Fig |

Is Andronia still up for sale anywhere? I saw it was on a few sites but “currently unavailable”.
So, I'm a little late to the game on this one.
Answer: No, probably not. As it stands, Hydra Publications went under in the latter parts of 2013 and was later revived by a new owner/author. During this time, the new owner, Tony Acree, apparently did not decide to take on the games portion of the company when he restarted Hydra.
However, the owners of the IP (the original Andronia authors, Raven and Lain Bower) are shopping around for a new publisher (as of early December 2013) and stated at that point that they had more material to be published for the setting.
As for purchasing the Andronia setting, until there is a new publisher, I would be very skeptical of finding physical copies of the book. With that said, you may be able to contact the original HP owner and have him put out a link on the Kickstarter project page.

Thanael |

Little Red Goblin Games wrote:For those who like Ravenloft should check out the guys who are doing the "Mistfinder" fan conversion.Ryan Naylor is also doing a pathfinder conversion of Ravenloft. Currently it's in this thread on the Fraternity of Shadows forum but it will be made into a couple of PDFs sooninsh.
Red Goblin, I hope Expedition to Castle Ravenloft has not been your only exposure to the Ravenloft setting...
Oh this is Scott Gladstein, head goblin over here at LRGG. Yeah, I've done games in and out of Expedition, but that was my first exposure and still one of my favorite modules.
As soon as Ryan finishes up that- I'd be psyched to read it and add it to the list! Sounds like my kind of game!
The PDFs are out. Check out Ryan Naylor's Pathfinder version of Ravenloft here.
For those who only know Ravenloft from the Expedition book, I heartily recomend looking into the 3E and yes even 2E versions of the Ravenloft Campaign Setting proper. It's a glorious product line...

Libertad |

Sands of Eiklatha is a setting which draws inspiration from ancient Egypt, Arabian Nights, and Wild West adventure.

MikeMyler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The big book for Veranthea is still in development, but there are four free PDFs around and this extensive tumblr from the Kickstarter campaign.

Thanael |

Legendary Games current Legendary Planet Kickstarter offers an AP with support material set in their own Sword & Planet setting.
Yeah I know the OP specified no w.i.p. but still: support that KS!
The first part of the AP is finished and will be provided at once when the KS ends. So they're quicker than most KSs.

Scott_UAT |

Hey guys, recently I updated this list a LOT with contributions from Jesse Mulkey. Sands of Eiklatha was actually added during that. I added XCrawl as well just now.
And, like you said, WIPs are not acceptable. Looking forward to seeing Legendary Planet and Veranthea when they come out.
Now tracking 66 Campaign settings.

Scott_UAT |

Uh, Ponyfinder is just the name of the primary campaign setting book. The actual world itself is called Everglow.
I think the best way to list things is by the most commonly known name/name of the book. For example, if I was to do J. R. R. Tolkien's work I'd list it as "Lord of the Rings" rather than "Middle-earth".

PathlessBeth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The World of Jorth Campaign Setting is now available as a PWYW. I don't know anything about the author or publisher (they appear to be new).

Greg A. Vaughan Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Though part of the larger Lost Lands campaign world, the Northlands Saga is also a complete campaign setting unto itself.

PathlessBeth |
And PDG has just released the completed Lands of Porphyra Campaign Setting!
It's already on the list, but is identified as 'mini'. With 52 nations, 87 races, and a whole pantheon, I do not think 'mini' is an appropriate descriptor anymore.

Purple Duck Games |

And PDG has just released the completed Lands of Porphyra Campaign Setting!
It's already on the list, but is identified as 'mini'. With 52 nations, 87 races, and a whole pantheon, I do not think 'mini' is an appropriate descriptor anymore.
I never thought mini was appropriate. ;)

PathlessBeth |
Amazons vs Valkyries appears to be the beginning of a new campaign setting. The AvV: Bloodlines product description says
Within this file:
An overview of the Amazons Vs Valkyries Campaign Setting

Scott_UAT |

I'm not completely sure, but Lords of Westmoor may qualify as a mini-setting.
This seems more like an adventure location/module rather than a fully fleshed out campaign setting.
It includes the line "Westmoor is designed to fit seamlessly into any fantasy roleplaying campaign."Does anyone have any other info that might speak to why it should be included?

PathlessBeth |
137ben wrote:I'm not completely sure, but Lords of Westmoor may qualify as a mini-setting.This seems more like an adventure location/module rather than a fully fleshed out campaign setting.
It includes the line "Westmoor is designed to fit seamlessly into any fantasy roleplaying campaign."Does anyone have any other info that might speak to why it should be included?
You have listed Raging Swan Press' The Lonely Coast, which also has the lines "Easy to insert into a GM's campaign," and "The default setting for Retribution, Swallowfeld and Road of the Dead [RSP adventures]."
So based on that precedent generic locations that could be adventures locations sometimes count as mini-campaign settings. I'm not sure where you draw the line though. I also don't have Lords of Westmoor, so I can't tell its specifics.

thenovalord |

Two modules+setting in, and a third on its way, I think I can just sneak in as a 3pp campaign setting?
The Keranow Chronicles
The Last Prayer of the Dying Adventure/Setting
The Cruellest Mistress of All Adventure/Setting
There are also a number of One Sheets and Digital File Packs to go with it.

![]() |

Looking at your list, you might treat Southlands as part of Midgard, an expansion of the setting or a second setting in Midgard. Not sure, but it's not on the list, and probably ought to be on there in some way, even if it's as a note for Midgard.
Speaking of the Midgard setting ... folks might want to keep an eye on koboldpress.com over the next week or so ... :)

Scott_UAT |

So "mini" was originally used to describe "campaign inspirations" which included a few rules, some quick mechanics, and a few character options- not a full like 300+ page campaign setting.
"Modules set in the same universe", in my mind, doesn't really constitute a campaign setting. I'm looking more for campaign settings with actual books dedicated to them (lore, mechanics, locations, etc).
Added Lords of Westmoor

Thanael |

As I’m always referencing this list, I feel the need to update it :
Ryan Naylor’s Pathfinder in the Mists is a very polished conversion of the Ravenloft setting (of 2e and Sword & Sorcery 3e, not the 3.5 CoS). It’s available in the library of the Fraternity of Shadows website
There’s another somewhat slimmer PF conversion available called Mistfinder
Monty Cook’s Ptolus is a great urban campaign setting originally written for 3e, but there’s an excellent PF conversion available here

DraconumGames |

Looks like this thread hasn't had any updates in a while, which is a shame since there are still new campaign settings & mini settings being published, and it's neat to have a single(ish) source to list them.
Would love to hear about some of the newer settings that have come out.
I've recently published Yarthe, which is a gaslamp fantasy/steampunk alternate earth for 1e & 2e.
There's also Koboa (which, to be fair, is still in pre-order but does have a preview version out and available now), which is based on South American mythology and culture.