Homebrew and House Rules

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Savith, the Heroine of Azlant and slayer of Ydersius

Ideas for monsters in my module

Need advice for creating a custom anti-scrying spell

New Hybrid Class (Gunslinger / Alchemist)

New Feat: Transformative Weapon Master(Combat)

Will-and Testament Coins.

New Feat + New Rage Power

Favored Weapon Focus on a Warpriest?

[Spoiler] "Trench Fighter on Golarion? OK... but he's Russian!"

Entities of Nightmares

Homebrew item: Payload marbles

Fixing Ragechemist Alchemist and Brute Vigilante.

Akashic hybrid class, The Hexenkönig

Three Halflings in a Trenchcoat for PF1?

Another Wild Shape Variant

Vox Rod - Balancing Advice?

Power Attack, Combat Expertise... Free Feats?

Blind Study: the Merry Wanderer

Another Wild Shape varient

Cosmo-Knight Template; help me fine tune it.

The Investor Vizier: Warbreaker Meets Akashic Mysteries

Cost for a 1 / week use item?

Houserules you plan to use in PF1e that were inspired by PF2e

The Garment of Wonderfully Awkward Displacement (cursed artifact) TRY ME!!!

Primal Magics: A sorcery "Rework"

Secondary effects for Evocation (mostly elemental) attack spells

Possible Weapon Properties for PF1e based on PF2e

The Garment of Wonderfully Awkward Displacement (cursed artifact)

[PF1] World of Keyva

Creating magic items

Traits & Drawbacks Brainstorming

5e Warlock as a PF1 class?

Enchanting clothes as treasure items

Draconic Paragon (Company of Dragons) Sphere Champion Option

Morphic Master prestige class

Monster art!

Puppeteer Bard Archetype

Crafter Alchemist archetype

How to Make Humans Feel Non-Standard

Leveling Artifacts!!

Zaratan thoughts? CR?

Template: Lesser Wendigo

Presenting: The Voodoo Doctor!!

The Host : put some alien symbiosis in your creepiness... (an Alchemist archetype !)

Different types of Mage Shot

New Monster: the Lunis

Blind Study: the Wild Hunt

Wolf's Rain Race Adapation: Wolves & Hanabito

Skill: Diplomacy and Gather Information

Cursed Healer? Self-inflicted damage when healing?

help with a custom evil spell

Thriae Homebrew Race

Unique house rules for a game.

Allowing for "one big attack" builds by giving free vital strike?

Shield Rules

The Congeries - A Swarm "Racial" Class

Alternatives to High Intelligence Bonus Languages

Idea for Mana potion...

Sample Character Backgrounds

Input on homebrew drawback / boon for spheres of power

Who likes to GM Gestalt games?

Classes as social tendencies in the Pale Sky

Tips on Buffing Up the Mystic Theurge Class

Reconceptualizing the Crossbow vs Bow

Fluff / rule combo for seven sins themed party.

Playable wasp race

Black Plains: Concept for one-book adventure (WARNING: VERY LONG)

Starting a L1 Campaign in the depths of a dungeon, and having fight / sneak their way out.

Oozemorph 2.0: My homebrew attempt to fix the Oozemorph

Lamia Race

A Sekiro Like Setting (because I am indeed a weeb)

House Rule(s) for Grabby Monsters

The Animorphs (hoping someone will know what I'm talking about)

Balancing what amounts to a laser

Idea / ranting for what basically amounts to a magical class overhaul.

I wrote a free splatbook here!

Any way to rebalance armor?

Pathfinder White Haired Witch Redone Balanced?

Ultimate Necromancer Prestige Class

Looking for something like an atropal for my homebrew.

Symbiote Race! Play as Venom!

Huntsman - Hunter Archetype

Creating a race. "Anthro Vaporeon" Need help.

Insect-Changeling Race: the Nivae

Arcforge / Akashic Mysteries: Hivemind base class and swarm companion

Morph Mage, My New Class!

Pathfinder Beowulf

Gestalt Class Design

Sloppy Magic Tradition (Spheres of Power) - Advice?

New Creature and Archetype - Wugu Beast and Wugu Witch

Gloomblade with a weapon group

Idea for Homebrew Oriental Adventures Core Classes?

Low magic setting rules for Pathfinder

Spell Focus Scaling

Pathfinderizing characters from other media

What would it take to make the Shifter class viable?

The Elephant in the Room Feat Tax PDF

Death knight

Making Paladin Falling Interesting? (And alternatives to the Antipaladin)

Messing with Divine Casting

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