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top cover, on.

Sovereign Court

Thank merciful heavens GoatToucher is not here! He'd have something to say about that!

rolling right

Rolling rolling rolling *some limp bizkit song I think*

Keep them goaties touchin', rawhiiide


Sovereign Court


Nothing this way either. Except maybe some of my enchanted taxidermy.

After entering the cave entrance, you were expecting a door, but
instead you see a blank rock wall. Etched into the wall is a sequence
of jumbled letters.


I think High G would make mighty fine taxidermy.

Nosferatu Fester Addams wrote:
Thank merciful heavens GoatToucher is not here! He'd have something to say about that!

:summoned, appears:

I can's say I have much use for taxidermy. What good is engaging something if it cannot weep?

Now, binding souls to objects can be fun, what with the awareness that they will never move on to their preferred afterlife and the constant wakefulness and all. Why, I've got a fellow stashed away right now: bound to a coconut. she does -not- like where he usually ends up, I'll tell you that for free.

Sovereign Court

I thought you could make anything and anyone weep GoatToucher.

Oh, high G, the answer is silver!

Sovereign Court

Just lays there...



Comte de Malodor wrote:
I got Great-Grandpa to possess ours. Belphegor takes over when he has to go to the clinic or pick up his infernal pension.

It helps relieve the headaches.

GoatToucher wrote:
Nosferatu Fester Addams wrote:
Thank merciful heavens GoatToucher is not here! He'd have something to say about that!

:summoned, appears:

I can's say I have much use for taxidermy. What good is engaging something if it cannot weep?

So this glassy-eyed 'Tiny Tears' rhino isn't yours?

After pressing the letters in order "S", "I", "L", "V", "E", "R" a click
echos. The blank rock wall swings backward revealing a rock stair case
leading down and away. Flickers of torchlight emanate a warning.
Something is down there.

Sovereign Court

Looks like I have just found the back door to GoatToucher's workroom.

*Goes down the stairs to take a look.*

Obviously, I could be wrong, but no matter!

Count Reiner Heydrich wrote:
I thought you could make anything and anyone weep GoatToucher.


Well, that's true.

Are we doing some sort of play by post now?

I'm happy playing with my own post, personally.

Could you please wait until AFTER breakfast, Alphonse?

But it's the only time all the housemaids are in one room at the same time!

Longears has put a splash-guard over the kedgeree. It'll be fine.

Sovereign Court

Still just lays there...

Still waiting...

Still watching...

Sovereign Court

*Continues going down the stairs.*

These things don't seem to end! Even the family crypt back in Mortvania wasn't as deep as these stairs - and that's a span of 58 generations (I'm the 59th generation)!

You start down the stairs and suddenly realize they are
slippery with moss and moisture.

Quickly you roll a Nimbleness check (TN = 13) and catch
yourself before disaster strikes.

At the bottom of the stairs is a large circular room. In the center of
the floor of this room is a large circle hole. The hole is so wide as to
only allow for five feet of walking space around the edge, and around
to the other side of the room.

Evenly spaced around the wall of this circular room are seven doors.
The corridor from which you have strode is the only open portal and
makes up the eighth entrance.

Make a Perception Skill test and add your Reason, TN = 16.

I'm going to take that as a yes.

Why does Tennessee equal 16?

Cause seven eight nine?

Sovereign Court

My perception is a perfect 20, however, even for an all-powerful and truly ancient vampire like myself is having great difficulty figuring out which door is the way out as the other seven seem to radiate unpleasant auras and even I dare not simply fly over the hole.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

25 OR 6 TO 4?

The correct ratio of portions of beans per person is 25 to 4, if you're feeling stingy.

So... :looks around: Any theories as to why the forum is dying?

Sovereign Court

I hear that there's this terrible disease going about. I believe it's called "Real Life". Personally, I've never heard of it.

I thought it was just fantasy.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Real life gets in the way of everything.

Like being caught in a landslide.

Sovereign Court

Look up to the skies and see!

*Spontaneously combusts*

How could I forget? I'm an atheist vampire!

You peer into the gloom to see dark, slimy walls with
pools of water on the stone floor. The air is cold
and dank. You light your lantern and step warily into
the blackness.

Cobwebs brush your face and you hear the scurrying of tiny feet: rats,
most likely. You set off further into the corridor.

After a few yards you arrive at a junction. Will you turn WEST or EAST?

Those tiny feet belong to Our adorable brick-children. Come back here!

Sovereign Court

Time to send the bats to scout ahead in both directions to see what is where and report back to me.

*Eyes glow red as I telepathically talk to two bats outside from where I came from and when they get to me, my eyes return to normal.*

One of you go east, the other goes west, then report back to me with your findings.

*Sends one bat down the east tunnel and sends the other bat down the west tunnel.*

Now to wait.

Those are my nostrils. Kindly withdraw your bats.

Sovereign Court

Wrong vampire, MY bats are the ones in your nostrils, Pulg!

Sovereign Court

If sleep were possible, then this would...

But the vigil is constant and unending...

So there's nothing to do but wait...

And watch...

Nosferatu Fester Addams wrote:
Wrong vampire, MY bats are the ones in your nostrils, Pulg!

Your bats I don't have a problem with. His keep trampolining and playing REO Speedwagon's debut album over and over again, which I think is a bit much.

Sovereign Court

Again, only MY bats do that, Reiner's bats would never go near you. You're worse than GoatToucher as far as they are concerned.

The time of me winning draws near.

Sovereign Court

*looks at Vidmaster7 with an aristocratic sneer*

You're just a poor boy, you need no sympathy.

Dark Archive

*conjures Vidmaster7 out of crackling triangular portal*


Dark Archive

*blasts Vidmaster7 with raw nothingness*


Liberty's Edge

*casts levitate on Vidmaster7, raising him a little high*

Grand Lodge

*gives Vidmaster7 an unholy stare, making him feel a little low*

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