![]() *sigh* I'll just come out and say it, I can't do it. I thought I could, I really did, I had all the times figured out when I could manage to post. But I've got a second daughter now, and work is placing more demands on me, my wife is have a few post-pregnancy issues and I'm struggling, I can manage one, maybe 2 PbP's if I'm lucky, but 4 posts a day and GMing I just can't see me realistically having the time for anymore. I'm sorry guys, and I wish I could have managed it, but I know that if I don't say anything now, I'll struggle along for a few months, with post times getting longer and longer, then you'll have a campaign I'm GMing fully involved in, and an 1/4 of your party gone. Better to pull out now, where it's an inconvenience, then later when it's a game breaker. DM Carpe, thanks for the opportunity, and I wish all of you the best of luck, it's a big ask, but if you can manage it it will be a hell'of'a ride. And GM Fanguar, I'm going to miss the opportunity to play Age of Worms :( ![]()
![]() Devereux coughs gently and turns to face the police officers, 'I wasn't aware that NEG had to inform the local authorities of their operations' He turns and looks at the officer with his hand on his firearm, 'We have this under control, you wont be needing to use that here' he says, as he waves a hand in the general direction of the firearm, then he turns his attention back to the original speaker. 'This is an extraction operation, and given the involvement of those creatures, we will be assuming full command of the situation, and would appreciate any co-operation you and your men can give us. Starting with a report on your involvement at this warehouse to date.' he says, speaking calmly and confidently, like a man used to giving orders. Sorry for the delay, my wife gave birth just recently and things have been a little hectic around here. Persuade:2d10 ⇒ (10, 9) = 19 => 10+5=15 ![]()
![]() So, gunsmithing and the rather expensive cost of ammunition. If I smith my own black-powder and ammunition It will cost 1/10 that of what it would if I were to purchase it. Would you be willing to say that by lvl. 3 I would have had the time to make my own ammo and powder, or do I need to buy it with my starting GP. As a point of reference, one dose of black powder costs 10gp, and a bullet is 5gp. What are your thoughts on it? ![]()
![]() Victor Hughs Should be all there as far as the character sheet goes, still needs a personality ;) I plan on multi-classing him with rogue down the track. ![]()
![]() Each of you decide, for your various reasons, to spend the night drinking at the Formidably Maid, a notorious drinking establishment in Port Peril. The night progresses and things start to get hazy, which in your inebriated state you ignore. The morning arrives and you wake up in a dark, musky room, you are unsure whether you are swaying or the room is. All you remember of the night before is the ringing laughter of a wild night, the heady joy of excess, the scents of rich stewed meat and perfume lingering in their nostrils. All that fades in the light of how you feel now, a pounding headache, the sickly taste of cheap wine, the hard floor, a rhythmic creaking noise, and the feeling of the room swaying, as if you were still drunk. Before you can do much more than sit up, however, several pairs of heavy footsteps enter the dark room, and the harsh light of a lantern painfully spears your eyes. You can barely make out, in the glare of the light, an evil looking man holding a whip, and 6 rough looking men armed with saps. He cracks his whip and screams at you, 'Still abed with the sun over the yardarm? On your feet, ye filthy swabs! Get up on deck and report for duty before Cap'n Harrigan flays your flesh into sausage skins and has Fishguts fry ye up for breakfast!'. DC 10 Perception:
You discern the aftertaste of oily nutmeg on the tongue DC 15 Craft(Alchemy)/DC 10 Knowledge(Nature) if you beat the perception test:
You recognize this as a clear sign of Oil of Taggit poisoning, which was probably hidden in the rather spicy food, or spiced rum you consumed last night DC 10 Intelligence: You remember seeing the face of the man cracking the whip last night as well. ![]()
![]() Mmmmm, Eberron, good times, loved that setting. I'm 100% happy to play in homebrew, I was just expressing a few preferences, but you're the one who has to GM it in the end, so if your own world is easiest to work in for you, then I'll give it a shot. I don't have the time to create my own campaigns either, which is why I stick with the AP's at the moment. I'm just an old stick-in-the-mud, feel free to ignore me ;) ![]()
![]() Like DM Carpe I'm not as much a fan of "see what happens" campaigns, and I quiet like Golarion. It took me a while to transition from Forgotten Realms, but I'm finally getting the swing of things and my preference is to stay there. That being said, if you're confident that your world is a good one, and you're able to easily lead us into it I'de be willing to give it a shot. ![]()
![]() lvl 1, yes. Gunslinger would present some challenges, specifically you being at sea for potentially long periods of time (this can vary), and gunpowder isn't readily available. That being said, the Shackles would probably be one of the better places in Golarion to try by gunpowder, so I can definitely make it work for you if you decide to go down that path. I'm fine with the Class Archetypes as well, if anyone is interested, and also alternative racial traits. ![]()
![]() Hi all and welcome to Skull and Shackles. It'll be a bit different because this time around we've got the players, and now we need the characters, so you'll have to sort out amongst yourselves who wants to do what to make a rounded party. I'm pretty easy as far as material goes, anything official Paizo is fine, so CRB, APG, UC, and UM. I'm open to races other then the core, but you have to have a decent back-story. 20 point buy, max starting gold, 2 traits, one of them campaign. Also, no Paladins (I know, this one is pretty obvious, but still...) All of you are assumed to want to become Pirates of some form or another, this doesn't mean evil, it does however make lawful hard, unless you can convince me that they follow the pirates code etc. You can be a good pirate ;) The campaign will start with you all being press-ganged, you may or may not know each other, that's up to you, but you will all have been in the same inn on the same night in the same town. All your equipment will be confiscated, but buy it anyway, because it will be stashed on the ship.