Azaelas Fayth wrote: Wow... Priceless to see that... I agree.
PathfinderFan64, please check your e-mail. This adventure was among the earliest that I played.
One thing that makes me very happy is how many people are introducing their kids to Pathfinder and RPGs through this conversion.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Down for a copy of this conversion.
Thanks in advance!
I believe I had this once but that might have been an email provider ago...if I could again...
Rhonin84 at gmail dot com
Yes this is for the second group of kids I wish to use this with... ;)
I'd like to take a look at your conversion. Thanks!
I'd love to have your conversion as well to run with some players
@William Ronald: I am actually updating it for my group. Though I need to find some Maps for it (IIRC). We are planning on it being an intro for some of our Players Family. Would you like some updates from it? Or even help us "Update" it?
Excellent response time, thanks!
Azaelas Fayth wrote: @William Ronald: I am actually updating it for my group. Though I need to find some Maps for it (IIRC). We are planning on it being an intro for some of our Players Family. Would you like some updates from it? Or even help us "Update" it? A friend encouraged me to update the adventure when I have a chance. (I am doing a lot of job hunting of late.) So, I am not sure of wanting to see the updates.
In retrospect, I think I could have done a better job with some of the NPCs.
idilippy, check your e-mail.
Well 2 Minds are better than 1.
Thank you for sending it to me.
Good Sir William Ronald,
I would very much like a copy of your hard work. I am sure my players will enjoy it.
Take care,
@Mr. Ronald
I would also like a copy of your conversion.
Email is dbcoatty AT gmail DOT com
Thanks in advance.
Hm...cant find a copy of this in 3.0 or 3.5 on 4shared. Did they take it down per chance?
Would it be possible for me to get a copy as well?
many thanks.
I would also love to receive a copy, if you would be so kind.
Could I get a copy as well? My email is
Azaelas Fayth wrote: Well 2 Minds are better than 1. Normally, I would. However, I am kind of swamped with some real life stuff right now -- which is why I have not checked the thread in a while.
I will send out some more requested copies tonight or tomorrow.
Jay Ellingson wrote: Hm...cant find a copy of this in 3.0 or 3.5 on 4shared. Did they take it down per chance? Jay, it never was up there. I initially asked D20PFSRD if this was possible to put there, but there are issues. (See the early discussion in the thread. I guess it is one thing if I share this as a private individual, but another if it is on a site.) You can include an e-mail in another post.
Well I am not even bothering with this as we seem to be playing SIFRP almost exclusively...
@ William Ronald
Got my copy. My group has been playing it and the conversion has worked perfectly. I have the original module (still!) maps included so its worked great.
Thanks Again!!
Hi William
Could I get a copy too? I will run this one day. I will. I will. Done the Temple, used parts of the Keep before but never wholesale. Perhaps your conversion will nudge me over the edge.
Thanks in advance
I'd love a copy of this, as well.
I would like a copy as well:
Thanks for sending this!
For those who have played it, what do you think about the difficulty level? What level and how many PCs do you think would work well with this adventure?
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I would very much like a copy of your hard work. I am sure my players will enjoy it!
Fromper wrote: Thanks for sending this!
For those who have played it, what do you think about the difficulty level? What level and how many PCs do you think would work well with this adventure?
This module has been a walk in the park for the 3 sometimes 4 PC's I dm for. I would start with first level characters.
I would love a copy. Thirty years later, my friends and I still reference our adventures there.
Hi! Just printed out a copy of KotB (my original is in a box in storage somewhere). I'd appreciate a copy of your conversion.
Textural22 at yahoo
Leicester wrote: Hi! Just printed out a copy of KotB (my original is in a box in storage somewhere). I'd appreciate a copy of your conversion.
Textural22 at yahoo
Check your e-mail!!
My kids would appreciate it if you could provide a copy of your conversion for their entertainment!
Thank you!
Kitequester wrote: Sir,
My kids would appreciate it if you could provide a copy of your conversion for their entertainment!
Thank you!
It is my pleasure to send this to you!! Check your e-mail!
Would love a copy of this, I have just the group of victims...err, players, in mind! :)
Thanks in advance!
I ran a version of this timeless classic recently, to the great enjoyment of players. The death and struggle that little keep attracted. Blimey.
Could I have a copy please?
May I have one?
I'm using the Keep for my sandbox campaign, like a previous poster mentioned. I'd love a copy please.
I would love to get a copy at this conversion, please. It was the first module that I ever ran.
My e-mail is southernpoet100 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks in advance, William Ronald!
Awesome stuff, thanks William!
William, I'd very much enjoy a copy to check out when you can send one out, if you are still able to do so.
Many thanks!
I'd be interested in a copy please.
Thanks in advance
- Torger
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I'm interested as well. Thank you very much.
I'd like to join the chorus of those requesting a copy. I'd like to run some of my kids through it.
email: sethslayton [AT] yahoo [DOT] com
Best regards
I have been busy, so I will send out copies tomorrow or over the weekend.
I too would love a copy of this conversion, it would be a good lead in for a new campaign I am thinking of starting.
Wow! I've just started learning Pathfinder and was actually wondering if there was a version of Keep on the borderlands for Pathfinder. So, a quick google search later, here I am.
I would LOVE to get a copy of the conversion, so I'll add my name to this ever growing list of requests. :)
Same here, I could do with a copy.
Thanks in advance!
I'm running a sandbox now, I'd love to see what you did with this!