Tom Forkbeard Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |
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OK,reading this again I see no style just function. What else did I do wrong?
Chameleon Shield
Aura moderate illusion; CL 8th
Slot shield; Price 10,114 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
This +1 heavy wooden shield is painted and carved with the likeness of a chameleon lizard. After being stationary for one move action, the shield changes color and texture to blend in with the environment giving concealment to its bearer. Three times per day, after being activated and stationary for a full round, it covers the bearer with an illusion of the surrounding environment granting total concealment as long as the user is still or moves at half speed or less. Attacking and spell casting with somatic or verbal components and any other normal or faster motion negates these effects.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, woodshape, hide campsite;
Cost 5,157 gp