Mathpro18's Hollows Last Hope OOC thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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I'm sorry to hear that. Condolences.


Male Human (Taldane) Rogue (swashbuckler/scout)

Sorry to hear that, I'll say a prayer for you and your family.

M Half-Orc Conjurer (teleportation focus subschool)-1

Sorry to hear about that math. My condolences to you and the family.

Male Human (Taldan) Oracle/1

Damn man. That's crazy... I wish you and your family the best.

You have my condolences. Family always comes before gaming, so don't worry too much about us over here.

Yep I'm able to go so you'll be with out a DM from about 6:30 CST tonight(I'll be available to respond before then) until about 10:00 or 10:30 Friday night. Sorry for the inconvenience and we'll pick up as soon as I get back. I probably won't be posting Friday night as I'll have homework to catch up on but one never I'll be posting for sure on Saturday.

M Half-Orc Conjurer (teleportation focus subschool)-1

No problem, family first. We'll be here when you get back.

Male Human (Taldan) Oracle/1

I have plenty to catch up on myself. Play with ya then!

I'm back and should have a post up in the next 5ish minutes.

Welcome back.

Thanks Yuma. I forgot to mention I'm using hero points so everyone will start the game with 1 hero point(if it should be more let me know) and yuma for helping me out with the DC's on stuff you will get an extra hero point. Finik and Razz for putting up with my abuse and rolling with the punches you'll also get an extra hero point. Sorry Andern and Lokti...

No problem. I mostly DM so I always have a lot of standard DCs floating about my head.

Male Human (Taldane) Rogue (swashbuckler/scout)

Thanks for the xtra hero point math! and Welcome back!

no problem and thanks. You should go read my response it might surprise you seeing the fight you just had with Ghadame in the alley.

now that we've played through pretty much the first main part of the story anyone have any feedback or impressions they want to share? This is my first time running a pbp on this site and its been over a year since I've run one in general so any feedback would be appreciated.

M Half-Orc Conjurer (teleportation focus subschool)-1

So far, so good. I haven't played PbP before so I don't really have anything to compare it to, but I'm having fun with it so far, which is all that matters. I'm curious to see how the combat encounters play out in this format, but so far the NPC's have been very entertaining.

Male Human (Taldan) Oracle/1

Yea story is nice, dynamic seems fine. I'm curious about combat.

Yeah I'm sure we'll be testing how combat is going to work very soon. I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day(RL game calls) but I'll be on bright and early tomorrow.

I'll be away from home for the next six days or so (Thursday through Tuesday EST) and will have sporadic access to the internet at best. I should be able to check up on the forums in the evening, but if you find things slowing down because of me, feel free to just DMPC my character. I'll be back in action in a week for sure.

For this upcoming battle, Lokti will likely just fire arrows from the tree (I think that gives him a +1 bonus for height advantage? or is that a houserule?). With a full-round action he can shoot two arrows at +3 each.

Sorry about the short notice!

Lokti wrote:

I'll be away from home for the next six days or so (Thursday through Tuesday EST) and will have sporadic access to the internet at best. I should be able to check up on the forums in the evening, but if you find things slowing down because of me, feel free to just DMPC my character. I'll be back in action in a week for sure.

For this upcoming battle, Lokti will likely just fire arrows from the tree (I think that gives him a +1 bonus for height advantage? or is that a houserule?). With a full-round action he can shoot two arrows at +3 each.

Sorry about the short notice!

That's fine I'll take over...don't worry hes in good hands *tries not to look to evil*

Male Human (Taldan) Oracle/1

Whoops. Just realized Murderous Command should have been DC 14, not DC 13. Gift of Madness, however, is DC 13. No difference, but I wanted to note it.

That's fine he missed it regardless.

has anyone seen Torch(Andern) around the last few days?

Male Human (Taldane) Rogue (swashbuckler/scout)

No sir.

Guys, I apologize for the last few days. The weather's been really bad here and I've been w/o power since Tuesday. I have no idea when I'll get it back. A huge oak tree missed my house by about 8 inches, but it took out several power and cable lines. I'm ok, the house is ok, but as far as power I have no idea when I'll get it back and you can either replace me or I can come back in when we get power back. It may be next week before that happens though.

Sorry to hear that Torch. I will NPC your character until you can get back on.

That works. Thanks math. Hopefully I can get here regularly again middle of next week.

There's not been a post in the IC thread since Tuesday; I would've posted, but Yuma doesn't have much to add at the moment as a shy foreigner in a strange (to him) land. Are we still playing? I was enjoying the group.

Male Human (Taldane) Rogue (swashbuckler/scout)

I'm still around to, I haven't posted anything since I'm asleep in the game.

Hey guys I'm sorry I've been out of town since Friday and therefore with out internet access. I'd love to continue this and will get a post up soonish...

Male Half Elf Inquisitor(Preacher), level 3

It is alright Mathpro. Good to see you back.

Thanks Fis...and I posted

Awesome. I was afraid I wasn't going to get to keep playing Yuma.

Hey guys, I think I'm going to bow out of this game now. It's moving rather slowly and I just don't have the energy to keep an eye on it anymore with other games I'm in going on. To be honest, I don't think my character was helping much anyway, so it shouldn't be too difficult without me. Have fun!

Sorry to see you go, sir. I liked your character.

Sorry to see you go Lotki

Male Human (Taldane) Rogue (swashbuckler/scout)

Sad day, Fin is losing his scouting partner. Sorry to see you go, I thought your Zen archer was pretty cool personally.

This disapeared from my Focus list; redotting

Excellent. Glad to see you back.

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