Chartered Company: The Seventh Veil

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

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I do also want to mention that TSV has recently started supporting the creation of our special interest sub-communities. These will be non-exclusive subsets of the community with a focus on a specific goals, lore, and/or play-styles. All members are welcome to be a member of, participate in, and/or simply follow with interest any sub-community.

At the moment, we officially have:

The Grey Guard: Military focused sub-community focused on settlement defense (PvP & PvE). Primarily Order (Lawful) tactics and identity.

Seventh Veil Geographical Society: A sub-community focused on exploration, classification, and explanation of the geology of the world we find in game. A big initial focus will be on cartography.

Frozen Fingers: A Kellid lore based unit with a (non-exclusive) focus on combat endeavors. Primarily Chaotic tactics and identity.

If anyone is interested in helping develop or simply participating in any of these groups, feel free to follow one of the many links to TSV provided in the preceding posts.

We are also looking to further diversify by supporting the creation of other internal sub-communities. If you have an idea, feel free to contact us to initiate a discussion.

Goblin Squad Member

Or you can always just Apply Here!

We are fun, friendly, knowledgeable, and we really care! About you! And about this game!

Come join us!

PVP, crafting, harvesting, settlement building/management, exploration, or any other interest you may have, we have a spot for you!

Goblin Squad Member

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Despite what some other companies might claim, The Seventh Veil has many members who are very experienced and highly interested in PVP!

If you want to engage in meaningful PVP to protect your fellows, gain new territory or resources, or simply teach those bandits a lesson, The Seventh Veil is the right place for you!

Apply here!

Don't let others mislead you! We WILL be a powerful PVP force!

Are you a crafter? Harvester? Do you spend all of your time playing the markets?

At the Seventh Veil, we have a place for you!

Join TSV as we search for truth, equality, and knowledge in the River Kingdoms!

Goblin Squad Member

Interested in exploring the lore of the River Kingdoms? Discovering all that's hidden? Delving the deepest mysteries?

The Seventh Veil

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:

Despite what some other companies might claim, The Seventh Veil has many members who are very experienced and highly interested in PVP!

If you want to engage in meaningful PVP to protect your fellows, gain new territory or resources, or simply teach those bandits a lesson, The Seventh Veil is the right place for you!

Apply here!

Don't let others mislead you! We WILL be a powerful PVP force!

Are you a crafter? Harvester? Do you spend all of your time playing the markets?

At the Seventh Veil, we have a place for you!

Join TSV as we search for truth, equality, and knowledge in the River Kingdoms!

Goblin Squad Member

Do you want to make a difference in the River Kingdoms?

Do you crave a company where your opinions will be heeded? Where you matter?

We are the group for you!

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

We are overjoyed with each new application, and we recognize the importance of continual growth in order to be successful. But I also want to make clear to the community that Members of The Seventh Veil should not vote in the upcoming Phase 2 of the Land Rush. If you're comfortable with that restriction, and feel that T7V is the right place for you, by all means please come over and apply. I think you'll find us a very friendly and helpful group.

I also want to plug our friends and allies in the Roseblood Accord who are continuing to recruit in their attempts to secure their own Settlements:

Keepers of the Circle just barely missed out on Phase 1 of the Land Rush after getting 4th place in the original poll. They are a very friendly group of folks broadly interested in many aspects of the game and committed to a principle of non-aggression.

Audacity is a Mercenary Company founding the Settlement Dagedai and just recently made an alliance with The Balanced Scales Trading Company.

Deepforge Company is a Dwarf-centric company looking for more to help them mine the depths of the southeast mountains.

I hope that I'll soon be able to announce more friends and allies that will be active in the next phase of the Land Rush. And I hope that folks looking for a good fit for their Characters will give a serious look at all of these Companies and Settlements.

Also, newly joined Magistry!

Goblin Squad Member

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@ Dazyk

You've got The Fever Son. The Fever For The Seventh Veil!

Goblin Squad Member

*gracious bow*

Well, not everyone can rely solely on their boyish good looks for recruiting! ;D

You charmer, you!

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:

*gracious bow*

Well, not everyone can rely solely on their boyish good looks for recruiting! ;D

You charmer, you!

**Blushed until Blue!**

Goblin Squad Member

Rain falls beneath a blackened sun
And all now weep for the sin is done
Before she gleamed of bronze and gold
Now mere ash for the stars foretold
Of a fallen angel mortal and frail
Faceless behind The Seventh Veil

Goblin Squad Member

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Wow, Saiph, you've got to become a member of T7V. Oh, wait... ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

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Dazyk wrote:

Right Fult? Tell them how big your axe is, my friend!

Huh? Dazyk is confused, this is a bardiche. <Fult smiles broadly> But a very big bardiche, yup! The Frozen Fingers (and Fult bets the TSV Grey Guard too) are eager to fight monsters, bandits and any other foes. Those who intend to fight with honor, chaotic or lawful, are welcome to join ; those who fight without honor will suffer long pain before dying and Fult will rejoice.

Goblin Squad Member

Fult wrote:
Dazyk wrote:

Right Fult? Tell them how big your axe is, my friend!
Huh? Dazyk is confused, this is a bardiche. <Fult smiles broadly>

Hmmmm... so it is! My apologies! I prefer fireballs and lightning bolts, myself, so my knowledge of edged weapons is somewhat limited. ;)

If you want to smash faces with Fult, or throw fireballs at goblins with Nihimon and me, we have a place for you in the Seventh Veil!

Apply Here!

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats on hitting 50 members in the land rush!

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Alexander Damocles wrote:
Congrats on hitting 50 members in the land rush!

Thank you!

Goblin Squad Member

Congratulations on hitting 50!

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you, folks.

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks, everyone. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Leaderboard looks at week 10. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Interested in exploring the lore of the River Kingdoms? Discovering all that's hidden? Delving the deepest mysteries?

The Seventh Veil

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For all warriors joining T7V, the seventh ale will be free in all breweries of Phaeros throughout the Land Rush. Do not miss this promotion!

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Fult wrote:

For all warriors joining T7V, the seventh ale will be free in all breweries of Phaeros throughout the Land Rush. Do not miss this promotion!

What ? Wait, wait a minute... Do you mean that real PvP fighters shouldn't all group together to have easy victories, but should choose to fight to protect what is right ? :p

Well, I guess that joining a non-chaotic and non-evil organisation IS the way to really make a difference, protect what they believe in, and have a real challenge, against all the petty warlords of the River Kingdoms.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll take one of those, Fult!

*deftly catches the mug of golden ale as it flies across the bar at lightning speed*

Ouch... man you got an arm on you Fult...

Pull up a stool, newcomer, and Fult and I will regale you with tales of The Seventh Veil!

Goblin Squad Member

The non believers of positive game play will face the Inquisition of Milani. No, they will not be expecting it.

Goblin Squad Member

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Yhora-gwar wrote:
The non believers of positive game play will face the Inquisition of Milani. No, they will not be expecting it.

Dance for us!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Yhora-gwar wrote:

What's good for the gander is good for the goose :)

Goblin Squad Member

If you want me to dance, you have to ask the right alt ;)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought this might be a good time to remind everyone that The Seventh Veil was all about Freedom before being all about Freedom was cool.

After all, we're dedicated to granting our members as much freedom to pursue their own goals and interests as possible.

I guess I've written so much about how we're committed to ensuring our Members and any Companies that are associated with us remain as autonomous as possible, I've grown lazy in reminding new folks that this is actually one of our core principles, and always has been.

Our Mission is to help our Members achieve their own personal goals. We have the same Mission concerning our friends and allies. We don't make demands, we make an effort to help, and we make it clear what we're trying to accomplish so that others who wish to help us can know how to do so.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

nice job on 50 guys!

Goblin Squad Member

Still trying to get the rest of our lazy guildmates to apply - should see 3 more coming in "soon". -_-

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Andius wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
What ? Wait, wait a minute... Do you mean that real PvP fighters shouldn't all group together to have easy victories

Join Aragon today, a settlement with so much concentrated PvP power and such efficient leadership that even members of an alliance with over 7 times our membership fear the ease which with we can overcome our opponents.

Do you want to be a part of a group that inspires that kind of fear? Do you want to be forged into a warrior that powerful? Join Aragon today and run with the wolves!

Andius, stop quoting me please, we shouldn't argue before Xeen, you know it always upset him.

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:
Andius wrote:
Audoucet wrote:
What ? Wait, wait a minute... Do you mean that real PvP fighters shouldn't all group together to have easy victories

Join Aragon today, a settlement with so much concentrated PvP power and such efficient leadership that even members of an alliance with over 7 times our membership fear the ease which with we can overcome our opponents.

Do you want to be a part of a group that inspires that kind of fear? Do you want to be forged into a warrior that powerful? Join Aragon today and run with the wolves!

Andius, stop quoting me please, we shouldn't argue before Xeen, you know it always upset him.

I'm feeling antagonistic. >:D

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Nay, I was at first, but not anymore. Andius actually has great ideas, about the fact that too much PvP is toxic for the community, and that PvP shouldn't be the main objective of the game.

Even though we will obviously be in antagonised communitys, which is fine because the game would be boring otherwise, he still is cool. reaking-through-the-pvp-game-myth/

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:

Nay, I was at first, but not anymore. Andius actually has great ideas, about the fact that too much PvP is toxic for the community, and that PvP shouldn't be the main objective of the game.

Even though we will obviously be in antagonised communitys, which is fine because the game would be boring otherwise, he still is cool. reaking-through-the-pvp-game-myth/

'Ey slattern! I got potions to brew and wares to sell! Off with you and thine frilly gossip! Out er' I say, out! Or a frog you be!

Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:

Nay, I was at first, but not anymore. Andius actually has great ideas, about the fact that too much PvP is toxic for the community, and that PvP shouldn't be the main objective of the game.

Even though we will obviously be in antagonised communitys, which is fine because the game would be boring otherwise, he still is cool. reaking-through-the-pvp-game-myth/

Rather, I'm feeling antagonistic, so I'm quoting you - just because you had asked another person to stop quoting you. ;)

Also, Panda Express. noms

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

I thought this might be a good time to remind everyone that The Seventh Veil was all about Freedom before being all about Freedom was cool.

After all, we're dedicated to granting our members as much freedom to pursue their own goals and interests as possible.

I guess I've written so much about how we're committed to ensuring our Members and any Companies that are associated with us remain as autonomous as possible, I've grown lazy in reminding new folks that this is actually one of our core principles, and always has been.

Our Mission is to help our Members achieve their own personal goals. We have the same Mission concerning our friends and allies. We don't make demands, we make an effort to help, and we make it clear what we're trying to accomplish so that others who wish to help us can know how to do so.

Man... I wish my tongue could dance with the same eloquence as this man's.


Apply here!

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:

Despite what some other companies might claim, The Seventh Veil has many members who are very experienced and highly interested in PVP!

If you want to engage in meaningful PVP to protect your fellows, gain new territory or resources, or simply teach those bandits a lesson, The Seventh Veil is the right place for you!

Apply here!

Don't let others mislead you! We WILL be a powerful PVP source!

Join us in the Good Fight!

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Fult précise à l'intention des Européens que s'ils veulent crier « YAAAAAARGHHH !!! » en français, en italien, en allemand, en castillan ou en chargeant, nous sommes tout à fait aptes à vous comprendre, sinon à vous répondre dans le même esprit.

La mission de T7V est de vous aider à développer VOTRE personnage et à atteindre VOS buts avec toute l'autonomie que vous souhaitez. Bienvenue à tous et toutes!

I was just about to go to the Spam thread.

Then I noticed you were a Goblin Squad member.

Probably not a babaji, then.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fult, it's been many years since I could write in French with anything close to your eloquence, but I can still read it just fine, and I enjoy your style very much. You give good laugh, too.

Goblin Squad Member

5 people marked this as a favorite.

<Fult hides behind his back the bonnet of Tongues he has removed swiftly

Oh, Fult thanks Jazzlvraz. Fult is still surprised that YAAAAAARGHHH !!! translates so well in any language. Fult thinks barbarians are natural diplomats.

Goblin Squad Member

Fult wrote:

... Fult is still surprised that YAAAAAARGHHH !!! translates so well in any language...

Haha! Very good point!

You are pretty clever for such a... um... thick?... guy! :D

Goblin Squad Member

Be a part of one of the oldest companies in Pathfinder Online!

Let us help you achieve your goals!

We are currently recruiting all character types, for all roles!

PVP, crafting, harvesting, politics, exploring, PVE, assassins, barbarians, gnomes... oh my!

You name it, we have a place for it!

If you are looking for a friendly community where everyone is valued and everyone's opinions are sacred--then look no further!

Check us out on the Goblinworks site, Here!

Apply Here!

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:

Interested in exploring the lore of the River Kingdoms? Discovering all that's hidden? Delving the deepest mysteries?

The Seventh Veil

Goblin Squad Member

We are also looking specifically for chefs having experience in boiling oil, executionners able to organize popular festivities, Rogues or Pathfinders with a skill to handle Nissan... er... Nessian Warhounds, a choir of Heart Knights singing “Off With Their Head” and a troup of lawn gnomes with a fishing skill.

If you recognize yourself, we really, really, really want to know you!

Please apply here!

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't try one of the first six veils. They are trash.

The Seventh Veil.

You guys can use that pitch if you want. We'll discuss royalties later.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Try The Seventh Veil et you will get the other six for the same low price!

< Fult wonders if it is likely a lawsuit>

Dang. I was gonna do a joke pitch, but Toombstone beat me to it.

Goblin Squad Member

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Dang. I was gonna do a joke pitch, but Toombstone beat me to it.

Sadface :( This is just like when we wore the same dress to prom.

It was a really big dress

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