These 'ol bones remember ye, yup them do, 'lil elfie. Ye see me ain't too familiar with how this magic Alpha be a'workin' but me wise enough to know not to listen to the voices of the commoners! Yer ears will fall right off if ye listen to that lot chatter about! Make ye own opinion and tell those common folk to piss off, like 'ol Buurz! <puffs her gigantic pipe>
Diella wrote:
Oh, yup! Me 'ol dusty brain be remembering ye! What a lovely dwarfy ye is, helped me find me companion, ye did! Yer friends with that wee lass Fanndis Goldbraid ain't ye? Pretty 'lil thing she be, reminds me of 'ol Rengi Redhorn, me best mate!
Yup, ye heard me over there in Goblinworks land, wherever in the twelve hells that town be! Ye see, methinks me name don't quite work without "the Fishwife" ye know what me mean? Hath ye lot thought this through? Me Goatie's perty eynes fill with watery tears just a'ponderin' of me patrons calling simply "Buurz." Erewhile me heart been so calm, yet now me seem to be getting the flutters. Just the green 'ye know, not me nerves. Nerves of steel me has! OOC: Will there be a way for characters, such as Old Buurz, to have three words for a name? Maybe something we can buy in the item shop....or something the GMs can bestow upon players that desire this? This is the first time I've posted OOC using my Buurz the Fishwife character, as this is very important to me! Thanks for reading, <takes a swig of her mead> Any of ye wanna purchase me magical brew? Best in the land, yup, it be! <cackles>
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
What thou 'goin on about again Sir 'Lil Elfie Wit Sharp Teethies, eh? What in the blizzards is roleplaying? That some sorta talent? Ye a funny 'lil elfie. Yup, ye is. Bit furry for an elfie though, and such a wee thing ye is. Hmmph... <examines further>
Nihimon wrote:
Those Veiled folk are dark-n-twisty, yup, they is. Me magical brew still bring a wee smile to them grumpy lips though!
KoTC Edam Neadenil wrote:
Wise ye is, 'lil gnome-man. Fear not though, me magic keep ye and me other allies safe. Yup, it do.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: The Seventh Veil actually has a darker side. They're plotting to protect folks from unwanted PvP: With his insidious new device, Nihimon, King of Phaeros, will brainwash everyone who joins into wanting to kill other players! They'll have an unstoppable army before Turkey Day! <cackles> Ye a funny 'lil elfie. Yup, ye is. Big teeth for an elfie though, and such a wee thing ye is. Hmmph... <swigs her mead and examines further>
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote: Actually Bringslite is the one who lit the fire successfully under this batch. Yup, me always thought that 'lil lad was handsome, err special me meant. Ye lot are sure to be keeping them evil witchy-witches out yer settlement with him around. Yup, ye is! <takes a swig of her mead>
KoTC Edam Neadenil wrote:
Ye look older than me, and me an 'ol bag! Methinks yer eyesight not as good as mebbie it used to be, yup, me do. Me magical brew help with that 'lil issue, ye 'ol battleaxe! <cackles>
What thou 'goin on about, eh? What in the blizzards is a Asian? That some sorta elfie? Methinks ye might be confused with Asiona, eh? But that 'ol rickety town is in the North next to them old bags of Irrisen! Silly critter, 'ye look like the type that be confused. Care for a smoke? Calm you down it will, but thine brain still stay the same size! <cackles>
One of me best friends is a dwarfy, yup, she be. Good 'ol Rengi Redhorn! Only 'lil lady me ever seen that could drink more mead than Old Buurz! She good with a axe too, mmhmmm, she be helping hunt them witchy-witches when me need some help. Which is varrrrry rare of course, mmmhmm. <takes a puff of her enormous pipe>
Old Buurz likes shiny rings, yup, me do. Me hobbies are brewing me magical brew, healing me friends - for a slight fee of course, 'puffin me greenie, hunting 'ol dark-n-twisty witchy-witches and drinking me mead! So, if me math up to par, me should receive five shiny rings! Yup, me should! <puts out her wrinkled hand> C'mon ye lot! Me Goatie waiting for me return!
Welcome 'ye lot! Me gots potions to sell and me magic brew for samplin'! <Looks directly at interested applicant> "'Ye a real good looking fella, yup 'ye is. Thou won't be needing any of 'me love potions that's for sure. How about a swiftness charm for a journey hmmm? Perhaps a healing salve?" <rummages through her pockets> "These here bones of mine be hurting 'lil lad, let Old Buurz show thou to The Seventh Ale! My tongue be thirsty for some dark mead! Been hunting witches for days now, two got away can 'ye believe it? Slipped right through these here fingers. <cackles>
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down an abandoned road towards a spooky cemetery wherein a band of necromancers, warlocks and foul creatures have gathered discussing necromancy and black magic. As the wagon draws nearer to the eerie area it suddenly comes to a halt and out its tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. 'Ey ye in there! Whatcha goin' on about, mmm? Methinks ye up to no good, yup, me do. <takes a swig of her mead> Just ask these here old-and-rotten witchy heads rollin' around me wagon what I do with evil witchy-witches, don't expect a response though! <cackles>
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down an abandoned road towards the great settlement of Ozem's Vigil. As the wagon draws nearer to the towering city walls it suddenly comes to a halt and out a tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. "Would ye looky there Goaty, elfies be in here! Oh, what a beautiful sight they be! Just think all the pretty blonde hair we can braid and songs about trees we can sing!" <pulls out her enormous pipe and takes a puff>
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down an abandoned road towards the great university town of Phaeros. As the wagon draws nearer to the towering city gates it suddenly comes to a halt and out the wagon's tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. "Would ye looky there Goaty, home sweet home! Oh, what a glorious sight she be! Just think all the magic we be a learnin' and the evil witchy-witches we be 'a burnin'" <pulls out her enormous pipe and takes a puff> <cackles>
"Aye 'ye Bonny! Methinks 'ye be looking like a witchy-witch! What say thee, hmm? Old Buurz don't like no evil witchy-witch! Howbeit if 'ye be a good er noble witch thine arms hath a big hug for 'ye! Lackady, smell of garlic me do, been brewing a protection potion all evenin'! <takes a swig of her mead>
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down an abandoned road towards a spooky cemetery wherein a band of necromancers, warlocks and foul creatures have gathered discussing necromancy and black magic. As the wagon draws nearer to the eerie area it suddenly comes to a halt and out its tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. "Ey 'ye lot! What 'ye dark-n-twisty folk goin' on about, hmmm? Mayhap 'ye just celebrating a nameday, howbeit methinks something evil afoot! C'mere out that shadow, show Old Buurz what 'ye made of!" <takes a puff oh her enormous pipe>
"What a dear 'ye is, Lady Sarenrae favors thee, yes yes! Now Old Buurz here be liking shiny things, yup 'she do. Emeralds especially, beautiful they be, and mysterious! Quite like myself, 'methinks." <takes a puff of her enormous pipe before continuing> "And adventure, aye little laddie, Old Buurz could tell you some tales! Me weary eynes have seen darkness, and thine light would have been a welcomed friend on those days, aye. Blood and smoke hath filled me nostrils many a evening, natheless me wit keep me safe, and me goat iwis." <beams a wise smile>
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down an abandoned road towards The River King where a magical spell separating it from all the other lands of Golarion is soon said to dissipate. As the wagon draws nearer to the shielded area it suddenly comes to a halt and out a tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. "Would 'ye looky there Goaty, glorious eh? Just think all the green we be smokin' and the evil witchy-witches we be 'a burnin'" <pulls out her enormous pipe and takes a puff> <cackles>
Buurz waddles her way towards the vardo's door and casts a quick jinx to unlock the door. Once out of the wagon she takes the arms of the young man and they make their ways towards the quaint, highly decorative city. "So tell me laddie, who's in charge of the decor around here? Verrrrrry talented they be, oh yes. Take after 'me own hearts they do, ain't every day 'ye see such a wagon, I painted it me self!" <cackles>
A goat-drawn vardo pulls up next to Bringslite as he's speaking outside the mighty walls of Ozem's Vigl. The ornate yellow wagon begins to rock back and forth and sounds of banging pots and shattering glass can be heard from outside. Suddenly the tiny window on the side of the wagon bursts open and out flows the scent of foreign spices followed by the head of very lively, yet very old crone. "Well isn't this a beauty, aye Goaty? They sure do know how to decorate!" <Pulls out her pipe and lights it whilst still chatting> <Looks directly at Bringslite> "'Ye a real good looking fella, yup 'ye is. Thou won't be needing any of 'me love potions that's for sure. How about a swiftness charm for a journey hmmm? Perhaps a healing salve?" <rummages through her pockets> "These here bones of mine be hurting lad, will thou show an old crone to the nearest tavern, my tongue be thirsty for some dark mead! Been hunting witches for days now, two got away can 'ye believe it? Slipped right through these here fingers. <cackles>
"Well of course, no evil witchy-woo can frighten 'ol Buurz!" <Buurz looks around hastily> "'Ye don't suppose they are after me scorpion do 'ye? Or me mead? Erewhile me heart been so calm. Now me seem to be getting the flutters, just the green 'ye know, not me nerves. Nerves of steel me has! How are thee with that shiny blade?"
Bluddwolf wrote:
An odd, yellow, goat-drawn vardo slowly makes its way down the road towards Bluddwolf as he stands outside the great city of Phaeros where the esteemed Roseblood Accord was recently signed and proclaimed. As the wagon becomes parallel with Bluddwolf, it stops abruptly and out a tiny side window pops a very lively, yet very old crone. "What thou 'goin on about, eh? What in the blizzards is a farmville? That some Eastern town?" <Buurz seems to be thinking> "Methinks ye might be confused with Farmington eh? But that 'ol rickety town is in the North next to them old bags of Irrisen! Silly slattern, 'ye look like the type that be confused. Care for a smoke? Calm you down it will, but thine brain still stay the same size! <cackles>
Buurz thinks about Amaziah's request and decides a growth potion would do the trick. As the old woman rummages through her many pockets, her demeanor completely changes and she quickly turns to Amaziah in sudden alarm. "Evil lurks about lad, dark and terrible methinks!" <moves her head to examine the crowd>
"Hmmm, if might be that 'lil, odd elf over there. Musical folk are often tainted me say! 'Ye feel it lad? <hiccup>