A solution for PCs that sleep around?


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Silver Crusade

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

could roll percentages. Also bring up the idea of protection with some goat skin or something and some diagnose disease. If he ignores it once brought up and the dice land unfavorable he could catch something, like child support

I just flashed back to old SNL skit where they showed an aging James Bond when he went into his doctor's office for a visit :) I would warn the guy that going forward actions such as unprotected sex will have in game consequences and then just go with it from there.

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Have you considered just letting them sleep around? Is it wrecking your plot that your heroes aren't a bunch of Lawful Virgins?

Mystic_Snowfang, allow me to introduce the concept of "Bridget". Bridget comes in many forms and has many names, but always brings the same joy and laughter. Bridget is a shape shifting demon/devil that initially appears as a buxom bar maid, or some such. The player(s) go to bed with a beautiful woman, but wake up to a hideous, mole covered creature with more rolls of fat than t#!@ and dicks combined. Not only that, but they are now blessed with a unique and magical STD.

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Well, what is the problem exactly? Do you personally have an issue with the character's advances on N/PCs? If so, you could bring it up out-of-game with the player and try to explain the situation. If other players are uncomfortable, you could all get together and have a conversation.

If it's mostly a GM "something nasty is going to happen" problem, a child might be an angle to approach, but unless they've been adventuring for the better part of a year since the conquest in particular it's unlikely there will be a little babe to greet them - certainly some room to play with the idea that the father isn't known or something.

Personally, I wouldn't do too much; odds are I might be that player. :B

Depending on who they are sleeping with, you should make them roll a Fort save afterwards. VD is serious business.

And yeah, you can also roll a % to check for pregnancy.

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I'm just saying, we had that entire thread about Paladins and one night stands. Unless you just feel like making your PCs life suck, there's no need to punish promiscuity.

Shadow Lodge


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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You are overlooking the most fun weakness you can exploit due to this shenanigan - the debaucherous one is separated from the party.

STDs can be fixed with clerical magic. Being caught by a roving gang while away from your PC party is priceless.

Dark Archive

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Firstly, WHY do you have a problem with someone playing a lecherous character who wants to sleep around? Does it contradict something in the characters code? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Detract from the game?

There are lots of options available but it vastly depends on what the root cause of the problem is. You can just gloss over it, you can ask the player to stop, etc etc. More info needed.

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DominusMegadeus wrote:
Have you considered just letting them sleep around? Is it wrecking your plot that your heroes aren't a bunch of Lawful Virgins?

Yes- but some players get carried away with this. Mostly teen boys.

"Cheeto: Are there any girls there?
DM: Yeah.

DM:..... So now there's ogres. OK?!
Cheeto: Ogres! Man, I got an Ogre-Slaying knife! It's got a plus 9 against ogres.
DM: You're not there! You're getting drunk!
Cheeto: OK, but if there's any girls there, I wanna DO them!"

If it's a once in while thing, it's fun. Done too often means the DM should talk to the players OOC.

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"you have a problem with someone playing a character"

Define what the problem is.

Does it offend your personal morality? It is perfectly reasonable to explain your expectations of content as far as sexual and criminal things. I wouldn't have a problem with a character sleeping around, but I personally would have no interest in roleplaying out the scene either. Fade to black and let them fill in the blanks in their own mind if they need. I wouldn't though allow someone to play a character that raped, went after children etc etc. Just not something I'm going to have at my table. Communicating these limits is important.

Does it offend your sense of reality? If you feel that this sort of behavior is risky, then perhaps adding some sort of STDs, pregnancy etc is appropriate. It would only be fair to communicate that ahead of time, and explain the rules. If diseases exist are the easy or difficult to cure with cure disease. If pregnancy is a risk what methods (including magic) are available to prevent it. Remember though that your player is engaging in fantasy. Risk free sex isn't more unlikely than actual magic and dragons after all. If they are having fun playing a character that is a player, perhaps you should allow them that freedom, just as many of us enjoy playing a character that can do magic.

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Suthainn wrote:

Firstly, WHY do you have a problem with someone playing a lecherous character who wants to sleep around? Does it contradict something in the characters code? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Detract from the game?

There are lots of options available but it vastly depends on what the root cause of the problem is. You can just gloss over it, you can ask the player to stop, etc etc. More info needed.

This. Not enough info to make a solution.

Scarab Sages

As long as they are not roleplaying it at the table , or wanting to act out the entire conversation. I'd just use a diplomacy roll in that case.

The main problem is it takes up time from other players (just like one player wanting to go off on his own and do ANYTHING takes up more time).

And as far as acting it out , yeah, we can do with out that.

Of course once we all got old enough to be married, those urges to have the characters even think about sex are long gone. Now we're more like "OMG I don't need to deal with this right now, can't we just go kill something?" :)

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When I had a PC like this, I embraced how the character behaved rather than fought it. Each NPC had turn-ons/turn-offs, different sexualities/orientations, and certain interests in a romantic partner. The character couldn't just automatically make the trousers drop with a single Diplomacy check, the character had to converse with, learn about, and seduce that NPC. Even after all that, success isn't guaranteed. A character can get a natural 20 on their Diplomacy check when the time finally comes to "make their move", but still be turned down if the physical compatibility isn't there (although the character's Sense Motive was high enough that they usually figured it out before then).

That was just seduction. If you and your table is comfortable with it, there are third party supplements that deal with the more...physical...stuff that occurs after that. In this particular case, I just described some smooching and over-the-clothes action before doing a PG-13 fade-to-black.

Long story short: My solution was to engage the player the way they wanted rather than resist, and a whole dating sim minigame emerged as a result. That doesn't work for everyone, but it's something to consider instead of automatically fighting against PC attempts at getting some. Let them roleplay how they want, but do so in a way that challenges them.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

I would not care as long as it not derail the campaign. In that case I would make it require real effort, and they may not have the time to do so in game. Having an NPC or several NPC's become infatuated with them, and cause the party problems can make for good comedy. :)

The problem with any and all seduction type of shenanigans is that ultimately only two people are involved, and one of those is an NPC.

The remained of the party will be entirely uninvolved in this unless they decide to
1: Wingman
2: Sabotage

We've had situations like this in the Kingmaker campaign I play in, and all it does is derail the roleplaying.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

What's the nature of this problem? It's a pretty common trope.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

Sure, why not? The former is just a remove disease away, though, so I wouldn't expect it to have much effect on the character unless they're stuck away from both civilization and a divine caster. Meeting your kid later is also a common trope, though the more interesting versions of it generally take a few years to mature, so to speak.

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I once had a player that liked to do that. One of the times he did it was with a vampire who dominated him and bit him in the inner thigh so no one would know. It was a really neat thing to see him roleplay the thing.

The Exchange

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DominusMegadeus wrote:
Have you considered just letting them sleep around? Is it wrecking your plot that your heroes aren't a bunch of Lawful Virgins?

This. If it isn't harming the story what is the issue? Some people play roleplaying games to play a role they wouldn't usually have an opportunity to play...such as promiscuity, super-skillful, powerful swordsman, master of magic, psycho dwarf...why is this one bad-wrong fun?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Provided it isn't being used as a way to harass another player just let them. You don't have to encourage it nor do you need to give them extra 'screen time', but if it isn't harming anyone then just let them and move on.

You may want to check privately with the other players just to make sure there is no problems.

It is a lot safer doing it in fantasy than reality.

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Don't give them any screen time for it. If they want to sleep around fine, whatever. But as a GM or player I wouldn't be interested in hearing the other player role play out their sexual fantasies. As long as it isn't otherwise negatively impacting game play just let it happen and ignore it otherwise.

If you don't let the player get any screen time with it they will eventually just stop wasting their breath on it.

Claxon wrote:

Don't give them any screen time for it. If they want to sleep around fine, whatever. But as a GM or player I wouldn't be interested in hearing the other player role play out their sexual fantasies. As long as it isn't otherwise negatively impacting game play just let it happen and ignore it otherwise.

If you don't let the player get any screen time with it they will eventually just stop wasting their breath on it.


*Spoken seriously*
"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"

~Former PC in a game of mine.

Nakteo wrote:

*Spoken seriously*

"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"

Roll charisma.

DM. wrote:
Nakteo wrote:

*Spoken seriously*

"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"
Roll charisma.

"But I don't have Charisma! Why're you hindering my character's story like that?!?! C'mon man, that's Bull****!!"

But I do agree.

DM. wrote:
Nakteo wrote:

*Spoken seriously*

"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"
Roll charisma.

You don't think diplomacy, or in most cases, bluff would be more apt?

I can even see intimidate working, though that'd certainly put you in the "evil" category.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
DM. wrote:
Nakteo wrote:

*Spoken seriously*

"Roight! So we're in town for the next week? Imma spend tha' entire week spreadin' me seed around to all the women in town! How many do I impregnate?"
Roll charisma.

You don't think diplomacy, or in most cases, bluff would be more apt?

I can even see intimidate working, though that'd certainly put you in the "evil" category.

Don't question the DM overlord. You have -500 xp.

One solution I found very quickly was to have villains with similar habits. Especially useful when you have a Lamia Matriarch who occasionally goes out and changes form into something more approachable just to look for a good time and eventual meal. Then when the player inevitably gets in bed with said villain, quietly replace him with a faceless stalker or something until the villain is defeated. That way, you can remove the character after getting a couple more adventures out of it.

Kalvit wrote:
One solution I found very quickly was to have villains with similar habits. Especially useful when you have a Lamia Matriarch who occasionally goes out and changes form into something more approachable just to look for a good time and eventual meal. Then when the player inevitably gets in bed with said villain, quietly replace him with a faceless stalker or something until the villain is defeated. That way, you can remove the character after getting a couple more adventures out of it.

That is brutal!


To stop this players character you would need to a). Traumatize him b). Kill him. If you are planning this as a GM stop that.

Nut-up and ask him/her to stop, or Shut-up and leave him/her be.

The solution my GM had was to figure out all my off spring. Several were still kids and I found out about them and could help take care of them if I wanted. A few were older and were planning my death, as were their mothers.

Actions lead to plot hooks if you let them. Maybe they decide to get married, or take responsibility for their by-blows, or they push the party to help the village after the bar maid they were seeing gets taken by the bandits.

Anyway, what they do in their off time can have as much or as little impact as you and they allow.

Do we remember that this is a fantasy game? That wizard can kill a dragon with a few spells. Why can't someone get some strange by being clever and rolling some dice? Does he need to cast a charm spell to make it acceptable? Does the wizard have to roll a guilt check when he one-shots a monster?

For the short term campaign, let them. Just take note of how obvious they are. If your minor NPC's (barkeeps, guards, local merchants) can figure out that the PC is a bit of a horndog, then the villains can too. This makes the character a perfect target for infiltration or assassination. One of the PC's in my campaign has FINALLY learned his lesson, after the cleric had his throat cut by the PC's latest little tryst.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Eh, I'd let them just get away with it, if it's taking too much table time just let the player know to ease back a bit as it's taking up some spotlight time from the other players.

If you do want to introduce consequences for his actions maybe speak to the player and ask if they'd be interested in a sub-plot of that kind. If he's not interested, then the above works. If he is interested then go ahead and introduce Valeros Jnr, or have him roll the occasional Fort save.

he = he or she in this. It's just a pain writing he/she over and over and He is shorter than her.

Allomony payments for kids he leaves behind. have some random one he did the daughter of someone semi powerful, and have him tracked down by scrying and a bounty hunter.

Alternatively roll a% die if it hits some small percentage (5 to 10%) have him wake up robbed or kidnapped.

Have him sleep with a monster in magical disguise and have him roll for a magic sickness.

Some random girl/guy at the bar turns out to be the royalty of the kingdom who snuck out last night and was either playing the innocent or was super niave. Have the party arrested for crimes or make them have to escape in ahurry.

Either remove the free time for him to do it. or (if everyone else gets a good night of rest and he or she doesn't and ends up spending the next day with the fatigue status, or unable to memorize spells) you can start throwing in some serious trouble assossiated with it.

Basically if they keep wanting to try it; and don't wanna stop (assuming yo uasked them to tone it down-assuming it bothered you or another player) then make them work for it, possibly have the repressions hit the other players so their characters in game have reasons to block his hunt.
Basically turn him into Brock from Pokemon, where whenever he tries something redunkulus happens, or another player ends up pulling him away by the ear. Make it part of the game and amusing but solidly stopped.

Liberty's Edge

If you want to turn the campaign into a soap opera then go for it. If not then ask the player if soap opera is what he wants from the campaign.

I know you people don't role play your heroes love making, do you?


Here is how I handle it:

"Your heroes arrive in the glorious town of Elvindrel, where blissful sounds of laughter and music rise from the inn and many untended women catch your eye as you pass through the closing markets. After celebrating to your contentment, you wake up in a second floor room of the Drowning Inn. What are you doing?"

Then one of the players always says, "I didn't celebrate. I went straight to the temple to pray."

Then someone else usually says, "I camp outside the city with my dire tiger."

Then I say, "ok, so you meet at the inn. What are you doing?"

I can't stress this enough: you don't got to RP everything. Just because you are running a game for Biggus Dichus and Hecktor the Well-Endowed doesn't mean you have to think through the details of their revelry. That stuff is all superhero secrets.

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Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Do we remember that this is a fantasy game? That wizard can kill a dragon with a few spells. Why can't someone get some strange by being clever and rolling some dice? Does he need to cast a charm spell to make it acceptable? Does the wizard have to roll a guilt check when he one-shots a monster?

Creeps in real life have to be clever to get laid. My character shows up in town with bags of gold and magic, rocking 12 pack abs and a new bardic tune that sounds like the greatest song ever written. Him getting laid is implied. No one has to talk about it. You could litterally just start a scene with, "ok Cranefist, your character is in some lady's bedchamber when you here a commotion from the street. What are you doing?" and no one would bat an eye.

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Succubi orgy.

Liberty's Edge

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It always amused me that some DMs were much more comfortable with murderous/psychopathic PCs than PCs having anything resembling a sexuality.

If the player’s character’s pursuits offend your or are disruptive, communicate that to him. Don’t come up with some sort of absurd magical STD or bizarre assassination plot and don’t try to ‘punish’ him for his character’s quirks. That’ll come off as petty and unproductive.

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Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

I wouldn't, unless the player agrees to it.

Simply put, when he wants to do that, just say 'you and she go off, fade to black, what are the rest of you doing?' Don't spend more than maybe a minute on it.

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The only time this should be an issue is if it takes away from the enjoyment of the rest of the players. If it is talk it out as human beings and see what can be done.

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Zhayne wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

I wouldn't, unless the player agrees to it.

Simply put, when he wants to do that, just say 'you and she go off, fade to black, what are the rest of you doing?' Don't spend more than maybe a minute on it.

This is generally the simplest way to deal with it. Much like I don't want to belabor every trip to the outhouse or every tankard of ale, there's usually no need to go into the nitty gritty of that sort of thing unless something plot-relevant occurs as part of the process (e.g., PC spots a flaw in the succubus's shapechange, angry beau kicks down the door with sword in hand).

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

So, you have a problem with someone playing a character that just has to sleep with every female (or male) or whatever they come across.

Anyway, would it be okay for them to end up with either strange spots in interesting places, or one day being introduced to their son or daughter?

Two solutions:

A father that is a high level gunslinger with a shotgun that has more barrels than he has teeth.

Check out the episode of Enterprise where they visit Risa. Two Days and Two Nights

Grand Lodge

Some people took this way too...much.

He has a problem (likely personal) with a player who sleeps around all the time. He's the gm not us. We shouldn't be telling him to effectively get over it as long as it doesn't offend our sensibilities or our code.

Claiming that addressing the issue in game in a realistic way no less is somehow the gm perceiving the promiscuity as wrongbadfun? The gm doing something to negstive to a character is punishment? So when the party tank is attacked by a monster and takes damage or adventurers crawl through a sewer and save vs disease that's OK and we don't judge but a gm wants a promiscuous character to maybe catch a disease after sleeping around all the time and we jump on him like the gm is bad? Get real. That kind of bias is soooo irritating.

@ the op, yes, it's totally OK to give, expose, or make him make fort saves for etc, std's. It's your game. Sounds like you're trying to have fun with it. Whether he likes having warts or not, he'll have to consider the results of his actions in the future. Also, I would make disease just the first step (because they are easily removed). I'd go with the shotgun wielding papa (gunslinger) or having one of the girls/guys the PC sleeps with end up being murdered and now he is a suspect wanted for questioning. Maybe you could have one of the girls be of noble birth and due to the laws, he's forced into marriage or is now a noble but the family!y he is married into....well....they're all kinds of creepy and dexter twisted with secrets and incest and cannibalism.

There are lots of avenues you can take this and quite a few hilarious options, too. Oh! Maybe one of his lovers turns out to be some magical shapechanger that now has a crush on him and can't let him go....ever (ever seen the movie Misery?). And/or is insanely jealous.

Silver Crusade

I think having a character who sleeps around is fun. I've got two of them who are in fact very promiscuious. I'm actully mildly disapointed that no plots can ever come of them being the way they are. My oracle is much more, well he's a self proclaimed slut. The only reason that he doesn't end up with something like mummy crotch rot is because he's PFS.

For me it's not a problem, for some it might be. Hence why I suggest this as a fun way to work with it. Actions are always going have consequences. If you pick a fight in the bar, you might end up either loosing some teeth or getting tossed out. If you pick up someone, and aren't careful, you might end up with spots on your tool.

My group has PCs and NPCs that are quite happy to be sexual (aside from the andriod), though most of them are rather interested in one other PC or NPC.

However, I like having a rather high level of realism in my games. I'm a big fan of allowing almost anything to happen as well, as long as it can be justified lore-wise. If a character sleeps with another PC or NPC and doesn't claim that they are using birth control or the like, then there is the chance that something will happen. If he spends a single copper on a prostitute for the night there is about a 90% chance he's going to wake up with a nasty sickness.

For me sexual encounters are just another wonderful, and rather delicious plot hook.

(also I'm female)

I'm running 2 party's through Kingmaker.
One has a character who does sleep aropund a lot. Because the PC in the party making her comtraceptives botched a roll she got pregnant to a Hill Giant. She died halfway through the pregnancy and got raised with the fetus naking a system shock roll to survive (we won't say what templates it has the potential to gain now) and had a ceaseran at 8 months - Half-celestial Slyph Size was a definite problem.
Previously she had slept with the son of the Mite Counciler which resulted in the Mite's mother joining the cult of Gryhona with various polictical reprecussions when the cult was caught doing curses and doing human sacrifices.
Has also recently slept with the Troll Guard Captain of Count Drelev just before starting an insurgency against them. Sleeping around is a plot hook.

The other party has an Ettin that proceeded to try and pickup to female Trolls in a group of trolls that they were about to fight. Much hilarousness followed. Eventually the 2 Troll women changed sides in the middle of the fight in return for marriage and a share in his castle. :-)

Tried a stalker? Someone who left the PC unfulfilled but decided to get a monopoly on him/her? Give the stalker enough resources to travel between any settlement the party goes to (following in their path should mean the road is clear for a while).
Start low and ramp up the creep level as time does on. Starting with sabotaging pick-up attempts and go on to looking in through the window while the PC goes to sleep/wakes up.
While the party is out hunting for bandits have your stalker sneak into camp and prepare food and sprinkle rose scented water on the victims sleeping bag. Have the stalker steal the victims blanket for a few days and return it with both of their initials embroidered inside a heart on one (or all) of the corners.

Give the stalker a some ranks in disguise so he/she can sabotage without being to obvious. Having different people "accidentally" spill their drink all over whoever the PC is trying to woo or shooting daggers from their eyes at the one being hit on and roll some perception or sense motive to clue the PC in on the disguised stalker seeming odd, familiar or reminding them of someone. With a bit of disguise and stealth you can have only the PC know about the stalker in character for a fair while which can lead to some fun situations especially if the other players decide that their characters don't think the stalker is real and only paranoia.

A stalker shouldn't make it impossible for the PC to sleep around, only a bit harder.

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