What AP would you like to see next, redux

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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also GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:

Now that we have The Dragon's Demand I don't know if we will see a dragon-centric AP. Of course, if sales were really good maybe we will.

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One with nothing related to Earth or our world.

Verdant Wheel

DarkPhoenixx wrote:
One with nothing related to Earth or our world.

A Human-less AP ? Interesting.

Draco Bahamut wrote:
DarkPhoenixx wrote:
One with nothing related to Earth or our world.
A Human-less AP ? Interesting.

It would also have to excise any cultures based on real world ones, anything from real world mythology, like dwarves, elves, etc...

The Truth Of The Starstone.

And have that "truth" be genuinely a real surprise that puts a whole new twist on Golarion, (but one that of course wont change the lives of the ignorant)..one that other people would never believe. The big lie.

Monty Cook did that to great effect with the nature of the world of Ptolus , and then theres John Carpenters They Live...something similarly revelationary for Golarion would be great.

Scarab Sages

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Spelljammer and planescape (pathfinder version)

Verdant Wheel

lordzack wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:
DarkPhoenixx wrote:
One with nothing related to Earth or our world.
A Human-less AP ? Interesting.
It would also have to excise any cultures based on real world ones, anything from real world mythology, like dwarves, elves, etc...

Don't forget all plants, animals, chemicals elements that Golarion shares with Earth. Now i am curious about how the designers would pull it off, maybe they just add 96 pages full of strange symbols, because such path coundn't be written in any language spoken on earth.

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I'd like to see the PCs start off dead, beginning their adventure as souls that have not yet passed through Pharasma's Boneyard.

...Book 1 takes them onto Groetus for some fun with cult activity, and from beyond there, who knows what sort of extraplanar adventures might come?

Are there any "avert apocalypse"-style APs yet? I'd kinda like to see one of those.

Shadow Lodge

ehb1022 wrote:
Spelljammer and planescape (pathfinder version)

Or Pathfinder, the Spelljammer or Planescape version. . .

Quandary wrote:

And if Paizo's 'gotta' do ANOTHER Varisia-centric AP, make it Kaer Maga-centric for sure... :-)

Either that, or a free for all with Magnimar and Korvosa being the major powers in conflict, but Kaer Maga, the Dwarves, 'free' Chelish and Varisian and Shoanti all playing their part. Runelord thrown on top for the cherry. :-)

Something like the Runelord of Wrath (or minions thereof) stirring up a war between Korvosa and Magnimar to pave the way for her awakening?

Voyd211 wrote:
Are there any "avert apocalypse"-style APs yet? I'd kinda like to see one of those.

Second Darkness was already one of those. As was arguably Legacy of Fire. And Reign of Winter, now that I think about it.

As for my choices:

A Molthune/Narimithas war would make a cool backdrop.

Also, anything that gives you an excuse to further explore Tian or Arcadia.

Maybe something with Time Travel involved. Go back to the time of the Azlanti/Thassilonian empires, Help fight Rovagug, or maybe check out an alternate Future (or Present) or two.

Draco Bahamut wrote:
lordzack wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:
DarkPhoenixx wrote:
One with nothing related to Earth or our world.
A Human-less AP ? Interesting.
It would also have to excise any cultures based on real world ones, anything from real world mythology, like dwarves, elves, etc...
Don't forget all plants, animals, chemicals elements that Golarion shares with Earth. Now i am curious about how the designers would pull it off, maybe they just add 96 pages full of strange symbols, because such path coundn't be written in any language spoken on earth.

Still would be a lot better than stupid teleportation to Earth.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
DarkPhoenixx wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:
lordzack wrote:
Draco Bahamut wrote:
DarkPhoenixx wrote:
One with nothing related to Earth or our world.
A Human-less AP ? Interesting.
It would also have to excise any cultures based on real world ones, anything from real world mythology, like dwarves, elves, etc...
Don't forget all plants, animals, chemicals elements that Golarion shares with Earth. Now i am curious about how the designers would pull it off, maybe they just add 96 pages full of strange symbols, because such path coundn't be written in any language spoken on earth.
Still would be a lot better than stupid teleportation to Earth.


Yeah, we get it. You're pissy they did Rasputin must die. Get over it already. Move on, the rest of us have.

Shadow Lodge

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Or voice your opinion and hope for change.

Liberty's Edge

I have a feeling that come February of 2015 we will see a more traditional-style AP since it will be following on the heels of Iron Gods. I am sure they don't have anything set in stone at this point but I can only assume they have some ideas floating around.

The Exchange

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An AP into the depths of Orv would be nice. I'd like to explore the secrets of the Vault Keepers more. And hell, fight some Aboleths!

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A journey into the deepest depths of the Darklands would be cool.

I'd also like to one set in one of the distant lands - southern Garund, Azlant, Vudra, Acadia, southern Tian Xia. Although since we have an exotic land (Osirion) coming up next, I don't imagine another will be done right away.

The more they have taking place outside of the traditional European (and sometimes Japanese) setting the better imo. Sure that's always going to be the main focus of D&D style games but I like to have as much diversity as possible on top of that. Something set in their Indian, Sub-Saharan African, Chinese, or New World analogs would make nice additions. I'd especially like to see something where Africans get more attention. Serpent Skull really doesn't fill that roll. :/

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

captain yesterday wrote:

Also gets my vote.

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
I have a feeling that come February of 2015 we will see a more traditional-style AP since it will be following on the heels of Iron Gods. I am sure they don't have anything set in stone at this point but I can only assume they have some ideas floating around.

DRAGON IN A DUNGEON!!!!!!!!! can't get more traditional then that

The Exchange

Unless by then they start experimenting with the Psimagic stuff. *shrugs*

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I think I would dig the following - an AP where the focus is less on saving the world from cataclysm (e.g. defeating the BBEG) and more on saving or rescuing a good guy from an undeserved poor fate.

In particular, a "save Jatembe from some terrible fate AP" would be fun. Especially if the aim was not to get Jatembe to fix a problem but to rescue a deserving soul.

Jatembe works as a focus because maybe, along the way, you save his 10 dudes or become his new set of dudes. Or have to establish some new dudes.

Plus getting to kill the Gorilla king would be cool and could definitely be squeezed in as a boss in book 4 or 5.

When will they announce the next AP? Didn't they at one point announce two at the same time?

Here are some options I would like:

Focus: Red Mantis Assassins
Locations: Botosani, Mediogalti Island, IIizzmagorti

Focus: Fortifying the Lastwall-Hold of Belkzen border by eventually putting the players in charge of a fort
Locations: Lastwall, Vigil, Belkzen

Focus: Helping a local restaurant owner find ingredients leads to something fishy
Locations: River Kingdoms, Brevoy, and as far south as Katapesh

Focus: Something from down below wants to come up and the dwarves need help
Locations: Five Kings Mountains

Paizo Employee Developer

FattyLumpkin wrote:
When will they announce the next AP? Didn't they at one point announce two at the same time?

We announce the Adventure Path that starts in February at PaizoCon in July and we announce the Adventure Path that starts in August at GenCon.

Out of all the places nothing I have never heard anything mentioned of Golarion's south pole. I'm sure even absent of land there would be ice there, and considering the magical nature of the planet I don't think it would be uninhabited.

A whole bunch of neat things could be set there. Maybe even have part of the adventure on the ice, part of it inside the miles thick ice of the pole, and part of it as an under the sea adventure under the ice in the ocean with cities, different groups, and different cultures in each.

And psychic magic!

Paizo Employee Developer

Drock11 wrote:

Out of all the places nothing I have never heard anything mentioned of Golarion's south pole. I'm sure even absent of land there would be ice there, and considering the magical nature of the planet I don't think it would be uninhabited.

A whole bunch of neat things could be set there. Maybe even have part of the adventure on the ice, part of it inside the miles thick ice of the pole, and part of it as an under the sea adventure under the ice in the ocean with cities, different groups, and different cultures in each.

Pathfinder #56 had an article on the oceans where it talks about the Ocean of Frozen Dreams and gives hints about what might be at the south pole beneath the ice.

Drock11 wrote:

Out of all the places nothing I have never heard anything mentioned of Golarion's south pole. I'm sure even absent of land there would be ice there, and considering the magical nature of the planet I don't think it would be uninhabited.

A whole bunch of neat things could be set there. Maybe even have part of the adventure on the ice, part of it inside the miles thick ice of the pole, and part of it as an under the sea adventure under the ice in the ocean with cities, different groups, and different cultures in each.

I love this idea. Unfortunately, I think the over the pole aspect of Jade Regent is still a little too recent. At least for me.

John Spalding wrote:

I think I would dig the following - an AP where the focus is less on saving the world from cataclysm (e.g. defeating the BBEG) and more on saving or rescuing a good guy from an undeserved poor fate.

In particular, a "save Jatembe from some terrible fate AP" would be fun. Especially if the aim was not to get Jatembe to fix a problem but to rescue a deserving soul.

Jatembe works as a focus because maybe, along the way, you save his 10 dudes or become his new set of dudes. Or have to establish some new dudes.

Plus getting to kill the Gorilla king would be cool and could definitely be squeezed in as a boss in book 4 or 5.

These are fun ideas.

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These days I am really looking for a Vudra based campaign. Rakshasa and Asura abound, maybe some thugee ninja, some exploration of the Mahajanapada, and monkeys.

Sovereign Court

FattyLumpkin wrote:

Focus: Fortifying the Lastwall-Hold of Belkzen border by eventually putting the players in charge of a fort

Locations: Lastwall, Vigil, Belkzen


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MYTHIC LOVECRAFT!!!!!! WITH CTHULU AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you know something similar.
also because its been awhile GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captain yesterday wrote:

MYTHIC LOVECRAFT!!!!!! WITH CTHULU AT THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you know something similar.

also because its been awhile GALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Updated Poll

I added Mega dungeon back in as requested as Emerald Spire is not a traditional AP but a special release.

Most interesting new entry goes to the "help a restaurant find ingredients leads to something fishy" ...that is a horrible pun by the way..
To save space I've added it as Culinary Questing

Numeria - Iron Gods Gencon '14
Osirion - Mummy's Mask Feb '14


Space/Planets 37
Nex/Geb/ManaWaste/Alkenstar 36
Intriuge(Political, Urban and or otherwise) 24
Vikings(Linnorn Kings) 22
Vudra 22
Nirmathas/Molthune 19
Tian 18
Arcadia 18
Planes 17
MegaDungeon 16
Absalom 16
Galt 16
Dragons 15
Taldor 15
Grand Expidition/Journey 14
Dwarves 13
Darklands 12
War 11
Aboleths 10
First World 10
Casmaron 10
Kyonin 9
Belkzen 9
Kaer Maga 8
Urban 8
Elves 8
Garund 8
Andoran 8
Orcs 7
Underwater 6
Merchant 6
Colony Building 6
Azlant 6
Lastwall 6
Darkmoon Vale 5
Time Travel 5
Mammoth Lords 5
Dreamlands 4
Guild/Faction Building 4
Chellix v Andoran 4
Qadira 4
Nidal 4
Kelesh 4
Mendev/WorldWound 3
Undead 3
Escape Death(Boneyard) 3
Five Kings Mountains 3
Evil 3
River Kingdoms 3
Sarusan 3
Race Focused (Any) 3
Razmir 3
Iblydos 3
Starstone 3
Lovecraftian Mythos 3
Lost Kingdoms 2
Redemption 2
Jalmeray 2
Druma 2
Airship 2
Katapesh 2
Cheliax 2
Lashunta 2
Treasure Hunting 2
Thuvia 2
Red Mantis 2
Sky Citidels 2
Varisia/Viperwall 2
PreHistoric 2
Rahadoum 2
Dinosaur/Lost World 2
Greek Themes 2
Jatembe 2
Gnomes 1
Apocalpyse 1
Pirate Hunting 1
Puzzles 1
Gothic Horror 1
Leadership 1
Dungeon Prison 1
Robots 1
Explorers 1
Tarrasque 1
Earth 1
Heresy 1
Nidal v. Cheliax 1
Low/No Magic 1
Arthurian Style 1
Religious Focus 1
Arcane Academy 1
Zavaten Gura 1
No Divine 1
Annuaki 1
Psionic/psychic 1
Druids 1
Arcadia in Cheliax 1
Non-Golarion 1
Mwangi Expanse 1
Aroden 1
Hollow Mountain 1
Hermea 1
Sun Temple Colony 1
Heist 1
Orv 1
Culinary Questing 1
South Pole 1

President, Jon Brazer Enterprises

atheral wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

*Finds it interesting that his picks are currently in 13th and 24th place*

Oh well.

Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
atheral wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

*Finds it interesting that his picks are currently in 13th and 24th place*

Oh well.

If it helps they both moved up this time.

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Seeing the Tooth Fairy from today's Bestiary 4 preview blog makes me want a First World AP all the more. Maybe it could be something along the lines of a Grimm's Fairy Tale AP?

Grand Lodge

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I'd love an AP thats Dwarf centric and delves into the Sky Citadels and whatevers left of their old kingdoms.

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Add my vote for both a first world AP and a dwarf related AP.

captain yesterday wrote:

SHOOT! I'm already doing this! It's called Kingmaker! =D

New idea (I think)

Around Golarion in 80 Days! A geographical race AP.

This AP would not necessarily circumnavigate the globe, but it would involve some kind of crazy contest where the AP touches on as many of Golarion's nations as possible! Just an encounter or two in each region, dropping in from an airship or some other exotic conveyance, meet-and-greets with wizards and kings... could introduce Vudra without going into too much depth.

Sounds like a nightmare to develop, but wicked fun for a party of Pathfinders. I'd be okay with this being a "Players must be Pathfinders" AP.


Zahariel wrote:
My first wish is for a Distant Worlds AP.

*still holds a torch for a Castrovel + Akiton AP*

The Exchange

#1 Geb/Nex/ManaWastes

#2 Orv - I want a hollow earth style game in the pits below.

#3 Arcadia Exploration

#4 Vudra

#5 Mamoth Lords - To finish out the northern territory arc of books and locations.

Darklands. The folks 'down under' need some love.

Scarab Sages

I'm fairly certain the next AP is Mummy's Mask...


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I would love to see:

1) A Darklands, Journey to the Center of the Earth style game. The Earthnavel in Realm of the Mammoth Lords seems tailor made for this purpose.

2) A Land of the Linnorm Kings AP

Dark Archive

Just as a quick aside, for those anxious for a Darklands AP, you might want to check out Throne of Night. Book 1 just came out and its pretty awesome.

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