August 2014 New Release Shipment thread

Customer Service

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Year before last I was near the back of the queue for Gencon month shipping. Last year I got mine pretty quickly. This year I seem to be towards the back again, since I'm still waiting. Just luck of the draw I think.

Scarab Sages


I know you are all still enjoying the splendor of GenCon, but I thought I would put my issue here and wait for your return.

Sadly we have not received our August subscription yet. Something that made missing GenCon this year all the more bittersweet. However that is not what I am writing about.

Looking at my Subscriptions I noticed that I have the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, coming in both August as well as September. Can you please correct this as I would like the base set in my "August" shipment.

I just don't want to lose any of the promos and what not. :)

Also, is there anyway to change my name in the system? It says I am posting as my maiden name and I have been married for some time now. :) If not no big deal.

Heather Kalafut

Question... Why is my subscription page showing that on Sept. 4 there will be an authorization for Skull and Shackles Base Set and Add-On Deck when that is currently pending for August? Will I be double charged?

Whoops, I created a thread and then I saw this one.

In my order history it says my PACG Skull and Shackles subscription shipped on 8/7, but when I track it via UPS it says they haven't yet received it. Should I be concerned, or has it actually not shipped yet?


Heather Goodman wrote:


I know you are all still enjoying the splendor of GenCon, but I thought I would put my issue here and wait for your return.

Sadly we have not received our August subscription yet. Something that made missing GenCon this year all the more bittersweet. However that is not what I am writing about.

Looking at my Subscriptions I noticed that I have the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Base Set, coming in both August as well as September. Can you please correct this as I would like the base set in my "August" shipment.

I just don't want to lose any of the promos and what not. :)

Also, is there anyway to change my name in the system? It says I am posting as my maiden name and I have been married for some time now. :) If not no big deal.

Heather Kalafut

Mine now says september as well, and I'm now missing the promo cards. :-(

Customer Service did say earlier that you are better off to create a separate thread specific to your concern to reduce the chance that it gets lost here with the other comments.

The list of upcoming subscriptions always gets confused when subscriptions are processing. If your August sub is still "pending" then the list of upcoming subscriptions is rarely worth the pixels its written in.

I'd only be concerned if your subscription shipment has actually shipped and there's still a duplicate item showing up in next month's subscription shipment.

Heya folks - I was just wondering if there was any update as to when the shipping confirmation orders will be coming to those of us who are still waiting for them?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Estimated shipping completion is the 22nd, as per the first post in this thread. So hopefully within the next five days.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

There have been a lot of people asking about the Base Set showing up as a duplicate item in September. This is just a display bug. And part of why the top of the My Subscriptions page currently reads:

"Example subscription shipments are currently displaying inaccurate estimates.
We apologize for the inconvenience."

The system will not generate a duplicate subscription item of something that has already been added to an order, so you don't need to worry about it actually adding a 2nd copy of the Base Set in September. If, for some reason, one does get added when your September subscription order gets generated (and you have an order number for it), please let us know as soon as possible, so we can fix it. At this time, however, we are not seeing any signs or indications on our side that a 2nd Base Set will get added to any orders.

I'm sorry the goblins in the system are being so confusing this month!

It is just that this product cycle has a lot of people watching that haven't in previous cycles, I think. Like me.

Thanks for the clarification (and thanks to Steve, too).

Order page wrote:

Not yet shipped

Waiting for backordered product(s)


HikariStarshine wrote:
Order page wrote:

Not yet shipped

Waiting for backordered product(s)

I'm getting the same thing on my order - hopefully just a display glitch..

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Both the Skull & Shackles base set and character add-on pack are now listed as in back order status.

I hope that is a mistake, or in the least they have enough for their subscribers.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Yeah, I'm also seeing "waiting for backordered product" on my subscription shipment. Can someone from Paizo chime in real quick and let us know if our shipments are actually being delayed by the S&S base set, so that if we want to we can change it to "ship as fast as possible" if we prefer to get our books sooner?

Looks like Paizo screwed up August once again, I'm showing no skull and shackles until September, even though it was pre-authorized, seems like Paizo may have taken most of the product to Gen-Con, sold out without holding enough back for subscribers

If I seem a bit trite above, it is because my August subscriptions have always shipped on the expected last day (or later) of shipping, which means I get the August stuff shipping about a week before the September stuff

Scarab Sages

Yes, my August PACG stuff has been all over the place as well with pretty much nothing shipping. I got the Skulls and Shackles character play mats, class decks got moved from sidecart to order back to sidecart, Skulls and Shackles subscription stuff to order back to hold and now showing late September like the class decks. Been a fun ride...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

I've also noticed the "backorder" and "sidecard" glitches and posted about it here.

It was as much as confirmed that this is a display glitch.

Additional information since then: I've noticed that it changes over time: I've seen the order info with (in my case) the add-on deck in backorder and placed in my sidecard on one day. On a later date, suddenly, everything seems fine, no backorder notification and no sidecard. And even later, the backorder notification and sidecard are back. It's been ping-ponging about a bit for a week now.

My own estimation would be that there is no actual delay and that this glitch will be gone once the order gets processed and shipped. It would help getting an official statement on that, though :)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Yerdiss wrote:
It was as much as confirmed that this is a display glitch.

It's been posted on the Subscriptions page since late July that there was a display glitch. Customer Service has pointed it out a few times in different threads, as well.

I know they are working to get things out and get them right - I'm seeing the shuffles in my orders, too - but I've finally realized that when they estimated a ship date of August 22, they meant it. Anything earlier should be a pleasant surprise. I have enough different elements in my order that it apparently ratcheted up the complexity.

Now, if only I didn't have to see all the angst about the ACG without being able to see the book for myself...

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Pixie Rogue wrote:
Yerdiss wrote:
It was as much as confirmed that this is a display glitch.

It's been posted on the Subscriptions page since late July that there was a display glitch. Customer Service has pointed it out a few times in different threads, as well.

I know they are working to get things out and get them right - I'm seeing the shuffles in my orders, too - but I've finally realized that when they estimated a ship date of August 22, they meant it. Anything earlier should be a pleasant surprise. I have enough different elements in my order that it apparently ratcheted up the complexity.

Now, if only I didn't have to see all the angst about the ACG without being able to see the book for myself...

Ignore all the angst... the book is awesome. I was lucky enough to have someone lend me a copy to look through until my sub gets to me. Holy crap awesome. Seriously.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I have noticed that several of the loudest critics have moderated their complaints now that they have had the books in hand longer. They may still not be happy with specific things - that happens in any product - but even they are admitting that there are good things.

I'm not one that gets into the arguments, in general, but I like to be able to look at my book to see if I agree with their interpretation.

What happened to August's comic (city of secrets 4)?

Scarab Sages

Yerdiss wrote:
My own estimation would be that there is no actual delay and that this glitch will be gone once the order gets processed and shipped. It would help getting an official statement on that, though :)

This is what I have been going with in my head. Staying positive and stuff.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"The optimist thinks that the glass is half full. The pessimist thinks that the glass is half empty. I think that the glass is too damn big!" -- George Carlin

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Usually I don't like to complain, and I know GenCon probably had Paizo short-handed but this month's subscriptions really aren't well-handled. It's now a week after the new products have gone on sale at GenCon, ten days after Paizio started to be make the PDFs available to subscribers, and today my FLGS here IN GERMANY is starting to sell the physical products, and I, as a "Paizo Charter Superscriber", still don't even have access to the PDFs.

This is especially annoying, because I'd really have liked to be able to participate in early discussions, now when I finally get access to the Advanced Class Guide, for example, I'll have thousands of posts to check before I go to post anything.

And it's not even the first time this year that the shipment timing was as unfortunate as this.


leo1925 wrote:
What happened to August's comic (city of secrets 4)?

Dynamite's website is now listing CoS#4 as "In Stock". When I checked yesterday it was "Coming Soon", so that's a step in the right direction.

In my experience Dynamite's publishing dates have a tendency to slip from time to time.


Dark Archive

Is it possible to get an update on the shipping status of subscription orders? As well as any unforeseen delays/ issues. Thank you for your time.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Well, mine is still pending. I'm counting on it shipping on time - tomorrow's the day!

the Haunted Jester wrote:
Is it possible to get an update on the shipping status of subscription orders? As well as any unforeseen delays/ issues. Thank you for your time.

This is the reply I got earlier today:

customer service wrote:
I'm working on an email and tech is working on some code which should be tested and ready tomorrow to address an issue that came up with card game subscription shipments for August. My hope is that this is all ready to go by tomorrow, possibly Monday at the latest.

So fingers crossed.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
jones314 wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Is it possible to get an update on the shipping status of subscription orders? As well as any unforeseen delays/ issues. Thank you for your time.

This is the reply I got earlier today:

customer service wrote:
I'm working on an email and tech is working on some code which should be tested and ready tomorrow to address an issue that came up with card game subscription shipments for August. My hope is that this is all ready to go by tomorrow, possibly Monday at the latest.
So fingers crossed.

That doesn't sound very encouraging. Really hoping to see PDFs released by the original target. I'm really regretting my card game sub this month.

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Anaro wrote:
jones314 wrote:
the Haunted Jester wrote:
Is it possible to get an update on the shipping status of subscription orders? As well as any unforeseen delays/ issues. Thank you for your time.

This is the reply I got earlier today:

customer service wrote:
I'm working on an email and tech is working on some code which should be tested and ready tomorrow to address an issue that came up with card game subscription shipments for August. My hope is that this is all ready to go by tomorrow, possibly Monday at the latest.
So fingers crossed.
That doesn't sound very encouraging. Really hoping to see PDFs released by the original target. I'm really regretting my card game sub this month.

Me too, mate, me too. If I had have known that adding the card game subscription would have caused this much of a problem, I wouldn't have bothered with it.

I understand that the shipping target is the expected date, and getting a confirmation any time before that is just a bonus, but with now a day to go before the Expected shipping date is due to pass, and very little communication about issues that have come up to cause these delays, I'm not feeling very encouraged at the moment. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this is genuinely the first time I've felt rather disappointed as a subscriber since I started.

Yes, I know that GenCon was this month, but honestly it's not like the issues that come up due to GenCon are new, nor were they unexpected given the fact that the subscription spawn dates were all moved to much earlier to allow extra time as advised in the very first post of this thread.

I think the issue mentioned above may be that some card game subscribers were charged and got shipping emails, even though it wasn't shipping yet. Some people have reported that. See the comment in context here.

So, it isn't necessarily some foreboding thing that will make it miss the deadline.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

No, it's more that the people that appear to be cooling their heels here waiting for their other subscriptions are the ones that also have the card game subscription.

Folks that did not have the card game subscription, in some cases, had their PDFs on the fourth. I think it's safe to say the card game has been the monkey wrench in the gears this month. And this is only the second time they have ever had this particular product - a base set for the card game - and it's a complex one, so I can understand.

But I think next time a base set comes around, if I'm still subscribing, I may have them ship it separately. Or I will forget again and be here anxiously waiting for my books again.

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You know what product did arrive on time? My DnD Next stuff. Guess instead of starting a new Pathfinder Adventure Card game campaign tonight, my gaming group is going to be gearing up to fight Tiamat.

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Pixie Rogue wrote:

No, it's more that the people that appear to be cooling their heels here waiting for their other subscriptions are the ones that also have the card game subscription.

Folks that did not have the card game subscription, in some cases, had their PDFs on the fourth. I think it's safe to say the card game has been the monkey wrench in the gears this month. And this is only the second time they have ever had this particular product - a base set for the card game - and it's a complex one, so I can understand.

But I think next time a base set comes around, if I'm still subscribing, I may have them ship it separately. Or I will forget again and be here anxiously waiting for my books again.

I don't have any of the card game items in my subscription and my order still hasn't shipped.

Everything in my order is listed as in stock on the site, too.

To be honest, I'm starting to wonder if there's an issue with my order. I hadn't wanted to post because I realize the Paizo staff was very busy with Gencon, but even if my order shipped today I wouldn't get anything in it until 2 weeks past the time I could have simply gone to my FLGS to pick everything up in person. It's a little frustrating.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I have no FLGS without several hours of windshield time. There is a LGS - sort of - but for what they charge and the hassle they have given me in the past for asking about product, the F they get is not for "Friendly".

I'm not complaining - I'm must happier with a subscription and I know they are working their way through a new and complex system. Sorry if it sounds like I'm being negative.

As for DND Next, if they had delivered on time, I wouldn't be waiting for a Pathfinder subscription today. :P

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know it's early on Friday, but has anyone in the "ACG still pending" situation received their shipping email yet? In my case, I'm just wondering if I'll have my PDFs released for this weekend's gaming. Still hopeful. I'll try to remember to post here if I get my downloads, just so we'll know the flow has started. : )

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I will try to do the same. Nothing yet, though.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I will do the same. I have a feeling when the flow does start, it'll be heavy.

*smirks at his own terrible joke*

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Pixie Rogue wrote:

No, it's more that the people that appear to be cooling their heels here waiting for their other subscriptions are the ones that also have the card game subscription.

Folks that did not have the card game subscription, in some cases, had their PDFs on the fourth. I think it's safe to say the card game has been the monkey wrench in the gears this month. And this is only the second time they have ever had this particular product - a base set for the card game - and it's a complex one, so I can understand.

But I think next time a base set comes around, if I'm still subscribing, I may have them ship it separately. Or I will forget again and be here anxiously waiting for my books again.

Agree on all points. I remember last year the shipping around the ACG seemed to be slow, but I was also a relatively new subscriber so I didn't have anything to compare it to.

Thinking about it logistically, it also seems like it's a rather complicated pick and pack -- from the way they have to handle the promo cards to the non-standard box sizes they have to use. So I get it.

I do know that I was on the fence about remaining a subscriber for the ACG for S&S, but decided I was interested enough in seeing how the organized play aspect was going to work to continue. If I'm similarly on the fence about WotR when it comes out, I'm likely to cancel based entirely on the way it seems to have affected my overall order.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also waiting. On the plus side, I've gotten to read through the PHB for 5E. And I'm now going through the new Firefly RPG book (which seems rather interesting). I'll post here as well if I get any sort of shipping notification / access to my pdfs.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Nothing yet. And no D&D book either. I got "The Strange", though, yesterday.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just got off work and see no positive responses. Almost ready to bag it, and start reading that other player's handbook. Nah, not quite that desperate. : )

Another hour of business here on the west coast. Krusty is coming...Krusty is coming...


So it's safe to assume that it's not happening today?

The Exchange

Mostly at this point I am curious why someone won't just step up and say what is actually going on. It is pretty obvious that there is a problem, as every other issue anyone has posted about on these forums has always been followed by a clear and timely response.

I count myself as a Paizo faithful, but I am really starting to expect some honesty on the part of Paizo to offset the frustration of seeing dozens of posts simply asking to know what is happening here. I appreciate that things happen, but leaving this many people in the dark is irresponsible.

I will still play the game, will still love it, will still get everyone I know to try it, but this is not OK.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ok, so it is the 22nd, and no shipment, would be nice if we heard something like everyone else is saying.

Paizo Employee Quality Assurance Axiomite

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Greetings again Everyone,

Its likely that you know how crazy this month has been for us. When we were setting up this months subscription shipments we were confident that we would be able to have both the Skull & Shackles Base Set and Character Add-On Deck shipped out within our originally estimated fulfillment times. As you may have seen in our previous blog relating to the Character Class Decks the card game suffered a number of manufacturing issues that slowed down our originally planned release dates. While we pushed back to release dates on the Character Class Decks we still expected that we'd have the Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck ready for shipment without delaying this months subscriptions.

As the estimated fulfillment date drew closer we still had confidence that the Character Add-On Deck would be ready to fulfill subscribers orders, but, as of today the 22nd, its clear we misgauged our ability to do so.

At this time customer service is moving subscriber copies of the Character Add-On Deck and preexisting promotional cards to ship with September subscription shipments, ensuring Base Sets aren't delayed any further. We were able to ship out a fair number of them today, and expect to have any remaining orders containing the Base Set in the mail early next week. We've considered a few different options, and this is the best one available for ensuring you receive your products as soon as possible.

You have our apologies that we let this occur. We let our optimism cloud our judgement when we should have taken action on this sooner. Many of you have been excitedly waiting for your August items, and we should have them processed and shipped as soon as possible. We should be sending out an official email to everyone effected by this in the near future, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Character Add-On Decks and promo cards should now be shipping in September shipment, and we'll make sure that everyone receives everything they should. At this time we don't want to cause any further disappointment or delays with your shipments. If you received a confirmation email for your subscription earlier this month stating that your shipment should leave our warehouse by the 22nd your S&S Base Set left the warehouse today. We should have the Character Add-On Deck shipping in September with the promo cards, and you will not be charged again for them.

If you feel that this could have been handled better we completely agree. This has been an ongoing learning experience for us as a collective team, and we hope to put the wisdom we've gained to use next time something like this pops up.

- Erik Keith

Dark Archive

Well, thanks Erik, as much as I am disappointed and a little angry I am glad you came on and finally told us what was happening.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

And there it is.

I agree I wish you did handle it better.

In the future if there is something that you do not have by the time shipment starts i am sure most of us would appreciate notice right away so we can decide ourselfs if we wish to wait or to get pushed what is available.

If I had known weeks ago that you did not have the addon I would have requested it get moved to September myself so I can get what I want is the rest of my shipment. You should have left it up to us to make that decision not wait until the last day to finally tell us.

This has been poorly handled, though luckily it is not something that I have seen in the past.

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