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The people of the Seventh Veil are some of the most genuine and welcoming people I've seen in online games. I'm very glad I joined, and if you're still deciding which group to call your family I think you'll find that once you join you'll be glad you did too. If you'd like to talk about it some more or have any questions, I can usually be found on the Seventh Veil Teamspeak server most evenings.

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The Seventh Veil Music Video. :P
Note: some NSFW language in the video above.
My personal submission for a theme song would be more like this.

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Banesama wrote:The Seventh Veil Music Video. :PNote: some NSFW language in the video above.
My personal submission for a theme song would be more like this.
Really just linked it because the band as the same name as our group. :P
Edit. Thanks for putting the NSFW warning. I should've done that but it sadly didn't cross my mind to do it.

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After talking with Mark Moreland and a bunch of other admins from pathfinderwiki.com, Decius and I have committed to making that portal the "go to" portal for Pathfinder Online information. We got a chance to talk to Lee and Stephen about getting regular data dumps directly from them. That will probably eventually be a publicly accessible source that anyone can access, but we're going to do what we can to ensure that data makes it into the Pathfinder Online portal of pathfinderwiki.com.
We encourage anyone who is interested in making a PFO Wiki to help make pathfinderwiki.com the best source of PFO information anywhere on the web.

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Banesama wrote:The Seventh Veil Music Video. :PNote: some NSFW language in the video above.
My personal submission for a theme song would be more like this.
Is that Severus Snape playing bass?

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After talking with Mark Moreland and a bunch of other admins from pathfinderwiki.com, Decius and I have committed to making that portal the "go to" portal for Pathfinder Online information. We got a chance to talk to Lee and Stephen about getting regular data dumps directly from them. That will probably eventually be a publicly accessible source that anyone can access, but we're going to do what we can to ensure that data makes it into the Pathfinder Online portal of pathfinderwiki.com.
We encourage anyone who is interested in making a PFO Wiki to help make pathfinderwiki.com the best source of PFO information anywhere on the web.
Yay! Good to hear and glad to help!

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Just a reminder that The Seventh Veil - the original home of Freedom and Self-Determination - is still recruiting.
We have already secured our Settlement location in the first Land Rush, alongside our good friends and staunch allies The Empyrean Order (who totally crushed the first and second Land Rushes). Together, we are in a strong position to control the only access to our "Back Yard" of Croplands Hexes and our very own Star Metal Hex.
If you're looking for a nice, out of the way place to try to make your home, please consider joining one of us or one of our other close friends and strong allies in the region: Keepers of the Circle, Hammerfall, and Blackwood Glade. The latter could really use your help to ensure they retain their current positions in Week 10 of this Land Rush.

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Welcome 'ye lot! Me gots potions to sell and me magic brew for samplin'!
<Looks directly at interested applicant>
"'Ye a real good looking fella, yup 'ye is. Thou won't be needing any of 'me love potions that's for sure. How about a swiftness charm for a journey hmmm? Perhaps a healing salve?"
<rummages through her pockets>
"These here bones of mine be hurting 'lil lad, let Old Buurz show thou to The Seventh Ale! My tongue be thirsty for some dark mead! Been hunting witches for days now, two got away can 'ye believe it? Slipped right through these here fingers.

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The Seventh Veil extends congratulations to all the guilds that won Settlements during the Land Rush. We're especially pleased that our friends and allies were (for the most part) able to secure their desired locations. We look forward to providing the support we promised to our neighbors, and to the rewards we expect to reap from the good relationships we have with our friends.
If you're in our neck of the woods and interested in being part of our alliance, we'll be having a big get-together sometime during the next week. If you haven't already been approached by KotC Carbon D. Metric about it, please reach out to him or me.
I'd like to close with a special congratulations to Keepers of the Circle for a truly outstanding performance. I think of you as the "heart" of our Nation, in more ways than one.

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Next step 100 members for each and every of the friendly companies in the south east !!
Though its good to remember that as the map expands our cosy corner may not be hidden away in the south east for long.
Wise ye is, 'lil gnome-man. Fear not though, me magic keep ye and me other allies safe. Yup, it do.

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KoTC Edam Neadenil wrote:Wise ye is, 'lil gnome-man. Fear not though, me magic keep ye and me other allies safe. Yup, it do.Next step 100 members for each and every of the friendly companies in the south east !!
Though its good to remember that as the map expands our cosy corner may not be hidden away in the south east for long.
Aye and the Keepers shall have a goodly supply of cauldrons and other magicky mumbo jumbo stuff should you ever be in need.

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Next step 100 members for each and every of the friendly companies in the south east !!
Though its good to remember that as the map expands our cosy corner may not be hidden away in the south east for long.
If things go well, we will have companies that will want to form their own settlements when the map expands. It will be then up to us 3 and other allied settlements to help them clear out and setup their new settlement. Ultimately expanding The Everbloom Alliance.

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Just a reminder that The Seventh Veil has been all about Freedom! for a very long time, and we have a proven track record of following through on our promises of support. We're committed to building up our friends and allies, not subjugating vassals.
If you share our goals and values, we encourage you consider joining us for Early Enrollment. When Open Enrollment comes around, we'll be working hard to help those friends and allies who have the drive and the capability to secure their own Settlements, and to help them thrive.

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I am without a Settlement to call home, or a Charter Company to share ADVENTURE!
If the 7th Veil is still looking for people I am interested.
We are. Here is the link to our site for applicants: The Seventh Veil

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It's always the seventh ale that brings them to their knees. I suspect that old fishwife knows of what she speaks!
Jatti's Seventh Ale would be best tavern in Phaeros if it was not for all the Grey Guards who think this is their headquarters. <Fult spits> Not that Fult not appreciate a good battle with one... uh... no, one is too easy... with several guards occasionally.

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If there are any members of The Seventh Veil who are paying more attention here than on our forums, we have lots of Alpha Access passes to hand out, so please check in.

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We're glad to have you, Djo. And we're happy to have the other folks who have been joining Phaeros since Early Enrolmment began.
If anyone else is looking for a home in the River Kingdoms, Phaeros is one of the most welcoming places you can find. Our members run the gamut from hardcore and experienced PvPers to pure crafters to complete MMO newbies, and we're glad to have them all.
The only thing we ask is that you refrain from getting a reputation as a "random player killer". It shouldn't be that hard; if you're not sure who someone is, assume they're friendly until they prove otherwise.

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Our members run the gamut from hardcore and experienced PvPers to pure crafters to complete MMO newbies
This is absolutely true. We've gone toe to toe with groups of dedicated PvPers and we've come out ahead several times (and lost several times as well - but we learn from every battle). We also have people in every crafting and refining profession and are at this point doubling or tripling up, so our forges are always fired and there's always a use for more crafters and refiners. We have gatherers around the clock contributing resources so that all of our members are always outfitted, and we regularly form gathering groups to make it a more social event. We also do a lot of PvE content and take down escalations on a regular basis. We talk about the game on TeamSpeak quite a bit, and we've probably answered thousands of questions at this point that people have come to us with, or asked while on TeamSpeak with us.
Phaeros is a great place to make your home, a great place to learn how to play the game (after doing the tutorial quests and reading the new player guide), and there's a place for everyone that follows Wheaton's Law.

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With our 3 year anniversary around the corner the 7th Veil has kept its promise to the PFO Community to provide knowledge and be a beacon of positive game play.
We are set up in a sweet spot, are a major cog in the game's largest alliance and have collected an excellent group of human beings who play this game really damn well.
I won't say 7th Veil is the best choice, but I will say it's a great one.