Chartered Company: The Seventh Veil

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

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Congratulations on your settlement spot, and the well earned recognition T7V :)

Goblin Squad Member

Now that the cat's out in the blog, I think it's safe to publicly announce that Phaeros, a Settlement of The Seventh Veil, will be established at AB (according to the Original Land Rush Map). The Empyrean Order will be establishing Brighthaven at AD on that same map.

We want to encourage any groups interested in working with us, or even just interested in having good neighbors, to join us in this area. We hope everyone understands that we intend to work hard to shape the experiences players in this region have, and to make that an overall positive experience.

Goblin Squad Member

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Congrats on getting an excellent spot to establish Phaeros! I think it is a fantastic choice to be the center of knowledge in the region and I can't wait to come visit!

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks, Nym. Lots of work to do now :)

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Indeed! There's a road to be built! Mines to dig! Fields to plant! Trading to be done!

And I'll sit in Brighthaven, making sure it all happens without dirtying my hands.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
We want to encourage any groups interested in working with us, or even just interested in having good neighbors, to join us in this area.

Based on current plans, I'm not likely to be anywhere near you guys, but congrats and good luck.

Goblin Squad Member

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Congratulations on winning your first pick!

Goblin Squad Member

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Congrats Cærux Khaiognos!

Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
And I'll sit in Brighthaven, making sure it all happens without dirtying my hands.

You'll dirty them with all that filthy lucre, I'm sure...

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Jazzlvraz wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:
And I'll sit in Brighthaven, making sure it all happens without dirtying my hands.
You'll dirty them with all that filthy lucre, I'm sure...

Nah. All coin moving in will be put right back in to growing the respective towns and their companies.

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats on your win!

Goblin Squad Member

Congrats guys!

Goblin Squad Member

Thanks very much. We're incredibly happy about our choice, and excited to begin the work of trying to get good neighbors :)

Goblin Squad Member

Aaaaaaand, we are always looking to recruit like-minded people!

Visit our forum to apply or read more about us!

Goblin Squad Member

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Dazyk wrote:
Aaaaaaand, we are always looking to recruit like-minded people!

Or even better, differently-minded people, as long as they agree with our core values :)

Goblin Squad Member

Tuoweit wrote:
Dazyk wrote:
Aaaaaaand, we are always looking to recruit like-minded people!

Or even better, differently-minded people, as long as they agree with our core values :)


Goblin Squad Member

Explorers, crafters, politicians, scholars, writers, fighters, or jack-of-all-trades, EVERYONE is welcome!

Goblin Squad Member

Please also see the Roseblood Accord for more info on our Alliance.

Goblin Squad Member

Looks to see if there's a little clockwork wind-up handle on that little guy's back.

I do admire your enthusiasm, Dazyk :)

Goblin Squad Member

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You just twist the axe a few times, that does the trick ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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Moved from here.

TSV hopes this comes to fruition in the long run, we hope to create a huge library. In the short term we intend to use a wiki to fulfill this same need out-of-game. If the ability to write books becomes available in the future, we will be able to transfer content from one to the other.

If anyone wants access to be a scribe for our our out-of-game "library", our application process is here. We welcome anyone (even prospective non-allies/enemies) who wants to contribute original works of fiction, (cannon lore) "non-fiction", character stories, or anything that would be suitable within a library in Golarion or anything that is legitimately about the mechanics of the game from an OOC perspective AND can agree to abide by some commonsense rules such as not posting copyrighted or obscene material.

Becoming a scribe does not require any formal relationship with TSV. The library itself is public.

Goblin Squad Member

^^ Like

Goblin Squad Member

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There's a button for that. :P

Goblin Squad Member

Hmm, favorite? I had thought that was something for storing posts for later perusal.

Goblin Squad Member

I often use it just as a +1 button. Though it can also be used to save posts.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pax Shane Gifford wrote:
I often use it just as a +1 button. Though it can also be used to save posts.

Yeah, I use the "Favorite" button (the little plus sign just under "Reply" solely as a means of expressing my appreciation of a post. There are much better ways to save and organize posts for later reference.

Goblin Squad Member

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I've finally decided on my character concept, I'm quite excited.

Goblin Squad Member

That's a very enchanting new avatar, I like it :)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
That's a very enchanting new avatar, I like it :)

Damn, she is good (With magic). You looked into the eyes didn't you Nihimon?

But seriously, the concept, based on the name and appearance, does look interesting.

Goblin Squad Member

Pax Dysc wrote:
You looked into the eyes didn't you Nihimon?

I confess, I did, and almost lost myself there...

Goblin Squad Member

It is easy to get lost in the eyes of another mortal, blue, green and brown. Yet easier to fall to the red eyes of Hell, beware.

Goblin Squad Member

It is the spark of intelligence behind the eyes that entrances me...

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
It is the spark of intelligence behind the eyes that entrances me...

A noble soul like yours I'd think not easily entranced.

Goblin Squad Member

I am deeply flawed in many ways, and not immune to temptations...

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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Belated congrats to our T7V leadership on the hard work and an outstanding result from the land rush!

Time to try and remember my forum login :)

This is getting exciting!

Goblin Squad Member

Will Cooper wrote:

Belated congrats to our T7V leadership on the hard work and an outstanding result from the land rush!

Time to try and remember my forum login :)

This is getting exciting!

Thanks, it is getting exciting. Our forums are fairly hopping lately. Some very interesting applicants for you to interact with if you remember your login info :)

Goblin Squad Member

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So... as some few may have noticed I am a member of a guild known as Crimson Wing. I have been and remain loyal to them. Unfortunately the guild leader is more interested in Wildstar and the guild will not deploy to Golarion in the near future other than myself and hopefully another of us who contributed handsomely and should join us in Alpha. If Crimson Wing does eventually enter our world then I will dedicate my twin to fulfill my duty with them.

Which left me with a bit of a problem. I had no team. So, not wanting to leave Phlux in the lurch I waited to speak with him and he had no problem with the idea of multiple guilds.

Now, I've been around here awhile and have a fairly decent grasp of who's who among the high profile folks and even a few of you who aren't quite so outspoken. I have pondered and thought and finally settled on a company to hitch up my wagon to.

There are several good companies to choose from: it was not an easy task to decide. But decide I have, and I have applied to T7V for membership.

The reason is that the political structure is functionally organized and diverse. This is no autocracy. T7V is not a vehicle for some would-be Alexander or Napoleonic knock-off. T7V is focused on gathering knowledge and understanding. Communication is critical. And the characters are intriguing.

Granted a dictatorship will be faster to command. An autocracy or monarchy suffers no indecision. But we do not have to be slow and uncoordinated in defense if we have the foresight to agree on our plans and roles beforehand. Plus the diversified centers of power in the greater organization lends resilience, especially to corruption. A monolithic power structure has no recourse but fall should that pillar of power grow corrupt. Not so T7V. Truly we would suffer loss, but we could remain standing and heal because we will depend upon none: we will stand strong as cooperative independents united by our cause and our understanding.

So, unless they decide to turn down my application, I'll be one with The Seventh Veil.

Goblin Squad Member

@ Being

Sorry to hear that Crimson Wing did not pan out for you, yet.

Congratulations on finding a group that you felt comfortable to settle in. You will be an asset to them Being. I doubt that they will turn away such a great mind. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Pax Bringslite wrote:
You will be an asset to them Being. I doubt that they will turn away such a great mind. :)

Judging by that post above, he's already a powerful recruiting asset for us. That post is truly a thing of beauty.

And I agree with you that he's unlikely to be turned away :)

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

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Being wrote:

T7V is not a vehicle for some would-be Alexander or Napoleonic knock-off.

I beg your pardon!

All kidding aside, TSV will do well to have you!

Goblin Squad Member

I personally have to say you were as good as in the moment you applied. I mean, they let me, a nomadic, houseless Assassin, who barely spoke a word here before joining in, and I don't have nearly the mind or tongue that you have. I was able to offer some darker ways to gain knowledge but for T7V these will only be used as a last option. You my good sir are a first option.

Goblin Squad Member

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It was The Seventh Veil's elegance that seduced me. Over the last few months, upon reading and participating on these forums, I've enjoyed reading Its member's posts and opinions taking note that they were always respectful and willing to listen to the thoughts of others. As many of us know, the Internet is swarming with various personalities and many are, quite frankly, not very nice, because that's easy. T7V seemingly takes the more arduous path and that's one of the many reasons I've also decided to apply. I'm very exited to have the potential to play with these esteemed ladies and gentlemen!

Golarion is shaping to be an exciting place!

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you, Saiph. We're honored that you've chosen to apply with us, and doubly so by your kind words here.

Goblin Squad Member

Yes, thank you fair Lady.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I'm looking at your company specifically, after my message about French people. But I kind of have a hard time, to really understand the activity of this company. I mean, I get the search for knowledge RP, but I have some difficulty to place you on a moral compass, what the company is meant to actually do in the game... Could I have maybe a little help ?

Goblin Squad Member

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Understand I haven't been inducted so my understanding is questionable, but I believe our backstory and 'fun' will resolve within the themes of exploration, discovery, literature (and other arts). Our play dynamic is Neutral, struggling to keep the alignments balanced in Golarion.

My character's understanding within context is that True Neutrality is not at all wishy-washy and indecisive. Rather, we understand that the variety and interaction in Golarion between the living factions is necessary, but that if any one faction achieves complete domination things will come to stasis, where nothing happens. It is the manifestation of entropy within reality. So our mission is to actively balance the nine alignments so that no one of them can take over all the world. I believe if that doom should come to pass then all our lives in Golarion will be forfeit.

So even if I despise a depraved settlement, if it is the most significant expression of chaotic evil in the lands then it MUST be preserved. Similarly if the devotees of Asmodeus are too ascendant it will be for me to throw my weight into their opposition.

It will be the end times when there is no conflict. That sort of peace is the estate of entropy.

What the rest of T7V thinks is their respected understanding. I am certain others differ from me. But that is the strength and the weakness of our collective. We are independents united in common cause, celebrating our variety as we seek out understanding in all our disciplines.

Goblin Squad Member

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Audoucet wrote:
I'm looking at your company specifically, after my message about French people. But I kind of have a hard time, to really understand the activity of this company. I mean, I get the search for knowledge RP, but I have some difficulty to place you on a moral compass, what the company is meant to actually do in the game... Could I have maybe a little help ?

Our Mission is to help our Members achieve their personal goals. Many of our Members have a personal goal to help the community understand the game, so we'll work to provide useful resources. Beyond that, our Members have a wide variety of interests and I'm not sure we can truly say we're focused on any particular aspect of the game so much as we're focused on being "fully engaged". We will be Harvesters, Crafters, Guards, Monster Slayers, Explorers, Dungeoneers, Writers, and Politicians. And a few of us will be in the shadows, doing what is necessary.

Our overarching principle is Positive Gameplay. To me, that's not just a commitment to avoid Griefing, but rather a commitment to engaging other Players by being Helpful and Kind.

We are committed to this game, to being successful, and to being powerful. And we're smart enough to realize that there is no fork in the road where one path leads to success and the other to failure, but rather that success is what happens when you appropriately adapt to the inevitable failures you experience.

Cohen and Gooch propose that all military failures fall into three basic categories: failure to learn from the past, failure to anticipate what the future may bring, and failure to adapt to the immediate circumstances on the battlefield. They further note that when one of these three basic failures occurs in isolation (known as a simple failure), the results, while unpleasant, can often also be overcome. Aggregate failures occur when two of the basic failure types, usually learning and anticipation, take place simultaneously, and these are more difficult to surmount. Finally, at the apex of failure stand those rare events when all three basic failures occur simultaneously-an event known as catastrophic failure. In such an occurrence, the result is usually a disaster of such scope that recovery is impossible.

I believe this is an accurate description of reality, and a very useful tool to understanding what must be done to avoid "catastrophic failure". Our greatest strength in this regard is our willingness to publicly admit our mistakes so that we have the best chance of learning the correct lessons.

I hope this has addressed some of your concerns, and I would be thrilled and honored if you chose to apply for Membership with us.

I would also encourage you to look at the other guilds in the Roseblood Accord to see if one of them is a better match for you. For example, if you are inclined to the life of a Mercenary, you might find a better home with Audacity. If you're heart yearns for the stone halls among your Dwarven kin, you might find a better home with Deepforge Company. If balance sheets and the thrill of the market are more to your liking, you might find a better home with Koinonia Emporou. Additionally, Keepers of the Circle, The Empyrean Order, and The Seventh Veil are all much less focused on a particular aspect of the game, but we each have our own themes.

Goblin Squad Member

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After lurking on the forums recently I realized my preference of running around and exploring the world we will occupy will require more interaction with other players then was previously necessary. I have a long list of mmo experience. Unfortunately a lot of that experience has involved terrible guilds and excessively demanding power mongering guild leaders. After coming across your charter I would like to toss my dice and see how things roll out. My general focus is crafting, discovery, and knowledge. So naturally your guild looks like a great fit. My character name is the one I use on forums. If necessary I can give a list of all mmo games I've run through. At this juncture in my gaming however I am a casual player but also know community will be very important. So. There ya have it. Now, off to find the website to apply.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hi Psvinkle! Feel free to hop over to the Seventh Veil forums and post in the Member Applications section! I personally think it'd be great to have you!

Link: Member Applications

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Nihimon wrote:
I would also encourage you to look at the other guilds in the Roseblood Accord to see if one of them is a better match for you. For example, if you are inclined to the life of a Mercenary, you might find a better home with Audacity. If you're heart yearns for the stone halls among your Dwarven kin, you might find a better home with Deepforge Company. If balance sheets and the thrill of the market are more to your liking, you might find a better home with Koinonia Emporou. Additionally, Keepers of the Circle, The Empyrean Order, and The Seventh Veil are all much less focused on a particular aspect of the game, but we each have our own themes.

Well to be honest, your activities seems okay for me, as I am more of a versatile player. Besides playing with the market, I like to do a lot of things, which seems to correspond to your company. It's just about the RP aspect, that I'm not sure for now, since I tend to play very lawful characters, with more militant beliefs, which would kind of direct me more to TEO. But T7V being more "diverse" I would say, I think that it would be maybe a better choice, if I want to convince other French players to choose the same company.

Anyway, I will be in the Roseblood Accord community, that's for sure.

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