Adding in the Quick Movement Operative class ability is gonna screw this all up... Quick Movement (Ex) - 3rd Level
Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Small problem: Domestic Drones:Quote: except it can’t make any attacks and has no weapon mounts, no feats, and no ability to add drone mods beyond those mods specified in its entry. That's one thing I hate in Starfinder - you can't mod your drone at all. What you buy at level 4 or 10 is what you have forever.
Plot logic. Humans in my setting are ... curiousities. Refugees from a distant galaxy. They still aren't well-known yet. Here's an excerpt from shortly before the impromptu competition. "Myrla smiled to herself, shaking her head. The cargo-master may have said the /Greylin/’s crew would have all their drinks covered during their port-time, but given the kwonese need for these family get-togethers, “hajog-poog” they called them, every kwonese on the station would be regular visitors to the /Greylin/. The betting was just the method they used to pick which ship the party was held on." Myrla - the character in question
John Mangrum wrote: I would assume so, yes. Generally speaking, I would assume so as well. However, I wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything, like a single line, tucked away in a description somewhere, that reads something like, "Due to their construction, drones are not subject to the normal rules for being encumbered but become overburdened as normal." Of course, I'd also make flying drones encumbered at half the normal load, sooo...
So the feat reads "At the beginning of your turn, you can choose to ignore the encumbered condition and treat the overburdened condition as though you were instead encumbered for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier." Does this mean:
Should it actually read something more like: "For a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier, you ignore the encumbered condition and treat the overburdened condition as though you were merely encumbered. Once you use this ability, you can’t do so again until you rest for 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points. In addition, the encumbered condition reduces your speeds by 5 feet (rather than by 10 feet), and the overburdened condition reduces your speeds to 10 feet (rather than to 5 feet)." Also, if a PC has Fleet and Shoulder Burden and is wearing light or no armor, then their speed would be unaffected, correct? Shoulder Burden reduces the encumbered speed penalty by 5 feet. Fleet reduces the encumbered speed penalty by 5 feet. The penalty is 10 feet, reduced by 5 feet and by 5 feet, or 10 feet - so the 10 feet penalty is reduced by 10 feet, resulting in no speed penalty to such a character. The driving motivation behind this question and my question on porter drones and Encumbered is because there's going to end up being a contest of strength and speed between a porter drone from one ship's crew and a human crewmember from another crew about who can move the most cargo in a set time. It's:
With Shoulder Burden (as amended above), the human is going to be able to move 20 bulk for two rounds without penalty and then 10 bulk every round thereafter (or 20 bulk EVERY round, if Option 2 is correct) while having a speed advantage over the drone...
These give me some ideas to work from, thanks! My idea is to have something like Bloodsport's weapon(s) from Suicide Squad - grab piece, pop/twist, new weapon, lather rinse repeat. I'm developing a rule/method to allow a user to combine a smallarm and a longarm of the same name or same category into a reconfigurable weapon. It's a little tricky, but a fun exercise. Might be something others enjoy, too. Got a laser rifle? Reconfigure it into a laser pistol with a folding grip and stow it compactly...
I would have sworn that over the weekend, as I was researching something totally unrelated, I encountered a way to combine two weapons so that they are reconfigurable. My idea is to combine a laser pistol and a laser rifle for a "survival carbine" that is easy to carry as a sidearm that will reconfigure into a longarm as needed. Why? Because it's a neat idea. So - did I totally dream up the reconfigurable option?
Just started digging into this book and I'm really excited to have a Vehicles creation system! I've got a couple of initial questions as I'm getting started. 1 - Was there a specific reason the dev-team set the cargo space at a 6 foot cube rather than a 5 foot cube that is pretty much the standard for everything else? 2 - Other than the Core book and the Armory book, are there other titles that have vehicle rules in them?
Absalom Station is Casablanca. That works... Starfinder's set-up on a lot of things is close to the notes I was making for my own setting - VERY close, in certain aspects, telling me I was on the right track. When it came to communications, I was torn between instantaneous and ship-speed. Now, ship-speed was a bit of a variable that depended on several factors, but ultimately was intended to replicate the "age of sail" feel. Given the fact I had a type of "drift beacon" that aided in making those jumps between systems, it made sense to me to have instantaneous communications if there was a beacon at each end - after all, the beacons were communicating constantly to provide navigational data so why not throw in access to the GalactiNet, too? So, you have age of sail travel speeds, but also the internet.
kaid wrote:
I couldn't remember if it was Thursday or Friday, but was pretty sure it was *before* the weekend. Since I work 6 or 7 days a week, I can't always remember trivalities like the weekend!
Follow-on ... I think some of this is coming from the old Apple video game Neuromancer. Which was loads of fun. Hacker decks can only hold a certain number of external chips and only run certain levels of programs, based on their complexity/level/tier, so you *MUST* do proper recon to figure out which programs you need to have slotted when you make your run. (I played loads of different cyberpunk games "back in the day" and liked elements of each system better than others. Odds are very good I'm synthesizing from GURPS, Shadowrun, CP2020 & Hardwired, SWRPG's slicing rules, and at least one other that I can't remember. I know at least one of my players *REALLY REALLY* wants to play a hacker/mechanic, so I've spent loads of time thinking about how to incorporate decent playable hacking into the D20/Pathfinder system.)
Luna Protege wrote:
That's exactly the way I've envisioned it for many years - I *think* that was how it was handled in an old cyberpunk game ... Cyberpunk 2020, maybe? Maybe the Hardwired supplement? At any rate, that's what *I* would like to see and if Starfinder doesn't have something like that in it ... it will once I write it up. Which will be easy to do, just by changing the wording in the Brew Potion feat. Luna Protege wrote:
We do that playing Skyrim all the time. :D "Oh, shoot! Forgot to put on Volsung before haggling with the merchant!"
I don't see where Interplanetary Teleport is limited to intra-system travel only - "truly no range limit and you do not need to have seen your destination, though you must have a solid grasp of which world you wish to travel to" makes it pretty clear casters with access to 9th-level spells can go anywhere in the universe they please.
Would love for you to have a go at mine, as well. Campaign Staff
Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th Slot none; Price 143,000gp; Weight 5 lbs. Description This stout iron-bound oak staff is topped by a fist-sized knob of polished granite, carved so that the entire staff resembles a castle watch-tower of worked stone. Inspired by the fluid nature of magical warfare, a campaign staff allows its wielder to function effectively in both offensive and defensive siege roles via access to the following spells:
The wielder may also spend charges to summon Medium, Large, or Huge earth elementals to serve as assistants to repair damaged structures, clear heavy debris, or wreak havoc on the enemy.
Summoned elementals remain for 10 rounds and only one such summoning can be active at any time. Construction
Thanks for the feedback, folks! After submitting and during the voting process, I came up with a few changes that I think would improve the Campaign Staff, several of which have been borne out in the feedback threads. While that does me no good in RPGSS15, it *does* indicate I'm heading in the right direction.
Well, now that a disaster at work has settled from "mitigation" & "recovery" into "replace things and move on," I want to get my Round 1 entry posted for critique. Sorry for being late to the game, but 7-day work-weeks suck. Campaign Staff
The wielder may also spend charges to summon Medium, Large, or Huge earth elementals to serve as assistants to repair damaged structures, clear heavy debris, or wreak havoc on the enemy.
Summoned elementals remain for 10 rounds and only one such summoning can be active at any time. Construction
Jacob Trier wrote: Well, almost all of Paizo's official products, except the rules line, are set in Golarion, and the grand prize of the contest is a contract to write an adventure for the module line. Those have, without exception, been set in Golarion. So it really shouldn't come as a surprise that demonstrating knowledge of the official setting is a significant part of this contest. All very good points, which I have a tendency to forget. *shrug* Means I'll have to learn more, faster. And many thanks for the wiki link - I'm sure I will use it rather prodigiously over the next few days!
Maybe by Tuesday I will have gotten some rest and be mentally more functional than I am today. Of course, this is ASSUMING my [REDACTED] makes the Top 32 and I advance to the mapping round! But I absolutely shall. I have confidence. But DANG. Golarion? Really? Crud, I don't play in the default setting and don't have much in the way of resources to cover it. Oh, well ... I'll come up with something!
Dear Mr. Still-not-my-friend-right-now, When I saw you had given us THREE DAYS!!! for the map, I thought to myself, "Oh, just like a REAL writing gig..." And since my entry has been spotted post-cull, I still hate you. Passionately. Because you are making me THINK. Making me UNCOMFORTABLE. "Everyone knows" you get all the time in the world to make Genius happen! These last-minute format changes and impossibly-tight timeframes for contest entries can't be realistic! And if I get fired for working on my Round 2 entry on office-time, I'm moving in with your cat. Because:
My voting was affected more by my multiple hats than by anything to do with the contest itself. Working 7 days a week. Trying to be a full-time dad and husband. Pushing a small handicraft hobby-business. Trying to move that business into a full-time gig. Trying to design 3d models for said business. Trying to follow the contest. Trying to plan new game-related writing projects. I kinda forgot to vote regularly.
Brigg wrote:
This, utterly. |