The DPR Summer Olympics, or What are we supposed to use? Harsh language?


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Grand Lodge

106.75 Damage on the full routine with a Scythe instead of Falchion (19-20x4) vs. (15-20x2)

Grand Lodge

I'd have to shuffle around some stats to give me a 15 dex to two-weapon fighting, and change around my equipment so I can afford to purchase 2x +2 Scimitars of Speed, but it would give me on the full attack round, casting Unerring Weapon on both weapons a DPR of 140.4875.

Here we go; a cavalier riding a large cat.
I only used the Core book and the APG. Obviously this concept could be tweaked to increase DPR numbers, but for a halfer he does pretty well, IMO. I apologize if this is a duplicate I didn't read this thread, just most of the original one. This guy was inspired by Barcas' Calvin the Cavalier


Male Halfling Cavalier 10
CG Small Humanoid
Outrider Alternative Racial Trait
Init +3; Perception +3
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+11 armor, +3 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 90 (10d10+30)
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +8
Spd 15 ft.
Melee (Charge, Mounted, Challenge, Power Attack)
To hit: +25 (+10 bab +4 str +3 magic +4 charge +2 Banner +3 OotS Challenge -3 Power Attack +1 higher ground +1 size)
Damage: 3d6 +102 (Crit 5d6 +170) (1d6 lance +3 magic +4 str +8 mount str +9 power attack +10 challenge * 3 for Lance+Spirited Charge)
Melee (Charge, Mounted, Power Attack)
To hit: +22 (+10 bab +4 str +3 magic +4 charge +2 Banner -3 Power Attack +1 higher ground +1 size)
Damage: 3d6 +72 (Crit 5d6 +120)
(1d6 lance +3 magic +4 str +8 mount str +9 power attack *3 for Lance+Spirited Charge)
Melee (Mounted, Power Attack)
To hit: +16/+11 (+10 bab +4 str +3 +1 higher ground +1 size -3 Power Attack)
Damage: 1d6+16 (Crit 3d6 +48) (1d6 lance +3 magic +4 str +9 power attack)
Melee (Mounted)
To hit: +19/+14 (+10 bab +4 str +3 +1 higher ground +1 size)
Damage: 1d6+7 (Crit 3d6 +21) (1d6 lance +3 magic +4 str)
Str 18 +4 (15 base +1 lvl +4 magic -2 halfing)
Dex 16 +3 (14 base +2 halfling)
Con 14 +2 (13 base +1 lvl)
Int 10 (8 base +2 halfling)
Wis 12 +1 (12 base)
Cha 10 (10 base)
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +13; CMD 26
Mounted Combat (1st), Coordinated Maneuvers (Tactician), Ride-by Attack (3rd), Spirited Charge (5th), Power Attack (Bonus Feat), Iron Will (7th), Trample (OotS bonus feat), Improved Critical (Lance) (9th), Shield Wall (Greater Tactician)
Handle Animal 6 Ranks, Ride 10 Ranks, Diplomacy 10 Ranks, Intimidate 10 Ranks, Knowledge: Nobility 4 Ranks

Languages Common and Halfling

18,160 +3 Lance
14,500 +2 Mithral Full Plate
16,000 Belt of Giant Strength +4 (Hanky)
5,000 Amulet of Mighty Fist +1 (Panky)
4,000 Belt of Giant Strength +2 (Panky)
2,000 Handy Haversack
1,000 Cloak of Resistance +1
400 Barding Chain shirt
20 Steel Shield (large)
920 other junk fund
Animal Companion (Ex)
Challenge (Order of the Sword): +10 to damage, +3 to hit while mounted
Cavalier's Charge (Ex) Mounted charge grants +4 to hit and -0 AC rather than +2/-2.


Female Large Cat
Large Animal
Init +4; Low-Light Vision, Scent
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, -1 size, +9 natural)
hp 76 (+36)
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +5

Spd 40 ft.
Melee (Pounce)
To hit: +20 (+6 bab +8 str +1 magic +2 charge +2 Banner +1 focus) Bite, Claw, Claw, Rake, Rake
Damage (Bite): 2d6 +9 (Crit 4d6 +18) (Claw): 1d8 +9 (Crit 2d8 +18) (Rake): 1d8 +9 (Crit 2d8 +18)
To hit: +16 (+6 bab +8 str +1 magic +1 focus) Bite, Claw, Claw
Damage (Bite): 2d6 +9 (Crit 4d6 +18) (Claw): 1d8 +9 (Crit 2d8 +18)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 26 +8 (13 base +8 advancement + 3 level + 2 magic)
Dex 18 +4 (17 base -2 size +3 level)
Con 16 +3 (13 base +2 advancement +1 @ 4th)
Int 2
Wis 16 +3 (15 base +1 @ 9th)
Cha 8 -1

Base Atk +6; CMB +15; CMD 29

Feats Light Armor Proficiency (Mount), Toughness(1st), Weapon Focus (Bite) (2nd), Weapon Focus (Claw) (5th), Improved Natural Weapon (Bite)(8th), Improved Natural Weapon (Claw)(10th)
Skills Perception 9 Ranks
Gear Barding Chain shirt, (Collar) Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Belt of Strength +2

DPR: 190.14
Sorry; I didn't figure out +1 to hit (its zero for his best attacks), or +1 damage (its 3.325 for his best attacks), or additional attacks (its pretty pathetic as he's a charger).

Math Stuff:

Charging a challenged foe: 190.14
.95(112.5)+.1*.95(187.5) = 124.69
.85(16)+.05*.85(32) + 4(.85(13.5)+.05*.85(27)) = 65.45
Charging a foe: 156.89
.95(82.5)+.1*.95(137.5) = 91.44
.85(16)+.05*.85(32) + 4(.85(13.5)+.05*.85(27)) = 65.45
Fighting a foe with Power Attack: 57.37
.65(19.5)+.1*.65(58.5) + .4(19.5)+.1*.4(58.5) = 26.62
.65(16)+.05*.65(32) + 2(.65(13.5)+.05*.65(27)) = 30.75

Charging a challenged foe (after getting zapped with an Enlarge Person from a wand purchased with the ‘other junk’ fund) : 196.79
.95(118.5)+.1*.95(197.5) = 131.34
.85(16)+.05*.85(32) + 4(.85(13.5)+.05*.85(27)) = 65.45

pad300 wrote:

I thought of a bit more, and used up a bunch of the customization space to push the damage a bit higher… I also implemented Pirate's suggestion for the DPR calc's.

Hannah of the Harsh Words V2.0:

A sneak, a face and a glass cannon at the same time.
7th level Bard (Word Striker)/ 3ed Level Rogue halfling
Ability Scores:
STR: 8 (-1) (10 base, -2 racial)
DEX: 16 (+3) (13 base, +2 racial + 1 level)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 Headband)
Hit dice: 10d8 +20 (Con) + 7 (Favored Class) (8+4.5*9+20 +7= 75)
Saving Throws:
Fort +9 = +2(bard) +1(rogue) + 2(CON) + 2(Resistance) + 1(Competence) + 1(Racial)
Reflex +15 = +5(bard) +3(rogue) + 3(DEX) + 2(Resistance) + 1(Competence) + 1(Racial)
Will +9 = +5(bard) +1(rogue) -1(WIS) + 2(Resistance) + 1(Competence) + 1(Racial)
Armor Class: 24 (= 10 + 6 (Chain Shirt) +4 (Shield) +3 (Dex) + 1 (small))
Class Abilities:
Cantrips (Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestigidation, Mending, Mage Hand, Sift)
Spells of up to 3ed level (6/5/2 per day)
(Ear Piercing Scream, Expiditious Retreat, Grease, Vanish, Anticipate Peril)
(Heroism, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Gallant Inspiration)
(Haste, Confusion)
Bardic Knowledge
Performance: (Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire courage, Wordstrike, Weird Words) (4+6(Cha)+2*6 + 6(extra performance) = 28 rounds).
2 Versatile Performances (Comedy: Bluff & Intimidate . Oratory: Diplomacy & Sense Motive)
Well Versed
Lore Master (1/day)
Sneak Attack (+2d6)
Trap Sense+1
Trap Finding
Rogue Talent (Fast Stealth?)
BAB: +7
Racial Traits:
Small, Slow Speed, Fearless, Halfling Luck, Keen Senses, Swift as Shadows (alternate, APG), Halfling Weapon Familiarity
Noble Born: Surtova (KPG) (+2 damage vs. Flat-Footed opponents)
Reactionay (+2 on initiative)
Point Blank Shot
Extra Performance
Skill Focus (Stealth)
Eldritch Heritage (Umbral : Cloak of Shadows)
Ability Focus (Weird Words)
Stealth(10 Ranks, +3 Trained, +3 Dex, +6 SF, +4 Small+ Cloak of Shadows, assorted invisibility spells)
Perception, UMD, Perform (Dance), Perform (Oratory), Disable Device, Perform (Comedy),
All Knowledges (1 rank)
Gear (62,000gp)
Headband of Alluring Charisma +4 (16,000 gp)
+2 mithral chain shirt (5,100 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4,000 gp)
Cracked Pale Green Prism Ioun Stone (+1 Competence to all saves) (4000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Darkwood Heavy Wooden Shield +2 (4,257 gp)
Sniper Googles (20,000 gp)
55357 used, 6000 or so for customizing…
I’d suggest a +2 to CON …

Precast Buffs: Heroism
Hannah relies on the interpretation that Weird words can dump multiple attacks on a target, if the user chooses.
Weird Words – 7 attacks, 1d8+6(Cha)+1(PBS), ranged touch attack at +14 (7 Bab + 3 Dex + 1 PBS +2 Heroism + 1 Small), fort save (DC 21) for 1/2 dmg
Hannah's preferred attack mode is to sneak up on something using all that stealth she's got...and Wierd words them for 7 touch attacks vs flat footed touch ac at +13 to hit.
Each attack does 1d8+7 fort save for 1/2 + 2d6 sneak +2 for flat footed +4 for sniper googles.
Assuming a high fort save (+13), the 1d8+7 becomes = ((11.5*7)+(5.75*13))/20 = 7.7625
Assuming a low fort save (+9), the 1d8+7 becomes = ((11.5*11)+(5.75*9))/20 = 8.9125
DPAttack = h(d+s)+ft(cd+cb+r)= 0.95*(d+13)+0.95*0.05*(1*d) = 20.0931 or 21.2402
h = 0.95
d = 7.7625 or 8.9125
s = 13
t = 0.05
f = .95
c = 1
b = 0
r = 0
DPR = 7 * DPA = 140.6517 or 148.6815 respectively

Without sneaking up:
DPR = 54.3375 or 62.3875 respectively

Hi Pad300, I love this build. Very nicely done. However, I inputed your full calculation into excel and it seems you calculated incorrectly.. I did not change anything from your original numbers here and got 26.5 damage for a single attack on average or 22.11125 using the formula provided.

The formula should look like so: (0.95*(15.5+7)+0.95*0.05*(1*15.5) as the damage without sneak attack is 15.5 via 1d8+6+2+1+2 (word damage, CHA, trait, goggles, PSB, Heroism and SA) [obviously this is without the SA damage included as it is the base].

I'll post my excel sheet below. It "should" be right as I used for the averages and excel for the formula.

    Bard lvl - SA - Dam - avg single dam - avg full dam - dpr forumla/round #'s - with # of att
    7 - 2d6 - 7d8+6+2+4+1+2+2d6 - 26.5 - 185.5 - 22.11125 - 154.77875 - Formula: (0.95*(15.5+7)+0.95*0.05*(1*15.5) - hannah's
    8 - 1d6 - 8d8+6+2+2+1+2+1d6 - 23 - 184 - 18.78625 - 150.29 - Formula: (0.95*(15.5+3.5)+0.95*0.05*(1*15.5)
    9 - 1d6 - 9d8+6+2+2+1+2+1d6 - 23 - 207 - 18.78625 - 169.07625 - Formula: (0.95*(15.5+3.5)+0.95*0.05*(1*15.5)
    10 - 0 - 10d8+6+2+1+2 - 15.5 - 155 - 15.46125 - 154.6125 - Formula: (0.95*(15.5)+0.95*0.05*(1*15.5)

If this list is correct (I believe it is), then going Bard 9/Rogue 1 will yield the most dpr coming in at 169. Surprisingly, a 10th level bard comes close to the dps of a Rogue 3/Bard 7 with the extra attacks (154.7 vs. 154.6). Please let me know if anything is wrong, I hope this helps!

Juggernaut Jud is a strange one, and he's certainly not a good baseline for a specific class's DPR potential, but he was awfully fun to make. Using the Wild Rager's wild fighting ability and the Dragon Disciple's strength boosts, Jud is a scary, scary, man-dragon-demon thing. I've listed both a nodachi build and a greatsword build for comparison. The nodachi option benefits more from buffs like Haste and attack boosts, and deals more damage with a standard action. The greatsword option does more overall DPR with one full attack, and benefits more from stuff that ups its threat range or boosts damage but not to-hit (such as enlarge person). The final listed DPR values are assuming that Jud is using the oversized weapon option on the alternate tiefling abilities chart. In games I've personally played, the Fiendish Heritage feat has allowed the player to choose the option they want, but if this rustles your jimmies, feel free to assume Jud's weapons are normal sized and he can cast Blur once per day. Doing this will drop the Nodachi DPR by only 4.5, but the greatsword DPR by 14, putting them closer in full attack damage. Jud has a very unimpressive reflex save, and after he busts out his fully powered full attack his AC drops by 9 points, but at that point there should be nobody standing up next to him, and his raging will also up his HP in such a circumstance. With a higher base AC and HP than Zweihander Zelda, comparable will save (higher when raging), and higher Attack/Damage, Jud seems to be a good contender for best two-handed DPR smasher:

Juggernaut Jud of the Crazy Blood:

Juggernaut Jud

Qlippoth-Spawn Tiefling Wild Rager/Drunken Brute 2 / Crossblooded Sorcerer (Draconic/Arcane) 1/ Weapon Master 3 / Dragon Disciple 4

Material used: Paizo Only: UC, APG, ARG, Inner Sea World Guide [Desperate Battler], The Bastards of Erebus [Fiendish Heritage]

Str 26 (15 base +2 race, +1 level, +4 class, +4 belt)
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 6 (8 base, -2 race)
Wis 15 (13 base, +2 race
Cha 11 (10 base+1 level)

HP: 103 (19 Barbarian 2, +4 Sorcerer 1, +28 Dragon Disciple 4, +18 Fighter 3, +4 favored class, +20 Con, +10 Toughness) (123 raging)

AC: 28 (+4 natural, +12 +3 fullplate, +1 dex, +1 deflection) (19 after a fully powered full attack: -2 Raging, -4 Wild Fighting, -3 Reckless Abandon)
Touch: 12
Flat-footed: 27


Fort: +10 (+3 Barbarian, +2 Dragon Disciple, +3 Fighter, +2 Con)
Ref: +3 (+1 Dragon Disciple, +1 Fighter, +1 Dex)
Will: +8 (+2 Sorcerer, -2 Crossblooded, +2 Dragon Disciple, +1 Fighter, +2 Wis, +2 Iron Will, +1 trait) (+10 raging)

BAB: +8/+3
CMB: +16
CMD: 27

Resist Fire 10, Electricity 5, Cold 5


Level 1: Fiendish Heritage
Level 3: Weapon Focus: Greatsword (or Nodachi)
Level 5: Armor of the Pit
Level 7: Extra Rage
Level 9: Iron Will

Dragon Bonus: Power Attack
Fighter Bonus 1: Desperate Battler
Fighter Bonus 2: Toughness


Knowledge Arcana 5 Ranks
Linguistics 1 Rank

Rage Power: Reckless Abandon
Rage: 14 rounds / day


+1 Large Speed Greatsword 16,100 (or +3 Large Keen Nodachi, 16,120) (Arcane Bond)
+4 Belt of Strength 16,000
+3 Fullplate 10,500
Gloves of Dueling 14,000
Cracked Pale Green Prism 4,000
Ring of Deflection +1 2,000
Wand of Enlarge Person 750
Ale + Adventuring Gear 650 (or 630)


Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)
Killer (add critical multiplier to critical damage)


Attack (Nodachi): +3 weapon master, +1 ioun stone, +1 weapon focus, +3 reckless abandon, +10 strength, +8 base attack, +3 weapon, +1 desperate battler = 30. -2 wild fighting = 28. -3 power attack = 25

Damage (Nodachi): 2d6 base (7), +15 strength, +9 power attack, +3 weapon, +3 weapon master, +1 desperate battler = 38

Raging, Recklessly Abandoned, Wild Fighting, Desperate Battling, Power Attacking, Full Attack with +3 Large Keen Nodachi: +25 / +25 / +20 (2d6+31/15-20)

+3 Large Keen Nodachi + Bite:
(.95)(38) + (.3)(.95)(40) ≈ 46.93
(.95)(38) + (.3)(.95)(40) ≈ 46.93
(.83)(38) + (.3)(.83)(40) ≈ 39.81
(.54)(12.5) + (.05)(.54)(14.5) ≈ 6.96

140.63 DPR

+1 to hit is worth 3.21 DPR, +1 damage is worth 4.03 DPR

Without rage (which also takes away Reckless Abandon): ≈ 103.84 DPR (this is assuming power attack and wild fighting, at least one of which would probably be dropped against a high-AC enemy when not raging)


Attack (Greatsword): +3 weapon training, +1 ioun stone, +1 weapon focus, +3 reckless abandon, +10 strength, +8 base attack, +1 weapon, +1 desperate battler = 28. -2 wild fighting = 26. -3 power attack = 23

Damage (Greatsword): 3d6 base (10.5), +15 strength, +9 power attack, +1 weapon, +3 weapon training, +1 desperate battler = 39.5

Raging, Recklessly Abandoned, Wild Fighting, Desperate Battling, Power Attacking, Full Attack with +1 Large Speed Greatsword: +23 / +23 / +23/ +18 (3d6+29/19-20)

+1 Large Speed Greatsword + Bite:
(.95)(39.5) + (.1)(.95)(41.5) ≈ 41.27
(.95)(39.5) + (.1)(.95)(41.5) ≈ 41.27
(.95)(39.5) + (.1)(.95)(41.5) ≈ 41.27
(.75)(39.5) + (.1)(.75)(41.5) ≈ 31.96
(.54)(12.5) + (.05)(.54)(14.5) ≈ 6.96

162.73 DPR

+1 to hit is worth 2.48 DPR, +1 damage is worth 7.49 DPR.

Without rage (which also takes away Reckless Abandon): ≈ 113.43 DPR (this is assuming power attack and wild fighting, at least one of which would probably be dropped against a high-AC enemy when not raging)

Feel free to double-check the math, there were many places to make mistakes here. I should note I added a wand of Enlarge Person (which Jud can use on himself), to his equipment, but it does not factor in to any of the above calculations, since it's only a 1 min./level buff. Does anyone have any suggestions for upping Jud's damage?

Woops. Looking back at the Weapon Damage by Size table, it turns out that a large nodachi does 2d8, not 2d6, bringing the nodachi DPR to ≈ 147.58. However, a 1d8 weapon does jump up to 2d6 damage when increased to large, so if we drop Armor of The Pit (which is only providing a +1 natural armor bonus thanks to the natural armor from the draconic bloodline), and take Exotic Wep. Proficiency: Falcata (changing the relevant items and feats, and replacing the nodachi, still at +3 and Keen), we get the following full attack:

(.95)(38) + (2)(.2)(.95)(39.5) ≈ 50.36
(.95)(38) + (2)(.2)(.95)(39.5) ≈ 50.36
(.83)(38) + (2)(.2)(.83)(39.5) ≈ 42.42
(.54)(12.5) + (.05)(.54)(14.5) ≈ 6.96

For a total of ≈ 150.1 DPR, without a Speed weapon.

EDIT: Now that there's a multiplier in the critical calculation (2 for a x3 weapon) the bonus damage from the Killer trait becomes weirder to calculate, since it does not itself get multiplied by the critical multiplier. I calculated this by adding 1.5 to the base damage within the critical calculation, since everything there is multiplied by 2. Someone let me know if this is not accurate.

*cough*, sorry for triple posting, I keep figuring out new things after it's too late to edit. Making the +3 Large Keen Falcata into a +2 Large Furious Keen Falcata brings the total DPR to ≈ 156.83 while raging, only 5.9 DPR behind the +1 Large Speed Greatsword, while still being boostable with Haste. This does drop non-raging damage a little, but with the Drunken Brute archetype there should be enough rounds to go around, especially since every CR 10 creature I've been able to find dies within two rounds when taking this level of damage (assuming the first round is a charge-in, and the second is a full attack). Besides, this is a full attack DPR exercise.

I'm working on a failed druid build and need some CMD target numbers. I expect the non-pounce full round attack will be bite(grab) free grapple maintain the grapple with greater grapple as a move action, dealing damage (bite/rake/rake) and then maintain the grapple as a swift action with rapid grappler dealing damage for another bite/rake/rake.

What I've got so far:


Raking Ronald, the human druid 4 order of the cockatrice emissary cavalier 6

Str: 15 +2 (racial) +1 (level 4) = 18
Dex: 13 +1 (level 8) = 14
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 8
Traits: Indomitable faith (+1 will save) second trait TBD

improved unarmed strike (human bonus)
improved grapple (level 1)
power attack (level 3)
shaping focus (level 5)
mounted combat (emissary bonus at cavalier 1)
dragon style (level 7)
greater grapple (level 9)
mobility (emissary bonus at cavalier 5)
rapid grappler (bonus combat feat at cavalier 6)

Raking Ronald must make great financial sacrifices to make the 22 AC target and has had to spend 32022 gold on +1 wild hide armor and a +1 wild heavy wooden shield. This gives him 22 AC in medium form, 23 in large, or 24 in huge. He has a +1 amulet of mighty fists for 8000 (new errata since the last thread contestant to use it) and a +4 belt of giant strength for 16000. He has druids vestments for 3750 because he needs all the shapes he can get since he has to waste one on returning to human to participate in a conversation. The handy haversack is a waste since he can't use it in wildshape, but he blows 2000 on it for a total of 61772 gold, just under WBL. If he were a real character he would ditch the handy haversack for a masterwork sling and possibly keep the masterwork scimitar he would have used before level 6, but those don't influence his DPR.

Preferred wildshape forms are panther, dire tiger, or allosaurus depending on what will fit.

I'm ignoring the mount and assuming a domain instead of a level 4 animal companion, not that it'll mean much.

I don't have time to do the math at the moment, but I'll get back after dinner and do it for the pounce and non-grapple full attack.

Elly the Eidolon, Serpentine
Material used: Core, APG, UM

Master - Sam the Summoner, Half Elf
Extra Evolutions taken at levels 1 and 5, all favored class bonous to extra evolutions. Resilient Eidolon also taken (knocking him out won't save you). Summoner otherwise not presented in this post.

Elly the Eidolon:
Buffs - Mage Armor, Barkskin, Heroism

Ability Scores:
STR: 29 (+4 Belt, +1 level)
DEX: 18
CON: 18 (+1 level)
INT: 7
WIS: 10
CHA: 11

HP: 80 HP

Saving Throws:
Fort: +10 Ref: +14 Will: +10 (With an additional 2 against enchantments)

AC: 35, Touch 13, Flatfooted 29 (+4 Mage Armor, +4 Dex, +18 natural w/Barkskin -1 Size )

Attacks (with power attack):

+3 Elven Curved Blade (Large) +18/+13, 2d8+25 dmg (18-20/x2)
and Bite 3d6+23 x2 + 1d6 cold
and Bite 3d6+23 x2 + 1d6 cold
and Wing (x2) 1d6+8 x2 + 1d6 cold
and Tail Slap 1d8+8 x2 + 1d6 cold

Class Abilities:
Dark Vision (60)
Tail (+2 acrobatics)

BAB: +8 CMB: +18 CMD: 32

Exotic Weapon Proficency (Elven Curved Blade)
Improved Natural Attack (Bite)
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (Bite)

Evolutions (total 18 points)
(Base Form) Climb
(Base Form) Tail
(Base Form) Tail Slap
(Base Form) Bite
(Base Form) Reach (bite)
2 - Head
1 - Bite
1 - Improved Bite
1 - Improved Bite
1 - Improved Damage (bite)
2 - Flight (Wings)
1 - Wing Buffet
2 - Energy Attacks (Cold)
4 - Large Size
2 - Limbs (Arms)
1 - Improved Natural Armor

14 arcobatics
15 fly
13 Preception
13 Stealth

+3 Elven Curved Sword (Large)
+2 Amulet of Natural Attack
+4 Belt of Giant Strength
+2 Cloak of Resistance
~43k of gear. Armor and various items on summoner account for the rest on the summoner

No pounce since it's a serpent, but higher saves and the evolutions fit a little better this way.

Full attack DPR - 117.08
Full attack DPR with Haste - 159.45

A blanket +1 to hit is worth roughly 10 DPR. A blanket +1 damage is worth roughly 3 DPR

DPR math for Raking Ronald v1.



All attacks are primary. Attack bonus before wildshape stat mods is 9 (BAB) + 6 (strength) + 1 (enhancement) + 2 (charge) = +18. Medium forms give +2 strength for an attack bonus of +19 and an 80% chance to hit. Larger forms give +2 more strength per category and a -1 worse size penalty to hit per category, canceling out. Power attack worsens this to +15 for a 65% hit rate.

The leopard will do 1d6+7 bite and 4x 1d3+7 claws for a total of 46.5 average damage if all attacks hit, or 86.5 on a challenge, or 76.5 with power attack, or 116.5 with both. Against AC 24 this will average 37.2 without challenge or 69.2 with challenge or 49.725 with power attack but no challenge or 75.725 with both. Crits will bring this up to 39.06, 72.66, 52.212, and 79.511 respectively.
The leopard has a CMB of 15; 19 for grapple, with an additional +4 to initiate a grapple with grab for a total of 23. Its CMD for grapple is 10 + 9 (BAB) + 6 (str) + 2 (dex) + 4 (feats) = 31. Only the bite has grab for an 80% chance of having the opportunity to make a grapple check without power attack. Since power attack impairs CMB for no benefit Roland should not power attack if he wants to initiate a grapple.

The dire tiger will do 2d6+8 bite and 4x 2d4+8 claws for a total of 67 average damage if all attacks hit, or 107 on a challenge, or 97 with power attack or 137 with both. Against AC 24 this will average 53.6 without a challenge or 85.6 with challenge, or 63.05 with power attack or 89.05 with both. Crits will bring this up to 56.28, 89.88, 62.203, and 93.503 respectively.
The dire tiger has a CMB of 17; 21 for grapple, with an additional +4 to initiate a grapple with grab for a total of 25. Its CMD for grapple is 10 + 9 (BAB) + 7 (str) + 1 (dex) + 1 (size) + 4 (feats) = 32. Bite and the non-rake claws have grab for a 99.2% chance of having the opportunity to make a grapple check without power attack. Since power attack impairs CMB for no benefit Roland should probably not power attack if he wants to initiate a grapple. If he did he would have a 95.713% chance of having the opportunity to make a grapple check.

The allosaurus will do 2d6+9 bite and 4x 1d8+9 claws for a total of 70 average damage if all attacks hit, or 110 on a challence, or 100 with power attack, or 140 with both. Against AC 24 this will average 56 without a challenge, or 88 with a challenge, or 65 with power attack, or 91 with both. Crits will bring this up to 58.8, 92.4, 68.25, and 95.55 respectively.
The allosaurus has a CMB of 19; 23 for grapple, with an additional +4 to initiate a grapple with grab for a total of 27. Its CMD for grapple is 10 + 9 (BAB) + 8 (str) + 2 (size) +4 (feats) = 33. Only the bite has grab for an 80% chance of having the opportunity to make a grapple check without power attack. Since power attack impairs CMB for no benefit Roland should not power attack if he wants to initiate a grapple.

non-grapple full attack:


Attack bonus is as above but only +16 without pounce for a mere 70% hit rate against AC 24. Power attack worsens this to +13 for a 55% hit rate.

The leopard will max out at 28.5 basic, 52.5 challenge, 46.5 power attack, or 70.5 both. Real damage before crits will be 19.95 basic, 36.75 challenge, 25.575 power attack, or 38.775 both. Crits will make that 20.948 base, 38.588 challenge, 26.854 power attack, and 40.714 with both.

The dire tiger will max out at 39 basic, 63 challenge, 57 power attack, or 81 both. Real damage before crits will be 27.3 basic, 44.1 challenge, 21.35 power attack, or 44.55 both. Crits will make that 28.665 base, 46.305 challenge, 22.418 power attack, and 46.778 with both.

The allosaurus will max out at 43 basic, 67 challenge, 61 power attack, or 85 both. Real damage before crits will be 30.1 basic, 46.9 challenge, 33.55 power attack, or 46.75 both. Crits will make that 31.605 base, 49.245 challenge, 35.228 power attack, and 49.088 with both. The allosaurus should never power attack and challenge except when charging.

proposed CMB/CMD targets.


Bestiary 1 monsters with CR 10 CMB/CMD:
Bebilith (huge) 23/34
brachiosaurus (gargantuan) Roland cannot shape into something large enough to grab a brachiosaurus.
clay golem (large) 21/30
guardian naga (large) 15/31
rakshasa (medium) 13/29
young red dragon (large) 19/30
young silver dragon (large) 17/28
adult white dragon (large) 21/32

Roland must be as large as his opponent to use grab. The average CMB of CR 10 bestiary 1 monsters he can use grab against is 18.429 and the average CMD is


presumably CR 10 builds in this thread CMB/CMD:
Jack B. Nimble 9/24
Swordy Sam v1 16/39
Zweihander Zelda v2 16/28
Farshot Fallon 14/28
Jon Little 15/31
Vega Surtova v2 9/31 (shield bonuses do not apply to CMD)
Hannah of the Harsh Words v2 6/19
Omelyte's Synthesist 29/44
Omelyte's Magus 6/23
Fellshot Fred 11/25
Valton Dekeyrel 12/25
Soporific Lotus's Synthesist 19/33
Mr. Bubbles (eidolon) 22/33
Twenty Suns 16/39
Mike Schneider's fighter/barbarian INCOMPLETE STATS! (no items)
Vivisectionist Vincent 13/25
Bianca the Bard 9/26
Ariel the Arcane Duelist 9/26
Clarice the Cleric 12/26
Ingrid the Inquisitor 9/26
Belle the Battle Oracle 12/26
Alexa the Alchemist 7/24
William the Woodsman 14/28
William the Agile Woodsman 10/27
SoulGambit's Monk 20/31
Marty the Master Summoner 6/26
Charender's Vivisectionist 7/26
Corvin Black 10/26
thepuregamer's Beast Rider 15/27
The Shielder 15/29
Cathy the Crazy Cat Lady INCOMPLETE STATS!
Terry the Tiger (eidolon) 20/33
Sam the Somewhat Samurai 17/30
Padma the Pyromancer 2/16
R. Lance Pouncer 16/28
Chesty Challenger 13/26
Fiery Fred 2/18
Fafhrd INCOMPLETE STATS! (no defensive items)
Mouser INCOMPLETE STATS! (no defensive items)
Hanky 13/26
Juggernot Jud 16/27
Elly the Eidolon (eidolon) 18/32
Average thread CMB 12.763 Average thread CMD 27.816

I'm going to assume real characters put more into defense and have +1 higher rated rings of protection across the board for an average CMD of ~29. I think there is a higher proportion of martial builds here than in actual play so I'm confident to call these reasonably conservative numbers.

Unless someone says otherwise I'm going to split the difference and assume CMB of 16 and CMD of 30.

In the previous post the damage for a power attacking non-pounce full attack by the dire tiger should be 31.35 without crits and 32.918 with.

The grappling full attack


Attack bonus is as above but only +16 without pounce for a mere 70% hit rate against AC 24. Power attack worsens this to +13 for a 55% hit rate.

The leopard will open his full attack with a bite with a 70% chance of hitting. This will do, with crits, 7.718 damage. If he hits he has a CMB of 19 to initiate a grapple against a CMD of 30, for a 50% chance grappling after a hit. If the bite misses or the grapple fails Roland will continue his full attack for another 13.23 damage. If the grapple succeeds, which will happen 35% of the time Roland will then maintain the grapple with greater grapple as a move action. He does not get the grab benefit for starting a grapple, but does get a +5 bonus maintaining the grapple for a 55% success rate. If this is succeeds he does damage with a natural attack or unarmed strike, and when doing damage in a grapple he gets his rake attacks for free. This gives him two claws (the rake) and a bite. His opponent has the grappled condition, which gives -2 AC from a dexterity penalty. This will give him an 80% hit chance. These attacks will do 23.94 damage with crits. He then gets to, having maintained a grapple with greater grapple, maintain the grapple again as a swift action with rapid grappler. This, again, has a 55% success rate and contingent on that success he gets another 23.94 damage. That's a total dpr of 7.718 (bite) + 65% of 13.23 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 35% of 55% of 23.94 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 35% of 55% of 55% of 23.94 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 23.461 damage.

Challenge boosts this to 13.598 (bite) + 65% of 24.99 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 35% of 55% of 44.1 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 35% of 55% of 55% of 44.1 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 43.000 damage.

Power attack reduces the grapple success rate to 35% to start and 40% to maintain. I'm not pretty sure that dropping the maintain rate below 50% will cause damage for this routine to fall catastrophically so I'm not going to mess with the math. When not challenging power attacking with a normal claw/claw/bite full attack is better, but when challenging the grapple full attack averages more damage. Buffs other than haste will tend to help the grapple attack more than the claw/claw/bite full attack. Roland has a 10.6% chance of still being grappling at the end of this.

The dire tiger will, on the same routine, do 11.025 on the bite with a 70% chance to grab and a 75% chance to maintain because of its higher CMB. The two claws if the grab fails will do 19.11 damage. The bite and rake routine will do 34.44 damage. Total damage will be 11.025 (bite) + 51% of 19.11 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 49% of 75% of 34.44 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 49% of 75% of 75% of 34.44 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 42.92 damage.

Challenge boosts this to 16.905 (bite) + 51% of 30.87 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 49% of 75% of 54.6 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 49% of 75% of 75% of 54.6 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 67.763 damage.

Power attack reduces the grapple success rate to 55% to start and 60% to maintain. The initial bite will do 12.128. The two claws if the grab fails will do 21.945 damage. The bite and rake routine will do 40.268 damage. Total damage will be 12.128 (bite) + 69.8% of 21.945 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 30.3% of 60% of 40.268 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 30.3% of 60% of 60% of 40.268 (bite and rake on the second grapple

maintain) = 39.159 damage. Power attack with challenge will be further behind challenge without power attack than power attack without challenge is behind the base damage and I'm not going to bother with the math for that.

The dire tiger is always better off attempting the grappling full attack without power attack in the absence of DR (or DR less than 8 when challenging).

Roland has a 77.7% chance of still being grappling at the end of this because unlike the other forms, if the initial grab fails he can still grab if either claw hits.

The allosaurus will, on the same routine do 11.76 on the bite with a 85% chance to grab and a 90% chance to maintain the grapple because of its higher CMB.

The two claws if the grab fails will do 19.845 damage damage. The bite and rake routine will do 36.12 damage. Total damage will be 11.76 (bite) + 40.5% of

19.845 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 59.5% of 90% of 36.12 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 59.5% of 90% of 90% of 36.12 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 56.548 damage.

Challenge boosts this to 17.64 (bite) + 40.5% of 31.605 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 59.5% of 90% of 56.28 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 59.5% of 90% of 90% of 56.28 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 87.702 damage.

Power attack reduces the grapple success rate to 70% to start and 75% to maintain. The initial bite will do 12.705. The two claws if the grab fails will do 22.523 damage. The bite and rake routine will do 41.633 damage. Total damage will be 12.705 (bite) + 61.5% of 22.523 damage (the claws if the grab and grapple fails) + 38.5% of 75% of 41.633 (bite and rake on the first grapple maintain) + 38.5% of 75% of 75% of 41.633 (bite and rake on the second grapple maintain) = 47.594 damage.

In allosaurus form attempting a grab is even more advantaged over power attacking. Roland has a 48.2% chance of still being grappling at the end of this.

If Roland ends his turn still grappling he may choose to release the grapple as a free action to have unimpaired defenses if other enemies are near him or if there is too much risk of his victim turning the grapple on him, but if he continues to grapple and his opponent fails to break the grapple he will be able to maintain the grapple up to three times for a potential three bite attacks and nine claw attacks.


In leopard form a CMB of 16 will break or gain control of the grapple 20% of the time. Roland will have a 55% chance of maintaining the grapple each time and each success will permit a bite and rake routine doing 23.94 damage. Total damage will be 24.392. With challenge each successful grapple maintain will permit 44.1 damage for a total of 44.932. The advantage is negligible and it is almost certainly not worth the 20% chance of having your grapple turned around.

In dire tiger form a CMB of 16 will break or gain control of the grapple 15% of the time. Roland will have a 75% chance of maintaining the grapple each time and each success will permit 34.44 damage. Total damage will be 59.732. With challenge each successful grapple maintain will permit 54.6 damage for a total of 94.697. This is a significant advantage.

In allosaurus form a CMB of 16 will break or gain control of the grapple 10% of the time. Roland will have a 90% chance of maintaining the grapple each time and each success will permit 36.12 damage. Total damage will be 88.097. With challenge each successful grapple maintain will permit 56.28 damage for a total of 137.267.

Roland may be at his peak here. Judging from the power differences between forms and the negative effect of power attack in some situations he is probably very sensitive to increases in relative CMD and AC. He only has +1 CMB more he can get from items (+6 belt of strength). If CMD rises faster than CR he will run into increasing difficulty.

Please disregard previous Raking Roland math. I did it by hand and missed the size penalty to AC (doesn't disqualify him at any size and doesn't effect DPR) and the enhancement bonus to damage (does effect DPR).

Apart from having the AC wrong on the large and huge forms (should be 22 in both) the description in the first post is accurate. If he takes Magical Knack as his second trait and the Plant domain he will have 3 castings of Barkskin lasting an hour each for +3 natural armor, 4 castings of longstrider lasting 6 hours each, and a first level domain spell he'll never use because he can't cast in wildshape. Or more likely 3 castings of longstrider and one of something like goodberry since there's no point having longstrider up while he sleeps. Neither effects his DPR on paper, but in practice longstrider will mean he's able to charge more often in some environments. Longstrider ups his speed to 40' as a leopard, 50' as a dire tiger, or 60' as an allosaurus.

Without challenge Roland's best attack routines are:


As a Leopard:
Bite with PA 10.11 +1 to attack adds 1.92; +1 to damage adds 0.57
Pounce with PA 55.62 +1 to attacks gives +4.28; +1 to damage gives 3.42
Grab and Grapple 32.97 +1 to attacks gives 2.94; +1 to damage gives 3.1; haste adds only 4.31
Full Attack with PA and +1 attack 38.7, slightly edging out the Grab and Grapple routine with the same buff

As a Dire Tiger:
Bite with PA 12.71 +1 to attack adds 1.15; +1 to damage adds 0.57
Pounce with PA 69.62 +1 to attack adds 5.35; +1 to damage adds 3.41
Grab and Grapple 49.48 +1 to attack adds 4.58; +1 to damage adds 3.34; +1 attack adds only 5.58

As an Allosaurus:
Bite with PA 13.28 +1 to attack adds 1.21; +1 to damage adds 0.58
Pounce with PA 71.66 +1 to attack adds 5.52; +1 to damage adds 3.42
Grab and Grapple 55.9 +1 to attack adds 5.36; +1 to damage adds 3.6; +1 attack adds only 5.5

With challenge Roland's best attack routines are:


As a Leopard:
Bite with PA 14.73 +1 to attack adds 1.34; +1 to damage adds 0.57
Pounce with PA 82.92 +1 to attacks gives +6.38; +1 to damage gives 3.42
Grab and Grapple 57.81 +1 to attacks gives 5.14; +1 to damage gives 3.1; haste adds only 4.31

As a Dire Tiger:
Bite without PA 17.64 +1 to attack adds 1.26; +1 to damage adds 0.74
Pounce with PA 96.92 +1 to attack adds 7.45; +1 to damage adds 3.41
Grab and Grapple 76.18 +1 to attack adds 7.04; +1 to damage adds 3.34; +1 attack adds only 5.58

As an Allosaurus:
Bite without PA 18.38 +1 to attack adds 1.31; +1 to damage adds 0.73
Pounce with PA 98.96 +1 to attack adds 9.66; +1 to damage adds 3.42
Grab and Grapple 84.71 +1 to attack adds 8.1; +1 to damage adds 3.6; +1 attack adds only 8.08

On higher opposing CMDs:


Without Challenge:
When the target CMD reaches 32 the Panther form, paradoxically, does better power attacking with the grab and grapple routine.
When the target CMD reaches 34 the Panther no longer benefits from the grab and grapple routine over a conventional full attack with power attack.
When the target CMD reaches 37 the Dire Tiger and Allosaurus both stop benefiting from the grab and grapple routine.

With Challenge:
When the target CMD reaches 36 the Panther no longer benefits from the grab and grapple routine.
When the target CMD reaches 39 the Dire Tiger no longer benefits from the grab and grapple routine.
When the target CMD reaches 40 the Allosaurus no longer benefits from the grab and grapple routine.

This is much more robust than I thought it would be and will be able to grapple most huge or smaller opponents well enough to be worth attempting with challenge by the time they are his CR

I just learned about sonic thrust yesterday, in light of this rediculous spell I give you:

Ivan the lazy.

Level 10
Charisma 22 with gear

wayang spellhunter: Sonic Thrust
Magical Lineage: Sonic Thrust

Tenebrous Spell
Spell Focus: evocation
Magic Tatoo: evocation

Round 1: Cast Sonic Thrust on an enemy and target a point 880 feet in the air.

They take 88(+/-1)d10 damage.

Round 2-10:Do the same thing because its only using up a 2nd level spell slot.


I thought that magical lineage and waylang could only be used to offset the level rise in metamagic feats not actually lower the spell level... is that wrong?

Halfing Gendarme Cavalier (level 10)

Str: 15 (19)
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 13
Cha: 14

Risky Striker: +6
Power Attack: +9
Furious Focus
Mounted Combat
Ride By
Spirited Charge

Challenge +3 AB +10 Damage

Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Toughness

Belt of Strength +4 (16,000) Ring of Protection (2,000) + Amulet of Natural Armor (2,000) + Full Plate +3 (10,650), Cloak of Resistence +2 (4,000) , Lance + 3 (18,310)
Weapon Focus (Lance), Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Risky Striker, Furious Focus, Mounted Charge, Ride By, Spirited Charge
Mount, Challenge 4, Banner (+2), By my Honour (+2 Will), Expert Trainer, Cavalier Charge, Mounted Mastery

Mr Boar

Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +15 natural armor; Attack gore (1d8); Ability Scores Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 4; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.

Feats: Dodge, Toughness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Iron Will.

Damage (vs Large or above opponent)
3(1d6+6(strength)+9(power attack) + 6 (risky striker) + 3 (enhancment) +5 (animal strength)


AB= 24 = 10 (bab) +4 (strength) +4 (cavalier charge) + 3 (ehancment) + 1 (weapon focus) +2 (banner)

Average of 93 Damage

Damage (vs Large or above opponent with challenge)
3(1d6+6(strength)+9(power attack) + 6 (risky Striker) + 3 (enhancment) + 10 (challenge) + 5 (animal strength)


AB= 25 = 10(BAB) +4 (strength)+ 4 (Cavalier Charge) + 3 (enhancment)+ 3 challange) +1 (weapon focus)

Average 127 damage

Medium or Lower Average(damage): 76
Medium or Lower (challenge) Damage: 110

found another problem, with the Juju oracle- to be an agent of the grave you must be able to cast animate dead, which you dont get till 10th level, so how can you go into that PrC at level 6?!?!

I'm startin to seriously wonder about some of these builds the cheese factor is at fromunda and rising...

Animate Dead is a 3rd level spell. Oracles are full divine casters, they get 3rd level spells the same time Sorcerers do: 6th level

My apologies if someone has done a druid build already. Here is Gyr the human druid with his pet Spinosaurus, Spiney, who hits 96.6 DPR on his own. (The druid spends his standard action buffing the companion).

Sources: Core, APG, Animal Archive, Beastiary 2&3

Gyr the Human 10 Druid-Animal(Feather) Domain
PreBuff Stats
Str 16 (+3) 15base + 1 level 4
Dex 12 (+1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 20 (+5) 13base +2 racial+ 1 level 8
Cha 10 (+0)
Eye for Talent: +2 str to Companion

PostBuff Stats
Str 22(+6)
Dex 8 (-1)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 8 (-1)
Wis 20(+5)
Cha 10(+0)


1: Power Attack
3: Armor Prof(Heavy)
5: Natural Spell
7: Boon Companion
9: Wild Speech

Saves: 9/4/12
AC: 28 (10 + 10 fullplate - 1 dex +1 deflection + 6 wildshape natural armor + 4 barkskin - 2 size)
BAB: 7/2
HP: 78

Attacks: +11(7 Bab + 6 Str - 2 PA - 2 Size + 2 Charge)
Bite: +11(2d6+6+4PA) w/Grab
Claw: +11(1d8+6+4PA)
Claw: +11(1d8+6+4PA)

Special Attacks:
Pounce, Rake (Talon +11(1d8+6+4PA);Talon +11(1d8+6+4PA))

Note: Druids damage only comes into play in round 2, because he spends his standard action in the initial setup buffing his pet instead. It is only here for comparison purposes.
Druid h d t c
Bite 0.4 17 0.05 1 7.14
Claw 0.4 14.5 0.05 1 6.09
Claw 0.4 14.5 0.05 1 6.09
Talon 0.4 14.5 0.05 1 6.09
Talon 0.4 14.5 0.05 1 6.09
Pounce 31.5
FA 19.32

Additonal +1 to hit: Pounce 35.4375; FA 21.735
Additional +1 to Dmg: Pounce 33.6; FA 20.58
Extra Primary Attack: 7.14

If there are more buffing rounds for combat, the druid can drop a strongjaw on himself and get to these numbers:
Druid SJ h d t c
Bite 0.4 24 0.05 1 10.08
Claw 0.4 20.5 0.05 1 8.61
Claw 0.4 20.5 0.05 1 8.61
Talon 0.4 20.5 0.05 1 8.61
Talon 0.4 20.5 0.05 1 8.61
Pounce 44.52
FA 27.3

Gear:700GP Remaining
Full-Plate +1 (AC10)Dragonhide Wild(cost of +3) 19,300
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4 16,000
Handy Haversack 2,000
Ring of Protection +1 2,000

Barkskin +4AC
Featherstep, Mass (To allow pouncing through difficult terrain)
Freedom Of Movement
Wildshape (Huge Allosaurus: +6 strength, -4 dex, +6 natural armor)

Animal Companion:
Large Spinosaurus
Prebuff Stats:
Str: 36 (+13) (+1 level 9;+2 eye for talent)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 19 (+4)
Int: 3 (-4) (+1 level 4)
Wis: 13 (+1)
Cha: 3 (-4)
Natural Armor: 11 (5 + 6 druid level)

PostBuff Stats:
Str: 38 (+14)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 17 (+3)
Int: 3 (-4)
Wis: 13 (+1)
Cha: 3 (-4)
Natural Armor: 17 (5 + 6 druid level + 6 beast shape III)

Saves: 9/9/9
AC: 31 (10 + 17 Natural + 2 Dex + 4 barkskin - 2 Size)
Bab: 6/1
HP: 76

Attacks: +19(6 Bab + 14 Str - 2 PA - 2 Size + 2 Charge + 1 AoMF)
Bite: +19(2d6+13+4PA+1AoMF) w/Grab
Claw: +19(1d8+13+4PA+1AoMF)
Claw: +19(1d8+13+4PA+1AoMF)

Special Attacks:
Pounce, Rake (Talon +19(1d8+13+4PA+1AoMF);Talon +19(1d8+13+4PA+1AoMF))

Animal Comp h d t c
Bite 0.8 25 0.05 1 21
Claw 0.8 22.5 0.05 1 18.9
Claw 0.8 22.5 0.05 1 18.9
Talon 0.8 22.5 0.05 1 18.9
Talon 0.8 22.5 0.05 1 18.9
Pounce 96.6
FA 58.8
Additonal +1 to hit: Pounce 102.6375; FA 62.475
Additional +1 to Dmg: Pounce 100.8; FA 61.32
Extra Primary Attack: 21

If there is another round for buffing he can drop StrongJaw on his Companion netting these increases:
AC StrongJaw h d t c
Bite 0.8 32 0.05 1 26.88
Claw 0.8 28.5 0.05 1 23.94
Claw 0.8 28.5 0.05 1 23.94
Talon 0.8 28.5 0.05 1 23.94
Talon 0.8 28.5 0.05 1 23.94
Pounce 122.64
FA 74.76
1: Toughness
2: Power Attack
3: Iron Will
4: Armor Prof(Light)
5: Unsure (Extra Item slot for PFS to wear the belt) (per this FAQ

Companion Gear:
Large Chain Shirt +1 (AC5) Barding 2,000
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 4,000
Belt of Giant Strength +4 16,000

Barkskin +4AC
Featherstep, Mass (To allow pouncing through difficult terrain)
Freedom Of Movement
Beast Shape III(domain spell) (Huge Allosaurus: +6 Str, -4dex +6 natural armor(but, large to medium first means -4 str, +2 dex, -2 con. Net bonus: +2 Str, -2 dex, -2 con + 6 natural armor) (Cast on the druids standard action)

Last Edit: Sorry for the thread necro.

Shadow Lodge

(Dotting to get back to the top of Advice, since people started using the older thread.)

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

TWF Falcata Buckler Duelist

Note: this build runs over-budget and survivability is problematic as depicted (I hate these contests at 10th; 8th and 11th are much more instructive measurement points). It's also a PFS-legal 20pt build built more or less realistically feat-wise (and the higher wealth in that campaign would permit this with plenty left over for attention to defenses).

Gimmick: exploits an unclosed loophole in this archetype which permits stacking Weapon Training (acquired at 9th) in heavy blades with the Strong Swing class feature (which replaces a normal fighter's 5th-level WT; requires a falcata/buckler fighting style...but you can TWF with a buckler, so we will). The +5 Gloves of Dueling-fueled bonus from that stack permits indulging Power Attack and TWF full-time while eating the penalty of the buckler.

STR+18 (to 26 8th)
DEX:15 (to 17 7th)
CON:14 (to 16>22 5th)
INT:10 or 07
CHA:07 or 10

half-elf: ancestral arms racial trait
traits: berserker of the society, anatomist

01 barb1 Extra Rage (15r/d), EWP:falcata
02 f1 [Buckler Duelist] WF:falcata
03 f2 Power Attack, Two Weapon Fighting
04 f3 STR>19
05 f4 Raging Vitality, WS:falcata, (buy CON belt)
06 f5 [strong swing+1]
07 f6 I-TWF, Double Slice (upgrade belt for DEX)
08 f7 STR>20 [armor training +1] (upgrade belt for STR)
09 f8 Critical Focus, Improved Critical:falcata
10 f9 [strong swing+2][weapon traing+1:heavy blades], (buy gloves of dueling)

equipment: Belt of Physical Perfection (16), +1/Furious falcata (two; one is small; 32) pale green cracked ioun (4), boots of speed (12), gloves of dueling (15)
...these add up to 63k. Add another 1 or 1.5 for non-masterwork junk armor we're steadfastly ignoring.

Mistmail (2.25), mithral buckler (1) RPro (2), AmNa (2), cloak+2 (4), nice bow, nice bardiche, nice haversack n'crap.
...necessary equipment we'd have after playing one more PFS scenario at Tier 10. (Obviously we've had most of this all along.)

Celestial Plate Armor
...we'd have at 11th. This is the big-ticket defensive item for us; and we're full-move in it.

attack calc: 10 +8(STR+rage) +3(enh) +3(wt+GoD) +2(ss) +1(wf) +1(ioun) +1(haste) -1(twf/buckler) -3(PA) = +25

Hasted (BoS) full-attack:
... main hand: +23/+23/+18
... off hand +21/+16 (-2 penalty for inappropriately sized weapon)
... +5 to confirm threats (Anatomist + Critical Focus)

dmg d8(main)or d6(off) +3(enh)+8(str)+6(PA)+3(wt+GoD)+2(ss)+2(ws) = ~28.5 or 27.5; 17-20/x3

2x [.95(28.5) + (.2)(.95)(57)...or 10.83]
1x [.70(28.5) + 10.83]
1x [.85(27.5) + (.2)(.95)(55)]
1x [.60(27.5) + (.2)(.85)(55)]

= 166.265

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

I've built a couple builds for a PVP competition at GenCon in August.
I'll down grade them from 12th to 10th and post there here.

James Risner wrote:

I've built a couple builds for a PVP competition at GenCon in August.

I'll down grade them from 12th to 10th and post there here.

Which session is this?

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

andreww wrote:
Which session is this?

JollyDoc's Battle Royal-2014

Saturday at 12:00 PM
Duration: 6 hours

Super Secret Tech ;-)

One build is 181.545 per standard action, more as a full round.
The other build is higher but sub 24 in some saves, so scary.

Curses, it is sold out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*Casts Harsh Language*

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

andreww wrote:
Curses, it is sold out.

Think this is the 7th year, and it sells out basically in the first day or so.

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)

Character Sheet:

Ability Scores:
Str 13
Dex 22 (15 base, +2 racial, +1 level, +4 enhancement)
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 18 (14 base, +4 enhancement)

HP 79 (10d10+10+10 favored class)
Saving Throws (5/day, +4 on check as immediate action): Fort +7, Refl +16, Will +

AC 23 (+6 Dex, +5 armor, +2 dodge)
* 6 times per round, may parry using attack roll of +20 as AC.

Attacks (with swift action Precise Strike adding +20 damage and Power Attack): +3 scimitar +20/+15 (1d6+39/15-20).
Critical Damage:
2d6 + 20 (Precise Strike), +12 (Dex), +4 (Swash. Weapon Train.), +4 (Weapon Spec), +12 (Power Attack), +2 (Killer trait), +6 (Enhancement).
Total critical damage: 2d6+60

Class Abilities:
Deeds (of note: Precise Strike as a Swift action adds +10 precise damage at the cost of 1 panache)
Swashbuckler finesse
Charmed life 5/day
Nimble +2
Bonus feats (2, Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus)
Swashbuckling Weapon Training +2

BAB: +10 CMB: +11 CMD: 17

Human Bonus Feat - Combat Reflexes
1 Weapon Focus
3 Dervish Dance (Inner Sea World Guide)
4 Weapon Specialization
5 Power Attack
7 Extra Grit/Panache
8 Greater Weapon Focus
9 Critical Focus

Killer (+2 damage on critical hits)
Purity of Faith (+1 trait bonus on all Will saves and a +1 bonus on all saving throws made against spells and effects originating from an outsider with the evil subtype).

Scimitar +3 18320
+1 mithral chain shirt 2100
Belt of incredible dexterity +4 16000
Headband of alluring charisma +4 16000
Cloak of resistance +3 9000
580 gp in consumables, fancy clothes and booze.

Sadly I'm terrible at math and couldn't figure out the equation. If anyone would like to help, I described Valerya's attack routine and damage bonuses up top.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Rune wrote:

[b]Valerya, human swashbuckler 10

Fort +7, Refl +16, Will +

I'm showing your Will at +2. This makes fort and will below the minimum of +8.

DiscOH wrote:

I just learned about sonic thrust yesterday, in light of this rediculous spell I give you:

Ivan the lazy.

Level 10
Charisma 22 with gear

wayang spellhunter: Sonic Thrust
Magical Lineage: Sonic Thrust

Tenebrous Spell
Spell Focus: evocation
Magic Tatoo: evocation

Round 1: Cast Sonic Thrust on an enemy and target a point 880 feet in the air.

They take 88(+/-1)d10 damage.

Round 2-10:Do the same thing because its only using up a 2nd level spell slot.


This guy has probably long gone considering it was a post from last year, but I just wanted to say... huh? Where does the 88d10 come from? Falling damage somehow? Clearly he has misunderstood spellhunter/lineage to think you can reduce spell level.... but the damage also comes out of nowhere.

Also, you are severely limited in the weight of the item you can throw.. about 110KG even at level 10, which is enough to throw halflings and wizards around but not monsters or decked out fighters.

Rune wrote:

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)
** spoiler omitted **...

I don't know enough about guns to check the build so I will just assume you are correct.

Is the precise strike damage multiplied on a crit?

I am asking because 1d6+39 should be 2d6+78, but you said the crit damage is 2d6+60.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Average CMD values for CR 10:

Base 32.2469135802
Trip 33.7727272727
Grapple 32.3209876543
Sunder 32.2716049383
Bull Rush 32.4197530864

Just in case anyone builds something relevant to these values. I've just ran a report on all Paizo (non-3rd party) CMDs.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Just for Fun, I'm doing all my PFS characters (real characters) as entries. They may suck, but they were loved.

Festering Ichor
Material used: APG, UC, Sargava{S}, UM, Faction Guide{FG}, Andoran Spirit of Liberty{A}, UE, Seeker of Secrets{SoS}
Buffs: Wild Shape Immortal Ichor {+4 Str/Speed 20/Fly 20 Average/Blindsense 30}

Charge: 45.78525 DPR +1.695 Wis drain
Full Attack: 57.57500 DPR +1.30 Wis drain

+1 to hit = 3.44750 DPR + 0.1 Wis drain
+1 to damage = 0.68250 DPR
Haste attack = 8.41750 DPR + 1.3 Wis drain

Festering Ichor, human Cave Druid {APG} Druid 6/Weapon Master {APG} Fighter 1/Master of Many Styles {UC} Monk 1/Ranger 2

Ability Scores:
STR: 20 (+5) (15 base, +1 level, +2 item, +2 race)
DEX: 12 (+1)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 78 HP (7d8+3d10+20; +6 FCB)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +15 Ref: +9 Will: +10

AC: 30 - Touch 15, Flatfooted 29 (+10 +1 wild Stoneplate, +1 Insight, +1 Dex, +1 Deflection, +2 Monk, +5 Shield)

Attacks: Slam +14, 8d6+17 (20/x2) + 1d3 Wis drain

Special Attacks:
Overrun: +20 — Charge through allies over difficult terrain, then make +20 Overrun vs CMD 37 for Immediate +14 8d6+17, then +16 8d6+17 Charge attack.
Vital Strike +14 16d6+17 (20/x2 crit for 24d6+34 VS dam doesn't add twice)

Class Abilities:
Lightfoot (Undetectable via Tremorsense)
Resist Subterranean Corruption (+2 saves vs ooze or aberations)
Tunnelrunner (rubble and squeeze at normal speed)
Wild Shape (Huge Animal, Medium Ooze, Medium Elemental)
Stunning Fist (3/day; DC 17)
Animal Companion Ape named Pack Mule

Init: +1
BAB: +7 CMB: +16 (+20 Overrun) CMD: 30 (32 Overrun, 31 Trip)

Traits - Bellis Log Roller{A}, Beast of the Society{FG}
Charge Through{APG}
Dragon Style{UC}
Elephant Stomp{S}
Power Attack
Greater Overrun
Improved Natural Attack Slam
Improved Overrun
Shaping Focus
Vital Strike

Acrobatics +15, Climb +24, Perception +15, Spellcraft +12

Lucerne Hammer{UE} (15 gp)
+1 wild Stoneplate{UE} (17,950 gp)
+1 wild Darkwood Tower Shield (16,630 gp)
Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 (4,000 gp)
Belt of Giant Strength (4,000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp)
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone (5,000 gp; +2 CMB/CMD in Wayfinder)
Wayfinder{SoS} (500 gp)
Pale Green Ioun Stone Cracked (Saves; 4,000 gp)
Pale Green Ioun Stone Cracked (Attacks; 4,000 gp)
1675 gp in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Rules Assumptions:
Elephant Stomp can be used on a Slam Charge with Charge Through. Resolve Charge Through (if successful do Elephant Stomp), then do Charge attack. Overrun/Charge Through/Elephant Stomp/Overrun/Charge are all very unclear rules with no FAQ guidance. Expect table variance.
Wild Shape to ignore penalties of armor and combine with Monk “not wearing”. James Jacobs approved. Expect table variance.

Human Feat Power Attack (+1 BAB, Str 13)
1st Improved Overrun (Power Attack)
Ranger 1 (FE Human)
Druid 1 (Cave Druid; FCB +1 HP)
3rd Charge Through{APG} (Improved Overrun)
Druid 2 (FCB)
Druid 3 (FCB)
5th Elephant Stomp{S} (Improved Overrun)
Druid 4 (FCB)
Ranger 2 Natural Weapon Style -> Improved Natural Attack Slam (BAB+4, Natural Weapon)
7th Vital Strike (BAB+6)
Fighter 1 (Weapon Master); Greater Overrun (BAB +5; Improved Overrun; Bonus)
Monk 1 (Master of Many Styles); Dragon Style{UC} (Str 15, IUS, Acrobatics 3; Bonus)
9th Shaping Focus (Wild Shape, KNature 5)
Druid 5 (FCB)
Druid 6 (FCB)

Pack Mule
Large Ape
AC 22, Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3, HP 42, Speed 30, BAB +4, CMB +9, CMD 24, Attack any Target
+3 Masterwork Studded Leather
Feats: Fast Crawl{FG}, Power Attack, Furious Focus{APG}
+11 Bite 1d6+10, 3x +7 Claw 1d6+10


Pack Mule 0.50*(3.5+10)+0.50*0.05*(3.5+10) = 7.08750 DPR
Festering Charge through allies over difficult terrain, then make +20 Overrun vs CMD 37 for Immediate +14 8d6+17, then +16 8d6+17 Charge attack.
Festering 0.30*(0.65*(8*3.5+11)+0.65*0.05*(8*3.5+11))+0.75*(8*3.5+11)+0.75*0.05*(8*3. 5+11) = 38.69775 DPR +1.695 Wis drain (Power Attack off)

Full Attack:
Pack Mule
0.40*(3.5+10)+0.40*0.05*(3.5+10)+0.25*(3.5+10)+0.25*0.05*(3.5+10)+0.25*(3.5 +10)+0.25*0.05*(3.5+10) = 12.75750 DPR
Festering 0.65*(16*3.5+11)+0.65*0.05*(8*3.5+11) = 44.81750 +1.30 Wis drain (Vital Strike; Power Attack off)

+1 to hit = 3.44750 DPR + 0.1 Wis drain
+1 to damage = 0.68250 DPR
Haste attack = 8.41750 DPR + 1.3 Wis drain


h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.
b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Rise of the Runelord Necromancer Oracle. He has various Undead Bloody Skeleton “pets”, but I’ve only included two CR 10 monsters that total 30 HD of his 44 HD limit (see below).

Cazic-Thule with Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup
Material used: Inner Sea Gods{ISG}, Inner Sea World Guide{ISWG}, Rise of the Runelords{RoR}, Blood of the Moon{BoM}, Dwarves of Golarion{DoG}
Buffs: Animate Dead Fire Giants (x2; Free with Blood Money{RoR} ), Form of the Beast{BoM} for Arsinoitherium (10 hours), Mage Armor (10 hours)
Avoided due to thread rules: Beast Shape I, II, III; Heroism; Good Hope; Greater Magic Fang; Greater Magic Weapon

Full Attack: 156.57 DPR

+1 to hit = 9.93625 DPR
+1 to damage = 4.2675 DPR
Haste attack = 76.845 DPR

Cazic-Thule, Half-Elf Ancient Lorekeeper Oracle 10
Negative/Inflict, Cure Lame, Darkvision 60 ft, Low Light Vision

Ability Scores:
STR: 14 (+2) (14 base, +4 Arsinoitherium)
DEX: 8 (+1) (8 base, -2 Arsinoitherium)
CON: 14 (+2) (13 base, +1 level)
INT: 10 (0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 20 (+5) (15 base, +1 level, +2 headband, +2 racial)

HP: 68 HP (10d8+20)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +9 Ref: +12 Will: +13 (+2 racial enchantments, +1 vs spells/SLA/poison)

AC: 23 - Touch 15, Flatfooted 21 (+4 Mage Armor, +5 Cha, +1 Deflection, -1 Size, +4 Natural)

Attacks: Mwk Battle Aspergillum +10/+5, 1d6+2 (20/x2)

Special Attacks:
Form of the Beast into Arsinoitherium for Gore: +10 4d8+6 (20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Lunar Mystery (Eyes of the Moon for Darkvision 60 ft, Form of the Beast for Tiny to Large Animals, Prophetic Armor for Cha to AC/Reflex)
Primal Companion — 13th EDL Animal Companion — Tiger named Blossom
Slow and Steady (Speed never reduced for Armor)
Elven Arcana (Ghost Sound as 1st level, Blood Money{RoR} as 2nd, Mage Armor as 2nd, Haste as 4th, Enervation as 5th)
Arcane Bond Staff of Healing
Immunity to Fatigue

BAB: +7 CMB: +12 CMD: 21 (25 Trip)

Traits - Gifted Adept{APG} to Animate Dead, Glory of Old{DoG} for +1 vs Spell/SLA/Poison
Traits - Reactionary, Totem Spirit — Lyrune-Quah — Moon Clan for +1 vs Will and +2 Perception
Additional Traits{APG}
Eldritch Heritage{UM} (Cha 15, Skill Focus Bloodline skill, Character Level 3)
Extra Revelation{APG} (Revelations)
Glorious Heat{ISG} (Divine spells, CL 5)
Noble Scion of War{ISWG} (Cha to Initiative)
Skill Focus Knowledge Local

Perception +15, Spellcraft +13, UMD +18

Circlet of Persuasion (4,500 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +4 (16,000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 (4,000 gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp)
Staff of Healing (14,800 gp; Arcane Bonded item; Required item for Fast Zombies, Blood Money)
Masterwork Battle Aspergillum{UE} 305 gp
+2 Darkwood Light Wooden Shield (4,203 gp)
+1 Large Greatsword (4,800 gp; Bubbles and Buttercup both have one)
+1 Darkleaf Cloth{UE} Lamellar Leather Armor{UE} (3,740 gp; Bubbles and Buttercup both have one)
+1 Mithril Shirt (5,400 gp; Blossom)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp)
Holy Symbol Tattoo{UE} (Shyka the Many; 100 gp)
147 gp in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Rules Assumptions:
You have a 13th level Animal Companion at level 10? Allow per John "cannot increase her animal companion's Hit Dice above her actual character level + 1.” Level 13 AC = 11 HD.
You have Improved Natural Attack on your AC? Allowed per “Animal Feats in Animal Companion rules.”

Half-Elf (Skill Focus Knowledge Local)
Elf FCB Oracle 1-6 = +1/2 Primal Companion EL
Half-Elf FCB Oracle 7-10 = Spells Known (2nd, 3x 3rd)
1st Noble Scion of War{ISWG} (CHA 13, 1st level)
Oracle 1 (Ancient Lorekeeper{ARG}; Primal Companion{BoM})
Oracle 2 (MS: Ghost Sound)
3rd Additional Traits{APG} (Glory of Old{DoG}, Reactionary{APG})
Oracle 3 (Eye of the Moon{BoM})
Oracle 4 (MS: Blood Money{RoR})
5th Eldritch Heritage{UM} (CHA 13, Skill Focus Know, 3rd)
Oracle 5
Oracle 6 (MS: Mage Armor)
7th Extra Revelation{APG} Prophetic Armor{BoM}
Oracle 7 (Form of the Beast{BoM})
Oracle 8 (MS: Haste)
9th Glorious Heat{ISG} (Divine, CL 5)
Oracle 9
Oracle 10 (Slow and Steady, MS: Enervation)

Large Tiger
AC 31, Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +5 (Devotion), HP 44, Speed 40 ft, BAB +8, CMB +17 (+21 Grab), CMD 33 (37 Trip), Attack any Target, Flank
+1 Large Mithral Shirt
Feats: Toughness, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Multiattack
Bite +15 2d6+8 + Grab, 2x Claws +15 1d8+8 + Grab, Rake +15 1d6+8

Bubbles and Buttercup
Large Bloody Skeleton Fire Giant
AC 16, Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +9, HP 101, Speed 40 ft, BAB +11, CMB +22, CMD 32, Fast Healing 7, Deathless, DR 5/Bludgeoning, Immunity to Cold, Darkvision 60 ft
+1 Large Darkleaf Cloth {UE} Lamellar Leather{UE}
+1 Large Greatsword
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Greatsword
+1 Greatsword +21/+16/+11 3d6+16
Power Attack -3/+9

Note: I didn't use some unlikely 44 HD monster. So these "pets" are realistic. You could also add some other 14 HD monster or less to fill out the team. A good choice would be a Saumen Kar from AP#51. Base attacks are greataxe +21/+16/+11 (2d6+12/19-20 plus 1d6 cold), headbutt +15 (1d6+4 plus stun). Another good base choice is a CR 10 Adult White Dragon with bite +20 (2d6+10/19-20), 2 claws +19 (1d8+7), 2 wings +14 (1d6+3), tail slap +14 (1d8+10)


Full Attack:
Cazic-Thule as Arsinoitherium 0.35*(4*4.5+6)+0.35*0.05*(4*4.5+6) = 8.82 DPR
Blossom 0.60*(2*3.5+8)+0.60*.05*(2*3.5+8)+2*(0.60*(4.5+8)+0.60*.05*(4.5+8))+0.60*0. 60*(3.5+8) = 29.34 DPR
Bubbles and Buttercup 0.75*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.75*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.50*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.50*0.10*(3*3.5 +16+9)+0.25*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.25*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9) = 58.57500 DPR each (Power Attack)
Total 156.57 DPR

+1 to hit = 9.93625 DPR
+1 to damage = 4.2675 DPR
Haste attack = 76.845 DPR


h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.
b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

James Risner wrote:
Rune wrote:

[b]Valerya, human swashbuckler 10

Fort +7, Refl +16, Will +
I'm showing your Will at +2. This makes fort and will below the minimum of +8.

Actually it should be +5 (+3 base, -1 Wis, +3 resistance), but remember that 5 times per day she can get a +4 bonus on top of that (for a +9 total). If you do care enough for saves, you may switch Valerya's Intelligence and Charisma values for no DPR loss and +1 on her Will. I personally dislike dumping Int, though.

edit: I also avoided boots of speed due to the rules of the thread.

wraithstrike wrote:

I don't know enough about guns to check the build so I will just assume you are correct.

Is the precise strike damage multiplied on a crit?

I am asking because 1d6+39 should be 2d6+78, but you said the crit damage is 2d6+60.

The build (and the class as written) does not utilize guns in any way. But since the focus of the class is getting critical hits (since they get Improved Critical for free at level 5 and their point pool recharges on a successful crit), their main damage ability (Precise Strike adds their level to damage, double that if they spend one point as a Swift action) is not multiplied in a critical hit. That's the reason for the weird critical damage.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Rune wrote:
Actually it should be +5, but remember that 5 times per day she can get a +4 bonus on top of that (for a +9 total).

Charmed life is only for one save.

As far as to whether or not it is fine, it is a deviation from the thread rules at the beginning. It is good to note when and why you are deviating. It may not be easy to compare to another build because even with the swap of Int/Wis you are at Fort +7 and Will +6 compared to the expected static value of +8/+8.

Blakmane wrote:
DiscOH wrote:

I just learned about sonic thrust yesterday, in light of this rediculous spell I give you:

Ivan the lazy.

Level 10
Charisma 22 with gear

wayang spellhunter: Sonic Thrust
Magical Lineage: Sonic Thrust

Tenebrous Spell
Spell Focus: evocation
Magic Tatoo: evocation

Round 1: Cast Sonic Thrust on an enemy and target a point 880 feet in the air.

They take 88(+/-1)d10 damage.

Round 2-10:Do the same thing because its only using up a 2nd level spell slot.


This guy has probably long gone considering it was a post from last year, but I just wanted to say... huh? Where does the 88d10 come from? Falling damage somehow? Clearly he has misunderstood spellhunter/lineage to think you can reduce spell level.... but the damage also comes out of nowhere.

Also, you are severely limited in the weight of the item you can throw.. about 110KG even at level 10, which is enough to throw halflings and wizards around but not monsters or decked out fighters.

I second your "huh?" Another problem I thought I saw was that by my reading of the spell (I may be wrong, but I'm acknowledging that up front), if you want to throw the target up in the air, you have to be directly underneath them. The problems associated with that tactical position are legion...


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An Archer build, note that it doesn't use the elite array.

Pincushion Pete, Human Dawnflower Dervish Fighter 10
Material used: APG, ARG, Ultimate Combat, Inner Sea Primer, Humans of Golarion, Faiths & Philosophies


Racial Trait:
Dual Talented

Auspicious Tattoo (Race), Wendifa Apprentice (Faith)

Ability Scores:
STR: 16 (+3) (14 base, +2 racial)
DEX: 22 (+6) (16 base, +2 racial, +2 level, +2 belt)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 7 (-2)
HP: 79 HP (10d10+20)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +11 Ref: +12 Will: +8

AC: 24 - Touch 16, Flatfooted 19 (+7 +1 Mithral Breastplate, +5 dex, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +1 Ring of Protection)

Attacks: +3 composite longbow +24(x2)/+24/+19, d8+12 dmg (20/x3)

Class Abilities:
Burst of Speed
Weapon Training 2 (bows)
Desert Stride
Weapon Training 1 (light blades)

BAB: +10 CMB: +16 CMD: 28

Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot (bonus)
Rapid Shot (bonus)
Weapon Focus - Longbow
Weapon Specialization - Longbow (bonus)
Point Blank Master
Manyshot (bonus)
Deadly Aim
Clustered Shots (bonus)
Arcane Strike
Greater Weapon Focus - Longbow (bonus)

+3 adaptive composite longbow
Belt of +2 Dex
Gloves of Dueling
Pale green cracked ioun stone (attack)
Handy Haversack
+1 Mithral Breastplate
Cloak of Resistance +2
Pale green cracked ioun stone (saves)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Ring of Protection +1

Pete's Deadly Aim/Rapidshot/Arcane Strike routine is:
+3 longbow +21(x2)/+21/+16, d8+21 dmg (20/x3)

His average damage per round is ~91.67. An additional +1 to-hit is worth ~5.48 DPR, an additional +1 damage is worth 3.60 DPR, and an additional full-BAB attack is worth ~25.25 DPR. His single-attack damage is ~26.65 DPR

Post has mostly been copy/paste from MiB's earlier work, hope I altered everything necessary.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

My PFS “Monk” that I reduced his level from 12th to 10th.

Chan from Quain
Material used: Inner Sea World Guide{ISWG}, Ultimate Combat{C}, Ultimate Campaign{UCamp}, Dragon Empire Primer{DEP}, Humans of Golarion{HoG}, Cheliax Empire of Devils{C}
Buffs: Barkskin (+2 NAC; 40 mins)
Buffs avoided due to thread rules: Nothing

Full Attack:
Swift for Dragon Style 65.485 DPR
Swift for Ki Attack 78.1033333332 DPR

+1 to hit = 4.775 DPR (Dragon Style) or 5.5016666668 DPR (Ki Attack)
+1 to damage = 2.115 DPR (Dragon Style) or 2.91 DPR (Ki Attack)
Haste attack = 23.15 DPR (Dragon Style) 20.765 DPR (Ki Attack)

Chan, Azlanti Pureblooded{ISWG} Human Monk 4/Fighter 6

Ability Scores:
STR: 22 (+6) (15 base, +2 race, +4 item, +1 level)
DEX: 16 (+3) (14 base, +2 race)
CON: 14 (+2) (12 base, +2 race)
INT: 12 (+2) (10 base, +2 race)
WIS: 16 (+3) (13 base, +2 race, +1 level)
CHA: 10 (+0) (8 base, +2 race)

HP: 74 HP (4d8+6d10+20)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +11 Ref: +9 Will: +9 (+2 sleep/paralysis/stun and enchanting spells/effects, +4 vs drop weapon, +2 vs fear will saves)

AC: 23 - Touch 21, Flatfooted 19 (+1 Deflection, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 Barkskin, +5 Monk, +1 Insight)

Attacks: Flurry Unarmed Strike +17/+17/+12, 2d6+19+1d4 (19-20/x2)

Class Abilities:
Weapon Training (+3 Monk)
Maneuver Mastery (+2 CMB/CMD)
Fast Movement (+10 ft)
Still Mind
Ki Pool
Barkskin (self only)

BAB: +9 CMB: +17 (+22 Disarm/Sunder/Trip) CMD: 38 (42 Disarm/Sunder 44 Grapple/Trip)

Traits - Martial Manuscript{UCamp}, Quain Martial Artist{DEP}
Additional Traits{APG} Killer{APG}, Open Palm of Irori Vudrani{HoG}
Belier’s Bite{C}
Combat Expertise
Combat Reflexes
Critical Focus
Dragon Ferocity
Dragon Style
Improved Critical Unarmed Strike
Improved Unarmed Strike
Monastic Legacy{UC}
Power Attack
Stunning Fist
Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike
Weapon Specialization Unarmed Strike

Acrobatics +17, Climb +10, Disable Device +15, KArcana +14, Perception +16, Spellcraft +14, Swim +10

Amulet of Mighty Fists (4,000 gp)
Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000 gp)
Gloves of Dueling (15,000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)
Ioun Stone Dusty Rose +2 (5,000 gp)
Ioun Stone Pale Green Cracked (4,000 gp; Attacks)
Monk’s Robes (13,000 gp)
Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp
Masterwork Thieves Tools (100 gp)
900 gp in miscellaneous consumables, gear, non-portable goods, etc.

Rules Assumptions:
Dragon Style and Dragon Ferocity with Monk to make the 1st attack 2x Str and the remaining 1.5x Str.
Power Attack with Dragon Style/Dragon Ferocity is still only -1 for +2 and not Two Handed -1 for +3.

Azlanti Pureblooded Human Weapon Focus Unarmed Strike (Proficient, BAB+1)
1st Belier's Bite (IUS)
Monk 1 (Qinggong Monk; Combat Reflexes; Stunning Fist)
Monk 2 Dodge (Dex 13)
3rd Monastic Legacy (Still Mind, IUS)
Monk 3 Still Mind
Fighter 1 (Lore Warden; Power Attack (Str 15, BAB +1, Acro 3); FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip
5th Additional Traits (Killer/Open Palm of Irori)
Monk 4 Slow Fall -> Barkskin
Fighter 2 Dragon Style (IUS, BAB +1); FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip
7th Dragon Ferocity (Dragon Style, Acrobat 5)
Fighter 3 FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip
Fighter 4 Weapon Spec Unarmed Strike (Fighter 4th); FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip
9th Improved Critical (BAB +8, Proficient)
Fighter 5 FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip
Fighter 6 Critical Focus (BAB +9); FCB +1 CMD Grapple, Trip


Complex Interactions
+17/+17/+12 2d6+19+1d4 Bleed
Quain +1 trait damage ~2.8 damage | Killer +2 trait damage on critical (isn't multiplied; ~0.34 damage)
Martial Manuscript +2 trait attack on critical confirms (~0.53 damage)
Critical Focus +4 attack on critical confirms (~1.06 damage)
Dragon Style 1st attack a turn +3 damage (Swift; ~2.4 damage)
Ki attack for additional +17 attack (Swift)

Full Attack:
Swift for Dragon Style 0.70*(2*3.5+21+1+3)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+21+2+3)+0.70*(2*3.5+2 1+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+21+2)+0.45*(2*3.5+21+1)+(0.45+0.20+0 .10)*0.10*(2*3.5+21+2)+(0.70+0.70+0.40)/3*(2.5) = 65.485 DPR

Swift for Ki Attack 0.70*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.70*(2*3.5+18+1) +(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.70*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10- 0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.45*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.45+0.20+0.10)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2 )+(0.70+0.70+0.70+0.40)/3*(2.5) = 78.1033333332 DPR

+1 to hit = 4.775 DPR (Dragon Style) or 5.5016666668 DPR (Ki Attack)
+1 to damage = 2.115 DPR (Dragon Style) or 2.91 DPR (Ki Attack)
Haste attack = 23.15 DPR (Dragon Style) 20.765 DPR (Ki Attack)


h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.
b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

I've just scanned the whole thread.
53 unique builds of which I've ignored 13 based on objections in the thread (rules of the game or rules of the thread.)

I'll post when I have time an ordered list with rankings, and audit each one in HeroLab.

Scarab Sages

James Risner wrote:

I've just scanned the whole thread.

53 unique builds of which I've ignored 13 based on objections in the thread (rules of the game or rules of the thread.)

I'll post when I have time an ordered list with rankings, and audit each one in HeroLab.

Be careful with Hero Lab, it has a few known errors.

For example: if you qualify for Arcane Strike using an SLA, not only will Hero Lab throw an error message, it won't calculate the character's caster level to determine Arcane Strike's damage.

With monks, Hero Lab does not support mixing Qinggong Monk with any other monk archetype. This is not just an error message, you have to manually edit the output.

Heavens help you with your final output if you're using Quinggong to qualify for Arcane Strike.

Rune wrote:

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)
** spoiler omitted **...

I don't believe this build is valid. You can't take dervish dance without weapon finesse. You don't actually get the feat as a SB you get the effects of it under some conditions.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Undone wrote:
Rune wrote:

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)
** spoiler omitted **...

I don't believe this build is valid. You can't take dervish dance without weapon finesse. You don't actually get the feat as a SB you get the effects of it under some conditions.

Swashbuckler Finesse (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler

gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light
or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can
use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a
prerequisite for Combat Expertise. This ability counts as
having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting
feat prerequisites.

Xethik wrote:
Undone wrote:
Rune wrote:

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)
** spoiler omitted **...

I don't believe this build is valid. You can't take dervish dance without weapon finesse. You don't actually get the feat as a SB you get the effects of it under some conditions.

Swashbuckler Finesse (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler

gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light
or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can
use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a
prerequisite for Combat Expertise. This ability counts as
having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting
feat prerequisites.

Ah sorry my error. I do like the build though.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Artanthos wrote:
Be careful with Hero Lab, it has a few known errors.

I'm well versed in HL. I've got a 7,210 line local edits file that corrects a large number of their miscalculations. Plus at last count I had 73 tickets open in their tracking database.

I'm not trying to be snarky, so I'm really just saying "I'll use it to audit purchases, feat requirements, etc." and I'll do all math by hand like I do with any character I use in HL.

For example, Swordy Sam has Greater Grapple with a Dex 12, which isn't legal. I didn't notice until I put it in HL.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Undone wrote:
Xethik wrote:
Undone wrote:
Rune wrote:

I wanted to contribute with a simple build from the ACG playtest document just to compare it to established builds. I'm running almost this character in a Wrath of the Righteous campaign and it's been fun.

Valerya, human swashbuckler 10
Material used:
Mainly Advanced Classes Guide Playtest, one feat from the Inner Sea World Guide and another from Advanced Player's Guide)
** spoiler omitted **...

I don't believe this build is valid. You can't take dervish dance without weapon finesse. You don't actually get the feat as a SB you get the effects of it under some conditions.

Swashbuckler Finesse (Ex): At 1st level, a swashbuckler

gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light
or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can
use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a
prerequisite for Combat Expertise. This ability counts as
having the Weapon Finesse feat for purposes of meeting
feat prerequisites.
Ah sorry my error. I do like the build though.

It's something they added in Playtest 2, if I recall. There was an issue previous to it for meeting Weapon Finesse requirements.

Scarab Sages

James Risner wrote:
Artanthos wrote:
Be careful with Hero Lab, it has a few known errors.

I'm well versed in HL. I've got a 7,210 line local edits file that corrects a large number of their miscalculations. Plus at last count I had 73 tickets open in their tracking database.

I'm not trying to be snarky, so I'm really just saying "I'll use it to audit purchases, feat requirements, etc." and I'll do all math by hand like I do with any character I use in HL.

For example, Swordy Sam has Greater Grapple with a Dex 12, which isn't legal. I didn't notice until I put it in HL.

I do enjoy and use Hero Labs, I just advise people not to rely on it for rules.

Generally, Hero Labs is very good at catching mistakes as long as you are aware of its limitations.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

I'm up to R. Lance Pouncer to audit.

I'll work on it sometime over the weekend or next week.

30 of the 57 builds have been ignored due to rules conflicts resolved in FAQ, objections made in this thread, or obvious errors like not using Elite array, buying more than 60,000 gp + handy haversack, or using buffs like GMF/GMW/Heroism/Haste that is prohibited.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

I'm up to TWF Falcata Buckler Duelist to audit.

I got another hour to work on them today. I'm 3 builds short of completing the audits.

36 of 57 ignored so far

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I performed this audit following my understanding of the rules of this thread plus a few of my own assumptions.

In some cases I ignored posts:

  • Less than the minimum of AC 24, Fort +8, or Will +8.
  • Uses forbidden spells like Greater Magic *, Heroism, Haste, etc that are not Personal spells.
  • More than one PC submitted.
  • More than 3 pets (summoned/AC/familiar/constructs) used at once.
  • Uses a debated rules interpretation other than the conservative interpretation.

Additional assumptions from me:

  • Material from Paizo publications prior to Pathfinder (For example Guided from AP#10.)
  • Material from two separate Adventure Paths (For example an Item from Kingmaker and feat from Reign of Winter.)
  • No flanking bonuses unless your build is entirely based around flanking (For example a Sneak Attacking rogue.)
  • No charging unless your build has benefits from charging beyond the +2 to hit (For example Pounce or Cavalier.)
  • No abilities that give bonuses to attack or damage when you are the only ally threatening or similar.
  • I’ll auto ignore all playtest material until it is printed in a book.


  • If you wish to Charge, take Dragon Style so you can Charge through obstacles. We all know how hard it is to get a charge in practice.
  • If you wish to Flank, the Acrobatics CMD average is 32. Be able to make a 32 on a 10 so try for +22 Acrobatics.
  • If you use very limited daily resources, have a minimum of 4 per day of that resource. So 1/day “I’m awesome” isn’t a fair comparison.

  • Character — Full Attack — w/Haste — Extra Attack — +1 hit — +1 dmg — Issues
  • Cazic-Thule, Oracle by Risner — 157.95132 DPR — Haste = 257.305958328 DPR, +1 Attack = 76.845 DPR, +1 hit = 16.557138328 DPR, +1 dmg = 6.14718 DPR — Errors: Updated for chance to Rake from Blossom
  • Gyr, Druid by Tarantula — 83.475 DPR or Charge 94.605 DPR — Haste = 70.665 DPR, +1 Attack = 31.5 DPR, +1 hit = 5.565 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.3625 DPR — Errors: Standard to Strong Jaw Spiney; Spiney pounces
  • Chan from Quain, Monk by Risner — 78.1033333332 DPR — Haste = 105.67 DPR, +1 Attack = 20.765 DPR, +1 hit = 5.5016666668 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.91 DPR — Errors: Calcs +10(BAB)+6(Str)+1(AoMF)+1(Comp)+3(WT)+1(WF)-2(TWF)-3(PA) = +17
  • Farshot Fallon, Fighter by A Man In Black — 71.34 DPR —Haste = 96.965 DPR, +1 Attack = 20.295 DPR, +1 hit = 4.305 DPR, +1 dmg = 3.48 DPR — Errors: Spent 64700; Swap Bracers of Archer for Pale Green Ioun Attacks for same mechanics
  • Zweihander Zelda, Fighter by A Man In Black — 70.125 DPR —Haste = 113.25 DPR, +1 Attack = 40.8825 DPR, +1 hit = 2.2425 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.14 DPR — Errors: Calc wrong for +1 Attack?
  • Swordy Sam, Monk by A Man In Black — 55.35 DPR —Haste = , +1 Attack = 16.2 DPR, +1 hit = 5.4 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.46 DPR — Errors: Greater Grapple requires Dex 13 has 12
  • Chester Challenger, Cavalier by bfobar — 54.45 DPR or Charge 101.6775 DPR — Haste = 89.1275 DPR, +1 Attack = 33.4125 DPR, +1 hit = 4.95 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.2 DPR — Errors: Changed Improved Iron Will since you didn’t have Iron Will; Saves show Fort +12/Will +11; Assumed straight Cavalier no archetype; Swift for Challenge and Charge assumed
  • Ingrid, Inquisitor by Soporific Lotus — 50.96 DPR — Haste = ~72.31 DPR, +1 Attack = 15.63 DPR, +1 hit = 4.38 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.52 DPR — Errors: Didn’t Audit since they are baselines; Took best DPR without violating buffs rule
  • Belle, Oracle by Soporific Lotus — 48.18 DPR — Haste = ~66.93 DPR, +1 Attack 13.86 DPR =, +1 hit = 3.80 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.92 DPR — Errors: Didn’t Audit since they are baselines; Took best DPR without violating buffs rule
  • Raking Ronald, Druid/Cavalier by Atarlost — 47.6025 DPR or Charge 56.2575 DPR — Haste = 70.2 DPR, +1 Attack = 16.7475 DPR, +1 hit = 4.3275 DPR, +1 dmg = 1.7325 DPR — Errors: Lost Improved/Greater/Rapid Grapple when Wild Shaped due to Dex loss, ignoring those feats; The -4 Dex on target while grappled cancels out the -2 attack on Ronald so Claws don’t change to hit percent based on whether target grappled or not; Went with Huge size, best DPR
  • Jon Little, Monk by Pirate — 45.7875 DPR — Haste = 65.5875 DPR, +1 Attack = 13.6125 DPR, +1 hit = 4.95 DPR, +1 dmg = .2.035 DPR — Errors: None
  • Clarice, Cleric by Soporific Lotus — 41.58 DPR — Haste = ~57.94 DPR, +1 Attack = 11.80 DPR, +1 hit = 3.55 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.52 DPR — Errors: Didn’t Audit since they are baselines; Took best DPR without violating buffs rule
  • Fellshot Fred, Magus 10 by Invidious — 39.97 DPR — Haste = 56.2425 DPR, +1 Attack = 11.9275 DPR, +1 hit = 3.42750 DPR, +1 dmg = 1.22 DPR — Errors: I count +16 to hit and +9 dmg using just Arcane Pool; two swift actions worth of setup, and one spell buff (Flame Arrow)
  • Arial, Arcane duelist by Soporific Lotus — 38.03 DPR — Haste = ~53.49 DPR, +1 Attack =10.89 DPR, +1 hit = 3.55 DPR, +1 dmg = 2.31 DPR — Errors: Didn’t Audit since they are baselines; Took best DPR without violating buffs rule
  • Bianca, Bard by Soporific Lotus — 29.06 DPR — Haste = ~42.01 DPR, +1 Attack = 8.53 DPR, +1 hit = 3.33 DPR, +1 dmg = 1.88 DPR — Errors: Didn’t Audit since they are baselines; Took best DPR without violating buffs rule
  • Jack B. Nimble, Rogue 10 by A Man In Black — 14.025 DPR —Haste = 19.3875 DPR, +1 Attack = 4.5375 DPR, +1 hit = 0.4125 DPR, +1 dmg = 0.605 DPR — Errors: Fort +7/Will +6, low WBL
  • Dervish Dance, Fighter/Rogue by sphar — 4.83 DPR —Haste = 11.04 DPR, +1 Attack = 4.83 DPR, +1 hit = 0.69 DPR, +1 dmg = .4025 DPR — Errors: Built low level and vs AC 16; Normalized to AC 24
  • Pincushion Pete, Fighter 10 by Shakalaka — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Didn’t use Elite array
  • Festering Ichor, Druid by Risner — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Debates around Overrun, Charge, and Elephant Stomp and how they interact
  • Valerya, Swashbuckler by Rune — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Fort +7/Will +6
  • TWF Falcata, Rondelero DuelIist by Sir Thugsalot — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = AC 21/Will +6; Spent 7,573 gp over; Assumed +2 to DEX or does not qualify for ITWF
  • Gendarme, Cavalier by Wind Chime — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = 4 more feats than entitled with no overt way they are covered
  • Ivan the lazy, Incomplete by DiscOH — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Spell doesn’t work that way; Traits can’t lower spell below minimum
  • Elly the Eidolon, Summoner by Hawktitan — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = used Heroism buff which isn’t allowed
  • Juggernaut Jud of the Crazy Blood, Dragon Disciple by Jehova — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Toughness isn’t a [Combat] feat; 2 updated posts in sequence
  • Hanky the Havalier, Cavalier by Erasmian — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = large cat. isn’t legal unless I missed how you took it; Higher Ground requires target smaller than Mount
  • inquisitor by John Johanna — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = couldn’t find build
  • Fafhrd and Mouser by Vrischika111 — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Two PC’s instead of one.
  • Fiery Fred, Crossblooded Sorcerer by gustavo iglesias — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored Crossblooded doesn’t stack with Wild Blooded Primal; Updated = “Gift Adept trait instead of Focused mind. Replace Bloatmage initiate with PBS but PBS not legal unless limited to 30 ft per forum rules”
  • R. Lance Pouncer, Barbarian by bfobar — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = 2,813 gp over limit
  • Hyaluronic, Crossblooded Sorcerer by Vrischika111 — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Meta word mastery only once; Magical Lineage doesn’t work on words; Ignored
  • Padma the Pyromancer, Crossblooded Sorcerer by Drake_rocket — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Crossblooded and Wildblooded don’t combine so no Primal/Dragon for +2 per die stacking
  • Sam the Somewhat, Samurai/Fighter by kaisc006 — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Used point buy not Elite array; Used Boots of Speed; Used Brace for Charge expecting enemy to charge him
  • Cathy the Crazy Cat Lady, Summoner by Merrimac — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Dire Tigers, from the summon monster lvl 6 list? level 10 summoner casting a 7th level spell due to boosted Selected target word of Servitor VI
  • Guide, Ranger/Monk/Fighter by thepuregamer — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Hierloom weapon trait errata
  • Corvin Black, the Powerful Pistolero by Kung-Fu Joe — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Improved = Precise Shot without BAB+11
  • Recharge, Fighter/Cavalier by thepuregamer — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Precise Strike requires Dex 13 with Dex 12
  • DPS, Ranger/Alchemist by Charender — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = 715 gp over; Brew Potion/Craft Magic Arms & Armor useless feats; Need attack break out since Dervish Dance only helps the Scimitar attacks so -1 STR mode for all natural attacks has strange interaction with Power Attack
  • Marty the Master Summoner by Charender — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Spent 63305 gp, 1,305 gp over; Can’t reverse engineer build info to match
  • Vow Monk by SoulGambit — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Intimidate as it requires non-lethal and some have issue with “wield” on unarmed strike; Also people will have issue with Guided being an old 3.5 mechanic but Insightful Strike ACF: Sensei is similar but not for this build; 4,500 gp remaining
  • Juju, Oracle/Agent of the Grave by thepuregamer — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Material from Kingmaker and Serpents Skull; Not complete build
  • Alexa the Alchemist 10 Elf by Soporific Lotus — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = +6 Will Save below minimum
  • Clueless, Monk by thepuregamer — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Improved Weapon but using Weapon Focus (Improvised Weapon)
  • Vivisectionist Vincent, Alchemist by Soporific Lotus — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = AC 20 and using natural weapons of base form while polymorphed; Was over money by 250 gp but AoMF reprice now 3,750 gp remaining; Recommend dropping to +1 AoMF to buy more AC gear (+4 chain/Dusty Rose)
  • Bullet Bill, Gunslinger by A Man In Black — DPR —Haste = DPR, +1 Attack = DPR, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = DPR — Errors: Ignored = Beta corrections needed
  • PFS, Barbarian/Cleric/Fighter by Mike Schneider — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Submit 10th level version
  • Twenty Suns, Monk by LoreKeeper — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Improved Weapon but using Weapon Focus (Improvised Weapon)
  • Mr. Idoitsolo, Summoner by nicklas Læssøe — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = 13 Large summons isn’t practical; Sylvan not a legal Bloodline
  • Fedwyck the Plain, Summoner by Fenrisnorth — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Vicious weapon, Improved Damage only applies to one Tentacle each time
  • Another pouncing, Synthesist Summoner by Soporific Lotus — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = TWF require fused to take; Couldn’t follow build; Improved Damage only applies to one Tentacle each time
  • Holy Duelist by Cheapy — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = buff violations
  • Valton Dekeyrel, Magus by guille f — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored: Heirloom Weapon changed; Heroism included; Couldn’t follow the 35*1.2 for Shocking grasp. What is the 1.2?
  • Hannah of the Harsh Words V2.0, Bard/Rogue by pad300 — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = too many variables; Will revisit in September
  • Elf DEX-Based, Magus by Omelite — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Todo; +3 Blackblade is 3/day; Metal opponents issue; hold charge issue
  • Vega Surtova, Monk by Pirate — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = too many caveats; 4,500 gp remaining; Ignoring Intimidate as it requires non-lethal and some have issue with “wield” on unarmed strike; Uses Guided but recommend Ki Diversity (Zen Combatant)
  • Half-Elf, Synthesist Summoner by Omelite — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = Sylvan not a legal Bloodline
  • Half-Orc, Barbarian/Fighter by Omelite — DPR — Haste = DPR, +1 Attack =, +1 hit = DPR, +1 dmg = . DPR — Errors: Ignored = AC and saves too low plus Heirloom Weapon changed;


  • Full Attack — Haste — +1 Attack — +1 hit — +1 dmg
  • Jack B. Nimble — (.55*(3.5+4)+.55*.10*(3.5+4))*2+(.3*(3.5+4)+.3*.10*(3.5+4))*2 — (.6*(3.5+4)+.6*.10*(3.5+4))+ 14.025+0.4125 — (.55*(3.5+4)+.55*.10*(3.5+4)) — (.6*(3.5+4)+.6*.10*(3.5+4))-4.53750 — .55*(3.5+4+1)+.55*.10*(3.5+4+1))-4.53750
  • Swordy Sam — .75*(4.5+18)+.75*.2*(4.5+18)+.6*(4.5+18)+.6*.2*(4.5+18)+(.35*(4.5+18)+.35*. 2*(4.5+18))*2 — — .6*(4.5+18)+.6*.2*(4.5+18) — .8*(4.5+18)+.8*.2*(4.5+18)+.65*(4.5+18)+.65*.2*(4.5+18)+(.4*(4.5+18)+.4*.2* (4.5+18))*2-55.35 — .75*(4.5+18+1)+.75*.2*(4.5+18+1)+.6*(4.5+18+1)+.6*.2*(4.5+18+1)+(.35*(4.5+1 8+1)+.35*.2*(4.5+18+1))*2-55.35
  • Zweihander Zelda — .95*(5.5+26)+.95*.3*(5.5+26)+.65*(5.5+26+3)+(.65+.2)*.3*(5.5+26+3) — .9*(5.5+26+3)+.95*.3*(5.5+26+3)+70.1250+2.2425 —.90*(5.5+26+3)+.95*.3*(5.5+26+3) — .95*(5.5+26)+.95*.3*(5.5+26)+.70*(5.5+26+3)+(.70+.2)*.3*(5.5+26+3)-70.1250 — .95*(5.5+26+1)+.95*.3*(5.5+26+1)+.65*(5.5+26+3+1)+(.65+.2)*.3*(5.5+26+3+1)- 70.1250
  • Dervish Dance Human Fighter/Rogue — .35*(3.5+3.5+5)+.35*.15*(3.5+3.5+5) — .4*(2*3.5+5)+.4*.15*(2*3.5+5)+4.83+0.69 — .35*(3.5+3.5+5)+.35*.15*(3.5+3.5+5) — .4*(3.5+3.5+5)+.4*.15*(3.5+3.5+5)-4.83 — .35*(3.5+3.5+5+1)+.35*.15*(3.5+3.5+5+1)-4.83
  • Farshot Fallon — .8*(4.5+16)*2+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+16)+.8*(4.5+16)+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+1 6)+.55*(4.5+16)+(.55+.2)*.1*2*(4.5+16) — .85*(4.5+16)+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+16)+71.34+4.305 — .8*(4.5+16)+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+16) — .85*(4.5+16)*2+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+16)+.85*(4.5+16)+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5 +16)+.6*(4.5+16)+(.6+.2)*.1*2*(4.5+16)-71.3400 — .8*(4.5+16+1)*2+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2*(4.5+16+1)+.8*(4.5+16+1)+(.8+.2-.05)*.1*2* (4.5+16+1)+.55*(4.5+16+1)+(.55+.2)*.1*2*(4.5+16+1)-71.3400
  • Jon Little — 7*(3.5+19)+.7*.1*(3.5+19)+.55*(3.5+19)+.55*.1*(3.5+19)+.3*(3.5+19)+.3*.1*(3 .5+19)+.3*(3.5+19)+.3*.1*(3.5+19) — .6*(3.5+19)+.6*.1*(3.5+19)+45.7875+4.95 — .55*(3.5+19)+.55*.1*(3.5+19) — 75*(3.5+19)+.75*.1*(3.5+19)+.6*(3.5+19)+.6*.1*(3.5+19)+.35*(3.5+19)+.35*.1* (3.5+19)+.35*(3.5+19)+.35*.1*(3.5+19)-45.7875 — 7*(3.5+19+1)+.7*.1*(3.5+19+1)+.55*(3.5+19+1)+.55*.1*(3.5+19+1)+.3*(3.5+19+1 )+.3*.1*(3.5+19+1)+.3*(3.5+19+1)+.3*.1*(3.5+19+1)-45.7875
  • Fellshot Fred, human magus 10 — .65*(2*(4.5+9)+3.5)+.65*.05*(4.5+9)*2+.65*(4.5+9+3.5)+.65*.05*(4.5+9)*2+.40 *(4.5+9+3.5)+.40*.05*(4.5+9)*2 — .70*(4.5+9+3.5)+.70*.05*(4.5+9)*2+39.97+3.4275 — .65*(4.5+9+3.5)+.65*.05*(4.5+9)*2 — .70*(2*(4.5+9)+3.5)+.70*.05*(4.5+9)*2+.70*(4.5+9+3.5)+.70*.05*(4.5+9)*2+.45 *(4.5+9+3.5)+.45*.05*(4.5+9)*2-39.97 — .65*(2*(4.5+9)+3.5)+.65*.05*(4.5+9+1)*2+.65*(4.5+9+3.5+1)+.65*.05*(4.5+9+1) *2+.40*(4.5+9+3.5+1)+.40*.05*(4.5+9+1)*2-39.97 — Attack 6(Dex)+7(BAB)+3(bow)+2(AP)-2(DA)-2(RS)+1(bracers)+1(WF) = 16; Damage 3(bow)+2(AP)+4 = 9
  • Charge on Chester Challenger — .75*(3.5+28)+.75*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.50*(3.5+28)+.50*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.50*(3.5+10 )+.50*.05*(3.5+10)*2+.25*(3.5+10)+.25*.05*(3.5+10)*2 or 95*(3.5+28)*3+.95*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.60*(3.5+10)+.60*.05*(3.5+10)*2 — .80*(3.5+21)+.80*.05*(3.5+21)*2+.55*(3.5+10)+.55*.05*(3.5+10)*2+54.45+4.95 —.75*(3.5+28)+.75*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.50*(3.5+10)+.50*.05*(3.5+10)*2 — .80*(3.5+28)+.80*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.55*(3.5+28)+.55*.05*(3.5+28)*2+.55*(3.5+10 )+.55*.05*(3.5+10)*2+.30*(3.5+10)+.30*.05*(3.5+10)*2-54.45 — .75*(3.5+28+1)+.75*.05*(3.5+28+1)*2+.50*(3.5+28+1)+.50*.05*(3.5+28+1)*2+.50 *(3.5+10+1)+.50*.05*(3.5+10+1)*2+.25*(3.5+10+1)+.25*.05*(3.5+10+1)*2-54.45 — I show +29 attack = 10(BAB)+4(STR)+max(3+2)(Challenge/Banner both Morale)+7(Mount)+4(charge)+3(lance)+1(size)-3(PA); damage = triple {3(lance)+6(STR)+9(PA)+10(challenge)+1d6}; Dog is 1d6+10 not 1d6+7
  • Raking Ronald — .55*(2*3.5+22)+.55*.05*(2*3.5+22)+.55*(4.5+22)+.55*.05*(2*4.5+22)+.55*(4.5+ 22)+.55*.05*(2*4.5+22) or .65*(2*3.5+22)+.65*.05*(2*3.5+22)+.65*(4.5+22)+.65*.05*(2*4.5+22)+.65*(4.5+ 22)+.65*.05*(2*4.5+22) — .60*(2*3.5+22)+.60*.05*(2*3.5+22)+47.6025+4.3275 — .55*(2*3.5+22)+.55*.05*(2*3.5+22) — .60*(2*3.5+22)+.60*.05*(2*3.5+22)+.60*(4.5+22)+.60*.05*(2*4.5+22)+.60*(4.5+ 22)+.60*.05*(2*4.5+22)-47.6025 — .55*(2*3.5+22+1)+.55*.05*(2*3.5+22+1)+.55*(4.5+22+1)+.55*.05*(2*4.5+22+1)+. 55*(4.5+22+1)+.55*.05*(2*4.5+22+1)-47.60250
  • Gyr — .75*(6*3.5+19)+.75*.05*(6*3.5+19)+(.75*(4*3.5+19)+.75*.05*(4*3.5+19))*2 or .85*(6*3.5+19)+.85*.05*(6*3.5+19)+(.85*(4*3.5+19)+.85*.05*(4*3.5+19))*2 — .80*(6*3.5+19)+.80*.05*(6*3.5+19)+31.5+5.565 — .75*(6*3.5+19)+.75*.05*(6*3.5+19) — .80*(6*3.5+19)+.80*.05*(6*3.5+19)+(.80*(4*3.5+19)+.80*.05*(4*3.5+19))*2-83. 475 — .75*(6*3.5+19+1)+.75*.05*(6*3.5+19+1)+(.75*(4*3.5+19+1)+.75*.05*(4*3.5+19+1 ))*2-83.475
  • Cazic-Thule with Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup — .35*(4*4.5+6)+.35*.05*(4*4.5+6)+ .60*(2*3.5+8)+.60*.05*(2*3.5+8)+2*(.60*(4.5+8)+.60*.05*(4.5+8))+ (1-.40*.40*.40)*.50*(.60*(3.5+8)+.60*.05*(3.5+8))*2+ 2*(0.75*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.75*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.50*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.50*0.10*(3* 3.5 +16+9)+0.25*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.25*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9)) — .40*(4*4.5+6)+.40*.05*(4*4.5+6)+.65*(2*3.5+8)+.65*.05*(2*3.5+8)+2*(0.80*(3* 3.5+16+9)+0.80*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9))+157.95132+16.557138328 — .35*(4*4.5+6)+.35*.05*(4*4.5+6)+.60*(2*3.5+8)+.60*.05*(2*3.5+8)+2*(0.75*(3* 3.5+16+9)+0.75*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9)) — .40*(4*4.5+6)+.40*.05*(4*4.5+6)+.65*(2*3.5+8)+.65*.05*(2*3.5+8)+2*(.65*(4.5 +8)+.65*.05*(4.5+8))+(1-.35*.35*.35)*.55*(.65*(3.5+8)+.65*.05*(3.5+8))*2+2* (0.80*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.80*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.55*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.55*0.10*(3*3. 5+16+9)+0.30*(3*3.5+16+9)+0.30*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9))-157.95132 — .35*(4*4.5+6+1)+.35*.05*(4*4.5+6+1)+.60*(2*3.5+8+1)+.60*.05*(2*3.5+8+1)+2*( .60*(4.5+8+1)+.60*.05*(4.5+8+1))+(1-.40*.40*.40)*.50*(.60*(3.5+8+1)+.60*.05 *(3.5+8+1))*2+2*(0.75*(3*3.5+16+9+1)+0.75*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9+1)+0.50*(3*3.5+1 6+9+1)+0.50*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9+1)+0.25*(3*3.5+16+9+1)+0.25*0.10*(3*3.5+16+9+1 ))-157.95132
  • Chan from Quain — 0.70*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.70*(2*3.5+18+1) +(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.70*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10- 0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.45*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.45+0.20+0.10)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2 )+(0.70+0.70+0.70+0.40)/3*(2.5) — 0.75*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+78.1033333332+5.5 016666668 — 0.70*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2) — 0.75*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.75*(2*3.5+18+1) +(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.75*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10- 0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+0.5*(2*3.5+18+1)+(0.5+0.20+0.10)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2)+ (0.75+0.75+0.75+0.45)/3*(2.5)-78.1033333332 — 0.70*(2*3.5+18+1+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2+1)+0.70*(2*3.5+1 8+1+1)+(0.70+0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2+1)+0.70*(2*3.5+18+1+1)+(0.70+ 0.20+0.10-0.05)*0.10*(2*3.5+18+2+1)+0.45*(2*3.5+18+1+1)+(0.45+0.20+0.10)*0. 10*(2*3.5+18+2+1)+(0.70+0.70+0.70+0.40)/3*(2.5)-78.1033333332



h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.
b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

-.15+(To Hit)*.05 = percent hit chance

Ranking script:
sed -e 's/—/@/' < DPR.txt | sort -t @ -k 2 -nr

251 to 300 of 459 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | next > last >>
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