
French Wolf's page

Organized Play Member. 5,473 posts (14,357 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 42 aliases.


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The Exchange

I echo that sentiment - thank you for offering this.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Many thanks again and good luck with all your games, chaps.


The Exchange

In all honesty this was the one game I would have stuck with. But I'm typically sat at my desk starting work or studies at 7am every day and coming home fragged at 6pm in the evening.

There is no way that I can see that changing for months and I know someone else could do Brvheart's game better justice.

Its been a pleasure and if I do ever get some spare time then you'll be first to know, brvheart.

Thanks again

The Exchange

Dear CH et al

Not sure if you guys have noticed but I've been slacking off recently. My studies and workload have risen dramatically in recent times, and my role here is growing. I wish I could find the time for this game because of you guys but that's not going to happen for a year or two when I finish taking exams.

Therefore I'm going to drop out. Seem to have lost my vim and vigour for pbp and its not likely to return.

All the Best

The Exchange

Dear Brvheart et al

Not sure if you guys have noticed but I've been slacking off recently. My studies and workload have risen dramatically in recent times, and my role here is growing. I wish I could find the time for this game because of you guys but that's not going to happen for a year or two when I finish taking exams.

Therefore I'm going to drop out. Seem to have lost my vim and vigour for pbp and its not likely to return.

All the Best

The Exchange

Dear DMG et al

Not sure if you guys have noticed but I've been slacking off recently. My studies and workload have risen dramatically in recent times, and my role here is growing. I wish I could find the time for this game because of you guys but that's not going to happen for a year or two when I finish taking exams.

Therefore I'm going to drop out. Seem to have lost my vim and vigour for pbp and its not likely to return.

All the Best

The Exchange

Take your time, GM Ragged. Your response shows how much this matters to you. However I am scaling back my games due to increased studies and exams so I'd like to take the chance to drop out before you restart it in a few weeks.

Many Thanks and no hard feelings here

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think in the next few weeks when and if we know what is happening better with the campaign and OTM then its good to know we have some flexibility to re-invigorate and re-balance the party.

Oh, and I like Vhillish - especially in Fairhill when he showed his true colours taking on Lannet as a sergeant major would.


The Exchange

Yes please.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Otmshank is not the sort of guy to flake out on this. I'd rather give him more time and I believe he deserves it with all the support he gives the rest of us.


The Exchange

Thanks chaps.

Monty could you remove my alias from the game now?

Cheers FW

The Exchange

I'll deal with this tonight.


The Exchange

For me, its the slot that seems to be the problem. Roll20 and google hangouts (or discord) work just fine - although there are always a few teething issues. For people far apart its about as good as it gets.

But I just joined a Strange Aeons group based in Carolina and they want to start at 3pm (8pm GMT) and play for four or five hours. What with work on Monday mornings that is proving not so good.

I could do this any evening from 6pm-11pm approx. Or some time at the weekend but not Sunday evening until late preferably.

Slavers - great choice.

Has anyone seen the Critical Role sessions with Matt Mercer? I started watching them on youtube while I was off ill and I'm hooked.


The Exchange

Hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


The Exchange

Hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


The Exchange

hit by some kind of virus again, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


The Exchange

hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In case anyone is interested. The photos are up on facebook -

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1543095502387103&set=pcb.131579 8915174621&type=3&theater

We had the Glorious Gloucesters!


The Exchange

I get you, Damien. I taught them Pathfinder and they taught me this. One funny result is that they buy a figure from Reaper and then decide what they want to play.


The Exchange

Our "general" is an ex-Royal Marine Staff Sargeant who does tours of the European battlefields in his time off in the summer.

I was Colonel George Washington and my final order was I mustn't get killed!

I'm busy here to DMG but ready when you are.


The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi There

Nope, it was 28mm figures on a ten foot table. French in a fort, English/colonials attacking, French relief force coming on somewhere at some point.


The Exchange

That's fine for me. I'm just back from a weekend fighting the French-Indian War. It was a very bloody battle which most of my colonials die..


The Exchange

Opalia is off sick with manflu. Please bot her if necessary. Ta

The Exchange

Mojo is off sick with manflu please bot him if needed. Ta

The Exchange

Coronei is off sick with manflu. Please bot me if needed.

The Exchange

Jerrid is off sick with manflu - please bot me. Ta

The Exchange

Google hangouts and/or discord is better in my limited experience of roll20 games. Better than skype anyway. I'm no tech savvy guy and the learning curve is tough but one day I'm sure we can set something up.

I've played in a few games and about to start a Sunday night Strange Aeons campaign next week. All because there is no real pathfinder played as a tabletop in my town. 5E yes, pathfinder not so much.


The Exchange

Black Dow wrote:
French Wolf wrote:

P.S. Black Dow please say you aren't supporting the Pats? The Man U of the NFL.

Heheh. I'm not a Pats fan per say - but have good friends from Boston who are... also have nothing but admiration for the GOAT HC in Belichick, and the system New England run.

The fact they can continually plug in under achieving players/journeymen and make them play at an elite level is unparalleled in modern sports (in my humble opinion). I think they are more like the All-Blacks than Man U to be honest - as they also push the boundaries of the rules (and overstep them) - but I'm not naive enough to paint them as the villains of the piece - they just have a closer microscope on them... All teams push the legality - and the ones that don't (or haven't perfected the craft) remain average at best.

Just want an awesome game, but aye I'll be leaning toward the Pats... :)

I ended up rooting for the underdog by the end of the game. Can't imagine how a Falcons fan must feel at the moment. The Pats deserve all the accolades that are being heaped on them and hopefully that will signal the end of their era. But I doubt it.


The Exchange

Hi All

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if needed.


The Exchange

Hi All

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if needed.


The Exchange

Hi All

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if needed.


The Exchange

Hi All

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if you need to.

Cheers FW

The Exchange

Good to hear.

The Exchange

I wish you well Damien. Did take a look at the recruitment, especially with how slow our other game is...but I'm no great aficionado on that world and its idiosyncrasies.

Good Luck Folks

P.S. Black Dow please say you aren't supporting the Pats? The Man U of the NFL.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good to have a breather.

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to make some knowledge rolls if you need to.


The Exchange

The killer feat in our RotRL campaign was Clustered Shot. Our dwarf ranger became the party main damage dealer after that because he could bypass DR so often.


The Exchange

We seem very powerful compared to Pathfinder. Took out three giants and Kraz and Silvio did loads of damage. Very impressive.

The Exchange

Ta very much.

The Exchange

Got an exam Friday. Please bot Jerrid if you need to.


The Exchange

Take your time. My family is in a quarantine zone too. I'm hoping the Packers can turn my weekend around against the Falcons.


The Exchange

Jerrid is in geek mode at the moment - I figure as a rogue and wizard this is pretty close to nirvana for him.

The Exchange

Only 18 posts to catch up on! You guys are slacking..sheesh.

The Exchange

Reading between the lines is a bad habit, so is following the way DMG just wrote. My gut feeling is that we let them in here - and the crucible was not his aim, us opening this place with the amulet was.

May I just say that this is the only game I've played in where the consequences of our actions are so real. DMG is a fine example to me on what a DM can do.

Well Done.


The Exchange

brvheart wrote:
But you would have to leave two threat zones and to get to the flanking square go through a third somewhere. Aggy, I run 5 or 6 games so it has to point to one of them and I have new person in that game.

Since you do not believe me. I shall withdraw from the game now. You are wrong. I looked at the map on Roll20. I saw I had a flank and I have never moved my token from opposite Myrick. Good luck with the game everyone it has been fun.

The Exchange

ha ha

The Exchange

I'm hoping that by next week life will be back to normal. Hoping to see Rogue One at the weekend - which shows how busy the holiday was when a geek waits four weeks.


The Exchange

His imp was sighted in the village. Did he try to steal the crucible? Not sure if he succeeded.

The Exchange

Happy New Year to one and all

The Exchange

Good to here you are on the right road, DMG. Great news for you and even better for us. My crass deep gnome is ready for anything.


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