
Sekitou's page

Goblin Squad Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Best I can say is this, Raise Animal Companion.
It only costs a 1000gp diamond. But you still have the negative levels.

Blight Druid gets a familiar instead of an animal companion.

Devilkiller wrote:
Alternately the familiar could be of the Figment archetype so that no matter how many times the PCs kill it the darned thing just comes back again the next day.

If it's a witch's familiar, it's stated that witch familiars cannot use the Figment archetype.

Rysky wrote:
If you like healing and fixing things, you will like the Major Hex.

I do like that, and we don't have a divine caster. Thanks! Still no shipping notification, but I need to finish leveling. Hopefully my DM will let me switch my Major Hex next week.

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I just wish my shipping notification would arrive. I have to finish leveling my witch before we play tomorrow, and I'm itching to see the new spells and hexes!

Is 3rd party allowed? If so, I recently picked up this feat for my witch.

Potent Hex

Potent hex
You have developed more powerful hexes.
Prerequisite: Hex class feature
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of all your hexes.

I loved playing my Blight Druid. Try the spell, Explosion Of Rot. I used it a lot in later books of Carrion Crown as it works on Undead. It works on Constructs too, so I'd think it would work well in Iron Gods as well.

Imbicatus wrote:
Sekitou wrote:
My witch just got 3rd level spells, and I can't wait to cast Screech (witch only spell).

It's a pretty awful spell for 3rd level. It's a small area, centered on you, that requires allies in melee range with available AoOs to take advantage of the AoO, and it has a will save. Even if it goes off, a single AoO does not do that much damage.

You would be better off with a lightning bolt, and those aren't that good.

It's actually a Fortitude save. My party tends to be up in melee a lot, and as a witch my character stays within 30ft of everyone anyway for her hexes. The spell should work great for our party at least.

My witch just got 3rd level spells, and I can't wait to cast Screech (witch only spell).

Ragadolf wrote:

Question, where is this magnificent 'HIDE' button I keep hearing about?

I keep flagging, but I can't find the button to hide the thread after I Flag it.

<Magic missile FLAGS another one>

Dang things are like c0ckroaches. WHen you find one you know there are 100 others hiding behind it, waiting for you to turn the lights out.

look on the far right. there's a little circle with a diagonal line through it. since I started hiding them it's helped a lot to tell which I've flagged.

okay, everything I see is flagged. I have to tag out for a little while. I'll be back later.

My blight druid was fond of Grove Of Respite, and then at higher levels Fairy Ring Retreat.

Blight Druid gets a familiar at level 1.





Revolving Door Alternate wrote:

What book has the Blight druid?

And I forgot the druid domains of eagle, frog, monkey and serpent respectively grant a hawk, toad, monkey, and viper familiar.

Blight Druid is in the Advanced Players Guide.

A Blight Druid gets a familiar instead of an animal companion.

Dragon78 wrote:

I would like to see familiar/animal companion archtypes for...

Druid-(Familair instead of Animal Companion.)

The Blight Druid archetype from the APG gives a druid a familiar instead of an animal companion. I'm playing one right now.


I have a quick question. Borrow Skill is listed on the 1st Level Druid spell list. However when you look at the spell description, Druid isn't listed. Is this a Druid spell? Thanks!

ETA: also, I see that Glamour and Hex Weapon are the same way. On the list, but Druid is missing from the spell descriptions. As a general rule do we follow the spell list or spell description?

Asgetrion wrote:
Sekitou wrote:
I just received mine from Amazon on Friday, and it was 5th printing.
Corrected for you; this may seem like nitpicking, but it is important to note that there's a big difference between 'edition' and 'printing'.

Sorry, yes, I know the difference between edition and printing. This is just what happens when I read and post from work, when I'm supposed to be working.

I just received mine from Amazon on Friday, and it was 5th edition.