Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 4/5

Kelly Youngblood wrote:




Rebuild boon (and will trade multiple race boons for it)

PM sent.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

LIRIOT wrote:

Have: dhampir


PM sent.

Dark Archive 1/5


...not much. I just started playing society, and Grippli are my favorite race. I'm willing to trade mini's or anything else you might be interested in. PM me if you have anything in mind.

Dark Archive 5/5

Prince Of Mirth wrote:



...not much. I just started playing society, and Grippli are my favorite race. I'm willing to trade mini's or anything else you might be interested in. PM me if you have anything in mind.

i have a grippli boon...shoot me a pm

Silver Crusade 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Spokane


Sylph (with Elemental Dilettante)
Niche Specialist
Brutal Reputation
Mounted Tradition
Spirit of the Shadowlodge

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Shelly Hudson wrote:


Spirit of the Shadowlodge

Is there anyway to make that one work outside of having a Character with XP on them that was already Shadowlodge?

Dark Archive 5/5

NightTrace wrote:
Shelly Hudson wrote:


Spirit of the Shadowlodge
Is there anyway to make that one work outside of having a Character with XP on them that was already Shadowlodge?


the character had to have earned Fame already in shadow lodge to use it

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Captain, Mississippi–Hattiesburg

Have: Dhampir & Grippli

Want: Ratfolk

1 for 1 trade. PM me!

Lantern Lodge 5/5

wellsmv wrote:
NightTrace wrote:
Shelly Hudson wrote:


Spirit of the Shadowlodge
Is there anyway to make that one work outside of having a Character with XP on them that was already Shadowlodge?


the character had to have earned Fame already in shadow lodge to use it

Well, to purchase the Shadow Lodge vanities you would need to have Shadow Lodge Prestige/Fame, but the ability to get discounts on purchased healing for your fellow adventurers is valid for anyone.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I have a shiny new Ratfolk boon and a Grippli, if anyone has a Rebuild boon to trade.

Sovereign Court 5/5

want: share the wealth

have tiefling, grippli, vishkaya, suli, all the elemental races
pathfinder apprentice and many other oddball boons

Scarab Sages 4/5

have: Vishkanya

want: Dhampir

The Exchange 1/5

About to play Eyes of the Ten and if I get the boon at the end I would like to really pump up my new character.

Extra Trait
Treasure Map
Paizocon 2013 GM Boon
Paizocon 2014 GM Boon
Seen it Once
Research Specialist
Samsaran Race Boon

Tiefling - With Ganzi option
Undine - With Elemental Dilettante
Fighting Off Corruption (Ghoul)
Elemental Blast
Niche Specialist
Ley Line Access
Psychic Dilettante
Hypnotic Therapy
Paizo Gift Cards


Have Undine
Want Samsaran or Tiefling

The Exchange 5/5

Have Gencon 13 Tier 1 GM boon; include character rebuild option

{T1 - Grippli}
{T2 - Viskanya}
{T3 - Suli}
{T4 - Ifrit, Oread, Slyph, Undine}



Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

Thea Peters wrote:

Have Gencon 13 Tier 1 GM boon; include character rebuild option

{T1 - Grippli}
{T2 - Viskanya}
{T3 - Suli}
{T4 - Ifrit, Oread, Slyph, Undine}



PM inbound.


Have: Grippli
Want: Suli

Want Viskanya

Have Ratfolk

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

Stephen Fischer wrote:

Want Viskanya

PM Sent
Have Ratfolk


Want: Samsaran {likely a Gen Con 2015 GM Boon }
Have: send me a PM, let's talk...

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Want: Gripli, Ratfolk


Mounted Tradition:
- Catfolk: big cat (must be level 7)
Dhampir: wolf (must be level 7)
Goblin: goblin dog (must be level 4; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary)
Tengu: axe beak (must be level 4; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3)
Grippli: giant frog (must be level 4; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary)
Kitsune: wolf (must be level 7)
Kobold: giant gecko (must be level 4; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3)
Nagaji: giant chameleon (must be level 4; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3)
Vishkanya: megalania (must be level 7; Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3)

Mendevian weapon training:
- Queen Galfrey of Mendev understands both that poorly equipped crusaders are of little use to the ongoing war against demonkind and that an inadequately trained crusader cannot make effective use of good equipment. As a result, those who dedicate themselves to the Fifth Crusade have access to training and equipment that might not otherwise be available. When you would be permitted a Day Job check, you may instead spend 4 Prestige Points to receive intensive training with a specific weapon or suit of armor. You receive a masterwork version of the weapon or armor, and you gain proficiency in that specific weapon or armor (but not others of its type). If you are already proficient with the selected armor or weapon, you instead gain a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm and sunder combat maneuvers targeting the chosen item.
Choose the weapon or armor from the following list: breastplate, glaive, heavy shield, or longsword.

Explorer's endurance:
- You either grew up in or have participated in several expeditions to the Mwangi Expanse and neighboring regions, and you are accustomed to the local hazards. You gain the permanent benefits of the endure elements spell but only in hot conditions and only to temperatures of 110 degrees F and below; you gain no bonuses in extreme cold. This is an extraordinary ability. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against disease and against the distration ability of swarms.

Share the wealth (companions):
- As a player, choose one boon earned by one of your characters, and transfer it to another one of your characters. The recipient's level must be high enough that he could qualify to have played the adventure; he still qualifies if his level is above the adventure's level range. Once the boon is transferred, the original recipient is treated as though she no longer possessed the boon. You can only transfer a boon in this way if it opens up access to a new type of familiar, animal companion, or similar creature associated with a class feature. Record the boon's name, Chronicle sheet name, and the creature type below.

Former crusader:
- You have aided Mendev at least once before as a crusader. You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws made to resist the spells, spell-like abilities, and special abilities of demons. Additionally, you either become specialized in Knowledge (planes) or learn the Abyssal language for free.

Varisian weapon training:
- Training You gain proficiency with one of the following martial weapons: dogslicer, earthbreaker, horsechopper, klar, rapier, or starknife. If you already have proficiency with all martial weapons, instead choose one of the following exotic weapons: bolas or bladed scarf. Write the selected weapon on the line below. Include this Chronicle sheet along with your records for the character that gains this boon.

Nexavarian Requisition:
- If you have at least 15 Fame, you may instead spend 12 Prestige Points after succeeding at the Bluff or Diplomacy check to acquire a +1 nexavarian steel melee weapon or 50 pieces of +1 nexavarian steel ammunition.

Weapons made of nexavarian steel cost 1-1/2 times as much to create as their normal counterparts. This steel is even more delicate than cold iron regarding magical enchantments; adding enchantments to the steel increases its price by 3,000 gp. This increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added. Nexavarian steel is otherwise identical to cold iron.

Favored Monument:
- Magnimar is known as the City of Monuments, and anyone who pays his respects before one of the city's more prominent monuments learns something of Magnimar's past and might receive a commemorative blessing. Choose one of the monuments below. In addition to the listed benefit, you receive a +2 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks regarding Magnimar,
☐ The Battle of Charda: You gain a +1 bonus on melee attack rolls while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
☐ The Celwynvian Charge: You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
☐ Cenotaph: You gain a +1 bonus on Fortitude saving throws while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
☐ Eyes of the Hawk: You gain a +1 bonus on weapon-damage rolls against aberrations. While you are in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements, this bonus increases to +2.
☐ The Fifth Wind: You gain a +1 bonus on Survival checks and a +1 bonus on Fortutude saves to avoid becoming sickened.
☐ Founder's Flame: Once per scenario you can gain a +1 increase to the save DC of a spell with the fire descriptor that you cast.
☐ Founder's Honor: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks. While you are in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements, this bonus increases to +2.
☐ Indros cul Vydarch: You gain a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against aquatic creatures. While yo uare in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlemetns, this bonus increases to +2.
☐ The Mapstone Monument: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saving throws while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
☐ Mistress of Angels: You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks while in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements.
☐ Our Lady of Blessed Waters: You gain a +1 bonus on concentration checks when casting divine spells. While you are in Magnimar or one of its vassal settlements, you also gain a +1 bonus on all caster level checks with divine spells.

Expedition Manager:
- You can acquire any single item of the listed price or less at no cost. An item acquired in this way is worth 0 gp and cannot be sold. In addition, your arcaeological findings may contain clues about historical events, arcane enigmas, or other mysteries. As a free action, you gain a bonus on a Knowledge (arcana, history, planes, or religion) check equal to the number of Prestige Points that you spent. When you use the skill bonus, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

2 PP: The item acquired costs 1,000 gp or less
4 PP: The item acquired costs 2,000 gp or less

Genie grudge:
- ☐ ☐ ☐ Genies may wield wondrous powers, but they are also merciless bargainers and powerful combatants. Whether you've been on the receiving end of a djinni's blade, a marid's magic, or an efreeti's unfair deal, you have steeled yourself against any future tricks they might play on you. Choose one of the following descriptors or subtypes: air, cold, earth, fire, or water.

As an immediate action, you can check one of the boxes before attempting a saving throw against a spell with the chosen descriptor or against an ability created by a creature with that subtype. You gain a +4 bonus on your furst saving throw against the effect.
As an immediate action when a creature with the chosen subtype attacks you, you can check one of the boxes above to gain a +4 bonus to your AC against that creature's attacks until the beginning of your next turn.
As a free action, you gain a +4 bonus on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-based skill check made to identify, influence, or study creatures with the chosen subtype. If the check involves a genie of the chosen subtype, the bonus increases to +6.

If you have an animal companion, familiar, eidolon, or similar creature gratned by a class feature or feat, you can expend uses of this boon to benefit that creature as well.

Martial Tradition:
- You have located and trained with a famous practitioner of a region's martial art, and even if you have not mastered the forms, you can incorporate a few techniques into your fighting style. Choose one of the fighting styles blow, each of which focuses on aparticular feat and a location (a grou pof countriees or a large geographic feature). As a free action on your turn, you can check one of the boxes that precede this boon to gain one of the listed feats for 3 rounds; you do not need to meet the feat's prerequisites. When participating in an adventure associated with the fighting style, you can use this boon once during the adventure without checking a box.

Aldori Dueling (Combat Expertise, Dodge, or Exotic Weapon Proficiency [aldori dueling sword ISG] Brevoy and the River Kingdoms): Sirian Aldori was a master of the curved blade that now bears his name. Although the style rarely travels beyond the River Kingdoms,the Aldori duelists' reputation for agile swordplay has spread far and wide.

Ironstock Sharpshooting (Deadly Aim, Exotic Weapon Proficiency [firearms UC], or Quck Draw; Geb, Katapesh, Mana Wastes, and Nex): The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar is the origin of most of the world's firearms, and Ironstock Hall is the primary training ground for black pwoder enthusiasts. Its teachers know that a firearm can only achieve its potential if a student can draw the weapon quickly and aim it effectively.

Northern Fury (Cleave, Improved Overrun, or Power Attack; Hold of Belkzen, Irrisen, Land of the Linnorm Kings, and Realm of the Mammoth Lords): Giatns, megafauna, and more talk the northern frontier, where only a show of strength can stave off hungry beasts. In battle, these warriors favor bold, staggering strikes intended to fell mighty foes in one swing.

Shackled Soldier (Catch Off-Guard, Improved Unarmed STrike, Throw Anything; Andoran, Cheliax, Isger, and Nidal): Whether it's the Bellflower Network Freeing halfling slaves or Desna's faithful working against Nidal's Umbral Court, covert operatives have learned to wield unlikely weapons against unsuspecting tyrants.

Arcane Ammunition:
- You have a special contract with an ammunition crafter, and you are able to order small batches of specialty ammunition as a result. You may purchase +1 corrosiveUE, +1 flaming, +1 frost, and +1 shock ammunition in sets of 10 instead of sets of 50. You can cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet at the beginning of an adventure to gain 5 pieces of this ammunition in any combination for free; this free ammunition has a sell value of 0 gp.

My ratkin is to longer up for trade..Mercurywolf I agree to your terms


Mitch Mutrux wrote:


GenCon 2015 Tier 1 boon (Skinwalker, Changeling, Samsaran)
Glutton for Punishment
2x Niche Specialist II (gives bonuses during Influence Scenarios, Research Scenarios, or against swarms)
Elemental Slayer (after defeating 3x of Fire, Earth, Air, Water subtype gain ability to smite that subtype three times)
Horror Resistance - Permanent +1 vs. fear effects, +2 vs. haunts
Personal Fixer
Elemental Blast
Psychic Dilettante
Psychic Awakening
Treasure Map
2x Expedition Manager
2x Mounted Tradition
Nexavarian Requisition
Taint of the Worldwound
3x Adopted Weapon Training
Ancestral Ally


PM being sent.

Dark Archive 5/5

looking for a assimar boon....

also looking for
some older boons

free vanity
extra trait
Family Tradition

have the following for trade


Dataphiles 3/5

wellsmv wrote:

looking for a assimar boon....

also looking for
some older boons

free vanity
extra trait
Family Tradition

have the following for trade


pm sent


Was a good weekend for boon wants. Got rat folk and corruption hell borne. Good luck out there and happy Gaming.

Dark Archive 5/5

wellsmv wrote:

looking for a assimar boon....

also looking for
some older boons

free vanity
extra trait
Family Tradition

have the following for trade


open to trading for other boons and trades also...

Dark Archive 4/5

Offer: Expedition Manager
Want: Ratfolk



Samsaran or any other race boon.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Francia

thecursor wrote:



Samsaran or any other race boon.

Pm send

4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

Have: Ratfolk
Want: Aasimar or any other race(not grippli or vishkanya or elemental race)

Scarab Sages 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber





Paizo Employee 4/5 ** Developer

Have: Ratfolk, Dhampir

Want: Con boon with Character Rebuild included on it.

Im.always willing to scrape together many boons for auction only boons too!

The Exchange 5/5

Want Dhampir (we are looking to make Dhamphir triplets to run at events lol)


Many other boons shoot me an

and we can talk

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Thea Peters wrote:

Want Dhampir (we are looking to make Dhamphir triplets to run at events lol)


Many other boons shoot me an ** spoiler omitted ** and we can talk

Email sent

Grand Lodge 3/5 *

Have: Ratfolk

Want: Dhampir


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Michael_Hopkins wrote:

Have: Ratfolk

Want: Dhampir


PM sent.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 **

4 Elemental Races
2015 GM Tier 1 Boon (Skinwalker)
Mounted Tradition
Expedition Manager
Custom Order
Genie Grudge
Martial Tradition

Vanaren (2016 GM Boon T1)


Have Undine and Tiefling

Want 2015 GM Boon, 2016 GM Boon, Any Other Race Boons

Dark Archive 1/5

Have Suli

Want Dhampir

Sovereign Court 3/5

Fighting Off Corruption (Hellbound)
Elemental Voyager

Any race boon other than the genie-kin

4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

Have: Grippli and Ratfolk and multiple player boons.

Want: Aasimar

Silver Crusade 4/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Toledo

Anyone have an Oread they would trade for an Undine? Needed to complete a Suli...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Have: Fighting Off Corruption

Want: Race Boon. (Any that you can't normally play.)

2/5 *

Have: Ratfolk Boon

Need: Aasimar Boon


Have: Grippli and Undine boons
Want: Any Race Boons (Preferably Samsaran)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thea Peters wrote:

Want: Dhampir (we are looking to make Dhamphir triplets to run at events lol)

Have: Ratfolk
Many other boons shoot me an email and we can talk

that is gonna put a damper on things!


On Oread wants for Suli build -
there has been talk that a certain season 8 scenario allows character A who played it to spend 10 prestige to allow new character B to become an Oread and that this qualifies for the Suli build using multiple race boons in place of having the Oread boon. While 10 PA is considerable, it is another path to your objective.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
RSX Raver wrote:

Have Suli

Want Dhampir

Have dhamphir


1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

There may not be many of them out there, but does anyone have a Raven-blooded boon (the one that allows the creation of tengu)? I realize they are currently on the available list...

Silver Crusade 4/5

Were tengu ever a boon race? If so, I missed it, and it wasn't for very long.

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