Four points for a try, extra two for a conversion. Another soul saved for Issek! HALLELUJAH!
The next poster's going to tell us whether the Jug is half full or half empty, and what with.
It's half-full of antimatter - so, it's 150% empty.
The next poster hails from a parallel universe shaped by laws of physics identical to ours, save for Newton's 3rd Law, which is directly reversed.
The next poster will exterminate!
Dude, I just got the bong working! *Lies back blissfully amid clouds of catnip smoke*
The next poster is welcome to some 'nip.
I'll nip this nonsense in the bud.
The next poster was Aroden's best bud.
Dude, you harshed my buzz! Just for that, I'm not telling you a thing about Aroden.
The next poster has better things to do than go around disrupting other peoples' relaxations.
Correct. I end relationships.
The next poster will obey Dalek Omega and exterminate!
"What do you need us for?"
"You exterminated the entire thread!"
"The next poster...""...will describe the weirdest party they've ever been part of when playing TORG."
Given the, uh, alternate state of consciousness in which I spent most of the game, I don't remember much. Thankfully.
The next poster is going to have to endure a very lame "team building" exercise at work.
*Picks a Crayon*
*The color of the Crayon is Blue*
The instructions are to describe how I will be a team player by using the acronym created by the color of the B.L.U.E
We dragons are "great" team players...I will simply use my tail attack to Bludgeon any Lame and Useless Employed coworkers.
The next poster picked a TURQUOISE crayon.
Torn Underwear. Rune Quest. Uninhibited Oscillating. Illegal Squeals. Emmenthal.
How we're going to top that at our next Daughters of the American Revolution meeting is beyond me.
The next poster has thought up an unusual method of making cleaning up after us *fun*!!
The DAR? That's an easy one - we make them watch as all the cleaning's done by illegal immigrants.
The next poster doesn't do drugs. They are drugs.
Hiiiiiiii, This is my other name. They call me Agent Buzz. See ya in Three days.
The next Poster has some knowledge in drug counciling.
Mostly from personal experience.
The next poster has a shameful secret located in their closet.
It's kind of like this....
The next poster is caught in the middle of an international dentistry conspiracy.
Quick! They'll never dare follow you HERE!
The next poster doesn't eat chocolate. They are chocolate.
Sir, I'm not just chocolate, I'm a chocolate cup cake.
The next poster not only likes vanilla, he or she is vanilla ice cream.
Quit looking at me with those hungry eyes, you're hallucinating everyone is taste food again.
The next poster has a hankering for something good.
Rose Levy Beranbaum's chocolate oblivion truffle torte. Gonna make that puppy for the big holiday dinner.
The next poster is going to be keeping a close eye on next year's political events.
Of course I am, the winner of RPG Superstar just might be the One who can restore order! Got a keep on that.
The next poster has a plan to restore order, but is afraid of it.
One should rightly be afraid of restoring order by murdering everyone involved. Or maybe I'm mistaking that with my bedroom plans.
The next poster is advised to avoid the color PINK.
I am so fashion conscious, everybody. See what I'm wearing? Does any of it, like, clash? I don't think so! Unlike those skanky b&&+~es on Sex and the City, I don't throw on just anything I feel like. A pink dress isn't like a car. You can't just, like, turn the key and drive off. It's like the space shuttle, or something. Everything has to be, you know, totally perfect before takeoff. Uh, like of My God and like gag me with spoon. Wear a pink tutu and surfing is soooo not real.
Time to hit the waves.
The next poster has just finished an undersea adventure.
The best part...I got to Kiss The Girl.
The next poster collects things not from this world, and is wanted by the authorities because of it.
I found this doohickey on the ground near a glowing large circle on the ground. It looks neat, but kinda difficult to understand, what with it looking entirely different depending on from where you look at it. And it makes stuff float nearby.
The next poster has a very valid point concerning its capabilities.
*dweedleBEEPBOOPvhhhm-vhhhm-vhhhmOOOWEETCHEOObeedlebeedlebdeedleFWWWMMMMMM. ..BLORT.*
*beepbeepwhistlewhistle - strangely ominous ice-cream truck muzak....*
I got chocolate chip murder! Except I don't think this is actually chocolate chip, but whatever it is, it's delicious!
The next poster may or may not have had shame but it's definitely not there now.
Gggggggrrrrrroooooowwwwwllll! That's right, I peeped inside her bed chamber and she invited me to stay the night.
-Signed yours truely, Jezbodiah Wisp, rogue, knave, cad, romantic, and lover of adventure and half-elf brides-to-be.
The next poster had better have an escape plan before her angry father/paladin shows himself.
"Look, the Good Year blimp!" Points to the left and runs to the right!
The next poster zigged when they should have zagged and is now worried about the wedding.
I married a wererat !
The next poster is a Chuck Norris fan.
His martial arts prowress is astounding, but he no Jedi.
The next poster knows to fear the Dark Side of the Force.
They are the door-to-door girl scout cookie sellers of the universe. Only fools would not be wary of their temptation.
The next poster has a ukelele in their pants for some reason.
Why yes, yes I do. Are you happy to see me?
The next poster is happy to see __________
Eggs MythrilDragon and rashlye
The next poster is an advocate of the, hisses, the law.
Forgive me...I believe you misheard.
The next poster both fears and adores me.
I'm scared you might love me back.
The next poster is lost in Yonkers.
I was yanking lobsters and oh, how time flies when you're having fun.
The next poster is having trouble with Time Flies.
They're buzzing around my head, they're driving me crazy !
Is it now ? Or is it already past ? Who's talking to who - when ?
The next poster won't show up. No, sir !
"We'd planned on finally boycotting these forums to show our contempt for all of you..."
"...but now you've left us no choice but to stick around. Damn you!"
"The next poster...""...may now kiss the bride!"
She has the tongue of an electric eel and likes the taste of a man's tonsils.
The next poster has a rubber suit.
And what a fine one it is! The best thing about it is that it's easy to wash away any suspicious stains. The worst thing is that no one I know actually takes rubber suits for cleaning. Bah!
The next poster's handkerchief has a stain so malevolent that we dare not speak its name.
You're right. I blew my nose in it. Thus no one dares name it.
The next poster knows what to do with the fertilizer.
put in large crates and pack it into a nondescript unassuming van. Then drive the van into a field and dump it for to get the fields ready for growing season.
The next poster has a tractor, but doesn't know what to do with it.
I tried to turn it into a steampunk coffee machine... but I don't drink coffee, so I couldn't complete this bold project due to my lack of enthusiasm.
And now there are those damn tractor parts cluttering my living room !
I need a drink... [guzzles down cinammon-flavored motor oil]
The next poster doesn't know his/her/its own name.
Why do you think I have so many aliases?
The next poster is the reason why the rum is gone.
The next poster knows a sure fire hang over cure.
Severe amounts of laxative. Within minutes, the hangover will seem quite minor by comparison.
The next poster doesn't think so.
I drink laxative to get hammered ! But then, I'm not a puny hobbit-lovin' goody-two-shoes human softie !
The next poster is not really a poster.
You're correct. I'm a slaad and I'm not a poster.
Eggs Quiche Lisp twice
The next poster shall carry on the yule tide traditions.
Wreck the Halls with heads of goblins
Raw ra ra raw ra ra ra roar
Tis the dragon battle season
Raw ra ra raw ra ra ra roar
dragon breath is sure to singe thee
Ra ra ra raw ra ra roar
Toast and Eat all who try and smite me
Raw ra ra raw ra ra ra roar
The next poster will sing us a better, less violent, carol.