![]() captain yesterday wrote:
Its a ranger archetype from the advanced class guide. Its should be called "Im playing Robin Hood"![]()
![]() RuyanVe wrote:
Isn't that the date it is available for purchase? The subscribers should have access as soon as we receive our shipping notice.![]()
![]() kevin_video wrote:
Same here. I was hoping to see the stuff Alice ran for her table, so I could use it for my group. We just finished book 1, and my players are aware that after the next book, the campaign goes on indefinate hold.The only saving grace is that Paizo finally released an AP I want to run (Strange Aeons). I haven't run a Paizo AP since Shattered Star, but my players and I are really excited about this new one. ![]()
![]() Maligannt wrote:
Detect Thoughts: You detect surface thoughts. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.1st Round: Presence or absence of thoughts. 2nd Round: Number of thinking minds and the Intelligence score of each. 3rd Round: Surface thoughts of any mind in the area. Not the same as "mind reading", imo. ![]()
![]() Lord_Hyperion wrote:
Agreed. At first, I tried to be understanding, considering the delay may have been caused by something medical related, or a family emergency of some kind.But, if he is of sound enough mind and emotion to go shopping on the same site he can use to communicate with us, but chooses not to communicate, that is unacceptable. ![]()
![]() That Old Guy wrote:
One of my players will be playing a paladin as well. This is the way I'm handling it:We always talk about a paladin "falling" and becoming an anti-paladin. This time, she WAS an anti-paladin, and after the incident and the lack of memories, she has been saved by one of the gods, to be remolded and used as a tool against evil. ![]()
![]() RuyanVe wrote:
I believe the stairs / chute issue was discussed on a different thread. Also - thanks for the timeline work. Looks solid.![]()
![]() theLegend76 wrote: Question, I was thinking about playing a Guildbreaker(ranger archetype). Would the Cult of Hastur or the Yellow King fall under the favored organization? Thanks. I suppose. Although why he/she would be against a cult they don't know about might be weird. If it works for you and yours, go for it. ![]()
![]() Andre Roy wrote:
Just depends on your group. My players have been gaming with me for 15+ years. They trust me to give them solid, functional, characters that will fit their perosnality and playstyle. I have designed their characters for the last several APs we have done, and they have been happy with it. I plot out their advancements, so that step doesn't bog down a session when they level. This time though, they won't see it coming... ![]()
![]() Order of the Amber Die wrote:
Do you feel this takes away from the experience (because the players have the entire map laid out in front of them? I've never run anything like that before - unless it was a place the players were familiar with. ![]()
![]() Lady Ladile wrote: If two players would like to make paired characters for this, what would be the best way to go about it in light of the fugue state being a thing? Early memories ala childhood or adolescence with the last few years a mystery? Nothing at all but a vague feeling of, 'I know this person, somehow'? I don't think it should be an issue. The PCs are missing the last several years of memory. I would think they would remember a sibling, parent, childhood friend, etc. ![]()
![]() Anaki J. wrote: Does anyone else find it odd that the PCs can acquire a +2 short sword in the admin area of the asylum when they are 2nd level? This seems like a pretty strong find for a regular AP let alone a horror themed one. I noticed that as well. I wondered if it was like a video game where you find a random rocket launcher and realize you're gonna need it, because "it's about to get real". I think the sword is like that. ![]()
![]() Mark Carlson 255 wrote:
Gotcha. Now I understand. I looked at their thread - the problem is, they are just running the Paizo Iconics from the AP. They don't seem to be doing any original character building. Maybe once they are done running it, they will have some insight.![]()
![]() I will be running this for my group, and I have gone with the following train of thought: "what were they doing before the incident and what will they become?"
My current favorite is anti paladin that has "fallen" and is now a Tormented Crusader paladin. I would avoid random nonsense - but thats just me and my table.
![]() The Jester King wrote: yeah, the first thing i did after reading the PG was ban all but the core races. I want everything to feel strange and alien, and thats a little hard to do when one of the party members is a Vishkanya Samurai wizard. wasn't sure if there were any other recommended bans or limits to enhance the atmosphere of the campaign. Agreed. I'm keeping the PCs limited to core races and classes that don't have direct ties to the Mythos. I don't want to have someone who's been studying planar monsters all their life. But, this is what works for my group. As long as your group is having fun, you're doing it right.![]()
![]() Everything you need is in the PG. On a side note, when my players first heard about this AP, they all talked about classes from Occult Adventures. After reading the PG and the first book, I believe (and they agreed), that playing more mundane classes will be more fun. Like a wilderness survival adventure without a ranger and/or druid. Sometimes it is more fun and challenging to not be the best suited for the job. ![]()
![]() Based on the information that you have all shared (Thank you very much), I have a question for GMs regarding character creation: Spoiler: If the PCs were bad people who did bad things (before the memory loss), but are now going to become redeemed "good guys", how limiting does that make their character choices?
For example, a Paladin wouldn't work, because he/she would have been bad in the past AND a Cleric to a Mythos deity wouldn't work, because when they turn over a new leaf and go good, they would be cut off from their power. I'd really like to get your opinions on this. ![]()
![]() Fourshadow wrote:
Username checks out. ![]()
![]() Balgin wrote:
Never read Dickens, so I can't say for sure. Maybe the name is a tip of the hat? Otherwise, unless Dickens wrote about a family that wears symbiotic power armor and protects all the world from horrible things, then no. ![]()
![]() Captain Battletoad wrote:
The Dresden files are amazing. But, his new book The Aeronauts Windlass (takes place in a whole new world), is one of the best books I have ever read. It's that good.The characters are great, as is the world and the story. ![]()
![]() Zaister wrote:
Characters from fiction. Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher's Dresden Files.John Taylor from Simon R. Green's Tales from the Nightside. Eddie Drood and Molly Metcalf from Simon R. Green's Secret History series. ![]()
![]() Randarak wrote: This almost makes me want to end my Kingmaker AP early so we can start this! I've been looking forward to this since it was announced. I am such a happy little gug! Hell no. Kingmaker was amazing. Take your time and enjoy it, then by the time you are done, Strange Aeons will be done 100% and you can tackle it with all the info you need to make it epic. ![]()
![]() Scott Romanowski wrote: I cancelled my adventure path subscription because of this AP. If I'd wanted to play Call of Cthulhu, I'd be playing that RPG, not Pathfinder. I agree - if I wanted to play CoC, I would grab my Chaosium CoC books and run that system. But - this AP isn't Call of Cuthulhu, it's Pathfinder with a Mythos theme. Believe me, I know how you feel - I haven't run a Paizo AP since Reign of Winter. Everything since that one had zero appeal to myself and my players. This one finally has us excited again.Paizo will never make everyone happy, all of the time. ![]()
![]() I use the following: Teleportation You can only teleport a number of miles equal to your caster level. (When teleporting through the use of a racial ability, the distance is limited to a number of miles equal to your total HD.) Teleporting characters or objects disappear instantly, but teleportation takes a number of rounds equal to the number of miles traveled (minimum of 1 round). During this time, characters at the destination of the teleport can make a Spot check (DC 20). If the check succeeds, they are aware of the incoming teleport. If the distance of the teleport is a mile or less, characters at the receiving end of the teleport will only have a surprise round in which to take actions before the teleport is completed. Teleport Trace: Outgoing teleport spells leave a teleport trace during the duration of the teleport. Characters at the source of a teleport can make a Spot check (DC 20) to spot the teleport trace. Teleport spells and similar effects can be used to automatically follow the original teleport, although the caster will not know where the teleport spell goes until they arrive. Dispelling Teleports: Spellcasters who are aware of the incoming teleport can attempt to counterspell the teleport (even though they are unable to see the caster). Blocked Teleports: If a teleport is counterspelled, blocked, or otherwise disrupted the character or object being teleported returns to its original location. Gate: The gate spell can be used to circumvent the distance limitation on teleportation. The casting time for the spell is equal to 1 round per mile traveled or 1d10 minutes for interplanar travel. During the casting time, the gate is clearly visible from both ends and events at the other end of the gate can be seen murkily through it (Spot checks suffer a -10 penalty). Once the gate is established, travel through the gate is instantaneous. Spells (and abilities duplicating the effects of spells) with the [teleportation] descriptor cannot penetrate to an area that is entirely enclosed by more than 1 ft. of solid stone, 3 ft. of earth, an inch of metal, and/or a thin coating of lead (an exception is teleportation circle, which works normally). The same restriction applies to scrying effects. Kings therefore live in stone castles, not for defensibility from armies, but for secrecy; if a need to teleport or use scrying magic comes up, they can go to an outside room and open a leaded-glass window, but while inside an inner room with stone walls and a lead-lined door, their councils are protected from eavesdropping and teleporting assassins. Many wizards likewise live in stone towers with designated divining and transportation rooms open to the outside. Tombs and cultist headquarters are typically found in dungeons underground for similar reasons. Divination and dimension door effects within a dungeon or building itself are normally not affected, as the doorways, rooms, and corridors provide “open” pathways of effect within the complex itself. However, rooms with stone walls and thick stone or metal doors would fall under these guidelines. ![]()
![]() kevin_video wrote: Just shared this on the KS too, but for those interested, Louis Porter Jr. just discussed his thoughts and feelings on Throne of Night and Transparency on KS. I made sure to have the link set to the exact time he does so. (Before this it was about the Razor Coast KS.) That was painful to watch / listen to. For those of you that have lost enough money to this project and don't wanna lose time as well, let me sum it up. Louis Porter Jr. takes 40 minutes to say that Kick Starters that implode are bad. He reads to you from the internet, and then says how bad everything is. ![]()
![]() I'm confused regarding the "fan fiction" stuff. What you are preparing to do is share with us the story of how your game played out. How is that copyright infringement?
![]() Alice in Blunderland wrote:
I am still loving every spoiler you share about your campaign. I wish I would have been a player in it. Can't wait to drop this goodness on my players.![]()
![]() This thread reminds me of the terrible "Xmen Days of Future Past" movie.
![]() I never liked the idea of operating at 100% capacity and then suddenly dropping dead. It never made sense. I grew up playing Rolemaster (criticals, damage and conditions, etc.)
Once a being has lost 50% of its available HP it receives a -1 to hit, AC, saves, and skills. Once a being has lost 75% of its available HP it receives a -3 to hit, AC, saves, and skills. The penalties are similar to Fatigued or Exhausted conditions, but can be removed with healing.