More serious questions I have seen two separate items listing themselves as "lesser". Doesn't there need to be a "regular" version so you can have a "lesser" and perhaps "greater" versions too?
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Oh. And the apology item. Now I'm in the clique.
Pamela Elizabeth wrote: Mike Welham wrote: Garrick Williams wrote: Why do you keep making items that explode when they break or have other magic items interfere with them? I wouldn't ever buy a computer that becomes a bomb when someone sticks a cookie into the disk drive. Stay away from Acers then. Something you'd like to share with the class? My disdain is based only anecdotes I've heard from others.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
mamaursula wrote: More serious questions I have seen two separate items listing themselves as "lesser". Doesn't there need to be a "regular" version so you can have a "lesser" and perhaps "greater" versions too? They are hoping Paizo calls and asks for the other versions, too?
Item that should have stopped before last paragraph vs. self-mutilation.
Item with spark and no blood wins.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
mamaursula wrote: More serious questions I have seen two separate items listing themselves as "lesser". Doesn't there need to be a "regular" version so you can have a "lesser" and perhaps "greater" versions too? Do not taunt lesser happy fun ball!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Lee wrote: Pamela Elizabeth wrote: Jeff Lee wrote: I just voted for an item with a really narrow field of usefulness because it was really well written and I'd be interested in seeing what else the writer could do. I also have to say though, that I think they've watched entirely too many Bugs Bunny cartoons. Ah, I see you've found the ACME item. No, that one I would have referenced Wile E. Coyote. This is a different item entirely that reminded me of one of my favorite Bugs Bunny bits. "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"
Amy Gillespie wrote: mamaursula wrote: More serious questions I have seen two separate items listing themselves as "lesser". Doesn't there need to be a "regular" version so you can have a "lesser" and perhaps "greater" versions too? They are hoping Paizo calls and asks for the other versions, too?
Well, that's some moxie.
Jacob Kellogg wrote: Just saw a DQ item. :(
Had 299 words, but they left out the spaces before "gp" in both the Price and Cost, making the "real" count 301.
Don't ride the line, folks, or Template Fu will eat you!
Oh! Master is dedicated and still hunting for his item!
michaeljpatrick wrote: Oh. And the apology item. Now I'm in the clique. One of us! One of us!
michaeljpatrick wrote: Oh wow. An actual weapon. I know you guys mentioned seeing them but I finally saw an item that is a weapon. Even says so in the title. PM the name to SKR, so he can pull it from the line-up.
Garrick Williams wrote: Why do you keep making items that explode when they break or have other magic items interfere with them? I wouldn't ever buy a computer that becomes a bomb when someone sticks a cookie into the disk drive. It can be a decent feature. After all, there's precedent in the staff market.
On another note, just saw an item almost identical to what I would have submitted my first year of Superstar had I ever gotten around to it, except in a different slot. I don't think it's quite Superstar (I could see it in a book of magic items, I suppose) but I upvoted it.
Magic Shovel of Digging !!!!
Cool retraining item, but the name could use some work.
How many Cat Lord items?
I have counted 3.
Was this coordinated?
Dang, where did my Drama Button link go?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
No sockets, eye or otherwise, thankyouverymuch.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Brain in a Jar wrote: Magic Shovel of Digging !!!! Call me ... The Shoveler.
Why do I always get socks for Christmas?
Why not sandals, or leggings, or fur coats?
Another Monster in a box.
Item under 90 words, voted for over "designed by my PC of choice."
Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Garrick Williams wrote: Why do you keep making items that explode when they break or have other magic items interfere with them? I wouldn't ever buy a computer that becomes a bomb when someone sticks a cookie into the disk drive. It can be a decent feature. After all, there's precedent in the staff market. In nearly all cases of core items I've seen, it's setting design. A bag of holding functions because you're basically creating a portal to a pocket dimension in the astral plane. So when you mix two items that do that, something weird is bound to happen.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
50 words vs. 300 words! Epic Pairing!
Item that should be a spell-in-a-can, except there is no such spell yet - it could be decent spell making it decent spell-in-a-can.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Feeling sorry for Cosmo, Disney, Doctor Who and everyone else being blamed, I have decided to out the real culprit...
I leave it to you to decide if the culprit is evil enough to have done this on more than one item ;)
You had well plenty of words left to finish putting details into your item. Instead, should this item be used in one of my games, I would have to grind the game to a halt while I or my player went looking through books to find the proper information to actually make the item work. That won't fly, and it's definitely not Superstar.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
hahaha that word doesn't mean what you think it does- got it now
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I believe you spelled "missile" wrong in your item name, unless you are actually trying to send a message, in which case, your message is "die effer die!"
A lot of items are in forms that seem almost incidental to what they do.
Like a cloak or boots that let you walk through walls make sense. A pair of spectacles that give you the power to eat radium, not so much.
The voting process has heavily re-enforced just how important picking a name is. A large percentage of the time I don't want to read any further after I read the name.
Anthony Adam wrote: Feeling sorry for Cosmo, Disney, Doctor Who and everyone else being blamed, I have decided to out the real culprit...
** spoiler omitted **
I leave it to you to decide if the culprit is evil enough to have done this on more than one item ;)
Ahaha, that's a sense of humor I can appreciate. I will gladly downvote items so others can enjoy them.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote: Item that should be a spell-in-a-can, except there is no such spell yet - it could be decent spell making it decent spell-in-a-can. So if someone makes a spell based on that, does that make it a Wondrous-item-in-a-spell? (WIIAS?)
Drejk wrote: Eye versus seed. Me too. Just now.
Hmmm to pick inebriation, or to pick an item that has mis-matched effects... inebriation it is!
Have to love when one ends with "Additionally,"
Anthony Adam wrote: Feeling sorry for Cosmo, Disney, Doctor Who and everyone else being blamed, I have decided to out the real culprit...
** spoiler omitted **
I leave it to you to decide if the culprit is evil enough to have done this on more than one item ;)
WHAT!?....oh, that...that...
Quick, someone in the Seattle area, form up a posse. There's a Superstar Host in need of feathers and tar!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Anthony Adam wrote: Feeling sorry for Cosmo, Disney, Doctor Who and everyone else being blamed, I have decided to out the real culprit...
** spoiler omitted **
I leave it to you to decide if the culprit is evil enough to have done this on more than one item ;)
Wait... what item is this?
shiiktan wrote: Have to love when one ends with "Additionally," I caught that one earlier. Someone is kicking themselves right now.
Anthony Adam wrote: Feeling sorry for Cosmo, Disney, Doctor Who and everyone else being blamed, I have decided to out the real culprit...
** spoiler omitted **
I leave it to you to decide if the culprit is evil enough to have done this on more than one item ;)
So it's all SKR's fault? I am strangely comfortable with blaming him.
Poorly formatted bleh vs. cheap, overpowered item that makes casters even more ridiculous.
bleh it is.
I wish people would use the Preview button. My eyes are really hurting from all these items with messed up formats. I'm starting to lose my patience with them and just vote against any item that the creator obviously didn't preview first.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
{singing:} Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue,
Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn torc! Torc! TORC!
Drejk wrote: Item that should be a spell-in-a-can, except there is no such spell yet - it could be decent spell making it decent spell-in-a-can. Ahem. (Whistles innocently)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I think that I saw that camping healing item somewhere...
Huh, only 800 gp to upgrade your weapon? Sure I'll buy that! I bet my GM tells me "No" though.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celebrating my 500th unique item with an all-new pairing of...
Torc v. Torc.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
And what the heck is it with the Frankenstein's hat?! I am not voting for this!
Oh, that's clever bordering diabolical genius, item. I vote you down, and you respond by appearing again BESIDES AN ITEM THAT DOES VIRTUALLY THE SAME AS YOU DO!
I guess it's time to break out that ol' "Both Items are equally good/bad" button.
Someone probably already asked this, but what do you like better, long or short - 296 words or 80?