Sean Bean heads cast for HBO's A Game of Thrones


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Would have been hilarious if Osha bit out Ramsey's throat instead of going for the knife.

Well we will soon see(or not) What Littlefiger is up to. My bet is that Ramsey will not die until episode 9 or 10, with a possible Wall crash as cliffhanger.

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He held the door.

Farewell faithful friend.

Hodor. :(

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Hold the Door
Hold the Door


He Stood alone

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I pretty much just had a continual stream of profanities in the last 10 minutes or so of this ep.

I guess it's time for both show AND book fans to equally freak out during episodes

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I think that tree is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside

Interesting to see Varys so unsettled.

Also, looks like they want to cut down on the Direwolf CGI. I suspect that Ghost will the only one around at the end if Jon and Co. Don't eat him.

Scarab Sages

He ho'd the he'll out of that dor. #thenorthremembers

which was also uttered this week and Davos is presumably heading to the manderlys...

Grand northern conspiracy reborn.

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I suspect that Yara is going to try to beat Euron to Dany and seduce her first. ;)

Just because R'hlor can grant/teach magic doesn't mean its a god ray.

Oh, and Bran? You're an ()#*()$*#$)(*#$

Instead of crippling the guy for life, why don't you sent him onto the practice yard so he can retroactively become badass enough to go down fighting?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Just because R'hlor can grant/teach magic doesn't mean its a god ray.

Indeed; according to both Jon Snow and Beric Dondarrion there's no next world, just oblivion. From what I remember of season 3 Melisandre had specific question for Dondarrion about meeting the Lord of Light, and he's all, "There is no Lord of light, only blackness."

In both the books and the TV show, I find it very interesting to parse the difference between the function of magic in the world and the character's beliefs and folklore about magic.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I like the fact that the lord of light doesn't fit neatly in a box.

I'm thoroughly enjoying Season Like MMCjawa said everyone gets to have an emotional reaction to the surprises no one sees coming.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just in case ppl haven't seen the latest episode:
I was very happy with Littlefinger's reception, and equally disappointed she didn't tell Jon.

Sovereign Court

Of all the changes between book and show, I think I've liked Littlefinger's the least (not that I care for any others mind you). I don't know if it's just my interpretation but book LF and show LF seem very inconsistent. Ever since they went off the beaten path LF has felt much less clever and devious to the point of killing my favorite character for me. /shrug

Scarab Sages

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And LF got to Mole's Town in the day or so that passed since marshalling the Vale (who got to Moat Cailen in same time frame). His teleportation continues and apparently extends to his army.

Stannis the Mannis could have used that rather than getting bogged down in the brisk morning walk bt Winterfell and the Wall.

Why was that door even there? So random.

Scarab Sages

It was there to Ho(ld).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
mishima wrote:
Why was that door even there? So random.

In a deleted chapter of winds of winter

Bran lobotomizes dozens of children of the forests 100s of years ago, and forces them to say nothing but "Build door" for 100 years while they construct that door and escape tunnel. Hence the origin of bran the Build or :)

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Oh, and Bran? You're an ()#*()$*#$)(*#$

** spoiler omitted **

This episode pretty much implied that it would be impossible for Bran to change the past. Anything he does, any change he tries to already happened in the past.

Hitdice wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Just because R'hlor can grant/teach magic doesn't mean its a god ray.
Indeed; according to both Jon Snow and Beric Dondarrion there's no next world, just oblivion. From what I remember of season 3 Melisandre had specific question for Dondarrion about meeting the Lord of Light, and he's all, "There is no Lord of light, only blackness."

I'm personally an atheist, but within the show....maybe a god can see into the future enough to know that they were going to be brought back to life, and would therefore never take them to whatever afterlife might exist.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Looks like the Sparrow deal might get settled next week.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Alternatively, Greek mythology in our world has the River Lethe, from which anyone who is about to be brought back to life (usually through reincarnation) is made to drink so that they forget everything before that point. Obviously, the world of this show would have to have a more limited equivalent that only erases memories of the time spent in the afterlife, since people brought back to life on this show can remember everything from before their deaths -- assuming, that is, that there is any afterlife in that world at all.

Norman Osborne wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Just because R'hlor can grant/teach magic doesn't mean its a god ray.
Indeed; according to both Jon Snow and Beric Dondarrion there's no next world, just oblivion. From what I remember of season 3 Melisandre had specific question for Dondarrion about meeting the Lord of Light, and he's all, "There is no Lord of light, only blackness."
I'm personally an atheist, but within the show....maybe a god can see into the future enough to know that they were going to be brought back to life, and would therefore never take them to whatever afterlife might exist.

I believe we've firmly established that you don't need to be a god to see the future.

Norman Osborne wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Oh, and Bran? You're an ()#*()$*#$)(*#$

** spoiler omitted **

This episode pretty much implied that it would be impossible for Bran to change the past. Anything he does, any change he tries to already happened in the past.

Doesn't change the fact that the thing that happened happened because he made it happen. His choice, his burden.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So. We've got 5 episodes left this season, and another ~15 episodes in the upcoming 1-1/2 to 2 seasons. 20 hours. That means mathwise, we're going to average another 1-2 deaths per episode of characters we've grown to love :( and/or hate.

As for this episode:

Damn, I knew Yara (Asha) was tough, but Sansa has definitely (thankfully) leveled up in badass.

Euron's plan is to "seduce" Daenerys with his Ironborn fleet, but having overheard it and knowing he wants her dead, Yara can hopefully seduce Dany first. And also offer her a fleet.

Are we going to have to see undead Hodor and Summer in the Night King's army? I blame Freehold that ice zombies killed Summer.

Bran has time wizard powers, but is almost as bad at it as Rip Hunter. Does anyone else see parallels here with the Raistlin backstory in Dragonlance? Does this Bran become the original Bran the Builder responsible for building The Wall in the distant past?

Varys vs. Red Priestess: One of them is going to kill the other.

Scarab Sages

Is Bran *all* the Brandons? Not just the Buildor, but all the Brandon Starks, and presumably even Bryden Rivers, AKA Bloodraven, AKA 3-eyed Crow? Has he transcended time itself to become Ethan Hawke in Predestination // All You Zombies? Is he the Kwisatz Haderach? I'm guessing yes, and he's also the Night King // the guy who Leaf stabbed, who Ol' Nan says was a Stark named Brandon. He knows everything, He is everything.

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Kryzbyn wrote:

I like the fact that the lord of light doesn't fit neatly in a box.

Unlike one of his followers

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
archmagi1 wrote:

Is Bran *all* the Brandons? Not just the Buildor, but all the Brandon Starks, and presumably even Bryden Rivers, AKA Bloodraven, AKA 3-eyed Crow? Has he transcended time itself to become Ethan Hawke in Predestination // All You Zombies? Is he the Kwisatz Haderach? I'm guessing yes, and he's also the Night King // the guy who Leaf stabbed, who Ol' Nan says was a Stark named Brandon. He knows everything, He is everything.

My fav is Raisin Bran.

MannyGoblin wrote:
I suspect that Yara is going to try to beat Euron to Dany and seduce her first. ;)

Try? Assuming they're being literal about needing to build their thousand ships from scratch, Yara and Theon will have had their feet up in Meereen for weeks before one of Euron's ships could set sail.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Is Varys gonna hafta choke a b+$@~?

Sovereign Court

Norman Osborne wrote:
Hitdice wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Just because R'hlor can grant/teach magic doesn't mean its a god ray.
Indeed; according to both Jon Snow and Beric Dondarrion there's no next world, just oblivion. From what I remember of season 3 Melisandre had specific question for Dondarrion about meeting the Lord of Light, and he's all, "There is no Lord of light, only blackness."
I'm personally an atheist, but within the show....maybe a god can see into the future enough to know that they were going to be brought back to life, and would therefore never take them to whatever afterlife might exist.

I think it is strongly implied that gods don't exist (the void thing) and that the casters cast magic on the strength of their faith alone.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Other musings...

When that actor guy is looking at his junk...wonder if that was
a prop?

Scarab Sages

Interesting question

The episode intro didn't have graphic nudity as a warning, so I lean toward fake. It wasn't an obvious fake dong like the show's history, but the GN being only an N still has me thinking prop

Werthead wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
I suspect that Yara is going to try to beat Euron to Dany and seduce her first. ;)

Try? Assuming they're being literal about needing to build their thousand ships from scratch, Yara and Theon will have had their feet up in Meereen for weeks before one of Euron's ships could set sail.

Or they send what they have now with the promise that the rest are coming soon.

was there a reason for the wart scene that I'm missing ? Evidence of who ordered the hit?

Kryzbyn wrote:
Looks like the Sparrow deal might get settled next week.

One way or another. I am guessing that Cersei is counting on a riot so she can eliminate the Tyrells and Sparrows.

No doubt it ends up getting Tommen killed.

No doubt Jacquen knows something is up with Arya.

We're running out of dire wolves...

MannyGoblin wrote:
No doubt Jacquen knows something is up with Arya.

A Girl can still be a useful tool, even if some of Arya remains. I'm guessing that A Girl completes her current mission, and then is assigned a new mission to remove a target in either Mereen or Westeros. If Arya resurfaces, a second Faceless--one who has been stealthily watching and evaluating A Girl--can step in to eliminate Arya Stark (and the original target).

Lemmy wrote:
We're running out of dire wolves...

Seriously. I mean killing people I understand but dire wolves? It's almost too much to take!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
No doubt Jacquen knows something is up with Arya.
A Girl can still be a useful tool, even if some of Arya remains. I'm guessing that A Girl completes her current mission, and then is assigned a new mission to remove a target in either Mereen or Westeros. If Arya resurfaces, a second Faceless--one who has been stealthily watching and evaluating A Girl--can step in to eliminate Arya Stark (and the original target).

I'm hoping that the Faceless God doesn't really wish to stiffle what makes Arya, Arya. It would seem counter intuitive to tear away the qualities that made her a good candidate in the first place.

Scarab Sages

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The problem with Arya is that she's *not* a good FM candidate. Yeah, some of her Sith level hate has been quelled in her training, but this is the same girl who's subconscious mind wargs into her direwolf and leads a hundred head strong wolfpack across the riverlands and the westernlands slaughtering Lannister troops willy nilly (book Arya). Think back to the viscious death she gave Meryn Trant, that isn't an emotionless tool to be used by those with coin, that is blind rage. We saw it on her face, the disgust and contempt, when they portrayed Ned and Sansa as bumbling in the play. She can say a girl is nobody all she wants, but that hate fueled child will end up with all the FM's secrets, and none of their creedo. And Jaqen will let her go, as the Many Faced God will use her as he sees fit.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
archmagi1 wrote:
Think back to the viscious death she gave Meryn Trant,

She drowned him in maple syrup?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Varys: Dammit, i thought half the point of the E6 campaign was to cut down on caster martial disparity. 2 traits, maxed out diplomacy, and three feats spend on gather info, whats the point if she can just cast contact outer plane?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
archmagi1 wrote:
The problem with Arya is that she's *not* a good FM candidate. Yeah, some of her Sith level hate has been quelled in her training, but this is the same girl who's subconscious mind wargs into her direwolf and leads a hundred head strong wolfpack across the riverlands and the westernlands slaughtering Lannister troops willy nilly (book Arya). Think back to the viscious death she gave Meryn Trant, that isn't an emotionless tool to be used by those with coin, that is blind rage. We saw it on her face, the disgust and contempt, when they portrayed Ned and Sansa as bumbling in the play. She can say a girl is nobody all she wants, but that hate fueled child will end up with all the FM's secrets, and none of their creedo. And Jaqen will let her go, as the Many Faced God will use her as he sees fit.

In the book and TV series alike she's been lying to them since she the training began:

"You must become no one. Give up everything that was Arya Stark."

". . . Okay, but it's cool if I hide Needle under a pile rocks for later, right?"

I loved the pseudo-medieval stage play, both for it's own sake and the chord it struck watching Arya watch it. I find the TV series frequently sacrifices the subtleties of the books in favor of the gorno/porno bodycount, but that was pure gold.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Viper vs the mountain:


Oberyn: I got a 24 for initiative. I'll use dazzling display and performance combat to Rile up the crowd and scare him! HUah! *Hands the DM a note in a sealed envelope*

Mountain: Meh. Whatever. Can we get on with this?

Oberyn: Ok, I spring attack at him , dart in... 6 points of damage?

Mountain: Seriously? That's it? Ok, i take 4 points of damage. There goes my pinkie. Run forward and...

Oberyn: Reach! Attack of opportunity for another 5

Mountain: Oh no. You hurt my widdle toe. SWING! Hah. amn 18.

Oberyn: Miss!

Mountain: "What? Who he hell gets an AC that high in this system?

Oberyn: "well, a 20 dex, dodge, swashbuckler levels...

Mountain: Alright alright. Your turn.

Oberyn: I Spring attack again, dart in... slice! 4 points of damage.

Mountain: Ok, screw this. Ready action.

Oberyn: Ok, i dart in atta...

Mountain: 5 foot forward. SUNDER. Oh no, minimum damage to your weapon.. thats only a 20 points.

Obery: What the hell! I have reach

DM: He can 5 foot as part of a readied action to close the gap.

Oberyn: ack! Acrobatics my way over to my squire "Need another one! The nice pretty polished one."

Mountain: What the hell! How come he gets another spear?

DM: Its in the dueling rules. Didn't you read them?

Mountain: Not really... I thought I'd just swing and he;d die."

Oberyn: Ok, going to demoralize him with an intimdate. "You killed my sister! You murdered her!"

Mountain: Did I? *looks over background* Wow. I did. I was drunk when i came up with this background wasn't I?

Dm: Very.

Mountain takes a few swings, keeps getting single digits. Oberyn keeps Slicing away for a point here and there and demoralizing.

Mountain: ENOUGH with that already! I get it. You have a motivation.

Oberyn: Alright then... CHARGE! Nat 20! CRIT!~ 18 damage... down you go bigman

Mountain: Awwwww... crap.Puts me at -16 of 18 " pouts and tips over mini. "Stupid dice.

Oberyn: *player doing victory dance* "Who's the man, who's the man? I'm the man, you're the corpse. Wooot woot!

Mountain: OH right.. forgot i had die hard. .

Oberyn: BOYAAAAAAAAH! Told you finesse was viable,

DM: Hey, Private Dancer, Perception check.

Oberyn: Rolls a 4 "Who needs wisdom in a game with no will saves? "

Mountain: "Grapple check... even from prone thats a 20....

Oberyn: Ha! Can't grab this. My CMD is..24

DM: Without dex? You didn't notice he's still alive. This is a surprise attack

Oberyn: Oh hell...

Mountain: So I loose 1 hit point. Welcome to the hug!

Oberyn: ... dammit, i forgot to get a dagger. Try to escape the grapple...18?

Mountain: Mahahahaaha! Use the grapple to damage option. Ooo. oooo nat 20 and max damage!

DM: Your head explodes like an overripe melon. mountain you loose another hit point

Mountain: Hey, QUYBURN! Get over here . I need a stabilization check. What are you two smiling about I won?

Oberyn: Take a look at the note....

What I want to know is why the Mountain ages in reverse. In seasons 1-2, he was apparently in his 40s. By the time he fights the Viper, he's in his 20s. I need to be able to do that, too!

Or maybe the guy in the duel is Gregor Cleghane Junior, trying to make his daddy proud?

Giants age like benjamin button and he's going through his terrible twos?

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