Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hi there, On July 2019, I subscribed to the Pathfinder Society subscription (order 5083345 at the time). Now that Season one is complete, I was about to download the S1 scenarios. However, I noticed that the first seventeen scenarios have not been added to my account. I think something might have gone wrong? May I ask you to look into what happened and if it is indeed so that I was eligable for the missing scenarios, could you add these to my digital downloads, please? Much obliged! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Diego Valdez wrote:
Hi Diego, thanks for that, it is much appreciated! I'm looking forward to these AP's already :) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Diego Valdez wrote:
Hi Diego, Thanks for looking into this! I take it we missed the August shipment then? In that case, I’d prefer them to be added to the sidecart for September, should be fine :) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() (I posted this a minute ago, but it did not show up in the forum list. Repeating the post. If I see the first appearing after a delay, I'll try to clean that up) Hi there, tl;dr: The order with Adventure Paths #144 and #145 never spawned. Can you manually jump-start that and maybe add it to the order that's scheduled for shipping this Wednesday? And some more context, in case it helps: I saw the August order spawned with AP #146. However, the last AP I got from my subscription is AP #143. So I reckon that in between, there should've been an order spawn with AP #144 and #145 that went wrong. According to my order history, the order containing AP #143 is "5083345". The order containing AP #146 is "7982448". Indeed, there's no order with the missing APs in the list. I received no e-mail for a spawn with those two adventures, not for its shipping. It's not listed in the upcoming subscription orders, nor does it seem to be on backorder as far as I could tell. When checking the products' pages, I'd expect spanwed orders to show the PDF is in my downloads, but for #144 and #145, they are not. My best guess is that the associated order just never spawned in the first place. I can't easily check if it's been charged for without manually calculating the sum amount for each order, but I suspect its not been billed either, as that's ususally done as part of the order spawn. I'd be obliged if you could spawn the order with AP #144 and #145 for me. And if it's possible to add those items to the shipment of order "7982448", scheduled to ship next Wednesday, that would be awesome! I checked my other subscriptions and as far as I was able to tell, the rest is fine. Though I wouldn't mind if you do a quick double-check on that. Thanks! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hi, I registered for several pathfinder subscriptions, among which the one for Adventure Paths. I wished to start with "#145: Hellknight Hill", but in the cart it kept resetting the choice to "#143: Borne by the Sun's Grace". The other subscriptions remembered my choice correctly, it was only the Adventure Path one that proved difficult. So I ordered it with starting product 143. While not planned, it's fine. I'll order Tyrant's Grasp 1-4 at a later time and I'll have that AP on my shelf for when we get around to run it. But I still wanted to let you know of the odd behavior of the subscription order in the shopping cart, because there may be something technical that needs fixing. Have a nice day! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() The level 20 capstone ability is phrased as follows: Occult Adventures wrote: At 20th level, while a spiritualist's phantom is confined in her consciousness, she is immune to mind-affecting effects and spells and effects that involve possession, such as magic jar and possession.I read this as being immune to:
However, grammatically this is ambiguous, and I've read other people interpreting this as if the immunity to mind-affecting effects is also limited to those involving possession. For now, I'm comfortable with my interpretation. But seeing people are reading it in a more restrictive manner, I'm putting it out here. I do wonder if there's insights on the forums on what people feel would be the better interpretation, and why. And maybe a pointer to what the RAI is. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello Diego, Order 4557650 has arrived yesterday, so that's good. The difference in price is substantial, which may still be worth it if these things keep getting lost. Seeing the latest one got through, I think I'll leave it at the default for now. Especially since switching won't give insight in where things went wrong, since the route of delivery will be different. Thanks! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Diego Valdez wrote: I have set up replacements for you which should be on their way with the next subscription order. Thank you, Diego. Is there a way to enable either tracking or sign-on-delivery? Or any other method you know that would enable us to identify where things are going awry? Two lost in succession and issues with one delivery before that is a bit too much going wrong for it to sit comfortably with me. At the very least, I'd like to know which route it should have taken so that I can also contact the delivery services on my end if things go wrong a third time. *knocks on wood* ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello, I've got three orders that show as complete but that have not arrived yet. One of those is fairly recent, so that could be okay, but the others are long due. It concerns:
Is there anything you can do to check these order's shipping status? ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there, There's an order from Aug 17, 2017 still pending. It's order 4411596 and contains Starfinder Society scenario's. SFS 1-3 are in my downloads, as is SFS 5 which was part of a different order. But SFS 4 is not there, so I expect something's stuck in the system. Could you check this for me, please? Thank you! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Even though everyone (but the gods) probably forgot their names, I thought it's be easier for us to remember to use a little rhyme about some of our iconic Pathfinder heroes. So here goes: Amiri Covets Another Ale
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() If the expected shipping date of early september is stable, it's fine to leave them as one order. If there's a risk of more items going into backorder pushing the processing date back, I'll have to ponder the pro's and con's a bit. So I guess the question is: are all items that are in stock now, reserved for sidecard orders? ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello there, My pathfinder subscription books have been placed in the sidecart and are expected to ship early september. I don't see the Starfinder PDF downloads yet, so I wonder if those are only added once the order is processed for shipping? If so, I'd like to know if there is a way the PDF can be provided earlier? ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello Diego, That is helpful, indeed. Delivery on this end has always been handled by the same postal service, though they said they had no info in their system about this last delivery. Seeing that everything on your end is the same as with earlier deliveries, my current best guess would be, they did the delivery anyway. Thanks for taking the time to check this for me, it's much appreciated! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello Diego, Thanks for your reply :) Feel free to remove the replacement, since I was lucky and despite the mishandling, the deck was not damaged (against all odds! *knocks on wood*). Much obliged though! What I'm trying to do now, is avoid future problems. So I'm trying to figure out which post service messed up so badly, and put in a complaint there. But because I can't for the life of me figure out which service handled the delivery here in the Netherlands. I've called USPS and UPS Mail Innovations myself to check if they could give me information about which local post service they use. That was... a bad idea. I'll spare you the summary :) Suffice to say that trying to get through to their customer service via international phone calls is a no-go. Would it be possible for you to contact your postal service to check which local post service they partner with for delivery in the Netherlands? ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey, The postal service that delivered my PACG Magus Deck package, decided to just leave the package outside my door. (In a not all-that trustworthy neighbourhood, on a rainy day). I'm trying to find out which Dutch postal service is responsible for handling this package and I can't find out by info on the box. And since I never saw the delivery person, nor any accompanying note, I'm left with no clue who's responsible here. Can you check on your side of things who the package of this order has been trusted to? Because I really want this sorted out. I got lucky this time, that nobody stole the package while it was outside, nor that it was ruined by rain, or all the many cases where this could've gone wrong. If they do this when my Starfinder orders arrive, then yikes! Thanks ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello there, If I understand correctly, it's possible to have Startfinder AP #1 to be added to my subscription? It starts at #2 per default. I don't mind waiting with any AP items to ship later, due to availability. As long as it's complete eventually :) Soo, pretty please? Can any of you fine people have that subscription start at #1 for me? That'd be great ^_^ Should it be relevant, the order number where I got that subscription in, is 4411588. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() In case anyone else wondered. These assumptions have been confirmed in this thread. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey folks, I'll want to buy the pathfinder comics, specifically the hardcover volumes. Since I was not quite sure of which issues are covered in which volume, I decided to ask on the forums before ordering (link to old post). I might've used the wrong forum? There's been no reply in about a week. Maybe one of you could verify whether the following assumptions of issues per volume is correct? I'd feel uncomfortable ordering before I've checked my assumptions, so it would help a bunch! Cheers! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there, I've been checking out the pathfinder comics. There are volumes that collect individual issues, which have my preference. As such, I've been trying to figure out which individual issues are collected in which volumes. Most are pretty intuitive, but there's no listing and I'm slightly uncertain on one or two instances. So, I thought, let's post my current assumption and ask if they're correct. If I'd want them all, then these would cover it: Also, I assume that content-wise, the normal edition and Gencon 2013 edition of Goblins #1 are identical. If anyone who knows for sure could verify these assumptions, then I'll have peace of mind when I order a bucket-load of comics :) I'd be ever so grateful! (PS, it's also a bit of a guess in which subforum to post this :P I guess guessing's my theme of today.) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() First of, GREAT IDEA! Now, what I was pondering: AI is already used in the Pathfinder lore and Starfinder preview, of course, but I'm wondering how prominently this will be featured? Would an AI Player Character be feasible? Furthermore, themes like Cyberspace and Virtual Reality are very inspiring to me. It would be fun to see Starfinder enable campains that feature those. Cyberpunkish, techno-hacker, neuromancer-like stories. Do you think Starfinder will enable those too? Owen K. C. Stephens wrote: I'm actually far more interested in what YOU ALL are interested in as your favorite space-magic groove. There are sooo many sources of inspiration for me, when it comes to SciFi (and sci-fi-ish) settings. A few that come to mind, in alphabetical order:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there Katina, Thank you for your swift reply! Just to clarify: I wouldn't want any label information altered, which is what the first FAQ entry describes. That info should all be correct and in order. It's just that combining packages to save on shipping will actually cost me more in these cases, thus I'd prefer having different packages shipped apart from each other, rather than in a single shipment :) I'll manually check my orders and should there be a case where separation is preferable, I'll post a topic with a specific separation request; like I foresee will be the case with the July shipment of two Goblin's class decks for PACG (Which, completely off topic, I am SOOO giddy about already!) Anyway, thanks for your answer, now I know for sure I'm not overlooking a setting ^_^ Thanks!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello there! I've a question about combining products for shipment. Or rather, not combining them :) First, some context. I live in the Netherlands and there are customs rules here that are 'applied' by a postal service that handles the delivery from the border to my door. They can charge a fixed amount to process a package for clearing customs, and do this from packages worth 22 euro's or more. Unfortunately, I have no say in whether or not they do this and the option of doing it myself is not provided. The only thing that I can tweak, is whether my package is under or over the 22 euro threshold. When I apply that to my Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscription, a class deck or a adventure deck, worth 15ish dollar (thus less than 22 euro including shipping) will be delivered without extra clearance costs. A package containing two of these decks have a value more than the 22 euro threshold, and will (often) be charged. Now, that basically means that for a package that cost me 30-ish euro, I'm charged 20 euro extra. Since I find that a bit excessive, I would like to avoid this. Now that I am aware of this, I'll certainly try to split packages when I notice they get bumped over the clearance threshold value. The additional shipping costs are still way less than this extra clearance charge. It would save me a lot of micromanagement if there's a setting that I can apply, that will prevent multiple decks to be added to the same order. I did find one that sets whether products will 'wait and be added to the next order/shipment', or 'spawn their own order', but I don't think that's what I need exactly? (Might be wrong there). It's a block of text, but I hope I've managed to explain what I am looking for :) So, is there an automatic setting that would help me manage my order size? If not, I'll just manually check my orders every now and then and ask for a separation when I notice two decks in one order. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hello there! After receiving the mail that mentioned a new shipping method was added, I started wondering if there is any good way to compare shipping methods prior to actually trying it out. Could you point me to a method on how to compare, say, the estimated prices and duration of the different shipping options for my newest spawned order, Order 3737234? That'd be a great help in deciding whether I want to change from "Cheapest" to something faster. Thanks a bunch :) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() How I managed to completely overlook those lists! Thanks for linking to them, Hawkmoon. It was a good tip to check the rest too, Sharaya. I found a total of three cards missing:
While checking the lists, I also noticed some misplaced items. I'll post that here, just in case you wish to know:
Take care! ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey, I noticed there's a location card missing from my Wrath of the Righteous PACG game, the "Celestial Beacon" location. (I keep reading "Celestial Bacon", good name for an inn maybe? Though near the Worldwound, maybe not so much.) Anyway, back on topic; While I've no clue how to find a complete list of cards that are supposed to be in the decks, I've not missed anything else yet, so I assume it's only this one card that's not there. I would very much like to actually have all cards there're supposed to be. Even though we've managed to continue with the scenario by writing the card text on a little paper, that's not quite the same ^_^ Is it possible to have it added to a future order? That would be great! Kind regards ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there, Yerdiss wrote: Only the rogue deck is left pending Since the rogue deck is still dangling in Order 3222807, is it possible to combine it with my new November-spawn, which is Order 3363573? That is, assuming the rogue deck is deliverable? If it is not, I wouldn't mind getting a heads up on that, so that I know what to expect :) Thanks,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Great :) That is a very worthwhile merge then! Thanks a bunch for your help, Katina, Sharaya. I've received the shipping e-mail now. Six of the seven decks have been merged and shipped. Only the rogue deck is left pending, so I'll probably see that one shipped separately in the next few days, I reckon. Anyhoo, I'm giddy with anticipation and happy about it :) Take care,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() I noticed that on the PACG character sheets, a watermark is added to identify my account. In itself, all okay, but I also noticed that this watermark included the e-mail address I used to register with at Paizo.com. Now, I don't mind that info being added to pdf files that I only use myself. However, I like to be able to distribute these character sheets to people playing the card game with me, trying to be a good host and all that jazz :) But I do not much care for my registration e-mail to be distributed to everyone I play with like that. I'm not sure why the e-mail was added, but if the purpose of the watermark can be fulfilled without it, or at least with a less compromising bit of data, that'd be great. I'd have no problem with a username, or some Paizo-internal unique ID, for instance. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Sharaya wrote:
I notice it now. A trivia: My e-mail address for Paizo is a separate e-mail for registrations. It turns out gmail filters to forward all mail to another account broke and I never realized that I stopped receiving forwards of my registrations. I fixed that now, so this should be a one-time only mixup :) Thanks for the heads up, or I'll probably not have noticed for a while! Now, to your question: nope, there was no intent for the split-up on my side. I just added them all and pressed "order". I'm mostly interested in keeping the costs for shipping minimized, whether it be split or merged. I understand from your question it might be better to merge them? If so, by all means, work your magic :) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() The way I play it, is like this: My interpretation wrote:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there, According to a quick search on the forums, I came to understand that the class decks should have been sent by now? If so, my order might be stuck and if that's the case, could anyone give that order a little nudge? Btw, if it's actually correct that these are still pending, just let me know and I can wait with less worries :P ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Oh, interesting ideas, this feels like it would allow you to go beyond what's possible now. What I like about boons is the fluidity of your deck. It can change over time, something that's useful in adventure 1 can be replaced in adventure 4 for example. Power feats do not have this fluidity, but I like those because they provide such a firm basis of growth for a character. "I can do more than I could before". Yet having some of the actual powers and skills that are also cards seems to be a lovely addition: good things from both worlds. I could imagine several ways to go about it, some of which have already been mentioned, like adding a new card type and allowing characters to acquire them somehow. That does feel like it would mismatch a lot with existing characters, so maybe using what we already have would also work? How about using the loot mechanic. A loot card still has a type, like where a loot card can be an item type, or a weapon, et cetera. Say we would have a "special move" card (That silly name is just for the ease of discussion :P), and these "special move" cards can be of an existing type. So it could be a special weapon move (Combat style end-move using a weapon), a special spell move (Some special ritual or spell-casting awesomeness), a special blessing move (Some martial-arts ki spectacle, or some divine miracle-like display). Special moves could also use typed cards, to keep them more in style with the type of character that's likely to master it. If a weapons-based special move requires one weapon slot to keep in your deck and also costs a recharge of another weapon to activate, characters like Valeros with five+ weapons could easily master it, while a character with only two weapons might not want to exchange that scarce weaponry for moves. Also, hybrid characters could have a special move of one type that recharges a card of another type, just like the magus does with spells and weapons. Acquiring special moves can be tied to rewards, either specific or for backwards compatibility, maybe tied to existing rewards. Like "Every time you gain a power feat, you may exchange one card in your deck with a special move of the same type" or something. That way, such "special options" could even be sold as an add-on, that hooks in with any Adventure Path you're playing. I know I'd buy it :P ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() NOG the Demoralizer wrote: Paizo totally needs lots of interns to work as packer-bots. If you select gamer-interns, you may be able to pay them with after-work gaming sessions :P It could be the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick too: "Sorry, folks. Game can't start until this pile of boxes has been processed." Whoo, look at them work! By the by, if you start doing that, let me know. We might need to move to the US then ^_^ (or do you want to have a EU warehouse, wink wink, nudge nudge) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Yep, I ordered all class decks. I love to have the options. I also ordered a few Ranzak extra to give to people I know buy the game without promos. Furthermore, I can say that shipping a Poog via e-bay from the US to Europe easily double the cost. But so worth it :) ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Dusting this one off, since it seems it's unresolved. My feeling says there's no problem with allowing Lini's power to work on summoned monsters, balance wise. So for me, it's mainly making the rules consistent. Same goes for the class deck characters that can acquire monster into their hand, like the necromancer. People reference to Them Ogres Ain't Right. I'd say, that one deserves a FAQ entry rather than limiting Lini's power. For instance, it could state that after defeating an Graul Ogre henchmen "from a location deck", instead of banishing it, add it to the stack next to Mammy Graul. My guess would be this is solved when in all instances where a text overrules the "banishing" of a defeated monster, if it does not apply to summons, make it explicit by stating the text applies to monsters "from a location deck" only. Then, the basic rule could remain: "do what it says without thinking." Disclaimer: I don't have the cards at hand, so the exact card names may differ :P ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Hey there, I've got a question about street dates and subscriptions. I've got the impression Paizo tries to organize its subscription shipping in such a way that customers get their orders at about the street date. However, if that assumption is true, is that also applicable for overseas shipments? As in, are those sent earlier to compensate for the longer travel distance? If not, feel free to treat this post as a feature request, because that would be nifty ^_^ ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() Erik Keith wrote: (Gave an explanation) Just want to say, thanks for the explanation. I know how positive hopes can be a double-edged sword when it comes to making project deadlines, but let's be honest: All in all, I'm still very content, seeing the current situation has been acknowledged and adjusted. ![]()
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
![]() I've also noticed the "backorder" and "sidecard" glitches and posted about it here. It was as much as confirmed that this is a display glitch. Additional information since then: I've noticed that it changes over time: I've seen the order info with (in my case) the add-on deck in backorder and placed in my sidecard on one day. On a later date, suddenly, everything seems fine, no backorder notification and no sidecard. And even later, the backorder notification and sidecard are back. It's been ping-ponging about a bit for a week now. My own estimation would be that there is no actual delay and that this glitch will be gone once the order gets processed and shipped. It would help getting an official statement on that, though :)