[Fire Mountain Games] Throne of Night

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Grand Lodge

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Rysky wrote:

While probably not exactly what you guys might be interested in, both of the Pathfinder Tales Forge of Ashes (excellent book) and Called to Darkness (meh) deal with the Darklands/Underdark and are very descriptive of the many areas they show while also having a host of creatures.

There's also the Down the Blighted Path module.

Huh. I don't remember if I mentioned that or not after it came out last year. At any rate, I got reminded today about PFS having done underground and/or drow (also duergar) based adventures.

1-32 Drow of the Darklands Pyramid. Made for level 7-11, although I'm told it's actually even harder than that for some parties.

4-22 Halls of Dwarven Lore and 4-25 The Secrets Stones Keep are underground dwarven styled scenarios.
4-24 The Price of Friendship is Part II of this trilogy, but it's about an orc capital. It's still good for story completion sake. These are all for levels 5-9.

6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords feature duergar. This is for levels 1-11 so you don't need any prep time to change CRs unless you're doing it at higher levels.

6-21 Tapestry's Toil features duergar quite well. 8-03 Captives of Toil will be a sequel, but doesn't come out until Aug 4th. Both are level 5-9.

Finally, 1-37 The Beggar's Pearl is a lost dwarven keep adventure that's been taken over by another force. You have to seek out a dwarf that knows the location. It's level 1-7.

If there's more, be sure to share those as well.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Also don't forget Deadly Delves: To Claw the Surface for levels 1-3 from my company, Jon Brazer Enterprises.

[/shameless plug]

Grand Lodge

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Dale McCoy Jr wrote:

Also don't forget Deadly Delves: To Claw the Surface for levels 1-3 from my company, Jon Brazer Enterprises.

[/shameless plug]

Haha, no, can't forget that. You're absolutely correct.

Now, truth be told, this is a level 1-3 adventure. How can you make this work for a game where you just need something from 11-20. Well, this could either be something you fit in at level 1-3, or you can add the Mighty Creature template to everything and make it 6-8 and throw it in there, OR you could go one step further and add the Paragon Creature template and have it be 16-18 instead. Any way you look at it, it's possible. Just requires a little finesse. In Bestiary 5, they came out with the Degenerate Simple template for -1 CR, which lowers the stats by 4. You could do that to drop the bar by 1 so it takes place sooner (15-17), and it stacks with itself too for an additional -1 CR.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:

Also don't forget Deadly Delves: To Claw the Surface for levels 1-3 from my company, Jon Brazer Enterprises.

[/shameless plug]

Are there plans to convert this to 5e soon? (Like "Along Came a Spider")

Momentary thread hijack - sorry

Silver Crusade

@kevin_video, my apologies if you had already posted about them, I was a bit hasty and didn't look as good as I should have.

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

Banesfinger wrote:
Dale McCoy Jr wrote:

Also don't forget Deadly Delves: To Claw the Surface for levels 1-3 from my company, Jon Brazer Enterprises.

[/shameless plug]

Are there plans to convert this to 5e soon? (Like "Along Came a Spider")

Momentary thread hijack - sorry

Its in the works. But an adventure that long is taking a while. Don't expect it before the end of the year, if not later.

Grand Lodge

Rysky wrote:
@kevin_video, my apologies if you had already posted about them, I was a bit hasty and didn't look as good as I should have.

No, that's fine. I had, back in March, but I just honestly didn't remember if I posted it or not until I literally went back through my posts and searched for it. However, unlike me, you linked it so that's new.

In that same post, I also didn't link, but did mention the existed of the then released books of Darklands Revisited and Blood of Shadow.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

A very cool article about (real life) glowing fungi:

https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/jul/03/fungi-glow-dark-luminscent- mushrooms-conservation-enviroment-bioscience

Silver Crusade

Okies, and Blood of Shadow is a good book :3

Grand Lodge

Banesfinger wrote:


A very cool article about (real life) glowing fungi:

Luminescent Mushrooms

Let me fix that link for you.

Also, was reading the Plot & Poison drow book, and it talks about how drow get slaves to makes fungus paper out of mushrooms. Some of the races that drow consider "intelligent" are even allowed to learn to read and write so that they can become proper scribes.

Grand Lodge

I don't recall ever bringing it up before, or maybe someone else did and I've just forgotten, but while trying to find a particular kind of dragon, I found another. The underworld dragon in the underdark and is very territorial.
While I know the PCs are supposed to meet up with a primal magma dragon, I believe in the idea that you can never have too many.
Now, that said, I can't recall the magazine name at this time, and I can't open two browsers on my phone, but I think it's Pathway issue 41 that Rite Publishing has done. Anyway, there's a template they did up which turns any above ground dragon into a subterranean version. So that's also an option if you want to repeatedly throw dragons at your PCs.
Also, I think it's issue 11 that has the poison dragon template too. It's the one with a gold Chinese dragon on the cover. That'd add to the nastiness as well.

Grand Lodge

In addition to the above PFS scenarios I listed, I was just told that 4-17 Tower of the Ironwood Watch, also has some drow.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Sorry for the thread hijack, but this might be an interesting adventure to mine for ideas for the end-game of Way of the Wicked.

Descent to Ascension

"A 20th-level EVIL adventure"

Grand Lodge

Banesfinger wrote:

Sorry for the thread hijack, but this might be an interesting adventure to mine for ideas for the end-game of Way of the Wicked.

Descent to Ascension

"A 20th-level EVIL adventure"

I was going to say, that's perfect for Way of the Wicked. I'll need to add that on the final book thread. That said, this could work for an end game with the drow.

If you want a city
Is a Drow city for d20 games which could be useful

Grand Lodge

Kind of hijacking the thread for a second, but I'll keep it in a spoiler tag so as to not disrupt the overall thread.

Not much on the ToN front, other than maybe if you're looking to play a slaver drow, but the rogue archetype that I originally designed for a player in my home of Way of the Wicked is going to be published and released next month. Mainly works for the Core rogue, but can be adjusted for the Unchained. Just wanted to put that out there.

Also, anyone who saw my post regarding whether you'd actually want me to do an AP or not, is going to be starting after I finish a course in AP design. I had 25 people go through a list of possible scenarios, and rate them from 1-10. One was chosen, and while it wasn't a landslide, the #1 choice was not exactly something I expected, but can definitely respect. Druids. And they're the "bad guys". There was the option of joining them, and the AP being written in the same style as ToN, so you can either option, but that it was down voted, so instead there'd just be a little end blurb.
When it gets done, I'll be sure to let everyone know, but only one book would be released, and it'll have a suggestion for how to end it if you only wanted the one book. Much like what Gary did in Way of the Wicked. The reason being my publisher says APs are a huge risk, and that until the first book is popular enough to make its money back, he won't commission a second one. Which is fair. But for now, that's all I'm allowed to say on the project. Just that it's pending, and that it's something that will happen. Just a matter of when. My guess is playtesting will start in September. Two of my players just had kids, and parental duties come first, as well as another player is going in for emergency cancer surgery next week. Afterwards he'll be out of commission for three months. So, some good and some bad news on that front. Definitely trying to be respectful to everyone's needs.
If anyone is familiar with N. Jolly's work (especially is heralded Kineticists of Porphyra series that End enjoyed), he's backing me on this play, and is going to be helping with whatever I need. If the series actually gets going, I'll have him be my Jason Bulmahn and design archetypes for classes, and maybe even a few feats. Again, all pending.

Depending on how soon my publisher gets to it, I'll have the 4th module that I wrote for last month's convention PF tournament released later this year, as well as this Sunday I'm playtesting a one-shot 4th level adventure I just finished writing. The fact that they're both 4th level is purely coincidental.

I'm releasing this on my blog as well, but I figured I'd put it here as well, just in case. Figured I'd keep you updated, even if you're not interested.

I've been to KS recently, but it looks like Gary has not. All of his current backings have finished, but he hasn't been online to do any of the surveys. At least not yet. Not sure the reasoning, but it could have something to do with the KS staff. They weren't too thrilled when I chewed them out for using their own terms as a defense of ignorance. It was said that they'd look into other means of contacting Gary, but I'm not putting much stock in that. It'd be nice if we were told something soon, but, at this point, whatever. I know no one's holding their breath any more.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

kevin_video wrote:
"...I'm releasing this on my blog as well..."

Can you post a link to your blog?

Grand Lodge

Banesfinger wrote:
kevin_video wrote:
"...I'm releasing this on my blog as well..."
Can you post a link to your blog?

Right. I sometimes forget that not everyone here has seen my Way of the Wicked updates on different threads.

The link to the blog, and stuff I've written or edited so far, is all on my profile page. Click my icon and you'll see.

Grand Lodge

Found this today on the 5e Homebrew Tumblr, and wanted to share it. Note that the pages were uploaded out of order so it's 1, 2, 4, 3, 5. It's really just the last three pages you want.

The big one I wanted to point out is tristone, mainly because spidersilk already exists in other books (although, this version has awesome additives for ranged weapons and armor that I would recommend adding to the magical enchanted versions). The material specifically states that it's found in dwarven mines. I love that it has the inert ability to do force damage or protect you from force damage, depending on whether or not you have it as a weapon or armor.

The sanguine mineral would be cool for later on the game when the PCs traverse across the underground sea. Maybe the aboleths have weapons and armor made of the stuff, or perhaps the PCs are adventurous enough to go swimming that far down. It could even be inside the stomach an extremely large fish they capture and kill. The fact that weapons made of the stuff can cause madness (or confusion if you'd like) really speaks of the Cthulhu aspect that Gary was leading towards with star spawns and other aspects of the mighty being.

Orichalcum isn't too bad. Again, it makes sense that dwarves would have armor of it to add to their already hardy and sturdy bodies. They don't much like being knocked down, and armor made of the stuff would help them against that. As well, the weapons made from the stuff makes it easier for them to make their taller opponents fall at their feet.

For boonstone, maybe it's the aeons that wield it. Perhaps the dwarves are gifts the material, or perhaps it's locked away in a secret dwarven vault that they come across.

Stradium is easily the most difficult for something you'd come across, but again, maybe the aeons have access to it, or perhaps even the elves up top come across it. Personally, I think stradium is easiest to place in Way of the Wicked's Book 4.

The rest of the materials aren't rare by any means, especially mithral and adamantine. Jade, yeah it's not going to fall on your lap, but it's not something the PCs will have to make a near infinite number of sacrifices to the gods to have.

kevin_video wrote:

Kind of hijacking the thread for a second, but I'll keep it in a spoiler tag so as to not disrupt the overall thread.

** spoiler omitted **...

I don't think you can hijack the thread that you've been keeping alive for months.

Grand Lodge

Libertad wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Kind of hijacking the thread for a second, but I'll keep it in a spoiler tag so as to not disrupt the overall thread.

** spoiler omitted **...

I don't think you can hijack the thread that you've been keeping alive for months.

This is fair. It was more an advertisement to the mods so they don't delete my post for it not being 100% relevant to the thread. I didn't figure it'd happen, but you can never be too careful.

That said:
yesterday's playtest for my one-shot was a success. I've got a decent amount of revising to day so it'll be about a month before the publisher sees it, and my tournament module got picked up and sent to the editor's.

Grand Lodge

It is with a heart filled with mixed emotions that I inform you guys that not only has Gary finally signed on after a half month, but he's back two new non-Pathfinder projects and still has not given us an update.

I'm just... Yeah. No words. If they were Pathfinder purchases, I wouldn't be so down. I'm done. I still don't want to write this off though. We deserve something for our time and money.

I will say. I want everyone, and I do mean every single backer, to go to the Kickstarter and go to the Support link. Click on Feedback, say it doesn't answer your question, then go to the "Still need to get in touch? Contact us here" link that appears underneath. For the subject, put in "Regarding #623751 Still no communication whatsoever". In the Details explain how upset you are about what's going on, both on the front that they're not doing anything and that McBride isn't updating but instead just backing project. For those of you who are now boycotting KS, be sure to put that in there.

Maybe if 314 people get angry about the same subject, maybe something will actually happen.

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Also - please be civil with the KS people. This isn't their fault. We need their help and for them to have empathy with us and our frustrations.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Civility tends to go a long way in situations like this, yeah. XD I can't join in and help - (un?)fortunately, I didn't back this campaign when it was running - but for what little it's worth, I'm rooting for you to get a good resolution.

Grand Lodge

Firstbourne wrote:


Also - please be civil with the KS people. This isn't their fault. We need their help and for them to have empathy with us and our frustrations.

^This. As much as you'll probably want to, especially given their responses, don't give in to anger. They didn't drive us to this point. They're just looking for better solutions so that what happens to those who don't see the rewards, get them. They just want everyone happy.

Also posted a support ticket. Thanks Derek for starting to mobilise. It would be good if other backers could let us know if they have posted a ticket just so we know where we stand.

Grand Lodge

The Sword wrote:
Also posted a support ticket. Thanks Derek for starting to mobilise. It would be good if other backers could let us know if they have posted a ticket just so we know where we stand.

I was going to wait a little longer (until October 29th, the anniversary of his last post), but after seeing someone sign in with his log-in for four days straight and backing more projects with no update, I'd had it.

On my last ticket, which I had you guys reference, I made sure to put down that the other two tickets that I still had in my email folder. I've talked with at least three different KS staff members about this. As The Sword said, if you've done it as well, be sure to reference any and all tickets you've already put in.

Guys I am sorry to say Kickstarter will NOT help you here in any way. The contract is between you and Gary and Kickstarter took the 5% off the top and are done. The ONLY thing Kickstarter will do is defend Gary if you try and get your money back using your credit card. This is because they lose out on the 5% they took of the CC transactions.

I have legal action pending on two different Kickstarters and have been through most of this already. The way the term of use is worded everything is on Gary (ie Fire Mountain Games) https://www.kickstarter.com/terms-of-use On the good side the TOS was reworded in Oct 2014 to be VERY clear in the fact that FMG must deliver the product or refund money. But the only way to "enforce" this is to take a person to court. I am trying first with the civil division of my local state's Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s office. Not yet sure how far that will get me or how much money I will need to spend in addition to attempt to get my money or product.

Just sharing what I am currently going through right now with other projects. I was not ever a backer of ToN but following this thread for information as my group is playing it currently.

Grand Lodge

If that's the case then a large portion of us are screwed because we're not American. We can't contact an Attorney General or take him to court.
I'm hoping something gets done as I got an email from a new KS staffer who is looking into sending my ticket to other staffers for an investigation. Maybe something will come of it, maybe not.

Thanks for letting us know, and good luck with your dealings.

Here is a copy of the response I received from KS regarding my ticket:

Thanks for taking the time to write in. This is something that we’re going to have to look into a bit more, so we’re escalating your note to other members of our team.

We really appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any additional concerns, questions or feedback - let us know by responding to this ticket.

ShadowChemosh wrote:

I am trying first with the civil division of my local state's Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s office.

Thank you for sharing this info.

What state are you in? I'm in Ohio - this may be a good first step for me. What documents did you present to support your claim (just the KS terms?) - also, doesn't the KS terms allow for up to 5 years to deliver on the project?

Update from KS contact. No help, just a "copy n paste" form letter.

Thanks for reaching out and taking the time to bring this to our attention.

I’ve reached out to this creator and offered our assistance. My goal is to open the lines of communication and encourage them to update more effectively moving forward. You should continue reaching out to them on your end as well. Through this joint effort, we’ll be reminding the creator to check in.

We do our best to give project creators the freedom and support necessary to bring their new and exciting ideas to life. This often means that when projects launch on Kickstarter they’re in the early stages of development. While we encourage creators to communicate regularly through this process, it’s important to remember that each of them will approach this differently. In most cases, this may be the first time that a creator has the responsibility of communicating with a large support community. Still, we expect that creators will make every effort to complete their project as promised and keep backers updated along the way. We also hope that backers will remain understanding as everyone learns through this process.

Thanks for being a thoughtful backer and member of the Kickstarter community. I hope you hear more from the project creator soon.

Grand Lodge

Firstbourne wrote:

Here is a copy of the response I received from KS regarding my ticket:

Thanks for taking the time to write in. This is something that we’re going to have to look into a bit more, so we’re escalating your note to other members of our team.

We really appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any additional concerns, questions or feedback - let us know by responding to this ticket.

This is the letter that I got. Didn't get anything else as of yet, but it's only Tuesday. I've since contacted them to let them know that there could be 314 people using the same ticket because we're that serious right now.

kevin_video wrote:
Firstbourne wrote:

Here is a copy of the response I received from KS regarding my ticket:

Thanks for taking the time to write in. This is something that we’re going to have to look into a bit more, so we’re escalating your note to other members of our team.

We really appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any additional concerns, questions or feedback - let us know by responding to this ticket.

This is the letter that I got. Didn't get anything else as of yet, but it's only Tuesday. I've since contacted them to let them know that there could be 314 people using the same ticket because we're that serious right now.

Im not a kickstarter backer, as with Gary's previous projects being late, I was prudent on this one (woot). But I have been watching these threads on Throne of Night (I have the first 2) waiting for any news/developments.

I would be amazed if Kickstarter did anything, from what I've read, and really think you'd probably get more action out of 314 people sending Gary a letter (each) to his house (address listed in the front of every product he has done)

Grand Lodge

I've personally sent him two letters via snail mail, but received nothing back. I don't know how well that'd go if we all did that. The address is on the main site as well.

I haven't gotten around to complaining to KS yet. I will do at some point, but I want to make sure I word it properly.

I'm not asking them to refund me or anything, but I will be making the point that their denial of all responsibility means I'm no longer supportive of kickstarter and since I generally back at the high levels, that might make them realise they are losing revenue through their inaction.

I don't expect them to cover for creators who disappear (I knew full well going in that the financial risk is mine), but I DO expect them to help backers when creators break the terms of agreement that kickstarter put in place. They should be suspending his kickstarter privileges until he comes out of hiding at the very least.

They aren't responsible for the provision of the product he promised but they are responsible for providing the platform via which we communicate and when that's not working they have to do more than wish me well and tell me to "reach out" to him.

Grand Lodge

Steve Geddes wrote:
They should be suspending his kickstarter privileges until he comes out of hiding at the very least.

I actually asked this very thing to happen when I first sent the ticket last month. Never heard back on whether or not that was possible, but then I got a different person on the third go.

Just to confirm, Mike's email that he replies to is mike@firemountaingames.com, right?

I wrote off the KS a while back and finished my own version of books 3-6 based on art and story previews, so I was wanting to know if maybe he can contact Gary and I could take the project over?

Not sure how I would handle physical copies of the books though.

I just want people to finally walk away from this kickstarter with an actual AP and not one just thrown together at the last minute to prevent a lawsuit.

And your credentials are...

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captain yesterday wrote:
And your credentials are...

I'd say not being Gary is strong enough credentials here :D

A bit more than 53 posts would be nice, a profile even. :-)

Grand Lodge

Alice in Blunderland wrote:

Just to confirm, Mike's email that he replies to is mike@firemountaingames.com, right?

I wrote off the KS a while back and finished my own version of books 3-6 based on art and story previews, so I was wanting to know if maybe he can contact Gary and I could take the project over?

Not sure how I would handle physical copies of the books though.

I just want people to finally walk away from this kickstarter with an actual AP and not one just thrown together at the last minute to prevent a lawsuit.

I'm afraid Mike doesn't reply to any of his emails either. Not since earlier this year. At least he hasn't to me or a couple of others, and we used other ones we found. You can give it a shot.

Another guy did his own Book 3-6 as well. I posted his summaries on this forum a while back.

As for physical copies of the book, they'd be done through DriveThru. For ease anyway. Each customer would just a voucher and would have to pay shipping.

If I was you I definitely wouldn't take over this project in anything other than a 'here's some stuff you might like from a fan'. There's two main reasons to steer clear of any official entanglement, in my view:

1. Behavior on the internet being as reasonable as it is - it's almost inevitable that, should you release anything that looks anything like an 'official replacement', someone will attach the opprobrium and ill-will Gary has generated via this project to you personally.

2. Should you pull it off without explicit signoff from Gary, you probably open yourself up to a lawsuit on breach of copyright and/or IP theft.

Hmmm... good point. I will just put everything in PDFs and put it on the forums as free 'fan material'.

I do remember the ill-will thrown at Frog God Games when they took over the Razor Coast project about 500 years ago, exaggeration noted, even though they were a lot more timely with updates and finishing the project.

People probably aren't going to get any resolution from Gary, so maybe they can at least get something to help them finish the campaigns that are probably near the book three point by now.

Done as requested and got the same copy&paste email as everybody else. Go figure.

Alice in Blunderland wrote:

Hmmm... good point. I will just put everything in PDFs and put it on the forums as free 'fan material'.

I do remember the ill-will thrown at Frog God Games when they took over the Razor Coast project about 500 years ago, exaggeration noted, even though they were a lot more timely with updates and finishing the project.

People probably aren't going to get any resolution from Gary, so maybe they can at least get something to help them finish the campaigns that are probably near the book three point by now.

I, for one, would love to see your alternative material. If / when you do decide to share it, I'm at cjmizanin at gmail dot com.

Thank you.

My material was written from the standpoint of a person with players with 25 point buys and 2 extra skill points per level, so it may need a very slight amount of adjusting.

I'll get on converting everything over to PDFs Saturday. Tomorrow and Friday are raid days and tomorrow is also the Horror Adventures PDF release date. No self-respecting Ravenloft fan would miss a chance to rip into that book like a honey badger into, well, anything.

The PDFs won't look pretty and there will not be much in the way of editing but if someone wants to spruce them up after reading with backgrounds and all, I will have them up on Gdrive so I can grant editing privileges on request.

Expect them in a few weeks.

Firstbourne wrote:
Alice in Blunderland wrote:

Hmmm... good point. I will just put everything in PDFs and put it on the forums as free 'fan material'.

I do remember the ill-will thrown at Frog God Games when they took over the Razor Coast project about 500 years ago, exaggeration noted, even though they were a lot more timely with updates and finishing the project.

People probably aren't going to get any resolution from Gary, so maybe they can at least get something to help them finish the campaigns that are probably near the book three point by now.

I, for one, would love to see your alternative material. If / when you do decide to share it, I'm at cjmizanin at gmail dot com.

Thank you.

I'd also love to see your material. I'm Tarakin at yahoo dot com.


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No need for emails!

I'm probably going to just put a link to the fan material I made on this thread or possibly a new one.

Much easier on me not having to put around three hundred emails down as recipients and much safer for people not having their email address floating around the internet for whoever to see.

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