Octavo of Perseverance
Aura faint abjuration and divination; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 7,200 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This slim leather-bound book bears an ornate stamping of a blue-dyed butterfly on its cover. Inside the volume is an illuminated collection of psalms and blessings common to the worship of Desna, including key excerpts from The Eight Scrolls, scriptures describing the goddess’ early travels. When a worshipper of Desna reading the book is in need of guidance, its pages flutter gently - sometimes turning completely - and select passages shimmer with traces of starlight, particularly those regarding luck and perseverance.
A divine spellcaster who worships Desna may read from the book while preparing her daily spells. This ritual reading grants her a +1 competence bonus on concentration checks until she next prepares spells. She may choose to dismiss this effect early as a free action to gain a moment of providence which allows her to cast divine spells without provoking attacks of opportunity until the end of her turn. Only one spellcaster can benefit from the ritual reading per day. Also, 3 times per day, any follower of Desna may read an inspirational passage aloud as a full round action to grant herself or an ally a +2 luck bonus to a single skill check made to retry a roll that had previously failed. This power does not allow a character to retry an action that cannot normally be tried again.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, grace, guidance; Cost 3,600 gp
(It did not make Top 32 status by a long shot but I'm still proud of it.)