alignment: No evil alignment (or evil masquerading as neutral).

Please include a background for your character, including why they are looking to join the Starfinder Society. The background doesn’t have to be extensive - 1-3 paragraphs will be more than sufficient. These are level 1 characters after all, and their tale is for the telling.

I will leave the recruitment up until at least midnight of Thursday October 12 (I am based in Perth, Australia, so this will be roughly 3pm Friday for me).

Cheers for reading this far, and I look forward to seeing what people create!

Paizo Employee Organized Play Line Developer

Oooh, I'd love to play this one!

I'm submitting Mystera, an android scholar mechanic who knows her body traces its lineage back to the Gap. Despite her substantial efforts to discover more about her body's past, she's been unable to discover anything other than a single word, lodged in one of her oldest, most fragmented memory caches: Mother.

It's impossible. She knows it is. Androids aren't born. She has no mother. And yet...

Driven by an illogical obsession with discovering her past and the identity of Mother, Mystera intends to join the Starfinders in their quest to learn all they can about the Gap and the events that occurred during it.


Female Android Scholar Mechanic 1
LN Medium humanoid (android)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Perception +4

SP 6 HP 10 RP 5
EAC 13 (10 +0 armour, +3 Dex, +0 misc)
KAC 14 (10 +1 armour, +3 Dex, +0 misc)
AC vs. Combat Maneuvers 22 (8+KAC)
DR Resistances
Fort +2 Ref +5, Will +0
Defensive Abiltiies Constructed: +2 vs. Disease, mind effects, poison and sleep

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 (1d3)
Ranged Semi-automatic tactical pistol +3 (1d6 P) (9 ammo/1 usage; analog; 30 ft.)
…Azimuth laser rifle +3 (1d8 F/Burn 1d6) (20 ammo/1 usage; 120 ft.)
Full Attack -1/-1 Semi-automatic tactical pistol +3 (1d6 P)
…-1/-1 Azimuth laser rifle +3 (1d8 F/Burn 1d6)
Special Attacks Combat Tracking

Str 11, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0;
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Skill Focus (engineering)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Computers +9, Engineering +12, Perception +4, Physical Science +9, Piloting +7, Sense Motive -2, Stealth +7
(8 points; 4 class, 4 INT)
Abilities Artificial Intelligence (exocortex), Bypass +1, Constructed, Custom Rig, Exceptional Vision, Flat Affect, Theme Knowledge (physical science: physics), Upgrade Slot
Proficiencies Light armour, heavy armour, basic melee weapons, small arms, longarms, grenades
Languages Common, Castrovelian, Kasatha, Vesk, Ysoki

Special Abilities:


Artificial Intelligence: Exocortex (Ex): You construct an artificial intelligence (or Al), a sophisticated program of self-motivated code that you can access for help in a variety of endeavors. This Al is the product of your own genius, far more advanced and complicated than any available for sale to consumers (though it falls short of being truly self-aware), and only you know the secrets of its creation and operation.

You begin play with an exocortex, an artificial processor that interacts with and augments your biological brain’s cognitive functions, which can aid you in a variety of tasks, from combat to digital infiltration. Your exocortex is implanted within your physical body or brain, similar to a piece of cybernetic hardware, allowing your Al to access your mind and feed you information. As you gain levels, your exocortex advances in sophistication and processing power. Only you can accessor interact with your exocortex.

Bypass (Ex): You are skilled at getting inside computer systems and electronic devices. At first level, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers ad Engineering skill checks. At 5th level, every 4 levels thereafter, and at 20th level, this bonus increases by 1.

Combat Tracking (Ex): Your exocortex provides you with enhanced combat ability, granting you proficiency with heavy armor and longarms. At 3rd level, you gain weapon specializaiton in longarms just as if your class granted proficiency. As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe for your exocortex to track. As long as that target is in sight, the exocortex feeds you telemetry, vulnerabilities, and combat tactics, allowing you to make attacks against that target as if your base attack bonus from your mechanic levels were equal to your mechanic level. Designating another target causes you to immediately lose this bonus against the previous target.

Constructed For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They recieve a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.

Custom Rig (Ex): You have created a customized tool kit you can use to hack systems and items. Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor or can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a data jack for the same price as installing a data jack normally), your eyes, or an arm (on her arm). Alternatively, you can configure it to be a handheld device, meaning that you must retrieve it and hold it to use it effectively. While using this rig, you always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check you attempt. In addition, you can use your custom rig as a Mk I comm unit.

If your custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can kit bash a new one from any engineering kit, hacking kit, or other technological toolkit, reconfiguring the materials into a new custom rig with 1 hour of work. You can have only one custom rig at a time. If you create a new custom rig, your old one functions as a normal toolkit of whatever type you made it from and can no longer be used with your mechanic tricks.

Flat Effect Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a -2 to sense motive checks, but the DCs of sense motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.

Memory Module (Ex): You can use your exocortex’s memory module to enhance your own knowledge. Once per day, as a reaction while not in combat, you can reroll a failed skill check to recall knowledge. In addition, your exocortex grants you the Skill Focus feat as a bonus feat. You can’t use your exocortex’s memory module while combat tracking is activated. Every time you gain a mechanic level, you can rebuild your exocortex’s memory module, replacing the exocortex's bonus Skill Focus feat with Skill Focus in a different skill. (Skill Focus: Engineering)

Upgrade Slot Androids have a single armour upgrade slot in their bodies. They can use this to install any one armour upgrade that could be installed into light armour.


Combat Gear semi-automatic tactical pistol, azimuth laser rifle

Possessions stationwear (flight suit), consumer backpack, batteries (2, 20 charges each), small arm rounds (2, 30 rounds each), hygiene kit, mass produced tent, clothes (engineer’s, everyday)

Carrying Capacity
Unencumbered 0-5 Encumbered 6-10 Overburdened 11+
Current Bulk 4 (and 4 L)
Credits 10

Appearance and Personality:

Mystera is an insatiably curious, calculating android who feels more than she lets on. She has pale skin, purple hair, green eyes and circuitry that glows bright purple when activated. She is polite, direct, and socially awkward.

Offering Suresi for your scrutiny.
Temp avatar, obviously, could not find kasatha avatars.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm definitely submitting a character. I have been wanting play this for a long time, though I'll have to make a new character since the one I made was a Shirren Spacefarer Mechanic, and we already have a mechanic made.

So, instead I'm making a Shirren Technomancer. I'll edit this post in a minute, I just want to get my foot through the door.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very interested. Full disclosure I am running the adventure path myself (in theory... getting the players together is challenging). As long as that's not a problem I will make a character.

Hey there,

I'm submitting Per'el 'Danger' Troblevey, an Elf Mercenary Soldier in the Arcane Assailant tree. Crunch and full backstory is in the profile, but TL;DR version is that Per'el is following in his deceased brother's footsteps in joining the Starfinders after serving as a ceremonial guard in the Elven capitol city of El for a century. He's going to be a Melee specialist first as a Swordsman but is more than skilled with a variety (read: all) weapons if they fall into his lap. He can also Pilot half decently (+8) or fill a Gunnery role on a starship.

I figure I should give fair warning, I have read through the AP and prep'd it for a group of RL friends that hasn't started up yet. As a GM myself I appreciate if my foreknowledge isn't what you're looking for, but I hope you'll trust I can keep In and Out of character knowledge separate. Thanks for the consideration!

Dotting for interest. I'm on vacation with the family this week, so hopefully I will have the time to get a submission together in time to be considered. First thought is a Human Xenoseeker Solarian.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh crap, I forgot the "you can't edit a post after a set time" rule well here's my character.

Born on the aquatic Bretheda moon, Kalo-Mahoi, Valorus was always surrounded by wondrous technologies. He loved seeing all of the new items created by the inhabitants and visitors alike. His small swarm worked on their own items as well, and one of them, his host parent, was a technomancer. Seeing the fascination in Valorus's eyes...mandibles, whatever, they taught him about the secrets of technology and magic, specifically the link between the two.

This planet, however, started to feel limiting in a sense, so Valorus made a decision, one that he still loves, he wants to travel the galaxy, nay the entire universe to learn about all the different races and technologies. Maybe he himself could become a pioneer within it as well.

After saying his goodbyes to his family, his mother, his father, his host, and his siblings, he took towards Absalom station to become a space pioneer, so to speak, with the Starfinder Society.

Valorus K’thars:

Name: Valorus K’thars
Male Shirren Spacerfarer Technomancer 1
LG Medium Male humanoid (Shirren)
Init +2; Senses Blindsense 30 ft., Perception +6
SP 6 HP 11 RP 4
EAC 13 (10 +1 armour, +2 Dex, +0 misc)
KAC 14 (10 +2 armour, +2 Dex, +0 misc)
AC vs. Combat Maneuvers 22 (8+KAC)
Fort +1 Ref +2, Will +3
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Knife, Survival +0 1d4S
Ranged Laser Pistol, Azimuth +2, 1d4F (Crit: Burn 1d4) 20 charges/1 usage, 80 ft
Special Attacks
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0;
Feats Skill Synergy (Culture, Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +2, Athletics +0, Bluff -1, Computers +7, Culture+9, Diplomacy +1, Disguise -1, Engineering +7, Intimidate -1, Life Science+7, Mysticism +5, Perception +5, Physical Science +8, Piloting +1, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +2, Survival +1
(7 points; 4 class, 3 INT)
Proficiencies Light armour, basic melee weapons, small arms
Languages Common, Shirren, Brethedan, Kasatha, Castrovelian, Draconic

Blindsense: Shirren sensitive antennae grant them blindsense (vibration) – the ability to sense vibrations in the air – out to 30 feet. A shirren ignores the Stealth blnuses from any form of visual camouflage, invisibility, and the like when attempting a Perception check opposed by a creature’s Stealth check. Even on a successful Perception check, any foe that can’t still be seen still has total concealment against a shirren, and the shirren still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. A shirren is still flat-footed against attacks from creatures it can’t see.

Communalism: Shirrens are used to working with others as part of a team. Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet, a shirren can reroll a single attack roll or skill check twice and take the higher result.

Cultural Fascination: Shirrens are eager to learn about new cultures and societies. Shirren receive a +2 racial bonus all Culture and Diplomacy checks.

Limited Telepathy: Shirrens can communicate telepathically with any creatures within 30 feet with whom they share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speak.

Spell Cache (SU): As the culmination of your early study of the fundamental forces of the galaxy, you have created a spell cache that allows you to store and access spells. Your spell cache could be a device such as a handheld computer or a technological implant; an item such as a ring or staff; or a symbol such as a brand, tattoo, or other permanent modification to your body. While you don’t need your spell cache to cast your spells, one per day you can activate your spell cache to cast any one spell you know and are capable of casting, even if you expended all your spell slots for that spell’s level. If your spell cache is damage, it is restored to full Hit Points the next time you prepare spells. If the spell Cache is lost of destroyed, you can replace it after 1 week with a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete.

Spells per day:
0 (at will), 1st(3/day)

Level 0 Spells known
Detect Magic
Energy Ray
Psychokinetic Hand
Transfer Charge

Level 1 Spells known
Supercharge Weapons
Second skin, L
Knife, Survival, L
Laser Pistol, Azimuth, L
Comm Unit, Personal, L
Miniaturized Tier-1 Computer (Common Datapad), L
Flashlight, L
Consumer Backpack, L
Hygiene Kit, 1
Everyday Clothes x 3, L (but of course he needs to choose his fashion day to day. Even his mornings are pact with choosing goodness)
Mass Produced Tent, 1
Rations (1 week), 1
Engineering Tool kit, L
Hacking Tool Kit, L
Battery x 2, L x 2
Money 74 credits (he keeps them in 5 different cred he can feel the drug-like effect of choosing one of them when he pays for things)
Total Bulk: 4 (and 4 L)

Submitting Valius Hunt, a human solarion of the Dawnflower.

Valius was born on Absalom Station, or rather on the Armada ship that his parents were part of the crew, The Spiraling Flare. Growing up a spacer, he ofter n helped his parents keep the ship from falling apart, amassing an impromptu education in the workings of space ships and basic engineering skills that he still carries with him today. But every day he would gaze out the solar shielded window as the sun, and feel a calling deep in his heart. His parents Sarenites, he zealously engaged in the readings and the annual pilgrimage to The Sun was always an occasion of joy.

On his twenty-first pilgrimage to the The Sun, the ship was caught in the wake of a solar flare that sent it careening high above the orbital plane of the system. For weeks and weeks the dozen remaining members of the ship, Valius included, painstakingly did everything that they could to survive. All the while Valius himself had to wonder why the Dawnflower would cause his family pain like that. His final conclusion was that this was a test of his faith. When he left the ship on a space walk for repairs and was thrown off to fly through the darkness of space, he prayed. That faith was rewarded as he found himself in possession of a solar mote, changing it into a brilliant yellow scimitar that managed to be the beacon that allowed his crew to find him and bring him home.

It has been over a year since then, and he feels that his gift has purpose more than being a solarion, but by being a warrior for Sarenrae's sake, to seek out evil and either bring them into the light, or crush them under the gravity of his sun. To that end, he decided to start his career with the Starfinders, knowing their reputation as explorers and having a letter of introduction from his parents' captain.

Valius Hunt:

Valius Hunt
Male Human Priest Solarion 1
NG Medium Male Humanoid (human)
Init +1, Perception +0

HP 11, SP 7, RP 3
EAC 13 (10 +2 armour +1 dex+0 misc)
KAC 14 (10 +3 armor +1 dex +0 misc)
AC versus Combat Manuevers 22 (8+KAC)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2
Speed 30ft
Solar Weapon +4 1d6+3S
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 11 Cha 14
BAB +1;
Feats: Cleave, Minor Psychic Power (Telekinetic Projectile)
Skills (5 Ranks): Athletics +7, Diplomacy +6, Engineering +4, Mysticism +4, Piloting +5
Proficiencies: Light Armor; Basic and advanced melee weapons, small arms
Languages: Common
As part of the process that led you to become a solarian, you gained additional insight and training. Choose two additional skills and add them to your list of class skills. (Piloting, Engineering)

At 1st level, you gain a physical manifestation of your stellar power. The base form of your Solar Manifestation, when not actively in use, is a mote of stellar energy slightly smaller than your fist that hovers near your head. Beyond the solar mote, your manifestation can take one of two additional forms: armor or a weapon. You must pick one Solar Manifestation (either armor or a weapon) upon taking your first level of solarian. You also choose whether your Solar Manifestation (in any form) either glows brightly with one color common to stars (including blue, red, white, or yellow) or is the perfect darkness of a black hole. A glowing Solar Manifestation, regardless of its form, sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius. You can shut off the light or darkness as a standard action in order to blend in or assist in stealth, but whenever you enter a stellar mode, the glow or darkness returns immediately. Once made, these choices cannot be changed.

Only you can interact with your solar manifestation, whether in mote, armor, or weapon form. No other creature or effect can affect your Solar Manifestation in any way, including disarming or sundering it.

The stellar forces you call on are attuned to either photons (representing the power of stars to emit heat, light, and plasma) or gravitons (representing the power of stars to attract and imprison objects through gravity). The ultimate expression of photon power is the supernova, when all of a star’s energy is exerted outward, while the ultimate expression of graviton power is the black hole, where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. The balance between these two opposing cosmic forces is the source of your power, and your stellar mode represents the strength of your connection with one or both of these forces—a relationship that shifts from one moment to the next as you use your stellar revelations.

When in battle, you enter a state of metaphysical alignment with cosmic forces. At the start of your first turn in combat, if you are conscious, you must choose one of three stellar modes: graviton, photon, or unattuned (see below).

At the start of each subsequent turn of combat, you must choose to either stay in your current stellar mode or to become unattuned. If you choose to stay in your mode, you gain another attunement point for that mode. As long as you have 1 or 2 attunement points in a mode, you are attuned to that mode. Once you reach 3 attunement points in a mode, you become fully attuned to that mode. Some of your stellar revelations are zenith Revelations, which can be used only when you’re fully attuned to one mode or the other. When you are fully attuned, you cannot gain more points in your mode, but you stay fully attuned until combat ends, your stellar mode ends, or you become unattuned. If you choose to become unattuned, you lose all attunement points you’ve accrued so far. At the start of your next turn, you can enter a new stellar mode or stay unattuned.

At the end of combat, your stellar mode ends. If you fall unconscious during an encounter, you become unattuned. If you regain consciousness while still under threat, you can enter a stellar mode on your first turn after regaining consciousness, as if it were the first round of combat; if combat ends before you regain consciousness, your stellar mode ends. If you are not in a stellar mode, for any reason, you are considered unattuned for the purposes of your stellar revelations.

When you’re not in combat, you can’t enter a stellar mode. This ability manifests only in high-stakes situations, when your training takes over and connects your mind to the universe. There needs to be some risk to you for your stellar mode to activate, so you must be facing a significant enemy. If there’s any doubt about whether you’re in combat or able to access your stellar mode, the GM decides. This also means that your stellar mode might end before what was previously a dangerous battle is over, once all that remains are dregs that don’t pose a real threat to you.

Graviton Mode When you enter graviton mode, you gain 1 graviton attunement point and become graviton-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are graviton powers and get stronger if you’re graviton-attuned. While graviton-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves. This bonus increases by 1 for every 9 solarian levels you have.

Photon Mode When you enter photon mode, you gain 1 photon attunement point and become photon-attuned. Some of your stellar revelations are photon powers and get stronger if you’re photon-attuned. While photon-attuned, you gain a +1 insight bonus to damage rolls (including damage rolls for your stellar powers). This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 solarian levels you have.

Unattuned While unattuned, you gain no attunement points and you are neither photon-attuned nor graviton-attuned. You gain no benefits while unattuned.

When you’re fully graviton-attuned, as a standard action, you can pull any number of creatures within 20 feet of you closer. You choose which creatures are affected and which ones aren’t. Each target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be pulled 10 feet toward you. The range of this Revelation and the distance pulled increase by 5 feet at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Solid objects do not block this ability, but any creature that runs into a solid object ceases moving closer to you. Creatures moved by this ability do not provoke attacks of opportunity from this movement. After you use this Revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Black hole functions as a zenith Revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

When you’re fully photon-attuned, as a standard action, you can deal 1d6 fire damage plus 1d6 additional fire damage per solarian level to all creatures within 10 feet of you. A creature that succeeds at a Reflex save takes half damage. At 9th level, you can increase the radius to 15 feet, and at 17th level, you can increase the radius to 20 feet. After you use this Revelation, you immediately become unattuned. Supernova functions as a zenith Revelation for the purposes of abilities that reference them.

193 Credits
Freebooter Armor MKI
Personal Comm Unit
Hygiene Kit
Engineering Tool Kit
Titanium Cable Alloy, 50ft
Rations (1 week)

I would be interested in playing, I am also running this on the boards and in real life though and understand if that is an issue. I believe I can keep player and character knowledge segregated sufficiently though.

I will have a submission soon.

The Exchange

I'd be interested in giving this a go. I tried running a Starfinder game but found running PbP just isn't for me anymore.

Playing them is a different matter entirely.

I'm based in Brisbane , Queensland, so at least our timelines would be similar!

I'll knock up a Lashunta Solarian I've been playing around with.


This is Starfinder GM's concept. I have not finished the mechanics yet, but I have my backstory. This is a Vesk Envoy Bounty Hunter chosen to represent the Vesk-7 and the Veskarium in the Starfinder Society. I should be able to finish this character by Wed.

@Kevin & @Wrath: the fact that you're running the game will be no issue for me - each game tends to change in its playing thanks to character actions and NPC reactions, so as long as you would be ok with not acting on information that you guys don't know :)


I would be interested. I created this character for a different run of this, but wasn't selected. The GM for that wanted the character sheet done on the starfinder character sheet pdf. I'll link it below. Is that acceptable or would you prefer it in text in my profile where my background is?


Character Sheet

@Raia : That will be no problem - as long as character sheets are somewhere easy to read/access, then that's fine :)

Dot for interest. Wanted to play more starfinder.

Seeing the current submissions, I'll go with either a mystic or envoy.

Dotting for interest!

I'm thinking a Solarian of some sort. I've not made one yet and I would love to put one together. Let me get my character built and the sheet put up.

Edit: Here it is! Herald Navus, Solarian Ace Pilot. I've gotta go take care of a kid so I'll have his background up later today.

I’m working on a vesk envoy with an icon theme. Basically he’s a young vesk that makes a show exploring cultures through martial arts. His name is Goromitali. His character sheet should be done tonight.

Cyberohero here, this time with a profile. I noticed there were a few mistakes, so I decided to make this profile, so I have something I can edit. Everything is about the same, just with the fixing of the small edits so far. I might do a little more shopping for my character, but otherwise he's still ready.


This is Wrath's submission.

Ranklin is a bounty hunting Solarian, able to manifest armour the deepest black of a dead sun.

Background is included on the profile page, but I'll post it here as well for convenience.


Ranklins family made their money working freelance jobs for the corporations and city states of Castrovel. Corporate espionage and political infighting meant plenty of people trading secrets for cash or power. It also meant someone always wanted someone else brought in for “questioning”.

This fringe was where the Karmaite family had always operated.

They were bounty hunters by trade. The natural affinity to detect the thoughts of others and the drive to constant improvement had led his family to specifically focus on capturing those who betrayed their employees. They specialised in it as only Lashunta could. Added to that, his family had a large proportion of members with Solarian training. Being able to summon a flaming weapon, or case yourself in the darkness of a dead sun was a bonus when confronting someone who wasn't interested in co operation. It was good business, but a messy job.

Ranklin was only newly inducted, but after the first few jobs, he already knew he wanted more. There was a whole galaxy of experiences out there, and if he stuck with the business, he wouldn't see past Castrovel!

So he left.

If it had been as simple as that then it would have been grand. However, leaving the Karmaite clan meant giving up all ties to the family. The business relied on a reputation of impartiality, and they couldn't let wayward house members ruin that through any affiliations or actions they may take. As such, Ranklin had to renounce his ties to the house, including his surname. He had left Castrovel with the gear he had acquired through his employment alone, nothing his family had provided had been allowed to go with him. It was a bitter pill, but he couldn't ignore the pull of the stars any longer.

The recruitment call by the Starfinders was almost divine intervention. He needed work, and he wanted to see the Galaxy. This job offered both. It came with risks, but so did bounty hunting, and he felt confident his training and talent would get him through. Now he was riding a transport to Absalom and a new life amongst the stars.

I'm going to go ahead and leave a very tentative dot here.

I suppose I should ask, are you all right with this game being a learning experience for everyone? I own the rulebook and have perused most of it, but I imagine it would be a while before I got any firm grasp of the rules.


I'd like to apply too, please.

Grokker is an Spacefarer Android Operative (Explorer)

Haven't bought equipment yet (won't unless I'm accepted).

Background in profile. Skills and game mechanics in PDF character sheet

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Krevlor, Nswath (Subclan) of the D’Ethwok Clan, descended from the Great House Pilea

Kasathas, Scholar, Mystic (Healer) of Talavet, LG


Krevlor left Idari when he reached the age of maturity at twenty years by Pact World Standard reckoning to begin his tempering. He chose to go spread the word of Talavet to a newly discovered world called Sora IV.

Sora IV was a curious world, the locals were the only sentient species in their home system. They had recently achieved the technological level to build functional drift drives. It had only been ten years since they had made contact with other intelligent life forms. The Sorak were a purple skinned race who primarily moved about on their legs which were attached to their shoulders with smaller more dextrous arms where a conventional humanoid would consider a hip.

Krevlor has found them facinating, initially he only saw small variances but as he spent more time on the world he began to understand the startling variety of cultures despite there only being one species native to the planet. He documented the tales, histories and myths of the Sorak, the majority of their cultures maintained strictly oral traditions for stories. His healing abilities were quite welcome and he had some success spreading understanding of Talavet. He found the work satisfying and meaningful.

This all came to an end when Dhalochar descended from the sky. He did not know why the forces of Hell had turned their attention to the world but they had sent the Endbringer Devils and from them disgorged a small but devastating portion of the forces of Hell. The world was doomed and Krevlor was on one of the last off world ships evacuating. Some of the Sorak had surely fled, some would have been off world but their homeworld was lost. Countless stories of heroes and villains were lost. Lessons and understanding hard one would not be shared with the galaxy.

They were not the first people nor would they be the last to be wiped from the galaxy. The idea of attempting to join the Starfinder Society and using it’s connections to uncover and preserve the legacy of lost cultures began to take root.

-Uncover and preserve knowledge of lost civilisations.
-Protect knowledge.
-Join the Starfinder Society to gain access to it’s resources.
-At some point when he is getting on in years, around one hundred, he would like to retire and be the curator of a museum.

-Krevlor has an adventurous streak though if you ask him he’d claim he’d happily stay in a library or on a dig site.
-Krevlor likes listening to other’s tell tales and stories of their cultures, histories as well as their own personal adventures.
-Krevlor attempts to foster the impression of being wise.
-Krevlor can jump to conclusions about some of the ‘Younger’ races and their members but he has realised this and is trying to be mindful of it.

Character Sheet:

Age: 44, Height: 6’6’’, Eyes: Black
Kasathas, Scholar, Mystic (Healer) of Talavet, LG
Str 12, Dex 10+2, Con 10+2, Int 11+1, Wis 12+4, Cha 8+1
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 9
HP: 10, Stamina: 6+1, Resolve: 4/4, KAC: 14, EAC: 12, Fort: +1. Ref: +1, Will: +5, Initiative: +1, Base Land Speed: 40ft
Theme Knowledge (Physical Science-Geography)
Desert Stride, Four Armed, Historian (+2 Culture), Natural Grace (+2 Acrobatics and Athletics)
Connection (Medicine, Mysticism), Connection Power (Healing Channel), Connection Spell (Mystic Cure 1), Healing Touch
Feats: Fleet, Basic Melee Weapons and Small Arms Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency

Bluff , Culture 7=1+1+3+2, Diplomacy 3=1-1+3, Disguise, Intimidate, Life Science 5=1+1+3, Medicine 6=1+1+3+1, Mysticism 8=1+3+3+1, Perception 7=1+3+3, Physical Sciences 6=1+1+3+1, Profession, Sense Motive, Survival

Languages: Kastaha, Common, Vesk, Azlanti

Orisons: Detect Magic, Token Spell, Detect Affliction, Psychokinetic Hand
1st 3/3 Day: Mystic Cure, Mind Thrust, Life Bubble

Equipment: Basic Medikit (1), Kasatha Microcord (1), Battle Staff (1), Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol (L), Small Arms Ammo (30 Rounds, L), Mobile Hotelier (1), Hygiene Kit (L), Consumer Backpack (1), Flashlight (L) 3 Credits
Bulk 5, 4L

I am very interested in this AP. I will submit Private Eye an android bounty hunter operative.

Private Eye is a former private investigator. Shortly after he was built he enrolled in a criminal justice program and then joined the police force on Absalom Station but didn't care for the politics involved in getting promotions. Androids aren't good at that kind of thing. So he opened up his own detective firm, Private Eye Investigations.

Unlike the stories he read in his 'youth' which prompted him to take his name he found that PI's mostly followed around cheating spouses taking pictures. As an android with a strong sense of right and wrong this didn't scratch the itch for adventure like he hoped it would. So he closed shop and has decided to join the Starfinders in hopes that this career will help him make a difference.

Name: Private Eye
Male Android Bounty Hunter Operative 1
NG Medium Male
Init +4; Senses: Low light and 60 ft darkvision, Perception +5
SP 7/7 HP 10/10 RP 4/4
EAC 14 (10 +1 armour, +3 Dex, +0 misc)
KAC 15 (10 +2 armour, +3 Dex, +0 misc)
AC vs. Combat Maneuvers 23 (8+KAC)
Fort +1 Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Tactical semi-auto +4, 1d6p 30 ft
9 round magazine/usage 1 60 rounds

Special Attacks

Str 11
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 8

Base Atk +0;

Weapon focus: small arms

Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Bluff +4, Culture+11, Disguise +4, Intimidate +4, Perception +5, Piloting +8, Profession: Bounty Hinter +8, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Survival +4

Light armour, basic melee weapons, small arms, sniper

Common, Akitonian, Ysoki, Vesk
Constructed: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both humanoids and constructs (whichever effect is worse). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.

Exceptional Vision:Androids have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in black and white only.

Flat Effect:Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.

Upgrade Slot:Androids have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether androids are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.

Operative's Edge +1:Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Detective Specialization: Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat (see page 161) in your specialization’s associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill).
-Associated Skills: Culture and Sense Motive. You can attempt a Sense Motive check with a +4 bonus to make a trick attack by reading your foe.

Trick Attack+1d4:You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can’t use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack.

23 credits
Second Skin - L
Tactical semi-auto - L
60 small rounds - 2L
Quick release sheath(android upgrade slot)
Personal comm(upgraded to function as lv 1 computer) - L

I need to finish the background and purchasing equipment.

Goromitali Character Sheet:

Envoy 1 Vesk Icon
LN Medium Male Humanoid (vesk)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
EAC 12
KAC 13
AC vs Combat Maneuvers 21 [8+KAC]
Stamina Points 7
Hit Points 12
Resolve Points 3
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dueling sword +2 1d6+2 S
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 1d3+2 B
Ranged Semi-auto pistol +1 1d6 P 30’
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Height 7’4” Weight 247 lbs.
Age 18
Base Atk +0
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills (8 skill points) ACP −0
Acrobatics* +5 (1+1+3)
Athletics* +6 (1+2+3)
Culture +5 (1+0+3+1)
Diplomacy +6 (1+2+3)
Intimidate +6 (1+2+3)
Perception +4 (1+0+3)
Profession (video personality) +6 (1+2+3)
Sense Motive +4 (1+0+3)
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages Common, Vesk, Kasatha
Equipment Second Skin armor, Dueling sword, Semi-auto pistol (tactical).
Armor Savant
Low-light Vision
Natural Weapons
Key Stat Charisma
Armor Proficiencies Light armor
Weapon Proficiencies Basic melee weapons, grenades, small arms
Envoy Improvisation
Expertise +1d6 to Sense Motive checks if he has at least 1 Resolve point.
Skill Expertise +1d6 to Bluff checks if he has at least 1 Resolve point.
Theme Knowledge Profession (video personality); +1 CHA
Among vesks of the Veskorium and to a lesser degree the Pact Worlds, Goromitali is known for being “the student” in a martial arts training show. His great aunt, Avdikesh, was “the master” and broadcast her training Goromitali in the vesk martial art Dhuyogarikras. From the age of six to sixteen, Goromotali spent nearly an hour each day in a studio learning Dhuyogarikras.

@Mahorfeus : Absolutely fine with this being a learning experience for players - given the newness of Starfinder as a system, I am presuming that most people are at various stages of expertise with the system :) especially so if trying to break from years of playing Pathfinder (myself included) given how similar they are in some aspects and how very different they are in others.

I've been running it weekly since it came out and while there's a little bit of a learning speed bump, most everything comes across smoothly once you get past it.

Speaking of...

Herald Navus's background:

Herald grew up the youngest of an impressively large family on Castrovel, and had been considered the runt of the litter. While Korasha, he learned that being quicker than his siblings would let him get away with things he wouldn't otherwise do. His father was a tugboat pilot, and while he expressed interest in such things, what Herald really wanted was speed.

As soon as he could gather the credits to do so, he left the family and started industriously busting his butt to make enough creds to attend one of Castrovel's flight schools, where he eventually graduated. While a stellar pilot, his first jobs in life involved running small transports from the Armada to Absalom station. It wasn't until a critical ship malfunction (due to faulty station maintenance) that left him and his crew floating stranded, hours away from rescue.

During this time, Herald sat in his cockpit and stared out into the dark. One of the passengers, a Kasatha Solarian, felt that the young man had a connection with the cosmos, and spent the few hours waiting for a tug home telling him about the path of the Solarian. Herald took to this with a sense of excitement, and agreed to join the Solarian so that she could teach him.

After retiring from his job and spending many months in training to learn how to achieve his stellar mote, Herald eventually was told he needed to journey on his own to learn more. Realizing he couldn't go back to his old job anymore, he decided that joining the Starfinders would give him the best chance at both piloting through the universe and learning more about his connection to the cosmos.

I can go more in-depth about this if you wish, but this felt like a decent summary.

I created a Kasathas Soldier for this one, as I'm interested in participating in a Starfinder campaign. I've heard good things about Dead Suns. I need to give my character a final lookover to make sure I didn't make any mistakes, but I think he's ready to roll. Thanks in advance for your consideration!


Male Kasathas Soldier 1 [Spacefarer Theme]
Lawful Neutral

Strength 18 [+4] Constitution 15 [+2] Wisdom 12 [+1]
Dexterity 10 [+0] Intelligence 8 [-1] Charisma 10 [+0]


Energy AC 12, Kinetic AC 15
(10 Base +2 [EAC] & +5 [KAC] Armor, +0 DEX)
Heavy Armor (Golemforged Plating I, +2 EAC, +5 KAC, +0 Max DEX, -3 ACP, -10’ Speed)

Combat Maneuver AC 23
(8 + 15 [KAC])

Stamina Points 9
Hit Points 11
Resolve Points 5

Fort +4 (+2 Base + 2 CON)
Ref +0 (+0 Base + 0 DEX)
Will +3 (+2 Base + 1 WIS)
Notes Gain +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against radiation effects [Clothing]


Initiative +8 (DEX + Feat + Class); Perception +5

Normal Speed 40 ft.
Modified Speed 30 ft. (Armor Penalty)

Base Attack Bonus +1, Melee Attack +5, Ranged Attack +1, Thrown Attack +5

Melee Attacks:
Tactical Doshko +5 (1d12+4 P; Analog, Unwieldy)
Survival Knife +5 (1d4+4 P; Analog, Operative)

Ranged Attacks:
Light Reaction Cannon +1 (1d10 P, 90’ range, 6 rounds, 1 usage; Penetrating [1])
2 Frag Grenades I +5 (1d6 P DC 11 Reflex save for half, 20’ range; Explode 15’)


Racial Kasathas can move through nonmagical difficult terrain in deserts, hills, and mountains at their normal speed. Their four arms allow them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment, though this does not increase the number of attacks they can make during combat. Kasathas receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks and a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks.
Theme (Spacefarer) Gain Physical Science as a class skill; reduce DC of Physical Science checks by 5 to recall knowledge of strange new worlds or features of space.
Proficiencies Basic and advanced melee weapons, small arms, longarms, heavy weapons, sniper weapons and grenades as well as light and heavy armor. [Soldier Class]
Blitz Fighting Style (Rapid Response) Gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks and increase your land speed by 10 feet. [Soldier Class]


Improved Initiative You gain a +4 bonus to initiative checks. [1st Level]


3 Skill Points

Acrobatics -1 [+0 DEX, -3 ACP, +2 Racial]
Athletics +7 [1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 STR, -3 ACP, +2 Racial]
Bluff +0 [+0 CHA]
Culture +2 [1 Rank, -1 INT, +2 Racial]
Diplomacy +0 [+0 CHA]
Disguise +0 [+0 CHA]
Intimidate +0 [+0 CHA]
Medicine -1 [ -1 INT]
Perception +1 [+1 WIS]
Physical Science +3 [1 Rank, +3 Class, -1 INT]
Piloting +0 [+0 DEX]
Sense Motive +1 [+1 WIS]
Stealth -3 [+0 DEX, -3 ACP]
Survival +1 [+1 WIS]

Languages: Common, Kasatha, Brethedan


Golemforged Plating I (+2 EAC, +5 KAC, +0 Max DEX, -3 ACP, -10 ft Speed) [Bulk 3]
Personal Comm Unit installed in armor, comes with a flashlight (15’ cone), calculator & entertainment options (Battery Capacity: 80, Usage: 1 charge/hour) [Bulk L]
Battery (80 charges) [Bulk -]
Tactical Doshko [Bulk 1]
Tactical Reaction Cannon [Bulk 3]
20 Heavy Rounds [Bulk L]
Frag Grenade I [Bulk L]
Radiation Environmental Clothing (grants +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against radiation effects) [Bulk L]
Consumer backpack holds a mass-produced tent (shelters up to 2 people from environmental hazards [pg. 231]), hygiene kit, 1 set of everyday clothes (for a kasathas), 6 R2E pouches, 1 flashlight, and 1 lantern [Bulk 2, L x9 when worn]

Total Bulk: 7 (or 10 with backpack) [Unencumbered]
Encumbered Threshold: 10 (or 11 with backpack)

Credits Remaining: 13


Born on the worldship Idari into a typical Kasathas home, Orlam’s parents were dedicated to the usual agricultural and historical pursuits that often occupied the minds of many of that noble race - though Orlam proved himself different from his kind at very early age. Although he was interested in history as befitted a typical Kasathas, the young Orlam became obsessed with learning everything he could about the mysterious Witchwyrds, the enigmatic race of planar wanderers that warned the denizens of the Kasathas homeworld about their planet’s imminent demise due to the dying red star that their world orbited. Though the Kasathas migration to Akiton didn’t work out as originally planned, it fascinated Orlam to think of an entire world being saved by a small group of space travelers. What was their motivation? Who were they, exactly? Because of their physical similarity, it appeared to many that the Kasathas were descended from that race of planar travelers, but how deep was that connection? And how did the Kasathas come to settle on their doomed planet while the Witchwyrds travelled on, if their races truly were connected?

It was during his Tempering that Orlam decided to learn what he could of the progenitors of his race. Though learning about the physical sciences was not easy for the young Kasathas, he threw himself into his studies as he traveled to Verces, Diaspora, Absalom Station and other planets of the Pact Worlds. Orlam also trained hard to become strong and quick, as well as proficient in a great variety of weaponry and armor. He soon found that he had an aptitude for it as well, and over the many years of traveling from planet to planet in search of any sign or word of the elusive Witchwyrds, he drew upon his martial training many times, for space travel was difficult and dangerous between worlds. From the coordinated raiding parties of space pirates to the insane race of goblins that tried to waylay whatever ships they might run across. There were also many perils to be faced upon the surface of the planets that he visited, and though many of the inhabitants he encountered were peaceful or at least non-violent, there were just as many if not more that were hostile and dangerous - from the undead ghouls and wraiths of Eox to the evil drow of Apostae. Though Orlam didn’t consider himself a mercenary, he often used his fighting prowess to assist others, especially if they were willing to trade bits of planetary or spacefaring knowledge in exchange for his service. Strange coin for a hired soldier, but to Orlam that reward is more valuable than either credits or gold.

And though Orlam has not uncovered much in the way of lore or other clues that might help him find the Witchwyrds, the Kasathas soldier has unwittingly found a new obsession: the wonder and the thrill of discovering new worlds and races that he had never heard of, nor even dreamed existed. In his contemplative moments, Orlam has often though that perhaps it is this which is the secret to the existence of the Witchwyrds. Perhaps they too find that it is the journey itself that is the true reason of one’s place among the stars, and not the destination.

Submitting Cree, a Ysoki Scholar Mechanic. He's from Absalom, and is looking to move up and get out. Especially after getting involved with some rough sorts. Background will be written prior to close date.

Starting to go through the characters, and I have to say you're not going to make my task easy. Lots and lots of good characters here to choose from!

Made one change to equipment (got rid of one grendade in the inventory that was over-budget), and though I can't change my post above you can take a look at my profile for the updated version. Thanks!

My submission Digger Wesrick - a Human Outlaw Envoy, is ready for review. He's an old soul in an old body, with only his amicable nature and experience to get him out of trouble.

Here is my submission for Darshe, a former asteroid-mining colonist turned spacefaring soldier. Having spent most of his life on a lifeless rock (with only a pair of prosthetic arms to show for it), he is eager to join the Starfinder Society so that he can explore new horizons and blow some bad guys up along the way.

Male human spacefarer soldier 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +0

SP 8; HP 11; RP 4
KAC 13; EAC 15
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2

Speed 20 ft.
Melee assault hammer +4 (1d6 B; analog)
Ranged hunting rifle +3 (1d8 P; analog) or frag grenade +4 (1d6 P, explode 15 ft. radius, DC 12)

Str 16 (+3), Dex 15 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +7, Engineering +4, Medicine +4, Physical Science +4, Profession (miner) +4 (Reduce the DC of Physical Science checks to recall knowledge about strange new worlds or features of space by 5.)
Feats Improved Initiative, Opening Volley
Languages Common
Gear frag grenade I (4), smoke grenade, troop ceremonial plate, assault hammer, hunting rifle with 50 longarm rounds, field rations (1 week), hygiene kit, personal comm link, prosthetic arms (2), travel clothing, credstick (6 credits)

Grenade Expert (Ex) The range of any grenades that Darshe throws increases by 15 ft. He can create any level 1 grenade in 10 minutes without paying for it, but it only functions for him. If anyone else tries to use this grenade, it is a dud.

Darshe was born and raised on one of the countless asteroid colonies scattered across the Diaspora. Of course, being trapped on a floating rock left him with only one viable trade to pursue. Courtesy of his father, he could operate mining lasers and handle explosive charges before he was even a teenager. Unfortunately, the novelty of it all wore off very quickly; it did not take long for the tedium of his future career to sink in. Darshe wanted to travel to Absalom Station and expand his horizons, but his father would not hear any of it. He argued that a contract with the mining company would keep him set for life. Unconvinced but feeling that he had little choice, Darshe signed onto the company as soon as he was old enough.

A few years passed, with Darshe’s resentment growing with each passing day. Much like the robots he worked alongside, he performed his job competently but without an ounce of passion. One day however, an accident in the mine shook up the monotony he so loathed. A miscalculation during a routine detonation caused one of the mine’s many tunnels to collapse - with Darshe in it. He woke up in a medical facility a week later, only to find that his arms were missing. The robotic surgeon that had operated on him “cheerfully” informed him that it was a miracle that he survived, and that with some prosthetics and a few more days of recovery, he would be back to work in no time. That night, Darshe thought long and hard about his predicament. His memory of the incident was a haze, but he distinctly recalled feeling even more trapped than he ever had been before; he decided that he never wanted to feel that way again.

Deciding to pass on the recommended rehabilitation period, no sooner did he get out of surgery than he sought passage off the asteroid, intent on defaulting his contract. After one last terse conversation with his father, he boarded an outbound cargo ship and never looked back. Absalom Station proved to be everything he had hoped for and more, but Darshe knew that it would merely be the starting point for his journey. Setting his sights on joining the Starfinder Society, he began his training, brushing up on the meager skillset he had picked up from his colony’s militia. Traveling among the stars might be dangerous, but if he knew one thing, it was that anything was better than spending the rest of your life on some godsforsaken rock.

I expanded Goromitali's background. I'm definitely open to reworking it to fit him into the adventure.

Goromitali’s Character Sheet:
Envoy 1 Vesk Icon
LN Medium Male Humanoid (vesk)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
EAC 12
KAC 13
AC vs Combat Maneuvers 21 [8+KAC]
Stamina Points 7
Hit Points 12
Resolve Points 3
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dueling sword +2 1d6+2 S
Melee Unarmed Strike +2 1d3+2 B
Ranged Semi-auto pistol +1 1d6 P 30’
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Height 7’4” Weight 247 lbs.
Age 18
Base Atk +0
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills (8 skill points) ACP −0
Acrobatics* +5 (1+1+3)
Athletics* +6 (1+2+3)
Culture +5 (1+0+3+1)
Diplomacy +6 (1+2+3)
Intimidate +6 (1+2+3)
Perception +4 (1+0+3)
Profession (video personality) +6 (1+2+3)
Sense Motive +4 (1+0+3)
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages Common, Vesk, Kasatha
Equipment Second Skin armor, Dueling sword (tactical), Semi-auto pistol (tactical), 30 small arm rounds, Personal comm. 68 credits.
Armor Savant
Low-light Vision
Natural Weapons
Key Stat Charisma
Armor Proficiencies Light armor
Weapon Proficiencies Basic melee weapons, grenades, small arms
Envoy Improvisation
Expertise +1d6 to Sense Motive checks if he has at least 1 Resolve point.
Skill Expertise +1d6 to Bluff checks if he has at least 1 Resolve point.
Theme Knowledge Profession (video personality); +1 CHA
Among vesks of the Veskorium and to a lesser degree the Pact Worlds, Goromitali is known for being “the student” in a martial arts training show. His great aunt, Avdikesh, was “the master” and broadcast her training Goromitali in the vesk martial art Dhuyogarikras. From the age of six to sixteen, Goromotali spent nearly an hour each day in a studio learning Dhuyogarikras.

Now, as an adult, he has journeyed to the Pact Worlds to create a show exploring alien cultures through unarmed combat. He interviews non-vesk where they talk about the history and development of martial arts and how they influence weapons and armor as well as the surprising intersections with food, clothing, customs, and rituals. Goromitali also interviews vesk who have fought against that episode’s martial art. Each episode culminates in a fight between him and a master.

He has made five videos in the last six months. His first video was with the kasathas, followed by the half-orcs, the Orrians, the verthani, and finally shobhads. He’s currently on Absalom station where he’s doing the initial production work for his videos with humans, lashuntas, and halflings (a nice counterpoint to the shobhad episode he hopes).

Unfortunately the new video project isn’t as popular as his childhood one. In fact, he is losing money on it. The producers he thought he lined up have disappeared. In an effort to reduce his spending, he left his nice apartment for one in the cheaper part of Absalom Station. The studio for martial arts he rented? Vacated. The trips planned remote monasteries? Cancelled for the time being. Goromitali doesn’t have enough money to finish the three episodes he’s working on, but he is actively pursuing other means of funding, such as on-demand task fulfillment, including being a bodyguard, model, actor, and courier.

@ GM Mawgrim
In this game, are you focused on good characters or more optimal characters? I'm kinda playing with the idea of making Digger's STR score down to 8, but understand that doesn't give me extra points to work with. Still, I made him really old, and want some part of him to reflect that if it's not too much trouble.

I have finished most of my mechanics just need equipment.

@inxpitter : character builds are only one part of what I will be looking at when selecting the characters for the group, and this is predominantly for the purpose of not selecting characters who will step on each others' toes or overshadow each other too often. So if people do want to optionally lower an attribute you are welcome to as it won't be something that knocks your chances down.

Cree has been updated with a story and such!

@ GM Mawgrim
Good to know. In that case, I think I'll go ahead and lower his strength, just to emphasize his age.

This might be a bit too late, but I am going to submit Issac-2 Technomancer to the mix. Background and everything are in the alias.

Very interested in this AP, and Starfinder in general.

Not sure if this game is still recruiting (What time is it in Australia?) But I have more or less put together an Android Mystic with the Ace Pilot theme.

Right now the character is configured to 10th level since the only starfinder recruitment I have seen recently was for a one-shot game at 10th level. But I would rather develop the character from 1st level.

She is a former slave in the Azlanti Star Empire who escaped in a stolen ship with a group of other androids. She didn't really know about the Golarion system but was able to find her way there because Absalom station has the strongest Drift Beacon. She is now dedicated to freeing android slaves and is spoiling for a fight against slavers.

One Issue: Xara is Chaotic Good and has the Star Shaman connection for her Mystic Connection. But I'd like Besmara to be her deity (since Xara is really eager to get into fights both with slavers and just in general) but Besmara is not listed as one of the eligible patrons for the Star Shaman connection. The other one that might work would be Desna but I think Desna is too "nice" for this character. Would I be allowed to have Besmara as a deity?

Is the "Quick Picks" stat generation option (page 19) allowed?

@Peet : I couldn't see a reason for Besmara to not be assosciated with the Star Shaman connection, so no problem there. And its just the standard method of ability score creation available, no quick picks.

@everyone : everything is still open for the next couple of hours, and then I will start going over the submissions and working out who to take into the AP :)

@ GM Mawgrim: If accepted, will we have some time to tinker with our character sheets, at least until we make our first post in the actual game thread? Finalize equipment and last minute adjustments?

The Exchange

Choosing players is never easy :(

There's always so many good applications.

@Azrael : Absolutely - especially with Starfinder being so very teamwork oriented, its difficult to put a single character together stat/build wise without knowing the others in the group. So there will definitely be time to tweak characters before the game actually starts :)

@Wrath : you're not wrong - there are more than enough good applications here to make multiple groups. It is definitely not an easy task ahead of me here.

Here's Peet's submission: Xera Driftspeaker. Android Ace Pilot and Star Shaman mystic.

Basically done. There's not a lot of gear you can buy at low levels so I think I've got all that I care to bother with. I think everything I bought is either level 1 or 2, and we should be able to get up to level 3 gear at Absalom station (though it is unlikely we can afford level 3 stuff yet).

Note there is a level 10 version which was my pitch for a one-shot recruitment. If I have to choose between the two though I would take the game that will last longer, which hopefully would be this one.

One of these always gets done sooner or later.

So... In order of submission:

Mystera, Android Scholar Mechanic
Suresi, Kasatha Bounty Hunter Soldier
Perel Danger Troblevey, Elf Mercenary Soldier
Valorus K'Thars, Shirren Spacefarer Technomancer
Valuis Hunt, Human Priest Solarian
Ambassador Rylexi Sobok, Vesk Bounty Hunter Envoy.
Raia Ellosar, Lashunta Ace Pilot Operative
Ranklin, Lashunta Bounty Hunter Solarion
Grokker, Android Xenoseeker Operative
Krevlor, Kasatha Scholar Mystic
Private Eye, Android Bounty Hunter Operative
Goromitali, Vesk Icon Envoy
Herald Navus, Kasatha Ace Pilot Solarian (background only)
Orlam, Kasatha Spacefarer Soldier
Cree, Ysoki Scholar Mechanic
Digger Wesrick, Human Outlaw Envoy
Darshe, Human Spacefarer Soldier
Isaac-2, Android Spacefarer Technomancer
Xera Driftspeaker, Android Ace Pilot Mystic

That's a lot of submissions!

It really is a lot of submissions of quite a decent quality. Easily enough to make 2-3 groups and still have people to spare. I'll be going over these submissions this afternoon/evening, and will have my decision done as soon as possible within the next 24 hours.

This is my character sheet. It was easy to miss, I know. I'll have a profile built if I'm selected.

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