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Sovereign Court

Yes, selling sausages and lemons at extortionate prices to gullible chumps!

Are those petrol, diesel, or electric sausages?

Scarab Sages

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*imagines a highway full of Oscar Mayer Weinermobiles....*

Sovereign Court

Pulg wrote:
Are those petrol, diesel, or electric sausages?

Who cares!? They are just a bunch of old bangers!

Sovereign Court

When cares.

‘Cause mash.

Scarab Sages

The when wrote:
Cause mash.

Don't mind if I do!!!

*mashes The when with an oversized croquet-mallet*

Sovereign Court

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
The when wrote:
Cause mash.

Don't mind if I do!!!

*mashes The when with an oversized croquet-mallet*

Silly, can’t mash the when.

Sovereign Court

And even if you could, it would be more like splatting, with that implement.

Scarab Sages

...I wasn't finished.


*putts the When through a space-time vortex, causing it to land in a Korean War-era military hospital*

Sovereign Court

The when is then, but the when is now too.

Sovereign Court

What’s your take on paradoxes then?

Sovereign Court

No one notices.

Scarab Sages

...Particle Maaaaan.

Sovereign Court

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
...Particle Maaaaan.

There is a reality where there are no closets. People just throw their stuff in the corner.

Mr. Grinch wrote:
What’s your take on paradoxes then?

The same as my take on regular doxies.

Sovereign Court

*Throws a spear at Comte de Malodor, successfully impales him, and uses his blood in the summoning ritual.*

I say, that's new!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Comte de Malodor wrote:
I say, that's new!

So you’ve never axed a question, and had someone spear you the details?

Sovereign Court

*Enters the room, covered in confetti, and smelling like cake and candles.*

Sorry I am late everyone, it was Jurassic Bard’s 33rd birthday yesterday, his other aliases and I were busy celebrating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday to him.

*Proopy proop prooOOOoooproo!*

Sovereign Court

I’m just going to leave this post here for a while, something might happen later.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bumptious Wazzock wrote:
I’m just going to leave this post here for a while, something might happen later.

You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?!?

Sovereign Court

Posting for profit, posting for fun. Keep on posting here till the job is done.

Scarab Sages

What you post here...

Horizon Hunters

What you read here...

Scarab Sages

When you leave here...

Dark Archive

...It will just have to stay here, and so will you, because you can NEVER leave! BAAAAH-HAHAHA-HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

I say, is that the warm smell of colitas, or have I wee'd myself again?

Sovereign Court

I’ll just have to check out. Anytime I like…

Sovereign Court

AM GOLD wrote:
I say, is that the warm smell of colitas, or have I wee'd myself again?

Definitely the second one, now go change your trousers before some rather nasty insects show up.

Sovereign Court

Bugs on the water!
They swarmin’ in the sky.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

*deploys S2A-toxic-flamethrower apparatus*


The when wrote:

Bugs on the water!

They swarmin’ in the sky.

Change! Change! Change!

Chan-gin' ma pants,
Chan-gin' damp,


1 person marked this as a favorite.

*catches AM GOLD's trousers in the toxic-flamethrower sweep*

Sovereign Court

*Provides gallons and gallons of flammable liquid to help with the burning.*

Sovereign Court

Fish-Malkovich wrote:
*Provides gallons and gallons of flammable liquid to help with the burning.*

You used up your whole supply of GoatToucher brand Self-Anointment Oil. Now what will you do?

Come on, R2, light my,
Trousers on fire.

*shows up dressed in a cursed glove*

Hahahahaa, finally *GOT IT* - and it's just my size, too!

Sovereign Court

Yup, everybody wants them flamin’ trousers.

Sovereign Court

The when wrote:
You used up your whole supply of GoatToucher brand Self-Anointment Oil. Now what will you do?

That’s quite simple really, I’ll just use your whole supply of GoatToucher brand Self-Anointment Oil.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fish-Malkovich wrote:
The when wrote:
You used up your whole supply of GoatToucher brand Self-Anointment Oil. Now what will you do?
That’s quite simple really, I’ll just use your whole supply of GoatToucher brand Self-Anointment Oil.

*hurriedly breaks off telepathic link with Fish-Malkovich, shudders*

I saw... his thoughts.
I saw what he's planning to do.
He's like a highly specialized locust.
He's moving from planet to planet.
After he's consumed all the GoatToucher-Brand oil-products, he moves on...

...and we're next.


*queues up nuclear launch-codes*

Sovereign Court

*Changes the nuclear launch codes, adds in a special code to print out the entire list of of game cheat codes.*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let's see... Up, down, down, left, right, down, jump, fire, belch, mince finely. There! Now I have infinite Richard Nixons - thanks, Wazzock!

Sovereign Court

Just one nixie, that’s all you really need.

Sovereign Court

Good thing that there are more cheat codes available. See what happens with different combinations.


*sound of change hitting table*

Sovereign Court

Ding ding. Ding splat
Ding ding. Ding splat
Ring, a ding ding
Ding ring. Ding. Ding.
Splat, splat splat.
Toweep towoo.
Whippy, splat, whippy splat.

Sovereign Court

R2-FU wrote:


*sound of change hitting table*

And… we have a winner! Here’s your prize!

*Hands R2-FU a giant stuffed teddy bear.*

There you go kid, now get out of here, you bother me.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

*shoots teddy-bear on sight, deploys fan to blow stuffing back in Bumptious Wazzock's face*

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