Community Created Stuff (may contain spoilers)

Rise of the Runelords

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Hey Kazzy,

Do you strictly go by pen & paper?
I'm not sure how you could go about printing them to be proper scale TBH. The few times I did it I would adjust in paint, but there's got to be a better way.

If you've ever tried Hero Lab, that has all the encounters pre-loaded, but it costs money.
For a free option you can try out Combat Manager, it doesn't have all the encounters loaded but it does have all the creatures and you can create and save the encounters beforehand.

Just part of the prep work of being a DM :)

Kazzy wrote:

Also, there are some beautiful maps for the encounters but how would I print them out to the right size for battle maps?

something like this for example

How do people run their encounters?

I lay a 32" TV down on the table with a piece of plexiglass on it and use Power Point from my laptop for all the maps. I add various shapes to the slides for fog of war and I can hide those shapes as my players progress. It's also nice since I'm hooked up to the TV with an HDMI cable I can play Spotify and/or Syrinscape and it comes out of the TV speakers. Sometimes getting the size of the map just right for on the TV is tricky. I get it close when I'm just working on the maps at my desk and then next time I have the TV out I mess with the image size until the squares are one inch. For maps like the one you linked since there is no grid on it I import them into a program I got off Steam called Dungeon Painter Studio which inserts the grid automatically.

I use roll20, a projector and a mirror to project maps onto a table. If I knew then what I know now, I'd invest the money into what DreamingTree27 has done. Our system is great and all, don't get me wrong, but it can be a challenge when arms block the light from above when moving minis, or when someone bumps the (admittedly rickety) table.

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I use a TV on the table as well. I use Maptool and token tool from to handle the running of all my games. It is my champion! Does the Fog of War, handles my tokens, and places a re-sizable grid on the map. It is 100% free.

Its semi easy to learn, and players can even login remotely. I have had some sick players video chat in, and access maptool, they could even move their own tokens. With the virtual tokens, it could even be played in a living room, via a HDMI cable.

I also use the TV on the table.
I've used Roll20 which is fine. But find Maptools does the job even better.

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I didn't create it, just came across it, but this sunken ship would be perfect for a battle map for PCs who want to explore the wreck of the Paradise.

The best part is that it's just a photo of a 100% real ship. There's a version in the comments on that Reddit thread with the diving robot photoshopped out.

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Tinalles wrote:

I didn't create it, just came across it, but this sunken ship would be perfect for a battle map for PCs who want to explore the wreck of the Paradise.

The best part is that it's just a photo of a 100% real ship. There's a version in the comments on that Reddit thread with the diving robot photoshopped out.

Version with no robot

Grand Lodge

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I have appreciated all the wonderful community contributed media which I have made liberal use of in my Roll20 RotR campaign.

I created a couple of things for the Skinsaw Murders and will share them here.

Foxglove family genealogy (which I provided to my players when they researched it)

Foxglove family crest (as described in the AP)

Rogors Craesby's key to Foxglove manor

I sure wish we could share our Roll20 campaigns publicly so folks could "borrow" from each others campaigns. But I suppose we'd all be stepping on copyrights.


I was wondering: we all know printing huge colourful battle maps can be expensive. Has anyone made a drawing with lines only (e.g. autocad drawing) for anything? Kind of like a blueprint.
My party is at the Fixglove manor and it is hard to draw such a nice house by hand.

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Have you thought about laying a good sized monitor or flat screen TV on it's back on the table and using Roll20 or a paint program to display the map? Then you can put the figures on the glass of the screen. You can get the Rise of the Runelords maps without annotations from Paizo as PDFs.

Dawnwen wrote:
Have you thought about laying a good sized monitor or flat screen TV on it's back on the table and using Roll20 or a paint program to display the map? Then you can put the figures on the glass of the screen. You can get the Rise of the Runelords maps without annotations from Paizo as PDFs.

It is a bit more complicated than that..

I have yet to convince my playgroup to come to my place and play there. So currently no point trying to get a clear plastic to cover up my 42'' TV.
Currently we play at a bar a scheduled board game night. Monday is the only day that fits everyone, but as one player thinks of himself as the organiser (and "game-bringer") of the event, each time he says we can not play on Monday anywhere else....

Wibs wrote:

I was wondering: we all know printing huge colourful battle maps can be expensive. Has anyone made a drawing with lines only (e.g. autocad drawing) for anything? Kind of like a blueprint.

My party is at the Fixglove manor and it is hard to draw such a nice house by hand.

If digital is not a option, and printing is costly. Another option I have used is the large pads used in presentations with large 1'inch square grids. They can be found office supply stores such as Staples. With these you can draw the maps ahead of time. So the map work was front loaded.

I know for myself this worked, as I could really put in more details, I could redraw things if I got them wrong. Less pressure during the game, and it really helped keep the game running smooth.

Here's my CAD drawing of the Foxglove manor in PDF on A3 with squares of 20 mm to 20 mm (so it can fit). Has all the layers, doors are marked as squares but no stairs or windows.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
mousmous wrote:
TomParker wrote:
I'm embarking on an attempt to make a physical model of this room, even though the 10' scale makes it huge. I'll let y'all know how it turns out.
Please do- I'd also like to make a physical model for my players.

It became apparent we weren’t going to get to the final battle last year, so I put the model on hold. We’re now getting ready to play. Here’s the progress—all foam is now cut and there’s just a lot of sanding, coating, fine tuning and more sanding to do.

TomParker wrote:

It became apparent we weren’t going to get to the final battle last year, so I put the model on hold. We’re now getting ready to play. Here’s the progress—all foam is now cut and there’s just a lot of sanding, coating, fine tuning and more sanding to do.

That's very nice! I've almost caught up to you, in the meantime. When I get a chance I'll post some pics as well. I see you've reduced the number of gold pillars, which is something I think I might also have to do. I'd love to know how you cut the rounded edges of the two platforms the Storm giant archers stand on.

Very nice work!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
mousmous wrote:

I see you've reduced the number of gold pillars, which is something I think I might also have to do.

I didn't reduce the number of pillars. They're just all in a box waiting to be painted. I put one up to see how the height worked out. But I've drilled a guide hole at every pillar on the map and I have a dowel cut to length.

I'd love to know how you cut the rounded edges of the two platforms the Storm giant archers stand on.

Almost all the foam was cut with a Proxxon hot wire cutter, including those platforms.

TomParker wrote:
Almost all the foam was cut with a Proxxon hot wire cutter, including those platforms.

What was your process for those rounded edges, though? I had no problem with my circular pieces, but the rounded corners are not something I've puzzled out with a proxxon. I'm at the point where I might have to resort to hand cutting them. Yikes.

I snapped these before I started the painting process. Here's where I'm at.

That's pretty awesome stuff guys! I'm envious of your craftiness.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
mousmous wrote:
TomParker wrote:
Almost all the foam was cut with a Proxxon hot wire cutter, including those platforms.
What was your process for those rounded edges, though?

That looks great. It’s been awhile since I cut those, but I’m pretty sure it was just very slow freehand work on the Proxxon.

That's funny that I just randomly came back to this thread tonight to see two different people talking about building the final battle structure out of foam. As I said I use a TV for maps, but just decided this week after watching some Black Magic Craft videos to build the Eye of Avarice. I've never done anything like that before so I got some materials to practice different techniques and such. Going to get a Proxxon and some large sheets of XPS soon from Home Depot to start building this. My group will probably finish up chapter 3 in a couple of sessions so I have a long time to work on it, and make several mistakes I'm sure. Would love to see more pics as you guys progress with it more.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Will do. I don’t have any major change since the full layout above. I’m in the process of fine tuning the pieces so they are smooth and align with the map and each other. It’s laborious and time-consuming. Do everything you can to cut things as close as possible up front.

Also seeing some progress from my modeler on my 3D model for the Runewell.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Mousmous, do you have any pictures after painting? I’m trying to figure out the best color for the “glassy” walls. Black would seem lava-appropriate, but I think it would make everything very dark. Gray stone seems okay but bland. I’d love to see how yours turned out.

And any other opinions welcome, of course.

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I have my base coat down; a semi-gloss brownish/black. I'm going to attempt to "marble" it with a lighter brown and a gray/white to lighten things up. It is very dark. The good part about the semi-gloss is that the reflective surface keeps you from losing all definition to the shadows. I'll test the marbling tonight and take some pics. And I'll post the actual names and brands of the paints.

Progress pics

You can see the semi-gloss reflection (I hope) in the isometric shots on the horizontal surface. Have to make sure your sanding is perfect because every flaw in the surface shows up.

Marbling is still being fine-tuned. I took a close up of the left platform, and you can at least see it from a distance. But with the scale, I'm not convinced it looks like miniture marble rather than someone's formica countertop. All the other dark surfaces have the base coat and the under-marble.

Base- Glidden Deep Onyx
Barely noticable under marble- Glidden Grey Hearth
Highlight marbling- Behr Chance of Rain
I also flicked some true black from my miniature paints over the top for subtle depth.

The youtube how-to-paint-fake marble vids I watched suggested a clear topcoat for extra glossy action, but I haven't done that yet. If I get things to look better, I'll update the pics.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That really looks great. I’ve been trying to foam coat mine and it’s pretty difficult stuff to work with. Fast setup, and very hard to sand once it’s set.

On the plus side, the golden pillars are coming along nicely.

Those pillars look fantastic. That's a very believable gold.

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I recently started running this campaign (again, got about halfway through years ago with another group), and have been pulling together as much extra content as I can.

The customer adventure "The Pit" still eludes me but I have found things here to be extremely useful.

I just followed up on the fact that the back of the early Pathfinder comics have additional info in them. I was able to get a Comixology account and check them out and there is good info and some relevant small encounters that can easily added to this campaign to add more depth.

(note, I was able to sign up for the free trial of comixology to check these out and will likely cancel now that I have the info... but a month at ~$6 is well worth the additional content. I will see if my 9yo son is interested in reading some comics before I cancel.)

It's not really community-created content, but it is additional material that can be readily added.

Issue #1 - Sandpoint Gazetteer:
This has the info you wish was in the player's guide. In fact, if I hadn't already started the campaign I would create my own traits that make the players locals from Sandpoint, the surrounding farms/hinterlands, or Magnimar and foreshadow some of the NPCs in the campaign. With this, it would make the perfect player's guide.

The encounter is with goblins down on Junk Beach and fits beautifully into the encounters the PCs have in town while the Sherriff is down in Magnimar.

Issue #2 - Shank's Wood:
A short history of Shank's Wood and the local legend of how they got their name. The encounter is with what is now Shank and keeping the legend alive.

My plan is to have the PCs do some scouting against various goblin tribes after Belor returns with guards and run into this encounter. The upside is it is an encounter with a faceless stalker which will be MUCH tougher at level 1-2 than it will be in chapter 2 which should make them more afraid of them when they meet them later.

Issue #3 - Pauper's Grave:
A graveyard just outside of Sandpoint filled with ancient travelers who died alongside the road and the poor workers who died during the construction of Sandpoint.

I haven't decided exactly where to put this one. It has ghouls and the main boss is CR6... so probably good for a level 3 party... but that isn't a great place to add something as the PCs are likely part way through Thistletop at that point. In front of Chapter 2 and you probably want to buff it up a little... but I don't know that I want to add more ghouls and take away from the mystery in that chapter. Hrmm... we'll see if I use it.

Issue #4 - Mosswood Gazetteer:
Just what it says. The encounter is with ettercaps... Again, this would be good for level 2 or so, I will try and add it in before the PCs get hellbent on heading to Thistletop.

Issue #5 - Waters of Lamashtu:
Gives a description of the Waters of Lamashtu and how to create more as well as the effects of drinking it. Will be good if the PCs skip the catacombs and I insert something causing trouble from below with more mutants and sinspawn coming up and causing trouble.

The encounter is with the Bloodfang Goblin family of the Mosswood Goblins and will be perfect to insert into my plan on having them in the Hinterlands before the glassworks.

Issue #6 - History of the Lost Coast:
Great recap of ancient histoy on the lost coast. I dig this kind of thing and it should provide great fodder if you want to create your own adventures in the ruins of the area.

The encounter is with shrine of Lamashtu and takes a big jump to CR 6, 12 and 14 creatures. I would probably put this in around the assault on Sandpoint? Not sure... it's a ways off still for me

Issue #7 - Trouble on the Road:
A list of various dangers on the road around Sandpoint... independant highwaymen, goblin bandits, sczarni highwaymen, and the Rushlight Society. It has a CR12 NPC bandit instead of an encounter. Might be good ideas, but nothing to add directly

Issue #8 - Dragons of the Sandpoint Hinterlands:
List a couple of dragons and stats out one that I think is the sibling of the one in the starter box? CR14, might add in around the attack on Sandpoint

Issue #9 - The Rusty Dragon:
No encounter, but really good reading before the campaign to flesh out the Rusty Dragon Inn. Also stats out Ameiko at level 5 (aristocrat 1/Bard 3/Rogue (rake) 1)

Issue #10 - Magic of the Cult of Lamashtu:
A little info on the cult itself (read the various faiths of books for more), some spells (lvl 3, 4, & 6) useful to clerics of Lamashtu and then a couple of stat blocks that could be used to make a good ambush of revenge on the PCs as they leave Magnimar at the beginning of chapter 3

Issue #11 - Dungeons of the Lost Coast:
Descriptions of the Bleaklow Warrens, the Pit, Raven's Watch and Wisher's Well for GMs wanting to flesh out the area with small dungeons of their own. Stats for a CR3 undead that could make a good encounter between Chapter 1 and 2 perhaps?

Issue #12 - Instruments of Madness:
Magic items and a CR 6 Lamashtu cleric. Probably good to add to that encounter I was thinking of adding as they leave magnimar in chapter 3?

Issue #13 - Gangs of Magnimar:
Good info to add in for PCs from Magnimars background as well as a cultist of Norgorber that could be of use in Chapter 2 or just after

Anyway... those are my thoughts on what is there and when it might be used in this campaign. YMMV.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I finally finished my Rise of the Runelords campaign this weekend. Here's the compendium of the build for the Eye and some photos from the game night.

I will get around to making the throne and the Runewell of Greed models available on Thingiverse, Shapeways, or DriveThruRPG if anyone else wants to produce their own copies. I will also look into posting my Sihedron Circle models, once I've confirmed with Paizo that's okay. Those are more slavishly based on Paizo art and I'd like to make sure they're cool with it.

Man, that is awesome to see, holy crap. Very well done!

By Gorum, that's good stuff TomParker!

If you get the throne, etc up in the next few weeks, I'd love to use them. It's those fiddly details that aren't shaping so well in my model.

That is amazing Tom! I still have a long time before my group gets to this so I'm taking my time to build. Just got the Proxxon a couple of weeks ago and I've been playing around with that and having a lot of fun. I have a different group playing Skull & Shackles and I wanted to have some ship minis for the ship to ship battles. Was going to have someone 3D print them, but decided to play around with foam core to see if I could make my own. So I've been making a bunch of ships for now. Really want to work on the Eye of Avarice, but I'm worried I'll have it all built and need to store it somewhere for 6 months before my group gets to that point.

New photos up of progress. Pics are horrible. I promise to make a real effort once I'm done. I didn't like the tiny marble of the test, and it would have taken for ever, since what I did do took 10 hours. These pieces need a final hi-gloss coat, then assembly. Once assembly's done, then I can paint the grid/base and add the pillars. Also I have to do the throne and Runewell. Whatever. This definitely isn't eating up my entire life.

Storm giant for scale.

@TomParker -- Count me as very interested in getting the designs for Karzoug's throne and the runewell. My PCs are approaching the end of Sins of the Saviors, and it's time to start thinking about Book 6 things.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Mousmous, Tinalles, can you both PM me your email address?

Mousmous, your work looks fantastic.

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Well it finally happened. We played the final battle. My players took all the photos of the final build because I was absolutely wiped from the three days of straight build to finish it off in time for the game.

Updated the Flickr account with their pics .

Special thanks to TomParker for sending the file for the incredible 3D printable throne. Karzoug was most pleased!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That looks great! Glad they all had a great time.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Of course, now I have to head over to the Shattered Star thread and get to work there. Here's my next 3D model.

Couldn't find anywhere a sheet to control the player sins so I made one.
Sin Control Sheet
It serve as Sinful/Virtuous actions log, giving the summary of the Sin points based on the log.
Also has a page for the Sin/Virtue/School reference.
Once any sin or virtue get above 5 points it shows on the Sinful or Virtuous column, or your Sin/Virtue with more points if you have more than one

Hey all, this is going back a ways in the thread, but I was just reading through Haladir's chase obstacles/cards for the chase after Tsuto through the smugglers' tunnels. I have not run a chase before, but have read the chase rules. My understanding of the chase rules is that every participant (PCs and their opponent[s]) have to overcome the obstacle on each card to proceed. However, in this chase, it would not make sense for Tsuto to have to make some of the rolls: the Trip Wires, the Intersection, the Trapped Tunnel, and the Dead End. He knows which way to go at the Intersection and where the Dead End secret door is, as he has used these tunnels previously. Due to this, I also assume that the Trip Wires and the Trapped Tunnel are his doing, so he doesn't need to perceive the Trip Wires to avoid them, and I would presume the planks at the bottom of the Trapped Tunnel pit were across the pit when he crosses it, and then he pushes them into the pit to make it a trap.

So, how does that work? For Trip Wires and Trapped Tunnel, I presume he would still spend a standard action to bypass the obstacles--carefully stepping over the trip wires, and pausing to shove the planks into the pit--so would you count it as it still take the normal Move Action to move onto the card, and Standard action to bypass the obstacle, but he automatically succeeds on the Standard Action? I suppose the Dead End could be treated the same way--he has to spend a Standard Action to open the secret door and then close it again once he's passed through it, but doesn't have to make a roll for it, since he knows where it is. But what about the Tunnel Intersection? He shouldn't have to do anything there, just move through. He should be able to just move without spending a Standard Action. I know he could use his Standard Action on that card to do something else, but what if there is nothing else he needs to do? Does he just get to move through that card to the next one, and spend his Standard Action there, passing through two cards in one turn?

Or would you run it that he uses the "Full round action to move three cards" rule, passing through Intersection and Trapped Tunnel for free, and then having to succeed on all three rolls on the "Bats!" card?

Just wondering how others would run it, or if Haladir is around, how he originally ran it.


My players asked for a sidequest to take Sandpoint's jailor, Vachedi, to Kaer Maga to find his sons, so I made one. The side quest happened between book 1 and book 2. Would anyone be interested in this? It requires the book about Kaer Maga. My notes are not complete but I can do what I can if there is any interest.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I am interested.

I would like this sidequest as well, please! :)

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Alright I've completed my notes and written up the sidequest!
Travel to Kaer Maga with Vachedi.
This is for the downtime between Chapters 1 and 2.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Wow! This is great. I’ve only skimmed it. Will read the details tomorrow. You are providing more detail than I expected. Thank you for sharing.

GustavoMalek wrote:

Updating the map index posted by Digital Mystic in page 19. Template for this post found HERE!


Lots of dead links in that post :(
Images hosted on photobucket and such seems to have a limited lifespan...

Any alternative place to find the index of all RotRL maps?

I'm almost tempted to host such a thread myself on my servers (online for over a decade) ... lol

The Only Sheet

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Hey everyone! This is my first post to these forums, so I hope this is the right thread for what I have to share.

About a year ago, my group started playing RotRL with me as the GM. An early survey of my people (mostly 40-something guys and one 20-something lady) said they wanted a gritty, evil, horror-themed campaign. This is unsurprisingly easy to do, as the content of the first 3 books is already pretty satisfying in that regard. :-)

But I wanted to do something special for them. Something that would grab them by the feels after the opening festival and goblin attack. So, I started really digging into the AP-as-written story content for whatever horror elements I could find for my players. The subtext seemed to indicate that the worst of the shenanigans around Sandpoint actually began when the minor runewell under the town opened, 5 years prior to the start of Book One. Ok, cool. Perfect, in fact.

I decided that the emanations from the well were causing about 1% of the folks in town (within a mile radius or so) to go bat$H!t crazy, in one way or another. Their darkest urges, their most self-destructive behaviors, their vilest thoughts made manifest. I suspect that GM's who wanted to could also use this conceit to explain any number of insane, horrible things in the first half of the AP. The most obvious of these was Chopper, but what if Father Tobyn had also been affected? Given those assumptions, what if Nualia's actual backstory was a whole lot darker, and the backstory given in the AP was merely what was known publicly? What if the Heroes of Sandpoint had disturbing visions and nightmares, each and every night they stayed in town... until they eventually closed the runewell?

So I took a risk and wrote some dreams for them. These are the first two, written to be read out loud, and they were well-received (much to my relief). Just as a warning, there is some fairly gross stuff under those tags... please proceed accordingly:

A Really Evil Dream:

Darkness. You hear a young woman screaming in pain, gasping for breath. An old, ugly woman stands upright, lit by nearby braziers. Her hair is filthy, and in knots. Twigs and leaves poke out every which way. You hear a newborn baby crying, but every few seconds the cry is underlain with a strange, sepulchur resonance.

“There, there,” murmurs the old woman, turning towards your viewpoint. She holds a small swaddled infant in her arms. Behind her, on a makeshift wooden bed, is an exhausted girl of late teen years, with white hair. There seems to be a lot of blood.

The old Hag reaches down and places her fingers on the girl’s forehead, leaving a dark smear.

”Ssshhh,” she says. “You are healed, for now.” A red glow briefly emanates from her fingertips, and the girl stops gasping in pain. Her breathing settles a bit.

You can see they are in an underground passage, nearly cut off from some unseen exit by a crude brick wall . You can hear heavy rainfall, and thunder.

A figure wearing dark robes and a rainsoaked cloak steps past the edge of the wall. It speaks. “Did it work?” he says, in a smooth baritone. “Is it…”

The Hag, still cradling the baby in the crook of one gnarled, emaciated arm, approaches the figure. It pulls back a heavy hood, revealing Father Tobyn’s face in the flickering firelight. His features are a mask, unreadable, but there is something apprehensive and dangerous about his demeanor. “I wish to... hold it...” he says.

The old woman smiles with rotten teeth, cruelty in her eyes. “Her child is Touched,” she crows, softly. “Or, perhaps, YOU are.”

She hands the swaddled newborn over to the Cleric. He gasps softly, and his visage cracks, revealing sorrow? Horror? Revulsion?

The baby begins to wail again in earnest, and you see it struggle slightly. A tiny red claw reaches out, each tiny finger tipped with a tiny black talon. The reverberance in it’s cries are felt, more than seen. But those feelings are unsettling; a whisper of the unholy.

The girl on the bed stirs. “Father,” she says, her voice thick with exhaustion. “My... our baby...”

Father Tobyn’s eyes are locked on the crying, Infernal infant in his hands. His eyes suddenly flare with rage. He snaps it’s neck with a single brutal gesture. There is a soft crack like a green twig. The crying ceases, instantly.

The teenager tries to sit up. “Father? What… what happened? He was crying! He needs me! I have to…!”

The Hag turns to her. “Ssssshhhh,” she says, sprinkling a spell component into the air. “Sleeeeeep.”

The girl slumps back down into the makeshift bed, unconscious.

Father Tobyn’s face returns to its former, impassive mask. “Dispose of this,” he says, handing the slaughtered child to the old woman.

The Hag’s eyes are alight with glee. “Yeesss.” she hisses. She tucks the still, silent corpse into a bundle near the wall. “And what of the girl?”

Tobyn pulls the hood over his head again. Thunder peals in the distance, and the rain outside the cave becomes more intense. “I believe the... child... satisfies your price for services?’

The Hag nods slowly, the glint of evil glee still sparkling in her dead gray eyes.

“Then let none ever know this came to pass. Seal her in.”

The hag smiles again, and begins to cast a spell to entomb their sins, forever.

...and then this happens.:

“Awaken,” says a soft voice.

A girl with white hair opens her violet eyes, and immediately sits up. Her gamine legs dangle off the side of a stone table. “What? Where am I…? My baby…” Her hand strays to her midsection. She is wearing simple but worn homespun skirt, down to her knees. It is sleeveless, but clean, as is she.

“You are safe here,” says a soft, raspy voice. A small demon-like form with curled back horns and bat wings sits cross-legged on the other end of the stone table. “Our Mother saw to that.”

“Who… WHAT are you?” The girl looks around. Low, red light permeates the large chamber. Her voice echoes, hollowly. “ Am I in Hell?”

The demon laughs. “No, child. Our Mother - by whose grace you find yourself alive - appointed me caretaker long ago. Do you... remember what happened?”

“I remember being in a cave for days...” (splitting agony, nightmares, a hideous old woman) The girl gasps as it all comes rushing back to her. She buries her face in her hands and weeps. “He killed her, didn’t he…? Killed our baby…”

The demon sighs, somewhat theatrically. It’s voice carries a note of sympathy. “The fate that awaits all of us who are deemed Monsters by the self-righteous. Such was to be your fate as well.”

“But… I am not a monster… am I?” The girls beautiful face is streaked with tears and distorted with confusion and anguish.

“You are, indeed, my child. But to the Mother of Monsters, you are sacred.” The demon is now hovering before the girl, keeping aloft with casual wingflaps. “No mortal who gives birth to a planetouched child can ever be anything else.”

The girl looks crestfallen, angry, confused, disbelief in her expression. (flashes of fire, gnashing teeth, red claws, animal screaming). She shakes her head to clear it.

The demon gives her a spiky smile. “Those are his words, are they not? The words he said when you missed your moonblood? After so many times that he… ”

The girl’s voice is an enraged whisper, thick with grief and anger. “He… he said it would be a cursed child. He punished me. Said it was MY fault, for MY tainted blood.”

“He may have been correct,” the demon purrs. “But if you are to survive in your new life, you must embrace the new truths our Mother has placed before you.” The little demon gestures grandly, like a noblewoman laying out a feast.

The girl’s shoulders heave with angry sobs, her tears running down to drip off her chin. “My friends… they never…”

The demon shakes its head slowly. “They all trusted him, didn’t they? The good Father Tobyn.” The demon’s eyes hold an angry intensity. “You were sick, he said. And he was taking such good care of you, wasn’t he? Every few nights, he’d visit… and every few nights....”

The girls face twists into bitter rage. Her clenched fists are shaking. “I hate him!” she chokes out. Her voice is grinding like a whetstone on steel. “The things he did to me! I HATE HIM!” she screams at the top of her lungs. It echoes off the stone walls in the darkness. (a blackened figure writhing in pain, a soul crying out as it is taken, a voracious hunger)

The demon moves to the stone table, and comes to rest behind her. It places it’s gnarled hands upon her thin shoulders, and leans in close to her ear. “Yeessss….” it whispers. “Our Mother has spoken to you as you slept, has she not? Shown you the truth. To Her, your rage inside is a thing of beauty, far more than this mortal flesh.” It’s hands grip the girl’s shoulders tighter, in emphasis. “It will make you powerful!”

The girl’s voice hitches, as she speaks. “H-h-how? I can’t… I can’t stand this pain. I want to die! Why? Why didn’t I die?!” She trails off into silent weeping. (Firelight, a baby crying, oblivion)

The demon moves her head over the girls other shoulder, it’s hands gathering her tousled white hair away from her face in a matronly fashion. “Now, now,” it says.” Where there is life, there is *rage*. Where there is rage, there is *strength*. And you, Nualia, are one of the strongest… though you do not know it yet.”

The girls head is bowed, and she says nothing, still sobbing quietly. The demon takes flight again, and hovers before the girl, reaching a hand out again, this time to tilt her chin up to look into her eyes. “The Mother of Monsters takes care of her children, but they must first prove they are worthy. Would you like the pain to end?”

The girl blinks away tears and a fierce resolve hardens behind her eyes. “Yes. Yes.” She wipes away snot and tears, looking far younger for a moment. “What does your Mother ask of me?”

“What do all deities ask in return for their power?” says the demon, spreading its wings wider.

Nualia sits up straighter. “A pledge of faith?”

The demon nods. It conjures fire in it’s upturned claw. Nualia seems drawn to the demon’s gaze. The flame is twice reflected in the dark pupils of her violet eyes, red rimmed from crying.

Your viewpoint holds on Nualia’s face, as the demon’s otherworldly voice whispers: “An Offering.”

You seem to fall into Nualia’s eyes…

BLACKOUT … and then..

There is yelling, panic, the roar and crackle of a building burning. Blackened timbers like skeletal fingers reaching from a grave, wreathed in flame. The old Church of the Six Faiths is consumed.

People run chaotically around, trying to contain the blaze with rain barrels, ale kegs, whatever they can grab. But they are too late. The steeple groans, and then topples into the structure, collapsing the roof and sending a plume of embers swirling into the clear night sky.

The flare of light illuminates Nualia, standing 100 feet away, wearing a simple one piece frock and sandals. Hot air blows for a moment, pushing her hair back over her shoulders, revealing a soot-smudged face of remarkable beauty.

The girl smiles slowly. The flames which immolate the church are reflected in her eyes.

She turns, unspeaking, and walks alone into the darkness.

I have 6 or 7 more dreams, some much shorter and some a bit longer. All are designed to be read aloud at the table. I think they might be especially effective to emotionally plot-twist-gut-punch any "local PC who was in love with Nualia as a teen", since this seems to be a not-uncommon backstory for this AP. If you guys like the above scene, I can post the rest of them here. And of course you are invited to use them in your own game. :-)

Gunderson73 wrote:

Hey everyone! This is my first post to these forums, so I hope this is the right thread for what I have to share.

About a year ago, my group started playing RotRL with me as the GM. An early survey of my people (mostly 40-something guys and one 20-something lady) said they wanted a gritty, evil, horror-themed campaign. This is unsurprisingly easy to do, as the content of the first 3 books is already pretty satisfying in that regard. :-)

But I wanted to do something special for them. Something that would grab them by the feels after the opening festival and goblin attack. So, I started really digging into the AP-as-written story content for whatever horror elements I could find for my players. The subtext seemed to indicate that the worst of the shenanigans around Sandpoint actually began when the minor runewell under the town opened, 5 years prior to the start of Book One. Ok, cool. Perfect, in fact.

I decided that the emanations from the well were causing about 1% of the folks in town (within a mile radius or so) to go bat$H!t crazy, in one way or another. Their darkest urges, their most self-destructive behaviors, their vilest thoughts made manifest. I suspect that GM's who wanted to could also use this conceit to explain any number of insane, horrible things in the first half of the AP. The most obvious of these was Chopper, but what if Father Tobyn had also been affected? Given those assumptions, what if Nualia's actual backstory was a whole lot darker, and the backstory given in the AP was merely what was known publicly? What if the Heroes of Sandpoint had disturbing visions and nightmares, each and every night they stayed in town... until they eventually closed the runewell?

So I took a risk and wrote some dreams for them. These are the first two, written to be read out loud, and they were well-received (much to my relief). Just as a warning, there is some fairly gross stuff under those tags... please proceed accordingly:

** spoiler omitted **...

I like these I must say, a little flavour to tease the PC's and offer a different perspective..."Is it any wonder Nualia turned out the way she did"?

I rather think I'll steal this, and by all means please post the other dreams you've written.

It seems that Hero339 closed his deviantart page and his beautiful maps are not available there any more.
Does anyone know if they are available elsewhere? Maybe hero339 uses another site now?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
mike299 wrote:

It seems that Hero339 closed his deviantart page and his beautiful maps are not available there any more.

Does anyone know if they are available elsewhere?

Well... a Google search for that name shows all his artwork, it's just that it now appears on pinterest pages.

Here is one of the Pinterest map collections that contains some of his work. And here is another collection that contains some of his work.

I imagine that eventually even these Pinterest collections will fall by the wayside. It would be VERY nice of someone to gather up all the hero339 artwork while it still survives and put it into an album or something of that nature.

Grand Lodge

Well done Gunderson! While I kept Nualia's backstory in her journal, I've been working on creating a quest arc for uncovering her backstory more organically to post on these forums for a while. While a lot of my specifics are different, I found your version to be fantastic!

What I especially like about this take on Nualia is how clearly her decision is the right answer from her perspective. "You and your child would be sacred to Lamashtu, but left for dead to Desna." This is such clear grooming to an outsider, but from Nualia's position, there is no reason to not believe this demon. Even if she were conscious to see her baby as monstrous, there's no way, with the way Nualia grew up, that she would condemn her baby for it. I think it helps highlight the way Nualia and her child's bodies are as much a part of Lamashtu's contest with Desna as are their lives.

As for the maps (and archiving the content in this thread in general), I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the skills or technology to save this stuff in a way that's accessible to other people.

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