Feats for a skill focused Operative?


Grand Lodge

I am building a space fantasy hero along the lines of Han Solo or Mal Reynolds. I am wanting a somewhat Jack-of-all-trades kind of character, who prefers to talk or think their way out of things, but is still decent in a firefight, isn't afraid to fight dirty and/or break the rules, etc. (Smuggler, Scoundrel, gruff on the outside, big softy inside)

Right now I am looking at a Human, Outlaw themed, Thief specialist, Operative, with 10 Str, 16 Dex, 10 Con, 15 Int, 10 Wis, 12 Cha.

That will get me 11 skill ranks per level (plus the 2 automatic ranks from my Operative spec.)

I was thinking of grabbing Skill Synergy to add both Life and Physical Science to my skill list as one of my level 1 feats...not sure about the other. I could go for a Skill Focus in something like piloting or engineering, or maybe Weapon Focus: Small Arms.

Beyond level 1, what feats would you guys recommend?

Liberty's Edge

I wouldn't bother with Skill Focus personally, the 'Take 10' thing is all you get from it from level 7 on, and while nice, isn't spectacular.

Skill Synergy is a great choice, though, to round out your class skills. In terms of more combative Feats, Weapon Focus is a fine choice, but Great Fortitude and Spellbane for Saves are probably more essential at early levels, IMO. As you go higher in level, some Mobility based stuff is probably a solid call, and from there it sorta depends on whether you're focusing on melee or ranged.

In terms of stats, not taking Dex 18 on an Operative really hurts and I can't advise it, especially on a Thief who needs to use Dex for Trick Attack. I don't know what I'd give up for it, though. My inclinations are also to have good Int and Cha and that's really hard on a human.

My current plans for this kind of character tend toward Damaya Lashunta or Halfling and just living with low Con or Str for the first 4 levels in order to afford some better options. Both also give bonuses to several relevant skills...

16 at level one probably wouldn't cripple them though. It's -1 to hit and skills, but only till level 5.

Liberty's Edge

d'Eon wrote:
16 at level one probably wouldn't cripple them though. It's -1 to hit and skills, but only till level 5.

It also hurts from 10-14. That's 8 levels out of the first 14, and is pretty relevant. It's also -1 AC, and -1 Resolve, bear in mind. And -1 to Trick Attacks (though Outlaw actually compensates, there). It really damages them mechanically. Not makes them unplayable or anything, but it hurts.

I don't think they can get 18 Dex and have the Int and Cha they want. What else are they going to lower, Str, Con?

Liberty's Edge

d'Eon wrote:
I don't think they can get 18 Dex and have the Int and Cha they want. What else are they going to lower, Str, Con?

Yes? That's almost exactly what I'm probably gonna do anyway.

Dark Archive

Keep in mind lowering stats don't give you more points... Just lower stats. Unless your talking about keeping your Dex at 16 and I miss read the last post

Liberty's Edge

mike roper wrote:
Keep in mind lowering stats don't give you more points... Just lower stats. Unless your talking about keeping your Dex at 16 and I miss read the last post

What I was talking about was going Damaya Lashunta or Halfling to dump a stat and actually gain points from it.

Dark Archive

ah figured it was something like that =P

I think for the character who is planning to avoid combat the slightly lowered Dex shouldn't be as big of an issue.

However I think for the character concept Adaptive Fighting might be good/fun one to take. It fits the idea of the character and allows to you to be good at a diverse set of combat options. And without sacrificing the skill based feats that you'd prefer to stack up.

Antagonize, or baffle fit the concept I'd say. I agree skill synergy would be a really good one.

Grand Lodge

I was figuring that the slight sacrifice in power would be more than mode up for with the incredible versatility of the character. He'll be able to fill any role on a ship, as well or maybe better than any non-operative. He'll be able to hack computers, do engineering, identify darn near anything, etc.

He will still be decent enough in combat that only combat focused characters should outpace him.

I'm just not entirely sure what feats to take...options feel very limited. I am so used to Pathfinder, with 1000+ feats to choose from :)

I am leaning towards starting off with Skill Synergy and Weapon Focus: Small Arms and sticking with pistols most of the time.

Fleet seems like a good option, get myself into and out of places faster. Any of the saving throw bonus feats are always nice. Maybe Extra Resolve, if I find myself often running out. Adaptive Fighting looks like a decent choice as well.

I thought about some of the other races, but losing the extra feat and skill point per level seemed like more of a sacrifice than and extra +2 Dex was worth. The legacy Elves were the only one that really appealed to me for this particular character, but losing out on a feat and 12+ skill ranks to gain +2 Dex, low light vision, and immunity to sleep didn't seem worth the trade off.

The Damaya Lashunta, Ysoki, and Halflings all fit stat-wise, but not really thematically for what I was picturing.

Liberty's Edge

If that's the route you want to go, by all means. My advice on Feats stands, though. At low levels you'll get more out of Save Enhancers (which you will need eventually) than Weapon Focus, and I recommend mobility Feats like, well, Mobility eventually.

A side note; in the game I played in a player went with the same idea but another class, but he did take Profession: Smuggler which did come into play during the first SF Society adventure.
But your game may vary greatly from others.


Grand Lodge

I was actually planning on that being one of my skills even before seeing your post :)

Gonna do some reading at work this afternoon and see if I can make a game plan for my feats and exploits.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Slyme wrote:

I am building a space fantasy hero along the lines of Han Solo or Mal Reynolds. I am wanting a somewhat Jack-of-all-trades kind of character, who prefers to talk or think their way out of things, but is still decent in a firefight, isn't afraid to fight dirty and/or break the rules, etc. (Smuggler, Scoundrel, gruff on the outside, big softy inside)

Right now I am looking at a Human, Outlaw themed, Thief specialist, Operative, with 10 Str, 16 Dex, 10 Con, 15 Int, 10 Wis, 12 Cha.

That will get me 11 skill ranks per level (plus the 2 automatic ranks from my Operative spec.)

I was thinking of grabbing Skill Synergy to add both Life and Physical Science to my skill list as one of my level 1 feats...not sure about the other. I could go for a Skill Focus in something like piloting or engineering, or maybe Weapon Focus: Small Arms.

Beyond level 1, what feats would you guys recommend?

Skill Focus doesn't stack with Operative's Edge (both are insight bonuses), so I'd recommend Skill Synergy (Diplomacy, Mysticism) as well to have all the skills as class skills.

A sneaky combination (which may fit in well with the concept) is to take Combat Trick (Improved Combat Maneuver (Disarm)) as your operative exploit at 2nd level and then Pull the Pin with your 3rd level feat. I know Holographic Clone is "better," but you can always pick it up at 4th level. Otherwise, Far Shot is a solid feat at 3rd level.

At 5th level, you probably want to pick one of the following feats: Antagonize, Sky Jockey, or Technomantic Dabbler.

At 6th level, Bleeding Shot is probably the go-to choice as the operative exploit.

At 7th level, Enhanced Resistance is probably the best feat you can take (scaling DR or resistance vs. one energy type; yes, please!).

At 8th level, you should probably consider Debilitating Sniper (especially if you took Bleeding Shot at 6th).

Grand Lodge

I'll probably stick with small arms, I don't really see myself delving into sniper weapons. I also probably won't be spending much time in melee (if I can help it) to be pulling pins out of people's grenades.

I was thinking more along the lines of a utility/backup build, what do you think of these for exploits?

2 Uncanny Mobility
4 Holographic Clone
6 Uncanny Shooter
8 Sure-Footed
10 Improved Evasion
12 Glimpse the Truth

For feats, I was thinking maybe something along these lines.

1 Skill Synergy (Life & Physical Science), Great Fortitude
3 Skill Synergy (Diplomacy, Mysticism)
5 Improved Initiative
7 Enhanced Resistance
9 Adaptive Fighting
11 Extra Resolve

Liberty's Edge

I honestly wouldn't bother with Improved Initiative. You get lots of Initiative from Operative already. I mean, with a +2 Upgrade, by 7th level we're talking +8 Initiative and it only goes up from there.

You'd be better served by Technomantic Dabbler, Spellbane, or Weapon Focus. I'd probably go Spellbane and then grab Weapon Focus at level 13 if you get there, but any of the three are a better choice than Improved Initiative, IMO.

Other than that, the progression looks pretty solid as a utility guy. I'd probably prioritize Diplomacy over Physical Science at 1st...but that's more of a personal preference thing than it is a real mechanical advantage one way or the other.

Grand Lodge

Sounds good...revised plan


2 Uncanny Mobility
4 Holographic Clone
6 Uncanny Shooter
8 Sure-Footed
10 Improved Evasion
12 Glimpse the Truth


1 Skill Synergy (Diplomacy, Physical Science), Great Fortitude
3 Skill Synergy (Life Science, Mysticism)
5 Spellbane or Technomantic Dabbler
7 Enhanced Resistance
9 Adaptive Fighting
11 Extra Resolve

Skill Synergy and Skill Focus both provide insight bonuses, and so does Operator Edge. Taking these skill feats is a trap. Skill Synergy is made obsolete at 3rd level and Skill Focus at 7th.

Dark Archive

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Skill Synergy and Skill Focus both provide insight bonuses, and so does Operator Edge. Taking these skill feats is a trap. Skill Synergy is made obsolete at 3rd level and Skill Focus at 7th.

skill synergy make the skills class skills. not obsolete

human operative, 18 int, put upgrades into int, +6 int item, maxes out every skill in the game

Liberty's Edge

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Skill Synergy and Skill Focus both provide insight bonuses, and so does Operator Edge. Taking these skill feats is a trap. Skill Synergy is made obsolete at 3rd level and Skill Focus at 7th.

As Name Violation notes, Skill Synergy can make skills Class Skills. That's the use it's being recommended for here, and synchronizes nicely with Operative's Edge.

weapon focus, versatile weapon focus/specialization.

Antagonize, Quick draw, Fast Talk, veiled Threat, Sky jockey all fit the Thematic origins of the character.

Grand Lodge

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Skill Synergy and Skill Focus both provide insight bonuses, and so does Operator Edge. Taking these skill feats is a trap. Skill Synergy is made obsolete at 3rd level and Skill Focus at 7th.

As a few other people mentioned, Skill Synergy is being used to add more class skills.

I am not taking any Skill Focus feats beyond the free ones for the operative specialization, but at 7th level you equal out the insight bonus from Operative's Edge...but you also gain the ability to take 10 on anything you have a Skill Focus with even in combat, which can be immensely useful if you know how and when to use it (depending on the skill).

Need to hack a terminal under fire? No sweat. Treat the wounds of an injured team mate mid-combat? Easy. Drive the getaway vehicle while bad guys are firing at you? Piece of cake.

Why take a chance at failing when you know you can auto-succeed with a take 10? By level 7 you should auto-succeed on anything DC 25-27 or less even if you aren't super optimized for a skill. If you are optimized that could be DC 29 or even higher with the right gear.

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