New ritual system. Suggestions welcome

Homebrew and House Rules

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29: Nature's bond. Based on the dryad ritual, other creatures can change the environment they are comfortable with.

Success: One ranger or druid can change the environment they are linked to, even to becoming an urban druid. They can become linked to the abyss, even changing into and summoning fiendish beasts such as hell hounds.

Alternately, an air breather can be changed to a water breathing creature. A human could be changed to be immune to fire and vulnerable to cold on the plane of fire.

Failure: The recipient becomes sickened. If they are already sickened, they become nauseated. If they are already nauseated, they take 1-6 con damage. 8 hours sleep back in their normal environment restores their condition one level.

Difficulty 30 for non dryads. Plus 5 for shifts to a damaging environment such as water breathing, plane of fire, plane of shadow, or negative energy plane.

Modifiers: Fort save + knowledge nature heal skill + knowledge the planes. The recipient must attempt the save while the one conducting the ritual supplies the skills.

Costs: 5,000 worth of unnatural materials such as gears, steel, necromantic scrolls, ect. are sacrificed by ruining them, throwing them into a pit, and filling it in.

30 Golem/construct Ritual This ritual summons the elemental forces necessary to make constructs and Golems.

Using an established ritual such as for Clay, Iron, Flesh, or even Wood Golems, gives guaranteed success. Trying a non-standard golem or construct ritual such as a stone gargoyle must involve a die roll such as knowledge magic or religion+a craft+1 per spell level involved. The exact wording of the ritual should be written down because if successful, further rituals are guaranteed. The target number is 35. If the ritual fails, the result will be...

1-Collapse, wasting the ingredients(see costs).

2-Attacks everything, weather it moves or not.

3-It explodes, doing 1D6 to everything in a 50 foot radius, per hit dice. Reflex save, DC15+hit dice, for half.

4-An uncontrolled elemental spirit has been summoned, with the same hit dice. Usually earth, but if unworked Earth or Stone is unavailable, an air elemental already in whirlwind form arrives.

SP I meant whether. It attacks everything, moving or not.

Cost is generally similar to the nearest golem or construct. Changing size from medium to large doubles the price while changing large to medium halves it.

The 50,000 for a size change is the amount for research and experimentation needed for any new construct ritual to be composed. Adding a hit die costs 5,000 but does not necessitate a whole new ritual. The advanced simple template costs 15,000. Converting a golem into a free willed character would require a whole new ritual but the 50,000 is a one time cost, so if there is already gearforged in your game world, the ritual is already out there. The wings on your stone gargoyle would be 5,000 per wing.

For another example, Frankenstein's monster is a free willed flesh golem, with the simple advanced template. Dr. Frankenstein spent 50,000 to create his notes, then 25,100 to create the actual creature.

Are you a time traveller? You seem to have accidentaly missed a whole year. :)

Interesting Character wrote:

Are you a time traveller? You seem to have accidentaly missed a whole year. :)

You should explain that joke, because it wasn't funny anyways.

May 2019 vs May 2020, a full year between posts, and yet you picked up pretty close to where you left off, with the discussion of golem making rituals, almost as though no time had passed.

It was not intended to offend so I'm sorry if it did, but I just find it funny is all.

I have some ideas for new rituals, so I was trying to complete the golem one. Looking through the bestiary, you can see how complicated the construct rituals are. The costs seem more for game balance than reasonable game logic.

31:Origin of Species. The ritual summons an outsider to help shape special clay, paint it when it hardens, and breathe life into it.
Success: The figurine becomes full sized flesh and blood. It obeys its creator to the limits of its instincts and abilities. The outsider returns home.
Failure: The creature hates its creator. The outsider is freed(in the case of banished creatures, the creator takes their place.)
Modifiers: Wis + Knowledge nature + Arcana Target number 3XCR
Costs: 1000 rare earth clay +500XCR pigments, candles, and incenses.

Dotting for renewed interest.

32:Magical Engrams. They are magical mandalas that are bigger and more complex depending on the spell level they can hold. Each can be charged with mental energy once a day. The person charging them must have a high enough mental ability stat. and a high enough level. A cultist can use a mental inventory slot to learn to cast a spell by rote.

If written into a mind, it becomes like a sorcerous spell slot, recharging while they dream. If they don't have the stat., level, and class to recharge it, they will have to depend on a person or magic object to recharge it.

Written onto the skin as a tattoo, it can be recharged by the wearer or a spellcaster. It can be an open spell slot or be designed to hold a specific spell.

Up to 3 engrams can be placed on an item. They are set with a specific spell and recharge daily. Must be masterwork. If 3 engrams are scribed onto a scroll, it creates a reusable scroll, but it cannot be copied into a book as a spell. Other things like a command word header are as the item.

Difficulty: 10 + double spell level
Success: Any being with the engram in their mind, on their skin, or equipping the item can cast an appropriate spell of that level.
Failure: If the attempt was to write it into the mind, feeblemind takes hold, removed typically. On the skin, the area is scarred and cannot take an enchantment till healed. An item will become a similar curse item, or be ruined.
Modifiers: Spellcraft + Knowledge Arcana + mental ability bonus
Costs: 500 x spell level(250 for zero level spells) + made with double any material components. Costs are reflected in unguents, inks, candles, and such.

33. Ritual of Sacred Shadows

This legendary Votavi Elven spell is performed as a geo-glyphic ritual that requires 5 separate "points" in the shape of a star with a minimum of 1 mile between each "point", and to a maximum of 25 miles between each "point", and at each "point" there must be an invisible Arcane Mark that depicts a Crescent-shaped Moon shrouded in clouds that eclipses a Sun in the background. Once the 17-hour ritual has been performed in the exact center of this geoglyph, it will blight the land in a dense, magical cloud cover that creates a magical darkness similar to that of the underdark. The magical darkness created will be formed in a circle that extends for exactly 17 miles past each "point" of the geoglyphic star.

Once the ritual has completed, it will last for 100 years. Nothing short of a Deific intervention can remove it once the spell is active.

How about this...

Modifiers:Knowledge arcana + Knowledge the planes + wisdom modifiers -6 for any marks destroyed.
Failure: Everything at the center must reflex save DC30 or be sucked into the plane of shadows where they will all be attacked by an equal number of shadows.
Costs:1000GPV in powdered jet stones, powdered moonstones, black candles, and suchlike.

There are often protectors assigned to the marks, but inquisitors look for that. If you are going to disrupt the ceremony, I recommend a good dimensional anchor scroll or item.

The only way to stop the Ritual of Sacred Shadows from happening is to Erase the invisible Arcane Marks at the 5 geoglyph points, but those are difficult to find, especially when you're talking about 100ish square mile area. I used this ritual in the end of a campaign a couple years ago, and the only non-frustrating way I could think of the PC's to defeat this was to just give them a map of the locations. They had to assault a vampire coven's lair on a floating airship to find it though, so it wasn't easy getting the map. I had plenty of bullsnickety waiting for them at each geoglyph too, but I really just didn't want the PC's to get frustrated with "welp, where the heck do we go?"

34. Awaken Leshy
So an animal intelligence leshy could be a familiar or animal companion, but an actual character, PC or NPC, would be at least 4-10 Int, Wis, and Charisma. A probable backlash for fumbling the ritual would be an attack everything monster like the mandragora. The ritual difficulty would go up for greater mental stats. Does that sound about right?

Go to Leshys.

[b]34. Summon Companion Spirit
This summons a spirit to inhabit the body of an animal or monster to make a familiar, animal companion, leshy, or similar creature. The spirit is formed from the spirit substance from outer, inner, or first world planes.

Difficulty: 20 for standard familiars and animal companions. +10 for advanced creatures that require a feat.

More later.

34. Summon Companion Spirit
Many characters have companion creatures summoned by their mentor as they gain first level. They might also know a prewritten ritual that also allows them to summon without chance of failure. That is only for the standard class allowed creatures.
Difficulty:20 for standard familiars and animal companions. +10 for advanced creatures that require a feat.
Success: This summons a spirit to inhabit the body of an animal or monster to make a familiar, animal companion, leshy, or similar creature. The spirit is formed from the spirit substance from outer, inner, or first world planes.
Failure: The creature tries to destroy every thing nearby. Much like the mandragora behaves normally.
Modifiers: Knowledge arcana, Knowledge the planes, Knowledge nature, also +1 for every 50GPV spent for the whole process.

Costs: 300 GPV for the special brasier, incense, burning oil, flammable alcohols, ect. With Leshys there are special costs for raising the plant based body.

[b]33: Welcome an Apocalypse
The Ritual of Sacred Shadows is a very specific version of the ritual, given by a deity. Like the clay golem ritual, it won't fail as long as correctly carried out. If the 3 pylons are ruined by adventurers, whether the ritual just fails or the cultists horrifically melt is up to the GM running the adventure.

The ritual can be adapted to another apocalyptic event, but will have a chance of failure and backlash as I was starting to define. Perhaps a very large Deamon attacks anything in the area till it or the cultists are destroyed. Maybe a symbol of death appears in the air above the ritual center.

35: Voreish Ritual
The cauldron and candles are lit. Ingredients are added to the pure water(including a feather or other token of creature to be “vored”). Brew must be kept on the edge of boiling for a whole hour. The recipient of the magic must drink of the brew then perform the voreing within 8 hours.
Difficulty: DC25.
Success: They attract and swallow a tiny creature, acquiring a trait or traits the creature had. There may be cosmetic changes, such as blackbirds resulting in black wings.
Failure: They get traits they don’t want. 1)Replacement, such as wings instead of arms or permanent water breathing. 2)Shrink to tiny size. 3)Polymorph completely into the creature, just M sized. 4)The spirit of the creature tries to possess the recipient of the trait during times of stress. 5)It’s only temporary, lasting 4D6 hours. 6)No effect. All non permanent materials are wasted.
Modifiers: Knowledge Arcana, Nature, possibly The Planes, Alchemy, and +4 if alterationist present.

Costs: 5000GPV for Cauldron, rare liquids, spices, circle of 5 candles in tall holders, Fuel for the fire beneath cauldron, ect. Cauldron and candleholders are reusable.
Special: The brew is shelf stable but cannot be changed to another creature once created. If made with a bird feather it cannot be used on a bat. It can be sold for up to 5000 a dose.

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