Dodgy accounts spamming the forums with advertising material

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Another one.

"WORLD illustrious BEST Asian countryN GURU terrorist organization"

Reading it all is almost funny, almost, just to find the tidbits like this.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marie wrote:

The vashikaran specialists have created products? They are evolving...

(check starting about halfway down the page)

Wow. That was sneaky.

Here's another one.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

An open letter to the spammers plaguing Paizo:

We understand you're just trying to earn a living, but all you are achieving here is spreading annoyance. We are not interested in what you are trying to sell. No-one is going to follow up on your offers. You are wasting your time and ours. We get that you've got a job to do, though the definition of 'job' is somewhat loose. However, this is not the place for it, and your welcome wore out long ago.

In conclusion: Sod off!

For all non-spammers reading this message: Stay strong. All that spammers need for victory is for good posters to stand by and do nothing.

Baba Ji wrote:
Marie wrote:
The vashikaran specialists...They are evolving...
Resistance is futile.

Well, crap. They've hired her?

I just got a spam private message from this account. He's a soldier in Afghanistan apparently, who needs me to contact him for "security reason" at a email address. The message was sent to one of my aliases for a pbp that died over two years ago.

Liberty's Edge

Fear, fire, foes! Awake, awake!

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Fear, fire, foes! Awake, awake!

Also, this post replied to one of theses threads :(

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You know, those threads say they have solutions to any problem, maybe we should call them and ask them to solve our spam problem.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Um I've also got a spam PM to one of my aliases.

captain Greg 903 wants Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca to contact him in secret.

Do you need to check anything before I block and delete.

Though I AM a bit curious about just what he thinks a half-drow cleric of Shelyn can do for him.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Spiral_Ninja wrote:

Um I've also got a spam PM to one of my aliases.

captain Greg 903 wants Iesha Shadowstar-Petrosca to contact him in secret.

Do you need to check anything before I block and delete.

Though I AM a bit curious about just what he thinks a half-drow cleric of Shelyn can do for him.

Nope. He's already suspended. Feel free to delete at will.

FuelDrop wrote:

An open letter to the spammers plaguing Paizo:

We understand you're just trying to earn a living, but all you are achieving here is spreading annoyance. We are not interested in what you are trying to sell. No-one is going to follow up on your offers. You are wasting your time and ours. We get that you've got a job to do, though the definition of 'job' is somewhat loose. However, this is not the place for it, and your welcome wore out long ago.

In conclusion: Sod off!

For all non-spammers reading this message: Stay strong. All that spammers need for victory is for good posters to stand by and do nothing.

Well, better they do nothing than follow the links of the spammers.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
Well, better they do nothing than follow the links of the spammers.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do something!


Sovereign Court

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Suppose getting 3 spam private messages was always going to happen with my amount of aliases.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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This person showed up in my PM inbox. I saw "Nigeria" and stopped reading.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
RainyDayNinja wrote:
This person showed up in my PM inbox. I saw "Nigeria" and stopped reading.

Yep, got that one today.

Target locked. Fire when ready.

Dark Archive

Deadmanwalking wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Blood for the Blood God!

Are we reduced now to repeating ourselves? For shame. For shame!


Skulls for the Throne of [Redacted]!

Also, yes. :P


Dark Archive

Would you kindly take care of this spammer?

Dark Archive

And another.


and here.
I don't think these people care a thing for our pleads to stop.


Dark Archive

Here's a link to that last one: kdanveer

Here's one

I didn't get past the topic title.

MagusJanus, he's not actually a spammer actually. He just looks like one.


I think my erring on the side of caution can be understood. They're a bit of a pain right now.

Oh, I understand entirely! I just thought you should know. :)

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MagusJanus wrote:

Here's one

I didn't get past the topic title.

I changed his title. Should help somewhat.


Thanks, Lisa!


For Spamalot!!!

Paizo Employee CEO

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
For Spamalot!!!

Tis a silly place.



black magic woman...

Paizo Employee CEO

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
black magic woman...

For Carlos, I banish thee!


Phones for sale...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
black magic woman...

For Carlos, I banish thee!


*sigh* Sweet, wonderful, beautiful, perfect Carlos.

Dark Archive

spam for phones

same user,michel daugher , on a bunch of threads

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here we go again.

They're back. shivbaba23

And here; same alias. Did you know there are gold medals for astrology?

Just got a spam PM to one of my aliases link of profile here: Sells Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've gotten 4 of the same from that same account. Perhaps we should have a "report" option on the private messaging screens.

Dark Archive

This dude right here.

Grand Lodge

Not even character concept inspirations are worth this.

Dark Archive

I swear their numbers are thinning.

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