Roy Greenhilt

lacker's page

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 63 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters.


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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Direct Answer: I could not find specific verbiage in ACOLO suggesting limitations on house representation on the Grand Council.

FWIW... if I'm following this correctly:

The High Council (per page 25, Absalom, City of Lost Omens (ACOLO))

Primarch Lord Gyr of Gixx (missing)
Acting Primarch Captain Wynsal Starborn
Captain of the Starwatch Asilia of Gyr
Chancellor of the Exchequer Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq
Chief Sanitation Commissioner Larrett
Commander Militant Chun Hye-Seung
Diplomatic Minister Ferridan Severus
First Lady of Laws Scion Lady Neferpatra of House Ahnkamen
First Lord of Spells Lord Gyr of Gixx (missing)
Acting First Lord of Spells Garethal Brighteyes
Harbormaster Scion Lady Adrielle Nephrathep of House Fyrlenn
Kortos Viceroy Jaress Molinarro
Sea Lord Lerefys of House Kethlin
Trade Minister Grenduul Fleng

- I only see one House of Damaq seat (Scion Lord Kerkis)

Lady Nymara and Seleenae each have seats on the Low Council
Lady Nymara representing a Coins Seat (pg 28, ACOLO)
Lady Seleenae representing a Western Council Seat as Nomarch (pg 28, 213, 220 ACOLO)

- Both being of House Damaq

The quote:
Twisting a stone on his ring, he drops the zone of truth, and then sits down himself. **"As you may or may not know, many of the noble houses in the city have loyalties that extend to the outside world. It's generally an open secret, everybody knows about it but nobody talks about it. None of the houses have more than one Council seat, and even put together they are outnumbered by the rest of the Council, so the balance is maintained."**

- Might be a reference to the Grand Council and the Low Council

(Thank you. Fun little PDF lore research project)

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Dyvynarth… are you aware of MinisGallery at

Lot of experienced mini experts there who could give you some ideas/help.

Good Luck

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I only see 2011 and 2015 Ezren minis on Minis Gallery

Edit to add: and looks like Fumbus found a way to still Ezren’s spot in the 2019 Iconics Evolved es-iconic-heroes-evolved

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Seven Dooms of Sandpoint (GM Reference)

This is a spoiler-filled resource thread for the Seven Dooms of Sandpoint AP by James Jacobs.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

FYI: Unfortunately, I am getting a corrupted PDF file when I attempt to download this (tried twice with an hour span between each attempt).

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

@Gnutten: Just went through all 6 PPT... speechless!!! Thank you for sharing these. Although I don't think I'll get the privilege of running this AP, it's on my list to utilize your work. One can still hold out hope :-) Awesome PPT!

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Can anyone share the card dimensions? I want to get sleeves and I haven’t purchased the cards yet. Thank you.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi. Still waiting (hoping?) for the JPG of the battle cards, please.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Was it The Waters of Stone Ring Pond and/or The Shroud of Four Silences (linked inside the blog post)? d

(Sorry not good with links, you’ll have to push the final letters together to make the link work right)

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Beautiful. This is great work. I’ve been scanning through, paying particular interest to areas I want to incorporate into my game. Learning a lot I didn’t know. Marveling at how much you have flushed out. Bravo! And thank you for sharing. Continuing to read and scan. Very much appreciate your efforts.

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

FWIW @Demlin: My initial impression was that the cards were great and all in good order. I just went back into my box because of your observations.

I went through every card and didn't find any off-center nor any sticking together. I wasn't planning to sleeve mine until actually using them (preferring instead to store them in a DACCKIT folder - which your comment reminded me to do, thx :-) ).

So I randomly pulled a few to slide into some Dragon Shield Classic Clear sleeves. Again, I didn't find any of my cards sticking together nor did I have trouble sleeving them.

Of course, I could be an outlier, but as far as I can tell, my cards are in good order with no problems of note.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

This is great! I appreciate the work you put into this and find it helpful
(You actually beat me to the punch in putting this together. I had similar plans).

One thought I'm adding to my copy: listing the quest level(s) beside the quest titles (i.e. GATHERING FANGBERRIES (pg. 55) Quest Level 1-4).

I want to print this out to add to my GM Screen/Folder stuff. I don't have a color printer.
As I'm thinking about it, might help colorblind people too.

Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to referencing it in my campaign.

FWIW: the Google Docs link has a space in it that needs to be removed to access the file directly "...K5ZYo68 (space) 3CeY/edit?...)

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

+1 here too :-)

comments on reddit too: k_your_order/

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I am interested in this product. Thank you.

Clarification please:

1. What calendar timeframe is physical shipping of the B&G Absalom Gold product estimated to begin... ie. Q1 2022, Q2 2022?

2. *The anticipated code for access to the PDF version on Pathfinder Nexus, is that the PDF to Absalom, City of Lost Omens (by Paizo) and is it available on Absalom, City of Lost Omens' approximate release date of 15 December 2021?

*Meaning would I be able to download both the Absalom, City of Lost Omens PDF on Pathfinder Nexus AND Paizo on approximately 15 December 2021?

Looking forward to this :-)

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Got it! Thx :-)

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

What is the actual name of your podcast?

FYI: I put your address in my pod catcher (Downcast).
It acknowledges the feed but there are no episodes listed when I try to subscribe.

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Thank you. Downloaded and linked for future reference. Appreciate you're doing this.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Does anyone know if the 1 April Player sign-ups will begin at 12am PDT (Midnight)... or another time (as in Paizo Office Open time on 1 April... and what time that is)? Thx

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

These are GREAT! Thank you very much for sharing! :-)

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Uh-Oh! I think you just opened up another hole in my wallet :-)


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Really nice, Gnutten!

May I ask what are and where you got the buildings?



Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Paizo CS,

Thank you and your team for all that you do for us Paizo fans. I really appreciate you.

I'm having trouble receiving more orders consistently.

Here are my troubles below:

Missing Paizo Orders #36262769, 26478678, 36292884

Troubles in Otari: Missing, tracking says "Delivered, Front Door/Porch 10 December 2020" but did not receive
USPS Service Request Number: 22653977
I submitted an email regarding this to Paizo on 19 January 2021, it's pending.

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: City Sites Multi-Pack: Missing, tracking says delivered by 30 January 2021, limbo -not delivered
UPS - Mail Innovations website says to reach back to Paizo "contact the sender of the package to initiate a trace process with UPS. The sender will then follow up with you on the progress of your shipment."

Rusty Dragon Inn Flip-Mat and Sihedron Medallion: tracking says delivered at/in mailbox on Friday 5 February 2021, not there
USPS Service Request Number: 22654514

Unfortunately, there two other house numbers in our neighborhood that are the same as our townhome so it's not uncommon for delivery personnel to send our mail to those homes. We have mostly fixed that by including "Townhome NOT House" on our mail address... and our neighbors have been kind to drop off mis-delivered mail or text us to come pick up something.

In these order cases, our neighbors have not received our mail.

On top of that I'm currently teleworking and am home all day and my office is adjacent to our front door and I can see our mailbox in our parking lot... so I am mostly assured to see the deliveries (plus we have a Ring on our front door).

I know this is probably way more information than you need but I'm trying to be patient and this is a little exasperating trying to figure out why some of my orders make it to me in good order, others say they are delivered but are not there and some just disappear in the mail process ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Can you advise/help please?

Thank you,


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Paizo CS,

Thank you for all that you do for us.

I changed my mind on my miniature Order 25131388.

Please cancel immediately upon receipt of this message before shipping and refund the full amount.

Thank you,


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi BV210,

I’m aware of this:

Pathfinder Complete Pawn List ryiqkmoM/htmlview#

(Sorry, on iPhone and not good with linkifying)

But it doesn’t look worked on since PF1 Traps & Treasures Pawn set.

I see no PF2E Pawn entries.


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I have found these helpful:

- the Development Updates: Kingmaker Game on Top Crowdfunding

- and this PaizoCon 2020 update: Know Direction PaizoCon 2020 Kingmaker Podcast

Bottom Line: Projected at project start = December 2020. Per PaizoCon = somewhere around then or later

I’m excited too :-)

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

+1M (and then some) with Swiftbrook’s request! TEDIOUS :-(

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi TRDG/Tom,

I’m following the development process here as a backer.

{click on the horn with the red dot number}


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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Thanks David. Good idea. Done.

My first ever created thread ... I feel like I’ve pierced the veil or something <cheesy grin>

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Mindfuddle Gas

So, since I can't find a GM reference thread for this module, I've started one here:

In Section H1. Forest Guardians Moderate 2

The Vine Lashers work symbiotically with the Poison Blooms. Specifically the Poison Blooms release mindfuddle gas.

I do not understand how to determine what stage of gas and for how long the effects last.

I imagine the stage may be determined by the DC Failure/Critical Failure but I do not know how to determine the number of rounds the effects last.

I am a first time GM. Can anyone assist me with understanding how to effect the poison bloom mindfuddle gas?


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Does anyone know if there is a GM Reference thread for this adventure. My search-foo isn’t turning up anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I’ve been noticing a lot of Pathfinder materials (including Playtest) in Books A Million (BAM) stores.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Paizo CS,

Thank you all for all that you do there!

I would like to change my pre-order of the Lost Omens World Guide to a Lost Omens Subscription please.

Thank you,


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Wow! This is great. I’ve only skimmed it. Will read the details tomorrow. You are providing more detail than I expected. Thank you for sharing.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I am interested.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I would really appreciate it if you could adjust my AP subscription to add AP #144, so that Paizo Advantage is grandfathered on my account by 3 July. If it is already too late for Paizo Advantage to be grandfathered on my subscriptions then please don't adjust anything.

Thank you


Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

@Strachan: Jaw drops... slow clap as tear runs down cheek in admiration. I’ve only been at it since very late 2013. Never set out with intent to collect everything but over the years I’ve seen my stash grow to where I’m about 50% there. I probably should have just done like you and got it over quickly instead of dragging it out slowly asking myself each time why I just bought another piece. Hat tip to you! :-)

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

PF1E v PF2E Grease Spell Area?

PF1E Grease spell: Target Area = 10 foot square
PF2E Grease spell: Target Area = four contiguous 5-foot squares

Could the PF2E Grease spell area be a rhomboid/quadrilateral/"slanted square" instead of a simple 10 foot square?

Bottom line: is there room in the PF2E Grease spell for a different interpretation of the PF1E 10 foot square?

{I’ve got Tetromino/Tetris “squares” in my mind’s eye:}

Your thoughts?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Thank you Cori Marie

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

If I preorder LOWG, do I also get the PDF?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Will there be an update/newsletter/missive of some type to keep backers informed of the progress of the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary crowdfunding... weekly, monthly, quarterly?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Will there be an update/newsletter/missive of some type to keep backers informed of the progress of the Kingmaker 10th Anniversary crowdfunding... weekly, monthly, quarterly?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi James,

How do you and your writer/editors keep track of all that you have done in the world of Golarion?

{Do you have a giant excel spreadsheet to track locations and NPCs? Are you using OneNote, the Brain, a Wiki or some other database program? How is it possible to keep everything straight with 10+ years of development in play?}

Thank you!

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Not an AP... But a great Module: The Dragon’s Demand.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Thank you for posting. My wife and I JUST bought RotRL and MM this past weekend (during the sale). We are looking to unbox as part of our game night this Friday. I plan to dig into your other posts and share what I learn with my wife. Appreciate this very much.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Ahhhh, yes! Thank you bugleyman. That works wonderfully :-).

Thanks for putting this together Marzuq!

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Marzuq... I'm unable to access the link you provided. Did you take the file down?
(I copied the second line to make sure it was included. I'm still getting the message "Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.")

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I second your intentions here, Hayato Ken. I would also like to see more adventures and material for Tian Xia. Is it possible that maybe a module or two could be made? Maybe inspired from the hooks in Distant Shores?

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

@Runelord Risen... v3 is the BOMB! For me. No problems or complaints on my end. Thx Much! :-)

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Hi Runelords Risen. I am working my party through Burnt Offerings and your work could not have shown up at a better time! I had pieces of the face deck cards you referenced strewn about but your compilation+ means I can introduce more of Sandpoint to my party at any point and more efficiently. Thank you so very much for sharing this. It is now hung as a reference for me on my GM Screen as my PCs move about Sandpoint.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I would like to receive the free PDF, please

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