Whenever Sissyl travels by air, she insists on patting down the TSA agents.
In case of a water landing, JTDV can be used as a flotation device.
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If GoatToucher offers to help put on your emergency breathing mask, DON'T BELIEVE HIM!
The Kahnya zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the Gnorc zone.
IHIYC is the reason your luggage gets the chance to see Vladivostok. Unless you're going to Vladivostok, of course.
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Sissyl and Mary Poppins entertain one another by floating up to passenger aircraft, mooning through the windows and then flying away, keeping tabs on who causes the greatest number of international air incidents.
Pulg purposely swallows a bit of metal before going to the airport, so he can get groped by TSA every time.
The Gnorc zone has always been for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only! There has never been any stopping in the Kahnya zone.
In the 34th century, many businesses have "No Laser Clowns Need Apply" signs in their windows.
GoatToucher won't eat sandwiches. He just won't. If presented with a sandwich, he will pick the components apart, arrange them expertly on a plate all cleanly separated from each other, and eat them piece by piece.
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IHIYC takes a sadistic enjoyment in eating dumplings, convinced as he is that they have been plotting against him for years and overjoyed that he is finally able to get his revenge on them.
Pulg is the cause of the dumpling paranoia that IHIYC has, thanks to the former (Pulg) stealing some plant spores from my batch of hallucination flowers.
Being a plant person, TIF's solid waste takes the form of dumplings.
GoatToucher has special "facilities" to to deal with the "touching" of plant-based creatures.
KahnyaGnorc sthpeaks with a sthlight Sthpanish listhp.
And that Spanish Lisp's name is: I'm Hiding In Your Closet
JTDV responds very poorly to having iths injuries cauterized with CLEANSING PURITY OF FIRE! Believe me, I tried my best.
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Nemesis Melek used to be Ally Melek, but that was before the Cashew Incident(tm).
KahnyaGnorc's cashews are the only cashews I trust in anymore. *munchmunchmunch*
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Nemesis Melek baths in honey. Drying off is a pain in the arse.
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As always, JTDV offers his tongue to the process.
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Kahnya eats her peas with honey,
she's done it all her Gnorc,
they do taste kind of funny,
but it keeps them on her fork.
Xasay Xyu orders 13 inch sammiches at Subway. Subway, for their part, appreciates the irony since they marketed 11 inch sammiches as footlongs. Everybody then laughs until they finally sigh.
Then Xasay Xyu says, "No, seriously. I want a 13 inch sammich."
JTDV never made a alias in his life.
Ancient Dragon Master once got duped in to buying fire insurance. That was back in the day when he use to sport a mullet.
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KahnyaGnorc is jealous of JTDV s mullet likeness
ADM, considering mullets to be 'old hat', is presently rocking the 'Sardine'
Pulg is a nice, clean, healthy human.
Due to his... in depth research into dragons, it not only burns ADM when he urinates, but every one and every thing in a five foot radius.
GoatToucher is actually a highly evolved kumquat.
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There is a smaller jester inside IHIYC, he is aptly named I'm Hiding in Your I'm Hiding in Your Closet. There is even a smaller jester inside him. He's Steve.
Don't fall for the iceberg theory. KahnyaGnorc sunk the Titanic!
JTDV is the sole reason I've been away from this forum...
Yeah... It wasn't that I lost track of it or anything...
The Game Hamster has never stayed up too late playing Breath of the Wild, and any evidence to the contrary is Red Communist propaganda.
You'd think that Malefactor and Beneproduct would be nemeses, but they are best buds, who have won many a ping pong doubles tournaments together.
Malefactor wrote: The Game Hamster has never stayed up too late playing Breath of the Wild, and any evidence to the contrary is Red Communist propaganda. Congrats, you actually made me search for where you might have come across that alias of mine with out stalking me at random.
Meanwhile KahnyaGnorc is aptly named, seeing as how he(she? - Still not clear on that one...) is, in fact, a giant, living fishing company, owned by a woman named Kahnya, and all that they can catch is Gnorc-fish, which are fairly disgusting, but sell well, as they are cheap, and full of vitamins.
The Game Hamster wrote: Malefactor wrote: The Game Hamster has never stayed up too late playing Breath of the Wild, and any evidence to the contrary is Red Communist propaganda. Congrats, you actually made me search for where you might have come across that alias of mine with out stalking me at random.
Meanwhile KahnyaGnorc is aptly named, seeing as how he(she? - Still not clear on that one...) is, in fact, a giant, living fishing company, owned by a woman named Kahnya, and all that they can catch is Gnorc-fish, which are fairly disgusting, but sell well, as they are cheap, and full of vitamins. It was in the I Blame Cosmo thread, and I guess I just had it on my mind when I came here because I was thinking of getting it.
The Game Hamster is a professional weight lifter, and carrying books around that are twice as big as him all the time is his way of staying fit in off season.
Malefactor has a decades-long rivalry with his half-brothers Zealot and Tumult, as they all search for the 31 blue apples OF POWER! hidden throughout the world.
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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: Malefactor has a decades-long rivalry with his half-brothers Zealot and Tumult, as they all search for the 31 blue apples OF POWER! hidden throughout the world. The reason why IHIYC is hiding in closets is because he is looking for the right group of teenagers with attitude to bring us down.
Malefactor is actually Hordak after six months on the Miracle Cabbage Soup Diet.
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They once made a Cabbage Patch Doll out of Pulg. It was sold at Hardee's/Carl's Jr. and other fine eateries across North America.

Malefactor wrote: The Game Hamster wrote: Malefactor wrote: The Game Hamster has never stayed up too late playing Breath of the Wild, and any evidence to the contrary is Red Communist propaganda. Congrats, you actually made me search for where you might have come across that alias of mine with out stalking me at random.
Meanwhile KahnyaGnorc is aptly named, seeing as how he(she? - Still not clear on that one...) is, in fact, a giant, living fishing company, owned by a woman named Kahnya, and all that they can catch is Gnorc-fish, which are fairly disgusting, but sell well, as they are cheap, and full of vitamins. It was in the I Blame Cosmo thread, and I guess I just had it on my mind when I came here because I was thinking of getting it.
The Game Hamster is a professional weight lifter, and carrying books around that are twice as big as him all the time is his way of staying fit in off season. yeah, I'd figured it out, but both the switch and breath of the wild are totes worth it, in fact, the switch was worth it for breath of the wild alone, though, Mario odyssey looks pretty neat as well...
JTDV is a rogue TV channel all about the color Rouge. That is why he's green.
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TGH hires himself out as a marital aid to the rich and powerful. Once inside, he takes careful records of their deepest secrets, which he trades with The Society of Cats for arcane knowledge.
There's nothing GoatToucher enjoys more (that we can talk about in public) than a lukewarm gallon or two of Maritalade.
Pulg is a well-known afrodisiac, but only on nights of new moons and old knees.
Which is when KahnyaGnorc also comes out to party, rocking the bling like no one's business.
And the flytrap does disturbing things
Ancient Dragon Master eats only disturbing people.
There's children on the streets using guns and knives
Taking drugs and each other's lives
Killing each other with knives and forks
Calling each other names like Gnorc