
David S. McCrae's page

100 posts. Alias of Brigg.


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Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the review, Endzie! Glad you enjoyed it! ^.^!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the review, Thilo, as always!

And you're right. It's wasn't an easy task. but this was a great learning experience. We'll make some tweaks in the future and get it sparkling. ^.^

Sovereign Court

Thnaks for the Review DragonBorn! XD

Sovereign Court

Indeed! Thanks very much El Ronza! ^.^

Sovereign Court

And thank you also, for the review, Sethvir! ^.^

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*Takes a bow* XD

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks again, good sir! ^.^

Sovereign Court

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Endzeitgeist wrote:

Reviewed first on endzeitgeist.com, then submitted to Nerdtrek and GMS magazine and posted here, on OBS, etc.

Endzeitgeist out.

Thank you so much for the reviews, Bardess, Jolly and Endzie! I'm seriously overjoyed by all of this. Everyone worked hard on this, and I'm happy to see everyone's hard work paying off with these glowing responses!

As far as the Mime being modeled after the Final Fantasy Mimes, the both of you are absolutely correct! Though, they were modeled more after the Mimes from Tactics, as Jolly stated. I should have specified that the attacks can be designated against any target, whatever the mime can target.

Endzie, your praise for the Prop Comic brought a tear to my eye, seriously. Like I did with the Trickster Chef Rogue, I put a lot of thought and effort into it.

Again, thank you all so much!

Sovereign Court

Yeah, come on, folks! Let's go! ^.^

I'd review it myself, but the review would probably be horrendously biased lol.

Sovereign Court

Woohoo! Excited!!

Sovereign Court

Yes, Endzie, thank you very much! ^.^

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the honest and insightful review, Endzie! I'll see if I can squeak a revision in. ^.^

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any time, dude. I am humbled and appreciative toward this review. ^.^

Sovereign Court

:O A New Review!!

^.^ Thanks so much for the review, Illius! It appears that I need to put more ranks in Perception and Edit-Fu. XD

Thank you for your kind words on the Trickster Chef. That archetype was a blast to design. And I couldn't have finished it with it's final polish without the help of the rest of the Flying Pincushion crew.

I'm so glad it garnered the exact reaction I was going for. Thank you. ^.^

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm very happy to see the Class/X books inspiring people to try multiclassing! Thank you very much! ^.^

Sovereign Court

Thanks so much for the review Rednal! I'm so glad you liked it! XD

Yes, indeed, I designed these to interact with the base class and the corresponding class features. Like if you were a druid with a domain, you could take both Devious Empathy and Energetic Precision.

Or if you took an archetype of a non-Alchemist class that grants you Mutagens, you can take Dexterous Focus.

The book also makes accommodations in the event an archetype published later grants some of the class features to another class, like a fighter that gets hexes, for example.

Sovereign Court

Yay! Super-excited!! ^.^

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
JGray wrote:

I can't stop smiling about this review. Thank you!

As we've already told Endzeitgeist, Flaming Crab Games is currently working on an expansion/follow-up to this book called the Culinary Magic Cookbook with more recipes, new archetypes, and more options.

Yes, thank you for the great review, good sir!

And I'm looking forward to help in presenting more of the quality content you've seen here in the upcoming Culinary Magic Cookbook!

Sovereign Court

I can't wait to see the reviews. ^.^ Thanks Mhoram, Malwing, and Christos!

Sovereign Court

Yay!! Super excited!!

Sovereign Court

I'm slowly but surely being able to really notice the "F-you GM" items....

Sovereign Court

Okay, SOMEONE played PFS Scenario 6-01 and said, "WAAAAHHHH!!! I need an item that will circumvent all the hard technology stuff because all the stuff in the tech guide is banned! My character needs to know everything and has to be able to fight everything effectively forever!"

Needless to say, I voted for the other item, which was better anyway.

Sovereign Court

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Sovereign Court

Nickolas Floyd wrote:
David S. McCrae wrote:
The cull? Is that when they prune the bottom-most contenders out?
Yes. My guess is that it will be the end of this week or early next week, but I'm ready for it now. There are a number of items that I'd rather quit seeing.

A-men to THAT! Especially double for the unformatted items. Seeing items without the proper templating is a critical eyesore when placed next to an item with all the pieces in place. It's no contest.

Sovereign Court

The cull?

Is that when they prune the bottom-most contenders out?

Sovereign Court

Semi-overpowered DARK DARK DARKETY DARK-DARK Item.


Something with a real-world name but makes perfect sense and is well-formatted and easy to read.

{EDIT} *Raises Hand*

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
michael patrick wrote:
Blood Item versus Fart Item

Sounds like a personal problem x.x

My jaw is HITTING THE FLOOR this morning. I'm seeing a lot of new items and I am insanely impressed with what I'm seeing!!!

Sovereign Court

This item sure is a gas!

Paired up against an item I've already seen, and repeatedly downvoted because template.

Sovereign Court

You had me until you implicated the item can be destroyed permanently, and I took a better look at the price. You needed just a little more fine-tuning! I'm sorry. :(

Sovereign Court


Both have the phrase, "But in the hands of a..."


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Lee wrote:

The Ring of Unscathed Passage

Aura strong evocation and divination; CL 17th
Slot ring; Price 22,000 gp; Weight -
Lo, in bygone days did the mighty archmage Vertiginzeterax the Soulbinder find himself sorely vexed by trials that begat sleepless nights and wore at his unmatched mind. To find an end to these woes, he bent his considerable will to the manufacture of an item to combat his nightly demons. He spent long hours in consultation with the Imperious Sister Vinegarous Strinkladolmanatz, the High Priestess of the Ochre God, Callumnippurpentagrog, his adventuring companion in bygon days. She counseled him and likewise poured the power of her mighty deity into the vessel Vertiginzeterax devised. For days the two labored with little rest, until finally the task was done. The weary but grateful Vertinginzeterax thanked the High Priestess and returned to his lonely tower on the high cliffs above the Sea of Ennui, confident in the power of his new ring, and nevermore were his nights disturbed by troubling events.

This platinum band is liberally coated in gold filigree and set with a massive blue diamond. Inscribed in Draconic on the inside of the band are the words "By the power of wizardly might and divine grace shall your passage be ever sure and fraught not with peril."

When worn, the ring of unscathed passage can cast light at will, and the wearer will never stub his toes on furniture or door jambs.
Requirements Forge Ring, guidance, light, crafter must be at least 17th level; Cost 11,000 gp

I just woke someone up laughing so hard at this.

Sovereign Court

Woody Elliott wrote:
GM_Solspiral wrote:
Okay that's a real disease that is horrid to watch a family member go thru... You're as bad as the 2 racist items I've seen.
Ya, I know which item you are talking about. My wife has the disease very severely (I can't say more as to not hint at the item). I will never vote for it ever, no matter what it is against.

I sincerely dread to see whatever item you guys are talking about...

Sovereign Court


Translation: my last five voting pairs had a keen bladed weapon.

Sovereign Court

"Sucks unless Paladin uses it" vs. "Sucks unless the worshipper of a good diety uses it"


If I hadn't just got scolded for hitting the "neither" button....

Good diety worshipper it is....

Sovereign Court

Wow...is it really that bad to hit that button? X.x

I'm sorry. :(

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Your item is named one thing.
Your item is called something else in its description.
Confusion is in your construction requirements.

Sovereign Court

Terminalmancer wrote:

I am pretty sure infinitely-reusable resurrection effects should not be affordable by 4th-level characters. Time to vote for the opposition!

...wait, the opposition gives a ridiculous skill bonus for almost no money.


There is that "both are equally good/bad button". I've hit that a couple of times.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Finally saw my item, and was able to vote with a clear conscience. The other item was missing a very important part of the template. >.>

Sovereign Court

Orloff wrote:

Me, right now.

Top 32, here I come...

Must be nice. Haven't even seen mine yet.

Sovereign Court

Oh for petes sake.....

"Piece of crap unless a paladin is holding it" vs. "Unformatted ,uninspired ring"

You've won this round Paladin-Only item...but you won't get away with it again.

Sovereign Court

Downvoting "Venom"-style armors for days!

There is no way in Golarion you are going to make the Venom symbiote into an armor without making it blatantly obvious that is what you are trying to do.

Just sayin'

Sovereign Court

Now THAT is A LOT of creativity and awesomeness in less than 90 words!!

Sovereign Court

"Gnarl" and all iterations of it, seems to be a polular word.

Also, no lie, I literally just got goose bumps reading the description of one ring. Bravo to you, and I would be hard pressed to upvote anything that ring goes up against. Bravo.

Sovereign Court

My item is on that list. That makes me happy that at least somebudy has seen it. I have not seen my own item yet.

Some of the names of those items, though, really stand out to me and I really want to see what they do!!

Sovereign Court

When the bearer of the item "speaks the magic word"...

The magic word....


Sovereign Court

I that list makes me happy. ^.^

Sovereign Court

Also, Ive voted well over 100 times. Wheres my star voter tag?

Sovereign Court

Okay, next thing to consistently get my downvote is:

"This +x stabby-thing looks plain and stupid. But when a Paladin picks it up, it becomes a +11 everything-bane Excalibur slaughter blade of death and weefness!!! Because Paladin!!"

Sovereign Court

I friggin' swear, I am hereby downvoting every item that has "enervation" in the construction requirements when the item itself does not display anything related to enervation whatsoever. It's like they just said, "I feel like throwing enervation into this because necromancy!! Woo, Necromany!!"

Just sayin'

Sovereign Court

All right, last one for the day.

Still haven't seen my item. :(