Mirror of Opposition and Anti-magic field

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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I'm looking for some clarity concering the duplicate's created by a Mirror of Opposition and Anti-Magic Field.

Anti-Magic Field state's that most magic, spell's, spell-like abilities and supernatural abilities do not function within it's confines.

A Mirror of Opposition creates duplicate's, and the mirror is created with the use of the clone spell. The only difference is that the normal spell use dictates that a body is grown x month's after the spell is cast. In effect this would mean that the mirror uses components of the spell to create a instant duplicate as in de description.

1. do the duplicate's disappear when within a Anti-Magic Field?

I'm inclined to say no, because a clone does not stop functioning within a field, nor can it be dispelled. (why? because it's an instantaneous effect and it created flesh which is grown.)

2 Would the duplicate's disappear when the Mirror of Opposition is within the confines of the Anti-Magic Field?

I'm a bit conflicted here because the Anti-Magic field surpresses magic, on the one hand the clone is instant and not subject to be 'winked out' when a Anti-Magic Field would pass through their space (see point 1) on the other hand the duplicate's only dissappear on the destruction of the Mirror.

The disappearance of the duplicate's is (implied/stronly suggested) magically linked to the destruction of the mirror as a specific element of it's destruction/description.

3 When do the duplicates disappear? if in the situation where the mirror is magically surpressed by a Anti-Magic Field ?

The field surpress magic within it's confines. The link between mirror & duplicates is a magic effect which is also surpressed.

So do they wink out when the mirror is effectively destroyed - no matter if the mirror is surpressed? - Or when the field is removed from the location of the mirror?

From the description they function more like summoned monsters than anything else. But I don't know.

Seems to me, if you're going with instantaneous/functions in AMF then their disappearance is likewise instantaneous and doesn't function in an AMF. Therefore you end up with a permanent duplicate.

Now, there is nothing saying that the duplicate's gear will actually be gear, it could be "grown" from the body of the duplicate and only function while the duplicate is alive, or be temporary and unstable because magic.

Likewise the RP could range widely. It could be a new creature, free of it's awful binding master/item, free to live for the first time. It could be a broken thing, a soulless horror that was hollowed out by the destruction of the mirror and in constant spiritual agony with nothing on its mind but destruction. It could still be filled with hatred for the original for no particular reason at all or suddenly bereft of ALL drive and fall bonelessly to the floor in a catatonic state, having quite literally lost its mind and being a complete blank slate.

But I'm mostly making things up at this point, the rules could really go any way.

Liberty's Edge

boring7 wrote:

From the description they function more like summoned monsters than anything else. But I don't know.

Actually, the description does not mention "summoned" but rather "come into being" - that's more summon vs creation.


Seems to me, if you're going with instantaneous/functions in AMF then their disappearance is likewise instantaneous and doesn't function in an AMF. Therefore you end up with a permanent duplicate.

I brought the "instanteneous" in as that there is no magic to surpress, which is my reasoning why they would not "wink out".

For example like a wall of stone, which is also instanteneous. Both deliver something that is no longer magical once the spell is done - and can therefore not be dispelled after the spell's done. - discussion & interpretation possible off course, just giving my reasoning & my request for comment's/clarfication.

Also as the "clone" spell is used, only if the creature is a summoned or magical creature, i bear to differ that it's dispellable/surpressable... :-p


Now, there is nothing saying that the duplicate's gear will actually be gear, it could be "grown" from the body of the duplicate and only function while the duplicate is alive, or be temporary and unstable because magic.

Nope, clearly states that both the duplicate as any items disappear. It could be construed as the duplicate being summoned but it can also be a specific condition caused by the item (aka the mirror).


Likewise the RP could range widely. It could be a new creature, free of it's awful binding master/item, free to live for the first time. It could be a broken thing, a soulless horror that was hollowed out by the destruction of the mirror and in constant spiritual agony with nothing on its mind but destruction. It could still be filled with hatred for the original for no particular reason at all or suddenly bereft of ALL drive and fall bonelessly to the floor in a catatonic state, having quite literally lost its mind and being a complete blank slate.

Yest that would be interesting RP wise :-p especially with the followup regarding "soul" of those creatures... grin

That is actually a tough question. I also feel it indicates that they function more like summoned monsters than anything else. In my own interpretation I would probably treat it as such...

Summoned creatures of any type wink out if they enter an antimagic field. They reappear in the same spot once the field goes away. Time spent winked out counts normally against the duration of the conjuration that is maintaining the creature. If you cast antimagic field in an area occupied by a summoned creature that has spell resistance, you must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against the creature's spell resistance to make it wink out. (The effects of instantaneous conjurations are not affected by an antimagic field because the conjuration itself is no longer in effect, only its result.)

Under this type of interpretation, then it wouldn't matter if the mirror is in the AMF or not. All that matters is if the creature is in the AMF.

HOWEVER...let's try a RAW ONLY approach. It does not indicate that the creature winks out of existence as the creature isn't really summoned RAW.


An antimagic field suppresses any spell or magical effect used within, brought into, or cast into the area, but does not dispel it.

It WOULD suppress a magical effect or spell. Hence, as the duplicate is NOT a magical effect or spell per se, it is not suppressed.

1. It would act as a clone duplicate. Hence, after it's creation, it would not disappear even if the mirror itself were in the AMF.

2. HOWEVER, if the mirror was in the AMF prior to the duplicate's creation, it would not work as the effect/spell to do so and bring the duplicate around, would be suppressed. The RAW indicate due to the clone spell being used to create it, that the duplicate should be treated very similar to the duplicate in a clone spell. This is actually pretty iffy though. The RAW do not say that suppressing the mirror's powers make the duplicate vanish...BUT...as 3 will indicate...a GM could interpret it exactly as you have stated.

3. AS per the RAW it states


Upon the defeat or destruction of either the duplicate or the original, the duplicate and its items disappear completely. The mirror functions up to four times per day. Destroying the mirror (Hardness 1, 5 hit points) causes all of the duplicates to immediately vanish.

They would wink out when the mirror or duplicate is destroyed. It would not matter if the mirror was being suppressed or not from a surface reading of it.

HOWEVER...if you rule that the mirror is suppressed and the duplicate/clone winks out of existence when in an AMF, reasonably thinking then the duplicate is simply suppressed and is not destroyed if the mirror is when in an AMF. However, the instant the duplicate and mirror are out of the AMF, the effects would cascade and I imagine the duplicate would then be destroyed.

Obviously in My opinion.

Tricky question, would be interested in other responses.

Liberty's Edge

I follow your reasoning but would too be interested in other responses.

Silver Crusade

My view is if the AMF is in operation when the mirror is activated, and the mirror is within the effect of the AMF, it would not work. This, of course, begs the question of what happens when the duplicate has already been created.

I would have to say if the duplicate was already created, then treat the duplicate like a Golem, and thus, the AMF would have no effect.

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