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christopher: "The Bold And The Italicized"
christopher: Font humor is best humor
cosmo: ...especially if you want to go for Impact
christopher: Without humor, it's just Comic Sans.
liz: ...wow.
cosmo: yeah, Christopher, you’re going to need to send a Courier for a New sense of humor.
liz: Get with the Times, Cosmo.
robot chris: You wingdings.

thunderspirit |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

christopher: "The Bold And The Italicized"
christopher: Font humor is best humor
cosmo: ...especially if you want to go for Impact
christopher: Without humor, it's just Comic Sans.
liz: ...wow.
cosmo: yeah, Christopher, you’re going to need to send a Courier for a New sense of humor.
liz: Get with the Times, Cosmo.
robot chris: You wingdings.
This makes me weep.
The tears are tears of joy.
Ambrosia Slaad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

{makes mental note to bring oodles of cookies if I ever get to PaizoCon}

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

{makes mental note to bring oodles of cookies if I ever get to PaizoCon}
Worked for me. :D

thunderspirit |

{makes mental note to bring oodles of cookies if I ever get to PaizoCon}
This is not an "option."
I demand you be there! ;-)

thunderspirit |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

thunderspirit wrote:Are you offering to pay the way?Ambrosia Slaad wrote:{makes mental note to bring oodles of cookies if I ever get to PaizoCon}IF!?!
This is not an "option."
I demand you be there! ;-)
Assuming the lottery numbers I just picked win, absolutely!

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

Jessica: Has he submitted his DNA samples and fingerprints yet?
Gary: first we have to see if he can make fire
Sharaya: wow....
Jessica: It's okay, Sharaya
Gary: you do not want to get voted off the tech team
Jessica: We don't use them for background checks
Sharaya: I'm glad it was as faster and easier than that for me
Jessica: We use them for magical binding rituals
Jessica: oh, you haven't given them blood yet?
Sharaya: not yet
Jessica: Are you sure? :-)
Jessica: Some of the rituals are memory wipes, too.
Cosmo: We have ways of eliding the... less pleasant... parts of the application process form the minds of those we end up hiring. It improves morale.
Liz: Have you had any periods of unconsciouness? Dizziness?
Christopher: You're required to have a horcrux on file with the Tech Team.
Sharaya: well...maybe not so sure then
Cosmo: Exactly.
Jessica: I wouldn't worry about it.
Jessica: Worrying impacts productivity.
Cosmo: Best to put it out of your mind.
Cosmo: ...again.
Sharaya: no worries. all seems well and I'm happy. that's what matters right?
Jessica: HAIL

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ashley: i will not hesitate to shank you Christopher
Gary: do not shank tech team
Christopher: I believe Crystal's already got dibs on several forms of bodily mutilation, Ashley. You should coordinate with her.
Ashley: Will do. I'm sure we can come up with some kind of alternating stabbing schedule.