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Ignis Fatuus's page

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Tridus wrote:
Ignis Fatuus wrote:
It feels a bit weird that the VTT code isn't included.

The Foundry Kingmaker package is $70 if you already own the PDFs (which you would in this case), so its pretty pricy to put it into a $40 bundle with all this other stuff. I'm not surprised they didn't do it this time.

That's not a criticism of the package price, as it's quite a large package. It's just a lot for a bundle like this and would have to be a massive discount that the Foundry folks may not want to do this time.

Yeah, but the Blood Lords VTT codes, totaling 88 USD with the PDF discount, were included in the Halloween Bundle for 35 USD.

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It feels a bit weird that the VTT code isn't included.

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Elfteiroh wrote:
Riggler wrote:
I was also wondering about the impact. Are conversations being held with American book printers? Numbers being runned on domestic publication and shopping vs. foreign? Or do you just shift to a lessor tariffed foreign manufacturer than China?

From what I heard, there's currently no printer in America that can actually make so big print runs as Paizo need.

HEck, a couple years back, the Avatar the Last Airbender TTRPG caused a nation-wide cardboard shortage and needed to use multiple printers cause there was not one printer that could fulfill their needs at once.
Here a Reddit post about the USA cardboard and printer status in relation to that event.
So yeah. Sadly, the current American infrastructure is NOT ENOUGH to support big book runs, EVEN TTRPG ones that are a niche industry.
And this would take YEARS to correct. American printers have been scaling down their business (or becoming exclusive WotC/Amazon printers) for decades. That can't be brought back overnight.

So there aren't currently enough printers in USA, because it was cheaper to outsource to China and ship them back to the USA.

Usually is there between 6 months to a couple years to set up factory depending on the complexity, so whatever trailblazer sets up shop or expands capacity can make mad profits, assuming the tariffs are, in fact, implemented.

Additionally, a shortage due to a demand hike is just that. There was shortage of pink paint due to the Barbie Movie, that doesn't mean that the paint industry is weak or couldn't adapt to sustained increase in demand. At best it means it operates in tight, "just in time", order scheduled.

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Riggler wrote:
I was also wondering about the impact. Are conversations being held with American book printers? Numbers being runned on domestic publication and shopping vs. foreign? Or do you just shift to a lessor tariffed foreign manufacturer than China?

At least, this will help Paizo achieve their sustainability goal by reducing their cardon print by printing locally.

If Paizo were the only that increased their prices by printing locally, the sticker shock would scare off more customers than if it's an industry wide thing.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
How does someone else’s offense prevent you from being a safe person?

Because if you offend someone, you are causing a certain amount distress to that person, ergo you are not being safe.

Unless you are of the school of thought of "sticks and stone can break my bones, but words will never hurt me", in which case I agree 100% with you. However, I doubt that would count as "safe" in modern parlance.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Ignis Fatuus wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
I'd really like to know your definition of 'fun', Ignis Fatuus, because the phrasing implies that it involves giving certain people free rein to be abusive and toxic. I would wager our definitions of 'fun' might be vastly different.
Just enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.
You say that, but then your other statements imply otherwise.

Thank you for proving my point.

Ignis Fatuus wrote:
You can't. You can only be a "safe person" if you keep quiet and kept your head down; otherwise, you will offend someone somewhere.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
I'd really like to know your definition of 'fun', Ignis Fatuus, because the phrasing implies that it involves giving certain people free rein to be abusive and toxic. I would wager our definitions of 'fun' might be vastly different.

Just enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Maybe you can be a fun, safe person instead.

You can't. You can only be a "safe person" if you keep quiet and kept your head down; otherwise, you will offend someone somewhere. Even then, there are people that claim that in action is support and will be offended by someone not caring or actively supporting their cause.

Unless you mean "safe and fun" to your in-group, which doable depending on how tolerant your group is and how prone to purity spiraling.

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You can have a fun space, or you can have a safe space.

Paraphrasing George Carlin: "Censorship is telling a man he can't have steak, because a baby can chew it"

Mellored wrote:

How would you resolve...

1: Cast a flashy spell like fireball, which kills some creatures.
2: Teleport 1.2 million miles away, the distance light travels in 1 round, next to an extremely powerful telescope.
3: you now can see the fireball from 1 round ago manifest.
4: cast counterspell to stop it.
5: The creatures, who are now alive in the past, kill you before you teleport.
6: since you didn't teleport, you never countered the spell and thus the creatures are dead.

Counter spell would fail, as you wouldn't be seeing the actual manifestation, but an afterimage. While this is true for everything we see, the delay is too miniscule to matter on a normal situation.

Formula is:

Level DC: 14 + level*4/3 (rounded down)

So a 12.

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TOZ wrote:
Why would he want to publish that?

Some people might be interested in paying for it? Video games usually sale those as a bonus. But the raw documents would probably had insights into company secrets so they would need heavy curation. So it is not probably worth it.

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I always pictured the Dawnflower cult as a bunch of self deluded heretics who use their very own interpretation of scripture to justify their atrocities, similar to Frolo from the Hunchback of Notredame, that Paladin from the OotS or anyone on the real world who uses feinged religious peity for personal gain like a millionare televangelist. With a few misguided individuals in the lower ranks, like the Gray Gardeners.

Cool villians to be handled with care. Sad they are gone, would have been cool to fight them.

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Leon Aquilla wrote:

Ironically, I want to point out that in fact the USSR was never a state that banned religion in itself, so comparing Rahadoum with them is not entirely logical. The USSR had problems mainly with the church and other organizations due to potential competition for public sentiment. This distinguishes the USSR, for example, from Albania, where the existence of religious organizations was outright outlawed.

What is this tankie nonsense.

That is actually true. They *just* excecuted the nuns, because they beleive women were incapable of being changing their mind from religion into communism, and force the priests to toe the line and break confession confidentiality.

Might be Calistria, since they both have a vengance portofolio. It would make sense to avoid having core deities step on each others toes.

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James Jacobs! Seems like a must buy!

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Rysky wrote:

Higher STR, CON, DEX, and WIS, which would be a power and math changer that the rest of the game would have to take into account, for weal and woe, the math in P2 is very tight.

Except pretty much everyone is doing key stat + save stats or is getting roflstomped by high level boss monsters. Spreading abilty scores like this means that the fighter is better at intimidating or recalling knowledge without sacrificing survivabilty.

What about "no ability over +4 until level 10", "no 2 abilties +4 until level 15" and "no ability over +5 until level 20"?

Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Hoshi Sabi wrote:

This feels wrong. The truth is, "human generated" is kind of ... Airy.

Grammar checkers use AI, they help you find errors in your text, spellcheckers. At what point do we say "this is a step too far?"

I often used Chat-GPT as a way of bouncing ideas off of a "partner who listens" in a similar way that others have talked about "talking to a rubber ducky." Is that permitted, given that not a single bit of text that Chat-GPT generates is used, but it was part of the brainstorming process?

And the art, you do know that many of the professional tools that digital artists use employ AI. Maybe not the stable diffusion/midjourney tools that are getting press right now, but they do use AI. They're going to improve their tools constantly.

We're taking a stand to support "our fellow humans" but we're missing the point that the AI is a tool used by "fellow humans."

This feels similar to when gaming magazines would reject submissions from a word processor because they expected text written by "a human." If it's not a typewriter, how did they know that a computer didn't write it?

(and that's not some hyperbole, that is a thing that the gaming magazines did back in the day. Their adoption of Word Processors was definitely not a quick thing.)

Any lawyer will tell you that the boundary between a tool and the author is where the tool becomes the author. Which is exactly what we're seeing here. No, typing "elf chick big boobs sexeh rouge with swordz" into a prompt doesn't make you an author.

Isn't the gray area a guy making a rough sketch, inputting a description, and hitting the process button?

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Maybe a level one feat or heritage, that way you can fit the "I am adventuring to stave off my traumatic and inevitable demise" or "I survived a very deadly condition that fundamentally changed me" as a backstory and later get posible stronger benefits through higher level feats.

I love how you can adjust the amount you donate to the publisher, Humble Bundle and the charity!

David knott 242 wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Alex Speidel wrote:
Yet government officials wouldn’t take their warnings seriously; they were too focused on shorter-term priorities to risk their popularity by proposing expensive measures to prevent some potential future disaster.
completely unrealistic, ruined my immersion, this story is great and I love Thaleon!

Unfortunately, none of our equivalents of Thaleon have super-powers. Must be Earth's anti-magic field . . . .

Any astronomer will be able to tell you that this anti-magic field extends well beyond Earth....

Nice to know that Golarion is outside the obervable Universe.

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
Nefreet wrote:

There's a global proxy war going on
Tiny corregimiento: when one side is in it directly, it's not a proxy war.

It the global part that it is the proxy. You know who aren't officially engaged.

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In Pathfinder we got Ragathiel and Noctiluca, in DnD there is Asmodeus. It is incredibly rare, but not impossible without magic.

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Issue is that both good outsiders can fall and evil outsider can ascend, they are capable of making moral judgement like just about everyone else. At this point what is the difference between a species that produces 99.999999% evil individuals that pose an existential threat to other species and one that does it 99% of the time?

I rather have a hand wave that members of certain species are physically incapable of empathy with any rare non-evil accident being actively corrupted or weed out than having a moral dilemma every random encounter against intelligent foes.

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I think the thesis of The Lord of the Rings is that "individuals matter more than race (or culture)". At the end of the day, hobbits can be heroes, elves and dwarves can be friends, and, more importantly, the small good actions make the world a better place.

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Numbers advance in a linear fashion, but the result of the interacions is quadratic. A character with X attack bonus and Y damage has offense closer to "X*Y" than to "X+Y".

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Losonti wrote:
I'm crossing my fingers for them to not just keep adding new APs and modules as they release, but to go back and do some of the older APs like Ages of Ashes and Extinction Curse. I've been using the PDF Import tool so far, but the production value of the official modules is Top tier stuff.

My guess is that they are going to give priority to new modules because they have a bigger market. Not sure how many players will repurchase older adventures to play in Foundry.



I've been running the begginer's box for a few friends and one of player missed two sessions. The rest of players continue with the module and are level 2 now. Should I proceed with PCs at different levels or should I adjust the XP of the player that has fallen behind to the rest of the party.

Thanks in advance,

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What about a magically concealed brick in a mausoleum where a powerful evil magic item is guarded. That way adventurers kill the lich, "locate" the dungeon in which the soul cage is hidden, destroy the evil magic item, loot and leave.

Val'bryn2 wrote:
New update, people can sell their backings. What's everyone's opinion on this?

Yay, I was asking for a digital freebie and got something arguably better. =)

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Traditions also interact with multiclassing archetypes and innate spells so it is not just flavor.

Ravingdork wrote:
OMG. Just got mine and the Skeleton's WELL-ARMED feat is AMAZING!

Spoilers please =).

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I understand it is more of legal and technical issue. Due to the way the forum is set up, a banned person loses access to the store and, more importantly, their downloads.

Unless the ban comes with a refund, I think Paizo would end up breaking some consumer laws if they were to block access to the downloads.

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Davido1000 wrote:
Novem wrote:

1) Advanced Player's Guide 2: Containing 4 new classes preferably including Brawler (because the system is seriously missing an unarmed combat style that doesn't focus on martial arts), and a whole slew of new class feats/subclasses for existing classes along with a ton of new archetypes and class archetypes.

I agree on the apg2 for more content for existing classes and new archetypes but i think paizo really needs to slow it down on the classes and i especially wouldn't want 4 in one book.

I agree, too many orphaned classes with little to no support beyond their original book was 1E problem.

At this point I would be happy with a wave-casting inquisitor doctrine for cleric.

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1) Tradewinds: expanede rules on organizations, developing and mantaining trade rutes, events, naval and caravan combat.

2) Epic: I don't beleive Mythic can be done while mataining the tight math unless every option or boon doesn't have a direct combat impact.

3)A book with the Inquisitor and Kineticist

A dwarven half-elf? A dwerlf? Dwerlves? Dwerlven?

HumbleGamer wrote:
Ignis Fatuus wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Spiritual weapon ?
Yes, but with potency runes and maybe a status bonus. Kinda like an alternate to battle form.

That would go past the spellcaster proficiency.

Being able to rely on either your spellcaster stats and spellcaster DC/Attack ( as well as potency runes ) would make the spellcaster a combatant ( and even better than them by lvl 19 ) , and I feel I can say it's not going to happen given how this 2e works.

I know, but I don't see another way of justifying a squishy wizard going into melee with a conjured weapon Darksouls or Elden Ring style.

The Raven Black wrote:
Spiritual weapon ?

Yes, but with potency runes and maybe a status bonus. Kinda like an alternate to battle form.

I would treat it as catching a party member in a harmful AoE or PvP, it is okay if and only if everyone is okay.

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TOZ wrote:
How long after release are they allowed to start working on it?

It is more about perception than anything else and it depends greatly on what they choose to offer or not.

For example, if they chose to make Stolen Lands One Shot prequel it would make sense that it comes right before or with the AP, if it is an annotated pdf with commentary and playtest anectdotes it could come after release, but the more time they take the the it will serve its purpose.

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keftiu wrote:
When the problem is that the products are late, demanding they make even more content /and/ release it for free feels pretty absurd.

I did specify "digital" and "after release" so I don't see how it would conflict with the release schedule.

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keftiu wrote:
When the problem is that the products are late, demanding they make even more content /and/ release it for free feels pretty absurd.

Again is not a demand. I haven't backed this project and, given things has been handled so far, likely wouldn't in the future.

Crowdfunding is a great model from the developers side. They get interest free money in the form of guaranteed sales and get an estimate of the sales for the print run sizes, but it depends on the trust of the customer.

It could be done if the spell would allow you to attack using your spell attack roll, use casting Stat for damage and deals force or other atypical types of damage. Maybe concentration would be required to ensure you don't end with a spell that makes a better fighter than the fighter for a minute a day.

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Yes, otherwise the perception could be that Paizo doesn't care if there is a delay since they already have your money.

Note that other products aren't being financed by the costumer's money 1 and a half 3 years in advance interest free and willingly taking an immediate financial hit is a of commitment at the very least. If Paizo wants continue to use the crowd funding model, it is in their best interest to try to keep consumer goodwill.

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Rysky wrote:
If you demand it it's not really customary now is it?

Who is demanding what? Expectations and demands are different. I missed the deadline. I just want to know how they are handling this to personally make a more informed decision in the future.

The Raven Black wrote:
To add even more unforeseeable delay?

No, I specify "digital" and "after release". Anything from a PDF plus version with the annotions from the developers and/or annecdotes from playtests to a new PDF with the cut content or a whole bonus dungeon or sidequests. And since most bottlenecks seem to be in shipping and logistics, it doesn't seem like something like that would incur in any additional delay.

Basically anything that says "We are sorry for not living up to the expectations we help set up. Please, accept this geture as an apology and not let this delays sour your perception of us"

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