Most recent familiar: Brandt's Familiar/Companion Brent. Brandt is a bat-kin skinwalker who's always in Bat Form. Brent is his very similar looking bat familiar/packmate (via Eldrtich heritage.) They're both good boys. Brent uses a Ring of Eloquence to speak now, which is nice. He really picks on person in the group to hang out on and help. He used to be an Emissary familiar, able to cast guidance at will, and 1/day Bit of Luck. But after a series of dreamland adventures, he became a Figment familiar! Which mostly makes him a really good scout/guard. (Flying Foxes get Skill Focus[Perception], Figment gives him Skilled (Perception) as an evolution.) He's got a bandolier of various Oils that he uses in combat to help his chosen PC. At lower levels, he could be as effective as Brandt, but now the basic Oils are somewhat less cool. Oil of Enlarge Person is a rockstar though! Being able to apply it as a standard (instead of a 1 round cast) from a familiar helps out melee types a ton. But he's used Cure Light Wounds, Holy Weapon Balm, Bless Weapon, and Shield of Fait to good effect as well. He should probably grab some Vanishes too. He was mostly a joke to have twin bats, but I've been pleased at how much he can help in combat. I think an Ioun stone or two (maybe with Watchful Eye?) would go a long way if I ever play him again.
Next Familiar: Eye, Ira's eyeball familiar. Eye usually lives in Ira's forhead (via the Mutant Eye trait) but when he's well behaved, he gets pulled out to fly around and scout. Nothing too mechanically interesting here, but if you don't see the awesomeness ins arguing with your floating eyeball, I don't know what to do for you. Eye is a Decoy familiar, so he can speak (somehow) all of Ira's many languages, and turn into and exact duplicate of Ira for up to 11 minutes at time. He hasn't been able to play with that much though. He's also got a Cracked Vibrant Purple prism Ioun Stone and a Regular Vibrant Purple Prism, to throw around a couple of spells in combat when he's bored. Deja Vu is particularly handy for keeping Murderous Command targets down an extra round. Oh, he can also communicate telepathically with Ira out to a mile, which is handy. Eye had one crowning moment: Fascinating a would-be assassin in the middle of a crowded market, preventing the murder and letting the group get through the crowd. I had one level of sorcerer, and took a bloodline familiar so his effective wizard level kept up. But this also gave him the Fascinate bardic performance. Which he's used twice. That reminds me: Cracked Purple Prisms are a great buy for familiars. There are a lot of solid 1st levels spells that come in very handy if your familiar doesn't do much in combat. Remove Fear, the lowly CLW, Watchful Eye, Moment of Greatness, Deja Vu, Obscuring Mist, they can all do a lot!
My Skald Malric's familiar Goat is quite the butt kicker. He started as a normal semi-intelligent goat, driven to rage by Malric's song. At low levels, he was a great flanking partner and triggered Amplified Rage for some pretty effective attacks. He was eventually blessed by Sarenrae and turned into a Fire Mephit. Now, at 17th level, he's basically a high level Barbarian:
I haven't gotten to play with him since picking up Improved/Greater Dirty Trick. Skalds basically rage cycle every round once they get sift action perform at 13. So he's using Strength Surge (+15!) + Savage Dirty Trick for a pretty debilitating and almost guaranteed Blind every round, Flesh Wound basically negating one hit a round, and Outflank + Fauchard picks up a lot of extra AoOs. He's also usually the trigger for Coordinated Charge, which is a great way to give martials (or Malric, depending on what he's up to at the start of the fight) an improved Pounce. In short, he's a monster.
I was thinking about this recently: I wish Tactician started as a Move action. It should be a cool ability and would really have changed the dynamics of Teamwork feats. Jumping straight to a swift at 9th is too long to wait. It's a tiny change, but I would also swap the Life Shaman's level 1 Spirit spell to Cure Light Wounds. It got cut and pasted from Life Oracles, who always get CLW known.
Quote: There will not be a case where a familiar is a better choice to scout than a character. The only case where you actually want to use a familiar as a scout is when you don't have another option. Are we mixing up terms, or mixing up the Exploration action part of the discussion? Scout during Exploration mode doesn't use a skill at all, so a familiar would be just as good a Scout as anyone else. Assuming other PCs have at least some other reasonable Encounter mode action, the familiar would *always* be the choice for Scout. If Familiars could Scout during Exploration, they would be freeing up/replacing a PC.
Is there a strong way to build for and use the Ranger 1 Monster Hunter feat? I like the idea of getting more out of my Hunt Prey actions in combat. But I'm having trouble feeling like it's worth investing in. Has anyone tried Monster Hunter and had good luck with it? Do you think it's worth investing in any Lore or other mainline skills to back it up? Are there some skill feats that might make it cooler?
Animal Companion wrote: When you Hunt Prey, your animal companion gains the action’s benefits and your hunter’s edge benefit if you have one. Ranger: Hunter's Edge: Precision wrote: The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage. Your Animal companion's first hit per round is tracked separately from your first hit, right? Meaning Precision can trigger twice if you and your companion both hit the Prey.
I've been playing PF1 for years, and retrained class levels and feats a bunch. But I've been avoiding adding archetypes, because I'm not even sure how to read the rule. The rule: wrote: To gain an archetype that replaces standard class abilities you already have, you must spend 5 days for every alternate class feature you would add, subtract, or replace by taking that archetype. I want to take the "Red Tongue" archetype on my Skald. It has 5 alternate class features: Great Orator, Seed of Discord, Rile, Rogue Talents, and Duplicitous Rhetoric. It replaces Bardic Knowledge, modifies Raging Song, and modifies the level 1 Versatile Performance, and replaces the other Versatile Performances. How long does it take a level 14 Skald to retrain into this archetype? I think it's just 5 days times 5 Alternate class features. All the modified/removes features are Standard Class features. But you'd never remove or replace an Alternate Feature, only add them. So I'm not sure what the actual intent is. What do you think?
I normally love Bards and buff/support classes. But I'm really having trouble getting excited about the PF2 Bard. I thought they'd make some of the Inspire Courage class feats (Input Heroics and Lingering Performance) less clunky, but it doesn't look like the changed anything from the playtest. Is there something awesome I'm missing that makes spending an action every round for a non scaling +1/+1 really compelling? Or worth spending feats on to make it into a random bonus that costs Focus? Is there some other gem in the Bard's abilities?
Will these be valid for use at Gencon? I may sign up for a few more games with these replays burning a hole in my pocket. :) Also, will the existing GM recharge boon be fillable/usable every year going forward? Or is the Season 10 one I've got filled out the last recharge I'll have of my "real" GM stars?
I'm looking for as many "Traveler in an Unstable Timeline" as I can get.
I've got:
S R, I assume your'e referring to This FAQ? Your answers don't match the FAQ. Familiars don't start with *any* base slots, they have to use Extra Item Slot feats to use any slot based items:
FAQ wrote: By default, familiars do not have any magic item slots, but they can unlock magic item slots associated with their respective body shape. See below for a list of which body slots each familiar is eligible to unlock. To unlock a magic item slot, a familiar must take the Extra Item Slot feat... Familiars don't start with Neck and Armor slots for free, that's a rule for Animal Companions: FAQ wrote: An animal companion has access to the armor and neck magic item slots automatically, as long as its body shape is eligible for these slots.
If you haven't played Rasping Rebirth, SHOO.: Soo, what kind of plans do people have for their new demi-gods? Does anyone have any cool plans for a new character worshipping their old friend? Does anyone else want to ask for the Boon to be modified to allow other players to worship you if they have a copy of your character's boon? I'm trying to brainstorm an interesting follow-up character. Given my Rasping character (a Pharsman Fateful Channel Life Shaman based around re-rollls) I'm thinking of a Warpriest/Involutionist Shaman. But the actual domains from worshipping aren't that central in a build like this. I can't think of a particularly cool build that really highlights the worship of a weird Ex-Pathfinder deity.
Another round of kicking the can down the road. John, I don't think you realize how big a deal this is for Paizo, the company certainly is not acting like you think it's important. I've already canceled my subscriptions because of this. At this point, I'm giving up on buying any Paizo product except scenarios I'm needed to run. In particular, Pathfinder 2 is a non-starter to me until I see some acknowledgement of the problem here and a commitment to addressing it.
I've been playing an Undine Sensei (+Ki Mystic and Qinggong) Monk that's been a ton of fun. Unfortunately, he was already level 11 when I played 9-24, so I didn't get to play him. He's a low Strength Grappler (which wouldn't be limited underwater, and coud be neat for drowning air-breathers) :
Grappling possibly too effective, I try my best to only engage when attacked, or when I think someone could be in trouble. I took Wisdom in the Flesh trait to get Wisdom on Swim checks instead of Str. Blazing Rondo is a super effective Bardic Masterpiece, one of the only ones worth a feat. Throwing out a giant AoE Haste as a move action is super effective. Level 1 sucks, because you haven't got Wisdom to hit yet.
Get a Ring of Ki Mastery as soon as you can, so that you can hand out re-rolls cheap from Ki Mystic. I took True Strike, then Barkskin, then Gaseous Form for my Qinggong powers. Sticking with Wholeness of Body is probably fine as well. Giving True Strike to other people is very Sensei-y. Giving True Strike to your entire party is fun, if not overwhelmingly effective. Handing out +4 Natural Armor to the group for 100 minutes is great (and gets nonsensical when you're handing out +4 Dodge on top of that in many rounds.) You can double down on Ki Channel if you want by taking the Aquatic trait for Undine and the Aquatic domain. You'll get a second set of channels. I found I didn't need that many Ki points, so I never actually did this. Also buy a bunch of Tea of Transference to get extra cheap Ki for emergencies. Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
I don't think it's fair to count the Bard's Muse feat against the Sorcerer, since it can't be used for Multiclass feats, and is more like the first level bloodline power. The second level class feat is also a little suspect since the only real choice is to Multiclass or take the only feat you qualify for. It would be really nice if the 6th and 10th level bloodline powers were just turned into class feats, to give Sorcerers some build options.
I'll just throw in here that Triple Time could use a line about using it as a Exploration Tactic. Or Exploration tactics should have a different tactic for single-action spells like Compositions. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out a good use for it, unless you happen into the sweet spot where your enemies are 40' (or 80') away and you can save two allies actions.
Occult Evolution looks significantly better than Esoteric Scholar:
Sorcerer is dramatically more flexible here.
I'm concerned about some of the Compositions as well. Specifically, the skill checks for Inspire Heroics and Lingering Performance. Rolling skill checks every round to figure out basic things like what your attack bonus looks like it will slow things down dramatically. Having wildly varying bonuses to allies looks frustrating to track for everyone. I'm honestly not sure how someone who's played with PF1 bards could think having their bonuses change round to round would be anything other than annoying. Finally, spending Spell Point on buff abilities only to have them fizzle ~50% or more of the time looks completely un-fun.
Oops, sorry about the double-post. I thought Kvetchus' response was from the original thread, and edit/delete have timed out now. :( Kvetchus, that seems like a plausible reading, even if I disagree with it. But is tehre any basis in the rules for it? Telepathy is typically described as "mind reading", which would be the *exact opposite* of way you've described (can only read minds, not send messages.) I don't think either version of "one way only" communication is supported by the rules but without any official information, the ability is basically unusable in SFS since rulings can wary wildly.
What's the duration of Bat Shape in PFS? The Bast Shape feat for Skinwalkers and the Fox Shape feat for Kitsune both have similar wording and similarly ambiguous durations. I'd been assuming the Bat Shape lasts until you shift back, but realized last session that that wasn't explicit. Fox Shape has an explicit Campaign Clarification:
Bat Shape only has clarification that you use Flying Fox stats. Since it's ambiguous, I'm going to continue assuming it works like Fox Shape and lasts as long as you want to stay in bat form. But I'd like more opinions (and ideally an updated CC ;).)
For your first Rage power at lower levels, Lesser Spirit Totem is a nice boost to overall party damage. Later on, you can retrain it to Strength Surge, which starts off weak but scales well. I swapped to at 6th when I got Savage Dirty Trick. Letting all your allies Blind+Stagger, with a +6 to their CMB, goes a long way. At 9th, Unexpected Strike lets them Blind+Stagger when an enemy comes adjacent. Then I took Flesh Wound at 12th for damage mitigation. Lesser Celestial Totem looks solid if it's legal for you. I wouldn't worry about rage cycling until 7th level, when you can do it as a Move. But then it's solid. Rage Cycle+Attack w/Unexpected Strike is usually better than a Full Attack for you, as well as granting your allies piles and piles of AoOs.
Has there been any clarification on the costs of transfering Weapon Fusions in SFS? Basically, I'm looking at getting a Item Level 4 Spellthrower Fusion on a weapon. Is buying an IL1 Fusion first (120cr) then transfering it to my level 4 weapon (340) the cheapest, legal way to do that, or has something dealt with this rules issue?
Something like:
As things currently stand, even though changing from Scarab Sages costs 0 prestige, you'd have to follow the rules at the bottom of the first column of page 28, and lose all Scarab Sage prestige awards.
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