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Is there a place to see the artwork from the various Paizo/PF1e books? For example, I saw a neat picture on the Villain Codex back cover that would make a great piece of art for adding to the Dyslexic Minotaur character sheet for a PC I'd like to create.

Thanks for any leads!

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

Are you looking for systems/settings where this sort of social class is baked into the game? There are several RPGs that have this sort of thing, like Pendragon, L5R, ASoIaF and more, but the way they are treated mechanically are all quite closely tied to the setting. You can take inspiration and adapt these things to your game, but it might ake a bit of work.

If you are looking for random tables to plug-and-play with 'generic' D&D where social class is a mostly unimportant background for an adventurer, I'd have to look through my collection when I get home. 1e OA obviously, and I'm sure there are others but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

I liked the addition of "cash strings", family land/farms, etc. to flesh out the background and belongings mostly. I will scope out those other ideas as well. Thanks!

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Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Try the background section of Ultimate Campaign.

I have that, it is a great piece of inspiration, thanks :)

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I was looking at the old OA book and it had charts for honor, ancestry and birthright for characters starting wealth, family wealth, etc. Would be neat to meld that into a characters background creation for some situations. Are there any ideas where I may find something similar (even 3pp)?
Maybe even something that incorporates birth rank (social class)as well?
Thanks folks!

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Searched the boards to see if anyone has converted this module to PF1e. All the threads I found seemed to be years old so I tossed out this query to see if anyone since has tackled this or adapted it.


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Awesome idea! Would you be willing to share the finished conversion?

Thanks folks. Some good ideas.

Sorry. He would be killing slavers.There is no slavery in the country, it is opportunistic bandits ans such grabbing folks up to sell to the orc and Oni for the mines and forge,etc.

Premise of adventure is the party trying to help a fading country/empire that wishes to open an old trade route between the Western and Eastern areas to restore it's former glory. Orcs and Oni have not only joined to destroy those attempting this, but have also wrangled area slavers and bandits into the fray as the wish to mine the riches in the hills and mountains but also to reactivate a long snuffed dwarven forge to make superior (magical, mithral, etc weapons with which to raid the civilized areas. (They are capturing people to work the numerous precious metal mines in the area)
My idea for an NPC (DM PC) is a young man who lost his family in the raids and is now hellbent on exacting revenge. Not a murder hobo evil doer, but a very angry and driven man on a mission who has occasional outbursts of wading into combat with blind fury and lack of caring of the number of opponents. I imagine he has moments like Mel Gibson did in the movie The Patriot.


Wow, Mark. Great and thoughtful reply to the OP request. I will grab some of these ideas for my campaign. THanks!

I downloaded a map and now I've lost it. It had rectangular platforms in the trees and a pit for slaves in the ground below. Can't for the life of me find the site I found it on. Does it sound familiar to anyone?

Epic reply! Thanks for so many good tid bits and ideas! I am also thinking of sticking Forge of Fury in as well to have dwarven hook. My premise so far is much like your Trunau/Phaendar connection on a long forgotten or contested trade route that used to pass near the FoF and into the "Eastern/Oriental" lands. I connected the "western folks" thru the Dwarven mountain folk and the "eastern" continent which includes many of the hooks from all 3 AP and adventure but also make the orcs part of an Oni led incursion that is seeking to keep the pass/trade route closed so they may continue to wage war on the the Eastern cultures without hope of help (financial/weapons/manpower) from the Western and Dwarven cultures.You've helped stoke my mind a ton...thanks!

All good points, thanks folks!

...than is in the UE? Even with the errata it's seriously lacking especially with the "newer" books (eastern items, etc.). Is there such a thing or has anyone complied one? My weak google-fu hasn't come up with what I am looking for.

Has anyone combined these two AP's or used pieces of them both for your own "AP"?
Any times and ideas will be welcomed!

Has anyone combined these two AP's or used pieces of them both for your own "AP"?
Any times and ideas will be welcomed!

Wow! Thank you all for all the great advice and ideas. I will research them all a bit more.

avr wrote:

Trying to keep 3 different magic weapons up to scratch is probably unaffordable. Also if you invest a lot in your bow then the point blank master feat (or similar effects) keeps you able to shoot in melee, which removes the point of using the melee weapons. If you carry a katana and wakizashi but seldom use them there may not be much reason to spend feats or money on them.

Ranger, slayer, fighter and warpriest can all pick up point blank master. Hunter can't but then they have a pet they can hopefully put between them and the enemy.

Great points, something for me to consider. Thanks!

Hello all.

I am working on building a half-orc who will start (level 1) with an orc horn bow and eventually add TWF with a combination of wakizashi/kukri/katana,(Eastern Flavor)etc. as the adventure progresses (he levels up).
I am torn between Ranger(yay gravity bow spell!), Slayer,Hunter or Fighter builds to accomplish this. Keeping in mind I am starting at level 1 multiclassing is an option I suppose.

Thanks for any thoughts, ideas and/or pointing me to a guide,etc.

Bumping as well...

hmmm...Firstly, this is an amazing act of generousity! You've put out some amazing things so far! Very thoughtful and exciting stuff!

My two sons recently completed some of the A1-4 series and have taken to freeing slaves and sending them to a new village they have created. Obviously the slavers are not happy and want to kill/kidnap our PC's and I figured one way would be a fake "circus" or traveling sideshow that came to town that was a clandestine operation to remove some or all of the "do gooders" interfering with the slave trade, cause havoc in the town/cause disention in the community or recapture all the slaves. PC's are level 7-10ish and we are based out of southern Keoland on the Hold of the Sea Princess (although we are playing Pathfinder)
A long time ago there was a Dungeon adventure like this called "Jingling Mordo's Circus" or some such that is my inspiration for the idea...

THanks for the consideration!

I would love a copy as well, many thanks!


Hm...cant find a copy of this in 3.0 or 3.5 on 4shared. Did they take it down per chance?