Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 - Exahusted
The guy is quite screwed, with no realistic way to escape, so he passes out. You win, it was a clean job, no one notices what happened. =========================== Eben: Miss Maureen, gentlemen, It has been a nice evening, but it is getting late, so I better return to the train. Might the peace of the seven heavens smile upon you tonight. - He leaves. You manage to find a nice hotel with nice food and service. You can rent several rooms if you want, it's within the budget of the mission. What do you do with your catch? how do you handle protecting Maureen in the night?
Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 161d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Temero waits for a proper time to strike, when the target is alone and away from any crowd, and then releases the sleeping gas. The guy starts coughing, clearly affected by the gas. You win initiative, a quick finish would help to avoid drawing much attention. (If somebody else wants to help Temero (a) If you don't want to Maureen or Eben to notice your absence you would need stealth or bluff roll, (b) To melee the guy wou would need to enter the gas cloud, risking its effects)
The female from the train crew notices you are around and seems to get scared. She retreats. The civilian male is unaware of you, and when the group moves, he follows them. Sense motive DC 13:
The guy seems quite anxious and uneasy with the situation. There is something that he clearly does not like, as if this was not what he was expecting @ The group Eben shyly hesitates but accepts to accompany you. There is not much to see in that frontier town beside the festival you were in. But there was an interesting new machine that catches Maureen attention. It is like a small cart. The owner says that the small machine creates in its interior a small connection to the colder regions of the elemental plane of air and sweet essences from Elysium. The end result is some kind of cream made of flavored ice. Maureen loves it and forecasts that this invention will be a complete success capital. Anyways, you were followed around all the time. Nightfall approaches, and you are all getting tired (Except Temero I think). You can go on the train to sleep and find more comfortable and ample bedrooms within the town. Maureen would prefer to spend some money and get a more comfortable place to sleep, of course. What do you choose? and do you do something about the guy that is following you.
uhm, good question. First, lest's point out that Draikar is a LN society, and civilians have the right to complain in a court of law if you treat them unlawfully. On the other hand, let's say that the criteria for a lawful search is that you have reasonable cause to believe that the person involved was, is, or is going to be involved in illegal behavior.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 You manage to move around and take a good look at the suspects. It is a civilian male and a young woman from the staff of the train. They are not together in the same place, but they both are definitely watching you even as they pretend they are not. Take into account that so far they have been just watching you, no weapon drawn nor anything like that.
William, you have a vague idea of who are the people that are watching you. If you want You can turn around and take a good look at them (so you can memorize their faces), though they will notice such an action. You could disguise your intentions with an opposed stealth or bluff roll, however, if you fail they will know that you know
Maureen blushes at Sir William remark Eben: I was accompanying a group on a diplomatic journey in Draikar. My mission is now over, and I have one free week, so what better use of the free time than going to the festival of the stone rose? Mezel or Perc or sense motive DC 20: A couple of individuals that were watching the competition seemed to be interested in your party. They seem to be circling around, pretending to be busy with other things but watching you. However, they tend to blend with the multitude, so confronting them directly might be hard.
Mezel, nothing stands out as overly suspicious at first sight. ______________________ Maureen looks disapprovingly at William, but she is pleased by Sylas performance. Prize: 20 bullets. You can choose between flaming, shock, corrosive first, seeking, and limning. These bullets do not give the +1 to attack and damage. That is a house rule for ammunition in case you are interested. You can enchant ammo without the first +1. The foreign soldier's turn is next. "faith makes a great equalizer" eh? those are the kind of words that my father likes to say. He then tries his luck shot1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
He performs slightly better than Sylans, provoking some cheering from the female public and some disapproving groans from the local soldiers. Still, the 3rd target proves to be too difficult. (At the cheering, Mezel can tell that the soldier doesn't seem to be used to that much female approval, as he blushes quite a bit) Maureen:aaawww, what a shame, he was so close - she says to herself, and then shouts Good shots!. The foreign soldier seems somewhat embarrassed, not sure what to do, but in the end, decides to approach you. He salutes Maureen first - Good evening M'lady - he then turns to you - Gentlemen, I think you will give a better use to these bullets - He offers to you the prize he just won - after all, you are the ones protecting the train, and while I'm in these land I'm not allowed to carry any weapon
The train stops in what is half a town, half a fort. The Engineers will start working, and the train should resume the journey at sunrise. Evans: Gentleman, I'll go to inform the captain of the garrison about the presence of creatures from the Darklands, and I shall tell him about the flying things that were following the train early on. Also, I'll send a telegraph to the capital to report the situation. - She leaves Maureen to your care. It is a nice evening with a pleasant climate. Most of the passengers take the opportunity to leave the train in search of amusement, as it happens that there is a small fair in town. The streets are full of military personnel, some in their duty as watchmen, some enjoying their off-duty time. Maureen is happy to take some fresh air after the incident with the bats and decides to wander around the fair. Se eats some desserts, watches some jesters do their show, and plays some games. She is then suddenly interested in watching a shooting competition, and you soon realize the reason. The foreign soldier is going to participate, and she is going to have the opportunity to cheer him from a distance. In case you are interested Shooting game: There is a 20 gp fee to participate. You have three shots, AC 12, 16, and 20, in that order. If you hit 2 targets you win some magical ammo. If you hit all the targets you get some strong magical ammo. All the shots are to be made with a simple non magical, non masterwork gun.
Sir William Brotsun wrote:
Evans:For sure, look here -she points to the most expensive one I've heard the heavenly essence is made from grapes cultivated in mount Celestia itself...We are on duty, though. __________________ To evade Sylas fiery ray, the bat is forced to move directly into Temeros blade. The android cuts deep into the creature's chest, which immediately falls and it's crushed by the train wheels. The attack ends as the remaining bats either die by crashing against the train or simply disperse. As suggested by William, the bodies of the bats are burned. The injured are healed, the foreign soldier helps with that. The train suffered some damage, but there were no casualties. Evans:Well done, this could have ended way worse. Back to business, the engineers report some damage in the bodywork, a machine gun was damaged and it's not functional, and the engines have to be cleansed from bat corpses. They recommend a night stop in the next town, there is no other settlement before Dol Thurim.
big bat ref: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 - Success.
Beaten and burned, but far from dead, the Large bat faces its attackers. 1 temero 2 mezel: 1d2 ⇒ 2
But fails to overcome Mezel's metallic defenses.
Sir William Brotsun wrote:
It depends. Using a machine gun would allow the swarm to attack the gunner, if the gunner dies and the door that leads to the machine gun is not closed then the swarm can enter the train. It is something like the following image, but with a little more protection to ranged attack - William Evans nods and proceeds to cover the corpse with a blanket. She then instructs the passenger to stay away from it.
Realizing she can stop you, Maureen grudgingly accepts to let you go. William and L.t Evans stay to protect Maureen from any surprise. - William The order inside the VIP wagon is restored by the crew and by the few passengers that don't despise manual labor. Evans examines the dead man-sized bat, pocking it with her saber.
Kn Arcane DC 15:
It is indeed a creature tainted by the pits of the Darklands.The best thing to do is incinerate the body to stop the spread of any corruption to other natural creatures. The young-looking foreign soldier (age around 18 or 19) makes a prayer and releases an aura that heals all the small bits and cuts in the passengers. Earning short applause from the crowd. Maureen:did you see that? how cool... - She says while fangirling. The reports from the outside are good, but then you hear a loud and piercing Shriek coming from somewhere in the front of the train. - Mezel, Sylas, and Temero You advance through the wagons, helping the crew to cleanse them from the regular-sized bats and to shut all doors. You reach the last wagon before the locomotive when you are surprised by the sound of a heavy load hitting the ceiling. The sound comes from a large creature, as you can then hear its steps toward the locomotive, just before a loud and piercing Shriek that make you cover your ears with your hands to not get deaf Will save, DC 15 or be shaken for
From the windows, you can see that is a Large bat that is trying to enter the locomotive. From now the iron doors of the locomotive are resisting the pounding. The bat is surrounded by a swarm of regular sized bats. You have some time to plan and buff yourselves if you want, the doors of the locomotive will resist several rounds.
Wagon - large bat on the outside -Locomotive You can open the door of your wagon to shoot or melee the creature but that would give the chance to the swarm to enter the wagon. Each wagon of the train can deploy a machine gun on the top (11/+6 (2d8+6/×3)). The locomotive has a light cannon (+12 (4d8+10/×3)), but the locomotive cannon is outside your reach
That last bullet from William blows the bat's brains out. You then have no problem clearing the VIP wagon. Some passengers have some scratches here and there, but nothing serious. More bats clash themselves against the window (and die), but it doesn't seem to be any risk of intrusion as the reinforced glass resists well those hits. At this point, you can secure yourselves and the vips by locking the doors of the VIP wagon, or you can try to go to the other wagons to see if anybody needs help.
That's one hit from William. With the window closed the only real danger is the man-sized bat. Lieutenant Evans nods to you in agreement with your tactical choices, she then proceeds to utter commands to move them out of danger and to how to better deal with the normal-sized bats. That's inspire courage to all of you. +1 to the rolls. So, Temero, Willian, and Sylas preferred to maintain the distance with the Bat, the only one in melee range is Mezel. Bite vs Mezel: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 171d8 + 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (8) + (3) + 6 = 17 - That's a hit. While the bat is biting his mechanical arm, Mezel can clearly see in the eyes of the bat that you are dealing with an unnatural and evil creature. Maureen screams and hides behind her seat, though for now there is nothing that threatens her.
I'll suppose that Temero agrees with the rest of the party. A couple of hours pass and the flying creature can still be seen from time to time in the distance following the train path. Other than that, everything is normal for a couple of hours. Mezel can complete the modification to his suit without interruptions and Sylas can entertain Miss Maureen. In the VIP wagon, the posh people talk about politics and other gossips. In the regular wagons, most people are minding their own business in silence, or chatting a little with nearby passengers. The next following happens when the train leaves the open country and enters a sparse little forest. The calmness is interrupted by unpleasant shrieks, immediately accompanied by the sound of flapping wings. A black cloud of hundreds of wings and fangs lashes on the train. In the VIP wagon, people had time to close most of the open windows and other entrances, and you can see how dozens of enraged bats crash themselves against the reinforced glass of the windows, dying from the collision. One window is the exception, as an evil-looking big bat (medium-sized in game terms) can force its way inside the wagon before the window was closed. Besides the natural confusion and natural fear of being attacked, you all are affected by an unnatural angst Awful Presence:
Every non-evil creature within
30 ft. of an unholy creature automatically takes a –1 penalty on all attack rolls, checks, and saves. Awful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect. =============== I don't want to draw the situation so, to summarize - The VIP wagon is about 60 ft long and around 15 ft wide. There is (more or less) a 5 ft passageway in the middle of the wagon where you can move normally, otherwise you would be moving/jumping on the passenger chairs (difficult terrain)- - Mezel, William, and Temero are 15 feet away from the bigger bat. And Sylas and Maureen are about 30 ft away. - Regular-sized bat can bite, but they are no real danger for the passengers, for now at least. But if the window stays open for too much time you could face a bat swarm or other medium-sized bats. - The big bat is right next to the open window. Closing the window is a move action that provokes. And it has soft cover from the nearby passenger seats. - Area effects would most likely affect some passengers. Your turn.
For everyone - You have the option to stop the strain at any moment if you think there is a valid reason for that. Though it is not something to be taken too lightly as the train have its schedule and the passenger want to be on time for the festival of the stone rose. With the train stopped or in motion, I can think of three paths - You wait to see if something happens
Sylas Among all the old and boring people in the VIP wagon, there is an "apparently" young man that catches Maureen's attention. It is good looking a swarthy man with blonde hair dressed in a foreign parade uniform. The gray and red colors of the uniform reveal his affiliations, it is from an ally city-state. But an ally can be a fleeting thing Kn Local DC 13:
While other members of the council (see the campaign info) were more vocal about Draikar (your city state) abandoning its colonies overseas, it is rumored that this guy city state was the real puppeteer behind the curtain. Or if you roll higher Kn Local DC 20:
While other members of the council (see the campaign info) were more vocal about Draikar (your city-state) abandoning its colonies overseas, it is rumored that this guy city-state was the real puppeteer behind the curtain.
The above information is true, you heard it from a very reliable source. In any case, you succeed in maintaining Maureen entertained for a while.
To clarify the situation, and to somewhat answer Mezel question, the train is currently on open country land and it will remain so for several hours at least. Any ambush in such terrain is unlikely since you could spot it from a mile away. ======================= Lt Evans:It seems the creature is only following us for now...Unless it is able to survive a rain of bullets, the chance of a frontal attack against the train is small. Though, things can change once we approach the mountains. ======================= Sylas diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
So far as Mezel is aware, nobody else enters the VIP wagon, though not for the lack of trying, there is always the random dude that gets lost or the random Karen that thinks she is more important than she actually is. However, no treats are detected by that 13 and 9. Your interaction with the populace does reveal sightings of flying creatures in the horizon. Per DC 15:
It is true. Furthermore, they seem to be following the train. They are very far away to give details unless you have a way to amplify images or roll really high ================= In any case. Inside the VIP wagon, Maureen stoically endures boredom like for five minutes, and then...(I think it fair to give a chance to Sylas and William to entertain here before she does something).
Sylas Grant wrote:
Yeah, sure -"old people makes me cringe" - she thought ===========I assume that you follow Sylas' plan since nobody argue against it. So, Mezel and Tremero wait at the entrances while Sylas and Sir William follow miss Maureen more closely. The regular Wagons are full of merchants, Svirfneblins returning home to visit family, and lost tourists from the working class. When the coal is ignited in the engines, and the train starts moving, you can hear the cheers from these simple people, some of them still marveled by the progress of the era of steam. The VIP wagon is much less vibrant since only posh people (and some bodyguards) are there. A haughty politician here, a retired general that snores a lot there, etc. Miss Maureen was initially quite excited, but with the passing hours, she became bored, the bane of the rich people.
Temero Venorum wrote:
Evans:No, there is no known specific threat. However, as you can imagine, - she says pointing to the newspaper - the chancellor is not the most popular person at the moment, so the chance that somebody tries to do something stupid is non-zero. Colonel:Random bandits and denizens from the darklands, are always a possibility, though, however unlikely. ======================== The next morning in the train station. The chancellor, while a quite important figure, is still not royalty, so no personal train for her or her family. In any case, there is a wagon for VIP, so You are a little away from the bustle and chaos of the large numbers of people rushing about, bumping into one another. You don't have to wait much for your protegee, she, Evans, and the chancellor arrive at the platform. Evans: Gentlemen, the chancellor Abigail Glazebrook and her daughter, miss Maureen The chancellor friendly greets you one by one, by name, though she seems a little more cautious and out of character with Tremero. She entrusts her daughter to you and leaves as political business await her. In general terms the chancellor is well-spoken and very likable in person. Maureen is a fifteen years old spoiled brat, *ahem*, I mean, a fifteen years old well-educated lass. As a teenager in her first trip outside the city, she most definitely will not sit still and quiet. How do you want to approach the bodyguard thing?
Storm Dragon wrote: You said guns are simple, but which ones are available (Simple, Advanced, etc.)? And do they still reload super slowly? Quite frankly, I don't remember much of the official rules for guns beyond that they target touch AC- I'm open to suggestions of house rules and the like, but so far I think Simple guns and slow reload. I do plan to cover the slow reload weakness with special ammo that make the few shots worth it.
When you enter the room you can see The Colonel sitting, reading the newspaper. He stands up and salutes you, and then returns to the newspaper. Can you believe this? our last colony in the continent is to be abandoned next month, We are returning the land to those uncivilized savages. The council be dammed for forcing us... The colonel's speech is interrupted by some knocking on the door. A woman in her late twenties or early thirties and with a very formal demeanor enters the room. Perhaps you already know Lieutenant Evans- The colonel says as she salutes you - She will be the commanding officer of your unit for this mission. Evans: As you know, every four or so years the Svirfneblin of Dol Thurim celebrate the festival of the stone rose. This year some members of our high class, including the daughter of the chancellor are going to the festival, and we have been entrusted with her safety. She draws a map that you already know by heart if you have some points in Knowledge local and proceeds to show you the railway line from Draikar to Dol Thurim. The journey will take two and half days. The actual distance is not that large, but the train has to take a long detour in order to avoid a big lake and some mountains. The actual distance can be traveled in less than a day on an airship but Dol Thurim in an underground city in a mountainous location, it is only connected by the railway. The colonel: . We have some reports of unusual movements in the darklands and that made uneasy some people in high positions, so the chancellor insisted for tighter security on their behalf...ah, that woman, so easy to bend to other people's demands, if it weren't for her we were not abandoning our colonies overseas... Liutenant Evans *coughs* a little to stop the political ramblings of the colonel Anyways, don't worry, the sons and daughters of politicians are always an annoyance, but it is a routine trip, nothing to worry about, almost a paid vacation for you. Evans will explain your assignments to you In principle, Evans Should tell you what strategy you will use to be a bodyguard, but I better let those details to you to decide.
- 3rd level, 20 PB, two traits, automatic bonus to AC and saves (but not to weapons, armor, or skills), standard WBL.
- I give a minimum of 4+int skill points per level for all non int full casters. - The ride skill also works with any type of machine you might encounter (motorcycles, jet packs, etc). - There are no gods. Divine power is fueled by demigods
Amsaraph, Steward of the Skein wrote: "What were these breakthroughs that you began to unravel before the Divs arrived?" That's truly forbidden knowledge, so they don't want to know and even if they wanted to know it is outside their reach, only recorded in the engravings in the tunnels of the destroyed city. EDIT: The breakthroughs were made in ancient times, and they believe the acquisition of that knowledge is what caused the destruction of their ancient kingdoms.
An old Ratfolk clear his clears his throat, visible nervous by the divine presences in the room, and then answer Aye, the downfall of the old rash'azham kingdoms is a tale every ratfolk knows well, since it teach the dangers of ambition for knowledge. The exact nature of the knowledge our ruined forefathers is forbidden to even us, it is not recorded in these tunnels but in the tunnels of the ancient city, a place no sane ratfolk wanders. - He paused for a moment, almost afraid of the tale he is about to narrate an then continues In any case, what is forbidden for mere mortals is available for divine beings...the tale begins with... The tale has the basic morale of "be aware of the dangers of uncontrolled ambitions", but beyond that you can catch the hidden meaning behind the ratfolk words (meaning that scape them since they don't have the context). In the tale the word "gods" is everywhere, but you notice he is not talking about the actual pantheon, basically every powerful extraplanar (like yourselves) enters in the "gods" category. The ratfolk of old were highly interested in the origin and nature of the "god", the good ones and the evil ones alike. They were warned by a winged emissary of abandoning this path but they persisted. Things started to ill when they made breakthroughs about the nature of the very birthplace of some of the evil "gods". The evil "gods" birthplace is what they call the "evil itself". They looked too much into the abyss until the abyss* itself started back. *They use abyss metaphorically, but what a coincidence, it's the correct term. More details might be found engraved in the old city tunnels, but that place is like a mini-abyss, so they don't go there. He then hesitantly says Are...are the new events a punishment? We tried to live a peaceful life, did we make something wrong? something unforgivable?