Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

All of my posts are intended to piss people off.

And get their clothes off.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No they're not, please don't get upset.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does anyone know how close we are to the 2,000 posts NH wanted?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please don't be offended by that either.

What's the difference between a tribe of pygmies, and a high school girls' track team? The pygmies are a bunch of cunning little runts, while the high school girls' track team is a bunch of running little [censored].

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The above post was censored to avoid offending anyone.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What did the zombie girl say to the zombie boy? Are you gonna kiss me, or rot?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No offense intended to any zombies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What do you call a waterfowl that steals? A Robber Duck.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No offense intended towards any ducks, waterfowls, robbers, stealers, bathtoys, or anyone/anything else.

What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion? A piece of ass that brings a tear to your eye.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No offense intended towards donkeys, onion, mules, asses, leeks, tears, eyes, or any other possibility.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los everything wrote:

Enjoy your harbour full of salty tea, missing letter U and hippo ivory false teeth-themed celebrations, Alternative Canadians ;)

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The Lone Ranger woke up to find his tent had been blown away in a windstorm. He turned to his companion and said "Tonto, we're not in canvas anymore."

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No offense intended to Texans, Rangers, Texas Rangers, Native Americans, tents, wigwams, tepees, campers, windstorms, or anyone else.

What's the difference between a voyeur and a thief? A thief snatches your watch, and a voyeur watches your snatch.

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Oh, for f*!+'s sake. I quit.

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Limeylongears wrote:
gran rey de los everything wrote:
Enjoy your harbour full of salty tea, missing letter U and hippo ivory false teeth-themed celebrations, Alternative Canadians ;)

Tea sucks, 'U's are unnecessary, and what? And 'Alternative Canadians' sounds like we're a Canuck band from the '90s.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I adopted two dogs from the shelter recently. I've named them Timex and Rolex. After all, they are watch dogs.

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Jokes are like sex. They're not good if you aren't getting it.

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A man was walking down the street with a large pole in his hand. Someone stopped him and said "Hey, are you pole vaulter?" The man said "No, I'm a German, but how did you know my name is Walter?"

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A man was dining in a restaurant, and flagged down the waiter. He said "Waiter, there is a bee in my soup!" The waiter looked at the man and said "Didn't you order the alphabet soup?"

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And the Lord said unto John "Come forth and receive eternal life". But, John came fifth and received a toaster.

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The other night my wife and I played strip poker. She stripped, I poked her.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Chicken who?
Chicken your pockets, I think the keys are there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why do milking stools have only three legs? Because the cow has the udder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You should never hit a man with glasses. Use a baseball bat instead.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dolphins never make mistakes. They do everything on porpoise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are 2 cats. The first is called The One Two Three Cat, and the second is called The Un Deux Trois Cat. The race to see which can swim across the English Channel faster. Which cat won? The One Two Three Cat, of course. The Un Deux Trois Cat cinq.

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I just bought a cured ham. I wonder what it had?

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I now have a second job. I'm my wife's sexual adviser. I know this because yesterday she said "If I need your f~&&ing advice, I'll ask for it!".

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Does anyone know how close we are to the 2,000 posts NH wanted?

NH said that in Post # 162632, so the two thousandth post is 164632. And at 50 posts per page, it will be on page 3293, approximately.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, 30+ more pages.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Minions! Post!! We need this thread to swell with excitement! To become engorged with the joy we bring! To be hardened against complacency and thrust forward into the screaming pleasure of the future!! AND OTHER SUCH THINGS!!!

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Don't look at me, Gran Rey's the one with the prolific sense of humor. Unless someone can make Freehold go on an extended anti-math rant for about 20 pages or so.

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Perhaps we can get him to make several hundreds posts on the topic of Y-Wings?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or My Little Pony?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or bubble tea?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or burlesque?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or bonchon? That was a thing he liked, right?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or why New York City has the best possums?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Those might work.


*stomps around, waving flag attached to a 2x4, giving the tumbs-up to everyone*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

YAAR! Or mebbe we could be gettin' ol' Cap'n Yesterday to be makin' a post or two as each o' his aliaseseseses?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Or everyone could post about how cute we is!!

*2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3 Slaadlings give everyone puppy dog eyes*
*most people are probably freaked out by being handed eyeballs plucked from puppies*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe we should cut Cap some slack. He's got a sick kid.

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*tappy tappy tap*

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*trips over nothing*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Maybe we should cut Cap some slack. He's got a sick kid.

No slack! All must post!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sigh. You know the drill.

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