Varisian Wanderer

Ferkill's page

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This looks fantastic. Will it have Roll20 support?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
PossibleCabbage wrote:

It doesn't say to take into account the bonus from your class so I assume you wouldn't.

Like the recipe is just roll, apply ancestry, apply background, record.

That's the way I read it, but there was a very lengthy discussion about it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So our GM wants to use the optional method of rolling ability scores. I realize that characters get one less free ability boost for Ancestry and Background. What I'm wondering about is the ability boost for class. It doesn't say one way or the other if this still applies.

Anybody have ideas regarding this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The cats look fantastic, even though they do look a little small compared to the base.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
I would hope that the first bestiary contain at least the vast majority of the monsters from the first 3 bestiaries, otherwise the game is going to be too lean.

I'm guessing a truly credible version of that book would be at least 600 pages.

Are you willing to pay $60-70 for such a book?

I'm genuinely interested in people's answers, because to tell you the truth I am strongly considering a base monster reference that is significantly larger than Bestiary 1's 320 pages.

So... don't be shy about your opinions, please.

I would definitely pay $70 for a larger Bestiary. Getting more content into the early days of a new edition is, in my opinion a good thing.

If the new stat blocks for monsters are indeed smaller this also means that more material for each one should be easier to add. Whether this is Golarion specific or just basic ecology, I'm good either way.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really like this one. I've beena fan of the Cavalier since I picked up a copy of the Advanced Players Guide so it's nice to see a well thought out archetype for them.

This has my vote.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really like this item. It's a very good use of a goodberry that will keep it in use for longer than the average party would normally do so.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Currently I just have Realm of the Fellnight Queen, but will eventually pick up the others as well. I'm not sure which ones if any I'll ever get to run (depends on group dynamics), but I have always enjoyed reading adventures and have been known to liberate something from one to use in another.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is my first year submitting and I have to say it's a pretty good feeling to do so.