Agents of Shield


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It was good to see Talbot again. His choice of insults was indeed fun to hear.

Talbot is always entertaining.

Honestly, MCU Talbot is WAY more interesting to me than comic book Talbot. Though I keep waiting for him to cross paths with either Betty and/or Bruce.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Honestly, MCU Talbot is WAY more interesting to me than comic book Talbot. Though I keep waiting for him to cross paths with either Betty and/or Bruce.

I wouldn't hold my breath. While the TV shows sometimes make oblique references to the movies, not a single movie has yet to acknowledge the existence of any of the TV shows in even a minor way.

Wow... major reveals in that last show.

Never did care much for the Maj. Reveals character. Dude will never make colonel if he doesn't learn to keep his mouth shut.

It does sadden me about the TV show and movie disconnect. Well disconnect on the movie side anyway. It is also saddens me in the lack of movie character guest stars and other missed opportunities.

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Damon Griffin wrote:
Never did care much for the Maj. Reveals character. Dude will never make colonel if he doesn't learn to keep his mouth shut.

It would be better if he didn't serve under Colonel O'Truth...

I think we've established that Gleen's brain function has been compromised pretty severely thanks to the bullet to the head.

Btw there's a rumor going around that Ruby might be the MCU version of Red Skull's daughter, Sin...or at least close to it.

Oh wow. that would be cool

Personally I don't want to see a female version of Red Skull.

Talbot is a good "Lawful Good, not Lawful Nice," with a good helping of "Lawful Stupid."

Regardless of what Talbot is currently, he is clearly not a fan of Hydra. Not that I blame him.

Also nothing is set in stone about female Red Skull.

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....Is it ok that I like TV Creel much better than comic book Creel. This man deserves respect.

as for the last scene of the episode.......damn. So that's what happened to that guy

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Greylurker wrote:
....Is it ok that I like TV Creel much better than comic book Creel. This man deserves respect.

Yeah, he's a much more sympathetic character, and probably has had almost as much (or even more!) character development in a few episodes of Agents of SHIELD than in decades of comic book use. It's nice to see the actor get to act and talk and stuff. Generally with those kind of arms, showrunners just want someone like him to stand around and flex, and occasionally grunt. :)

Granted, the comic version is pretty dire, having been characterized as kind of a simpleton whose criminal activities are more out of a lack of ability to conceive of something better (or plan long-term) in one generation, and as an utter psycho who smiles as he tells his son that seeing him again reminded him of raping his mother and made him want to go look her up again, for old time's sake.

I guess it goes without saying that a character who is written by one writer is going to be more consistent and compelling than one whose characterization goes to such wild and disturbing extremes as new edgelord writers come on board.

TV Creel is also the only crossover between the different factions of the TV side of the MCU.

And yeah, that was worth the price of admission.

Incidentally, Screen Rant had this list of "forgotten plot points" that AoS just dropped. Including Quinn, Graviton, and Deathlok.

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GreenDragon1133 wrote:
TV Creel is also the only crossover between the different factions of the TV side of the MCU.

In what way? Was he mentioned or shown in one of the Netflix shows?

Incidentally, Screen Rant had this list of "forgotten plot points" that AoS just dropped. Including Quinn, Graviton, and Deathlok.

Heh, it would be funny if the show-writers had checked that list when coming up with ideas for this season. "Fine, they want to see Deathlok and Graviton? Let's give them Deathlok and Graviton!"

Set wrote:
GreenDragon1133 wrote:
TV Creel is also the only crossover between the different factions of the TV side of the MCU.

In what way? Was he mentioned or shown in one of the Netflix shows?

It was mentioned on Daredevil that Matt Murdock's dad fought Crusher Creel as his last bout. I don't think he has physically showed up in any other shows however.

Another fun episode though I wish half the shield team wasn't going crazy.

Only half? I think they're all crazy except maybe Mac and May at this point. Just different sorts of crazy: invincible crazy, supreme pragmatist crazy, love conquers all crazy, get the boss back at any cost crazy, out of his time period crazy...ok, Coulson might not be crazy too.

MMCJawa wrote:
Set wrote:
GreenDragon1133 wrote:
TV Creel is also the only crossover between the different factions of the TV side of the MCU.

In what way? Was he mentioned or shown in one of the Netflix shows?

It was mentioned on Daredevil that Matt Murdock's dad fought Crusher Creel as his last bout. I don't think he has physically showed up in any other shows however.

I thought we caught a glimpse in one of the flashbacks. Its been a while since I watched s1

So wait, why didn't creel just turn into the bankvault door and tell ninja girl and her frisbee " ha ha " ?

Crusher is odd in how he seems to be able to lose no matter what weight class he fights in. Kind of like DC's Lobo in that way. Guy gives hulk and thor a run for their money then loses to a black widow and hawkeye team up.

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Shadow Kosh wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Honestly, MCU Talbot is WAY more interesting to me than comic book Talbot. Though I keep waiting for him to cross paths with either Betty and/or Bruce.
I wouldn't hold my breath. While the TV shows sometimes make oblique references to the movies, not a single movie has yet to acknowledge the existence of any of the TV shows in even a minor way.

Disagree - Age of Ultron had a pretty major reference to MAOS. The helicarrier at the end was the Theta Protocol project Coulson worked on and referenced all season. In AoU, Nick Fury even says "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."

I'd call that a pretty major reference to the TV show.

Okay so a few points: Comic Book Creel isn't as smart as his MCU/TV counterpart. (Not that MCU/TV Creel is THAT smart, but compared to Comic book, he's a freaking genius!) Secondly, I've always felt they can't keep his power set straight in the comics, even though clearly he's gone toe to toe with some of THE heaviest hitters in Marvel Comics. I keep waiting to see if MCU/TV can do any thing close to that. But eh. I AM surprised to see what happened to Quinn, but glad we got that resolved. Sort of. Also I keep feeling like if they had a decent telepath, Coulson and the Team would be in better shape to understand just WHAT causes the earth to go kablooey. But eh. Mostly I'm glad Graviton MIGHT be showing up in Ian Quinn's body but with Doctor Hall's smarts. Sort of an evil gravity version of Firestorm.

Also hope that Coulson and Talbot find shelter soon.

Also Grey, no it's not too much to respect this version of Creel. I just wish he had his comic counterpart's...toughness maybe? Or at least his ability to hang with some of Marvel's Heavy hitters.

Also yes, he was shown fighting Matt's dad, but I'm pretty sure that was before he was 'experimented' on.

Liberty's Edge

Give it time. Creel is starting to go nuts if you watch closely. He'll soon be the dumbass we all know and love. And with dumbassery comes great power, without the responsibility! :)


Some how...I doubt it.

Liberty's Edge

True... me too... due to that show's long running record of suckage.

Not sure it's suckage so much as... uneven writing and overall direction of the series.

Liberty's Edge


PS: it's a S.H.I.E.L.D. show without Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Dum Dum Duggan. Nuff said.

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And yet I have enjoyed this "sucky" show a lot more then any of the other comic shows;)

Liberty's Edge

You are the target audience then.

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Chaine if your here just to troll the board and complain about a show you don't watch just go.

Liberty's Edge

I'm not trolling! and who made you moderator?

My main problem: I have watched the show from the beginning so as 'not to miss out anything in the MCU.'

So far the show has had a negligible impact or interaction with the MCU, and is at best a footnote in a very small amount of MCU movies. As the MCU is wrapping up, I am disappointed with the opportunity that was missed here. This show could have been out of this world with a very minimal amount of coordination between the movie and TV writers.

Look, I really like the actor that does Coulson, and glad the guy got a show out of his movie death in Avengers, but they went overboard by making SHIELD a synomyn to COULSON. It is not. It's Nick Fury and host of others. And they cheaped out by blowing up the Helicarier and making SHIELD outlaws that fly around in a big jet that can cloak?. Did I miss the episode where Klingons showed up to give humans this tech? (the in-show reason for the tech is lame)

NO. Heck no. Everything about this sucks IMO.

BTW: did you just troll me? lol

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In the MCU, SHIELD IS synonymous with Coulson, from the very first Iron Man movie.

Oh, and in a universe with a magic metal (that they say isn't magic, but acts that way) and tech that can alter size (Pym Particles), you take issue with a very common futuristic tech, cloaking technology? Hey, at least "the Bus" isn't bigger on the inside, eh?

Uh...that cloaking tech is used by SHIELD in the first Avengers movie...

Also, the reason the TV shows don't impact the movies:

Movies take years of prep time, while an entire season of a TV show is done in a year. It's hard to incorporate plot events into your movie narrative when your movie plot was laid out 3+ seasons before the current season.

Movie actors are expensive, and are not going to be cheap to bring onto a tv show.

Movies play globally, and to wider audiences than TV viewers (or even more general viewers in the States). Markets in China are HUGE sources of need a plot that isn't going to be confusing to non televison audiences

you say cheaped out, but you do know that with the exception of a few outliers, most TV shows just really don't have the budget or even an appreciable fraction of the budget that a movie has.

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Agents of SHIELD moved away from trying to tie itself to the MCU after Season 1. the first half of season 1 was handcuffed by the big "Hydra in Shield's clothing" reveal and didn't really begin to hit it's stride until the second half of the season.

Liberty's Edge

I've been clear that I never truly accepted the composition of MCU SHIELD or that MCU SHIELD = COULSON, but even so, it would have made the show easier to watch if the cast wasn't as boring as watching paint dry (with the exception of Fitz and Simmons, these two actors pulled it off, and I am reluctantly a fan of Fitz especially... Iain De Caestecker is top notch.. the rest of the actors are painful to watch at times)

IT was actually really easy XD.

But no I think its one of the better TV shows one of the few I still enjoy watching that is live action.
What I don't understand is if you don't like it why force yourself to watch it. your not really gonna miss much as far as the movies go.

I think most of us her like the show at least some what we say things they could improve or inconsistency but for the most part we enjoy it. The say the whole show sucks kind of makes me wonder why go and post on a fan thread it does seem a bit like trolling.

Liberty's Edge

Reason: trying to see if there exists some people who share my desire to see MCU SHIELD involve Fury/Hill/Duggan more than they have now. Comics SHIELD is awesome, not on the run, and support superheroes. I hate the lack of interaction with the Marvel Superheroes. It's Hollywood segmentation at its finest.

I don't think they could afford Samuel l Jackson on every episode. I think Hill has shown up and sammy did once or twice. IT probably kills their budget. I wouldn't mind more marvel supers to show up but I don't expect the big names for obvious reasons. RDJ on an episode briefly would probably kill their budget for the season if not more so. They could probably sneak Duggan into it. I pretty down with quake personally.

Right now I'm just glad Glenn Talbot is a more likable guy than his comic book counterpart. That and he's not off hunting Bruce Banner. Though maybe after this, he might consider it. ;)

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Hunting Banner if nothing else would be a lot saner and easier to deal with than SHIELD.

"Little green men? Really?"
"They were big-and blue-but basically, yes."

That and he'd have more resources for better reasons, Lathiira.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't think they could afford Samuel l Jackson on every episode. I think Hill has shown up and sammy did once or twice. IT probably kills their budget. I wouldn't mind more marvel supers to show up but I don't expect the big names for obvious reasons. RDJ on an episode briefly would probably kill their budget for the season if not more so. They could probably sneak Duggan into it. I pretty down with quake personally.

Cobie was doing a sitcom when she landed the role of Hill in Avengers. So she could probably be affordable. Neal McDonough is obviously affordable for TV, but his character would be about 100. Unless they came up with some excuse to have the original Howling Commandoes - minus Rogers and Barnes end up in 2018. Last we saw of Duggan specifically he was admiring a french bathing suit at Stark's Hollywood mansion, circa '46.

Which means either the One-Shot:Peggy Carter is non-canon, or she resolves the death of her current boss, and gets her new one in a matter of a few weeks following s2.

I think I read a modern AOS comic where they had duggan robots

I know there was a Occupy Avengers issue with LMDs of Old School Fury and the Howling Commandos. They got to be heroes one more time, and it looked great.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
That and he'd have more resources for better reasons, Lathiira.

I'm not sure "hunting the Hulk" qualifies as a good reason for anything, let alone a better reason. It tends to end up with a lot of destroyed stuff: tanks, copters, planes, mountains, towns....

probably be cheaper just to leave him alone. If he goes on a smashing spree probably still cheaper to just repair the damages maybe offer hulk insurance.

I missed Friday's episode, can anyone give me a recap?

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