
xNellynelx's page

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 332 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
This ap doesn't have roll20 module in plans right? Kinda wondering if I should start to prep it or wait more(I kinda want to wait for soundtrack, but I realized there is no guarantee I can upload it to roll20 jukebox because) :O

Not that they've announced. On 1/30, they posted "the bare minimum Paizo releases that [they] planned for the next few months" and this wasn't on the list. They might add it, but as of 1/30, it wasn't on the docket (See below for that docket).

(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 4 of 6 - Temple of the Peacock Spirit

(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 5 of 6 - The City Outside of Time

(PF1e) Return of the Runelords AP 6 of 6 - Rise of New Thassilon
(PF2e) Pathfinder Monster Core
(PF2e) Seven Dooms for Sandpoint

(PF1e) Return of the Runelords APs 1, 2, and 3 (updates)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ashekelor wrote:
Tis is the first time I have read a blog listing any thing by "Infinite" publishers. Some of these have an asterisks * after the name. What does this signify?

"Asterisks indicate titles that have been on a best-seller list previously."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
elisaelli wrote:
I thought they mentioned somewhere the possibility, specifically for these books considering the three covers, exclusive game store sketch, that they were looking at an easy way to pause or skip the core books. Did we get any update on that?

Aaron mentioned in another post that they were hoping to have a new system in place by the Remaster launch, but it doesn't look like that's happening in time. So contacting Customer Service would be your best bet to skip the core books.

His response was in regards to someone asking about how charging would work with 2 books coming out in the same subscription, and potentially needed to approve one while skipping the other. So not the exact same question, but I suspect the same answer.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Benjamin Tait wrote:
Anyone with the book happy to share the beasties in the backmatter?


Cave Worm, Lvl 8 Uncommon Large Animal
Larval Cave Worm Brood, Lvl 10 Rare Huge Animal Swarm
Hryngar Assassin, Lvl 7 Uncommon Medium Dwarf Hryngar Humanoid
Hryngar Breccia Squad, Lvl 9 Uncommon Gargantuan Dwarf Hryngar Humanoid Troop
Stoneriver, Lvl 12 Unique Gargantuan Celestial Fire
Toilforged Sentinel, Lvl 8 Rare Huge Construct Soulbound

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Timothy Ferdinand wrote:

Will rage of elements have rules for genie eidolons?

Too soon to say.
Any update?
Can anyone who has the book/pdf answer this query? Thanks

Elemental Eidolon, no Genie eidolon

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Netherworld was the OGL-less ethereal plane right? Or was that the shadow plane?

Shadow Plane. At least the Wiki has Netherworld listed as one of the Shadow Plane titles.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A lore based on a location could be fun. You'd be recalling knowledge from the perspective of history books.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Desk of Many Things

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dragonhearthx wrote:

What saving throw does the vengeful spirit deck use?

"The card flies through the air to strike at that target, inflicting 4d6 damage, with a basic saving throw against your class DC."


James Jacob Answers Here

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Thanks all. We are talking out the right next step, which may be a reprint or a new product.

I'll be a little philosophical and say that part of Paizo's Mission is to support "cooperative strategic play." Our pawns, Foundry tokens and Wizkids minis, for example, are a way to do that. We understand their importance.

I once used gummy bears and Swedish fish as a GM, which was fun when you got to eat the defeated, but I think Paizo can do a little better. :)

Perception to Sense Motive, I feel this is a hint that Paizo will be releasing candy mini's. I'm sure I rolled a nat1, but Sense Motive is a secret check so I'll never know.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd say if they want to play the same character, let them be a temp character or ghost until you can do the resurrect.

Rather than wait till back at the academy:


If you're in Bloodsalt, then you aren't too far from encountering the Terwa Lords. Giri has a statblock (Terwa Star Reader) but unless your party plans to fight them, you don't really need it. In which case, if they aren't hostile to the Terwa Lords, you can say that Giri can perform the Resurrect Ritual. Rather than make the player be a ghost or temp character for the majority of the book.

If they want to be someone new, the magambyaa has lots of teachers who travel and aren't necessarily on campus at all times. Their new character can be a teacher that isn't "new", but one the players haven't met yet that has now crossed paths with the party and joined for *insert reasons*.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kevida wrote:
Just to be clear, these companions are already in the Bestiary along with everything else and it's second edition only?

They shouldn't be. These companions aren't part of the story, they were part of the Owlcat Video Game version of this story. The Kingmaker AP does not include these characters, but the companion guide gives you guidance, starblocks, quests, items/feats/spells that you can use if you want to incorporate them into your Kingmaker story.

On the second note, yes it's second edition. I don't recall if they made a 5e Companion Guide, but this guide is specific to 2e in terms of rule elements.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Toolbox contains:

Toolbox Spoilers:

3 Astronomer's Tools (Held Items)
2 Demonic Spellhearts (Spellheart)

3 Maritime Spells
1) Advanced Scurvy, a Divine/Primal lvl 2 spell that inflicts Advanced Scurvy
2) Briny Bolt, an Arcane/Primal lvl 1 spell that shoots a bolt of saltwater at your target
3) Lashing Rope, an Arcane/Occult lvl 3 spell that animates a rope which you can Strike with and has the Trip weapon trait.

Phantom Ship Ritual

Scion of Domora Archetype, a rare lvl 4 dedicaiton that has a prerequisite of "Familiar Master Dedication, You have befriended a spirit guide and it bonded with you using its Bond with Mortal ability"
There are 8 feats for this archetype (including dedication)

Note; you can take this archetype even if you have not take two other Familiar Master feats.

Lastly, the Spirit Guide Special Familiar (required number of abilities, 3)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

By any chance did you receive a ticket number from their automated email? I ran into an issue with my gmail where I didn't get a ticket for like, 2 weeks, and as such I didn't get a response.

Tried emailing from my outlook, I got a ticket and response same day. Eventually my gmail received the ticket email, and then a response shortly after. I don't know why there was such a weird delay on my gmail.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
willot wrote:

In the Influence section, each round takes a week, So how many weeks/Rounds are the PCs allowed to keep plugging away at each notable figure? 3 weeks? 5 weeks? 14 years.

Does it say anywhere?

If it doesnt I may set an overall time limit. Their certificate only good for 30 weeks. They will need to decide how much time they want to spend with each Notable person and whether they need to "spilt the party" to cover more influencing grounds.

It doesn't say. It's one of those, long as it takes till it is done. Oyamba warns the PCS ahead of time that this "may require several weeks or even several months of work" on page 6.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
GGSigmar wrote:
The only diety (tho also a pretty weak one) we have stats for is Treeraze (lvl 25 demon lord), I believe.

If we have stats for him he ain't a deity. Nor was he ever one.

Milani hasn't gotten a 2E writeup yet, so that seems pretty obvious. Neither has Chaldira. Cayden and Desna probably get their existing writeups expanded. Everybody else relevant has hitherto been an Empyreal Lord as far as I can tell.

Let me introduce you to Treerazer's diety statblock then: https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=26. Mechanically, he is a diety. You can literally be a cleric or a champion of Treerazer.

He's strong enough to grant powers to followers, thus making him a deity, but he's still not quite a god (Unless 2e changed that). In 1e he's a Nascent Demon Lord, not even a demigod yet. Once he hits demigod status, that statblock will likely no longer be relevant.

From the Wiki, for those curious on Nascent Demon Lords

Nascent Demon Lords:
All demons are created from larvae, the Abyss-damned souls of evil mortals. By amassing tremendous power and prestige, any demon can theoretically transform itself into a unique member of its species. These creatures have not yet achieved the full status of demon lordship, including demigod status, and are as yet somewhat unformed. They must continue serving more powerful demon lords until they come into their own. These creatures are known as nascent demon lords, and they exist in their hundreds or thousands in the Abyss. Of this large population, however, very few survive the trials and tribulation of the Abyss and its denizens to ascend to full demon lordship.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Forgot to post when it happened, but remembered and now here I am!

Book 5, Chapter 1:
Party storms Dwandek's Arcanium and takes up a rather unfortunate formation that only benefits me. One Massacre and 2 critical fails from the Oracle (Nat 1, hero point into a Nar 1), we had our first party death.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Zandu the Devourer wrote:
Hi there. I was wondering if the information we get as GMs in the gazetteer is more or less readily available for the PCs. I mean, I guess it's my call as a GM, but I fear giving them too much information might disrupt the mysterious feel the Red Star is supposed to give.

For my game, I gave them most of the information in the gazetteer that wasn't reflected by current events.

Things like Akiton's Environment and inhabitants aren't "new information". Things like Seldo's situation, leadership, and anything relating to the big bad of the book are most likely not known by someone offworld. So I kept all that secret.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Клевер90 wrote:
what does the condition mean shaken?

I haven't read this scenario, so I don't know the context in which is was used, but the Shaken Condition was in Kingmaker:

"The army's morale has begun to falter, be it fear in the face of a powerful enemy, a supernatural effect such as a dragon's frightful presence, or simply the result of ill fortune in the tide of battle. Shaken always has a numerical value. The army's Morale checks take a circumstance penalty equal to its shaken value, and whenever the army takes damage, it must succeed on a DC 11 flat check or its shaken value increases by 1. An army that becomes shaken 4 is automatically routed. An army reduces the value of this condition by 1 each Kingdom turn that passes during which it does not attempt an Army activity or engage in a war encounter."

I suspect that they meant Frightened, but once again, haven't read it.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
xNellynelx wrote:
Austin Phillips wrote:

A Happy Monday to All!

It is with great pleasure that I'd like to inform all you fine folks that our warehouse team has informed us that 99% of January subs have been shipped out! and that only a handful of stragglers are left and will shipping out by the end of today 1/23. If you have are having any trouble with your January subscription order please send an email to customer service at customer.service@paizo.com with the Header of (January Sub order) along with the associated paizo email address and order # and we can assist in getting that to you asap, Many thanks!

Hi Austin!

I submitted an email yesterday regarding my order but did not receive the automated email with a ticket number. Would it be possible for you to confirm if you received it? I'm perfectly fine waiting in line for my ticket to be resolved, but would like to confirm that I'm actually in line haha.

After a second attempt with no ticket number generated, I tried sending it from my work email and got the automated response with a ticket number. Not sure why my normal email doesn't generate a ticket, but at least I'm in line now :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
gesalt wrote:
Castilliano wrote:

Remember, monsters should be tripping too. :-)

It's one of the overlooked flaws of ignoring Dex in heavy armor. IMO heavily armored PCs should be landing on their backs more often, especially if minions have trouble hitting you (or have AoOs) & if they have good Athletics of course (which most do).
Is this the part where we restart the argument about if trip being capable of inflicting damage on a critical success makes it a "damaging effect" and therefore subject to bulwark?

Bulwark is on reflex saves, not reflex DC.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Martialmasters wrote:
Raynulf wrote:
Thebazilly wrote:
Oh, is this an edition war thread now?


PF2 is awesome - it's just something that if you have an entire table of newbies can be a bit brutal to learn.

It's actually very easy of it's new players

The difficulty is players who have a lot of experience in a different system constantly being like "well it should work though way"because it's what they are comfortable with

Can confirm. I have players who struggled learning how to play 1e, as well as players who could figure out 1e but were punished by 1e's math, that all learned 2e rather quickly and excel at it.

The hardest part was getting out of 1e behaviors.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Austin Phillips wrote:

A Happy Monday to All!

It is with great pleasure that I'd like to inform all you fine folks that our warehouse team has informed us that 99% of January subs have been shipped out! and that only a handful of stragglers are left and will shipping out by the end of today 1/23. If you have are having any trouble with your January subscription order please send an email to customer service at customer.service@paizo.com with the Header of (January Sub order) along with the associated paizo email address and order # and we can assist in getting that to you asap, Many thanks!

Hi Austin!

I submitted an email yesterday regarding my order but did not receive the automated email with a ticket number. Would it be possible for you to confirm if you received it? I'm perfectly fine waiting in line for my ticket to be resolved, but would like to confirm that I'm actually in line haha.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
BeNotAfraid wrote:
NECR0G1ANT wrote:
If you like Pokemon, there's an upcoming 3PP supplement about about befriending "Eldamon", as well as an Eldamon Trainer class.
O.O ..! I. Want. One. The other elemental class sounds pretty awesome, too. Hey, waitaminnit. Since I see it mentioned by BattleZoo, I gotta know if when I purchase a hardcover "Dark Archives" I also get the pdf version, or are they separate?

Would be separate. The Paizo Subscriptions come with a free PDF, regular purchases do not.

See subscriptions HERE

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Khyron69 wrote:

Just getting turned on to Pathfinder. I am interested in the subscription but am a little unclear.

1. I understand all products are shipped as they release. Thats the only time you pay correct?

2. Can I start with the core rule set and then go through the core books 1 a month or some such?

Hi Khyron and welcome!

1) Correct. There isn't a monthly fee or anything of the such. You'll get an email from Paizo when the shipment has been authorized, and then a follow up email once it has actually shipped. You'll be charged on that 2nd email when the product has shipped.

2) Unfortunately no. Nothing stops you from just buying a book a month, but the subscription covers the most recent book, and then the upcoming books in that category.

Worth pointing out that this subscription is for the monthly adventure paths. You mentioned Core Books. If your looking for the Core Rulebook subscription, you can find that HERE

All subscriptions can be found HERE

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kroy_ wrote:
Thank you for the answer. Would you happen to know how high the discount is?

List Price: $99.99 usd

Your Price: $60.00 usd

Source: I own the PDF, and checked the Roll20 Marketplace to see what they were charging me.

If your interested in the Kingmaker Companion Guide

List Price: $39.99 usd
Your Price: $16.00 usd

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
Alchemic_Genius wrote:
The-Magic-Sword wrote:
I have done the hexcrawl full level sandbox thing in pf2e now, it works well so long as you're willing to let your players sense the levels of other creatures and use the chase rules from the GMG as ad hoc retreats.
One thing I do know is that people are also waaaay too apt to think monsters will attack on sight of the PCs, but like, realistically, sharks dont eat every fish they see, humans dont kill every smaller creature than them, etc; so bumping into a a big nasty doesn't have to be a fight

What on Golarion happens if the PCs fail the chase scene, The-Magic-Sword? Are they forced to fight a superior foe while winded.

** spoiler omitted **

They don't all have to fight, just the player with the slowest movement speed.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Psilo Anthro wrote:
Was it confirmed that a complimentary PDF will be provided for AP subscribers that preorder this? I still don't see anything on the page. Thanks in advance.

I don't think so. We didn't get one for Abomination Vault. And if you check the AP Subscription page, this isn't listed as one of the upcoming products in the subscription.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
theSchnucki wrote:

Why isn't there a neat bundle of the whole Adventure Path like Abomination Vaults?

If I compare the two especially price wise for the whole of Outlaws of Alkenstar I have to pay 60% more than for the whole Abomination Vaults.

I don't understand why one short AP costs 60$ and another 100$ could anyone help me with that?

Probably because there Abomination Vaults can be purchased as 1 book and not 3. Outlaws is only available in parts 1, 2, and 3. (Just my guess)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've only run 6 parters so far (AoA and SoT), but I've played Frozen Flame and am gearing up to be in both Abomination Vault and Ruby Phoniex and I have the same level of excitement.

I, as well as my players, enjoy leveling up and seeing your character grow. And that feeling (for us anyway) is stronger at the higher levels than low. Leveling up in Frozen Flame for example, there is alot of "I'm getting this at 8, and this at 10. I can't wait! To bad I wont get xyz at later levels"

However this can easily be resolved by running a 1-10 of your choice, and follow it up with a 11-20 of your choice. Giving your players the chance to bring over their existing character to finish their 1-20 adventure, or swap to a new character if they feel the previous one has finished their job.

Something I'd like to see, and this can be done in the player guides, is GM advice on how you could link the story. For example, in the player guide for Stolen Fate, which is 11-20, a brief section explaining why characters from certain 1-10 parters might be here.

Maybe like, the most recent 3?
"How player characters from Gatewalkers, Outlaws of Alenstar, and Quest for the Frozen Flame might end up in Stolen Fate"

Without knowing anything about Stolen Fate it's hard to give specific examples. But for Ruby Phoenix. Something along the lines of "Word of your adventures in Otari clearing the Abomination Vaults have spread far and wide. So far, that you've received an invitation to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament"

Except written by a professional writer and not me.

THEY COULD BE LEGACY BACKGROUNDS. Age of Ashes had some legacy backgrounds that take place after the events of Age of Ashes. 1-10 AP's can come with new backgrounds, as usual. But 11-20's can come with legacy backgrounds for bringing a character from a 1-10 into a 11-20!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Forgive me if I'm not understanding your question correctly.

Sudden Charge lets you Stride Twice, and then attack if you end your movement within range of that enemy. A dwarf's speed starts at 20ft. So you can go up to 40ft and attack. You don't need to go the full 40ft. Stride is moving "up to" your speed.

Instead of thinking of it like [A,A] Sudden Charge
Think of it like
[A] Stride, [A] Stride, [A] Strike

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
briank2112 wrote:

My group went on a brief hiatus and now we're finally coming back to this AP. Unfortunately though, one of our members had to drop out due to RL circumstances. Thankfully we've only finished the first chapter.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how I should bring a new player in? Will having a character without the Obol present challenges later on in the campaign?

It's been a long time since I've read TyrantS Grasp, but if my memory is correct I think book 1 or 2 has a side bar for how to bring in new characters.

The psycopomp usher from Book 1 essentially finds "others like you" who have a shard stuck in them and teleports them to your location when he finds them. At least that's how I remember it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

With the exception of like, 2 teachers, we don't get stat blocks for them as they aren't used in combat. I'd imagine there is at least 1 person in the Magambyaa that is familiar with healing. Especially when you consider that the Magambyaa primarily attracts Wizards and Druids. Any spell on the Primal list, you probably have easy access to.

Small Book 4 Teacher note:
Koride is listed as having Medicine as a notable skill

Large Book 6 Spoiler:
Koride's stat block shows that she is a Prepared Primal caster. So Koride is probably your best teacher to go to for Remove Disease or Healing, without making up a Nurse office NPC

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Snarfburger wrote:
What is the average play time?

~30 min

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
nsijnja wrote:

Hi there,

I believe I have double-ordered the Level 20 board game as I was confused about the Sidecart feature. Are you able to fix that so I only have one order please?

If you haven't already, email Customer Service customer.service@paizo.com as they don't usually check the forums.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Gisher wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:


Population 53,600 (93% dwarves, 4% humans, 3% other)

I get feeling this is typo because vast majority of Alkenstar art shows human characters and most of outlaw of alkenstar characters so far seem to be human :D

Interesting. According to PathfinderWiki, in PF1 it was Neutral and had a population breakdown of 85% humans, 7% dwarves, 3% halflings, and 5% other.

In Lost Omens Highhelm, we'll learn how the dwarves of Highhelm invaded Alkenstar. Adding more law and alot more dwarves to its statblock.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sanityfaerie wrote:

So... I'd like to loop back to the original topic base. Class balance changes from the psychic. You know what I see?

Psi Burst.

It's an entirely viable half-cantrip, and as a level 2 feat you can grab it at level 4, one feat into the archetype. If you have a decent Occult+cha/int DC, it can just be your answer to "what do I do with my third action" for the rest of your career... and also let you do at least something useful on those unfortunate turns where you need to spend two actions on not getting smetched. Definitely something to consider for occult witches and summoners, at minimum. Probably worth considering for a cha-monk, too, as it also[ qualifies as a one-action MAPless attack.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Psi Burst has the Psyche trait. So your psyche needs to be unleashed to use it. I don't think Psychic MC gets the Unleashed Psyche free action.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd like someone better at summoning. (Like, actual summoning, not Eidolon). The current summoning spells are nice, but not reliable as your primary method of play due to how low level summons are. (My level 20 character, fighting a level 22 boss, is only going to get so far with it's level 15 summon)

A class archetype for Summoner that gives up their Eidolon for better summoning would probably solve this problem for me. Maybe a mechanic similar to cleric's healing font?

A Summoning font that lets you cast animate dead/a Summon Spell, but summon a creature of your level -2, rather than the limitations of the regular spell?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Prisoner301 wrote:
Can anyone share the list of creatures in the Bestiary Section? I am really hoping for a Canon Golem or similar.


The bestiary has a nice table breakdown of creatures from existing books, with where in the impossible lands you can find them. As new actual statblock entries:

Benthic Reaver (21)
Clockwork Cannoneer (15)
Cursed King (10)
Fleshforged Conformer (8)
Fleshforged Dreadnought (18)
Skinskitter (1)
Kasesh (3)
Kashrishi Evaluator (4)

Rules for making Mana Wastes Mutants, and a very nice side bar called "Aberrant, Not Ableist"

Mutant Gnoll Hulk (9)
Gunpowder Ooze (14)
Quantium Golem (20)
Ratajin Mastermind (2)
Spellscar Fext (7)
Stone Sister (6)
Ugvashi (3)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zergtitan wrote:
Since I've not yet received my shipping email yet, can anyone spoiler a list of the deities in this book?


These have a full page breakdown, beautiful art, their follower rules and Avatar form:

These are in the "Other Gods" section and have a few paragraphs dedicated to them:

*new art

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Got my book! If people have some questions I can try to answer. Note, I'm in the middle of work (Wasn't expecting to get mine so soon!)

To start off the hype train:

Book spoiler:
Bunch of new Fleshwarp options, including 3 new heritages and 4 new feats!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Spamotron wrote:
keftiu wrote:
If we get more Book of the Dead-style monster books, aberrations are at the top of my list by far... and fey are near the bottom.
You probably don't have to worry about a fae book anytime soon. After all it's Paizo policy to treat third party well, being former third party themselves. They won't want to steal Legendary Games thunder.

I can still see them doing a fey book. Though less of a "Book of the Fey" and more of the "The First World".

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
reevos wrote:
Out of curiosity, why is this a purplish red in the image instead of the Green the other APs are?

I don't think AP's have a "set" color. The original ruby phoenix books had the purple color scheme. Strength of Thousands have a beige and reddish brown color scheme. Age of ashes was red. The Blood Lords books have been black with a gold trim on the edges, with grey in the center with the image.

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The most recent post by Aaron on this is "We have nothing to announce at this time, but never say never."

The Post.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I typically take a few days off of work, if vacation balance allows, for books with rule content (So Core books and some Lost Omen books). During that time, I usually go over the rule content with a few buddies as we admire the book art and theory craft with the new options.

When I return to work, I go back to the start of the book and begin reading the non-rule content during my bus ride to and from, as well as my lunch break.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Perpdepog wrote:

Necroing this thread to see if, now that the AP has been fully released and people have had time to play all the way through, are there any spots in the AP aside from the capstone feats that require a Wizard or Druid multiclass dedication?

I'm going to be running this soon and I've been toying with the idea of expanding the number of archetypes to at least encompass other arcane and primal casters to give my players a bit more variety. Has anyone come across any pain points where Wizard/Druid are more necessary for whatever reason?

Nope, just the Capstones.

Minor Book 4 spoiler:
There is a construct that was created by druidic magic, and as a result ignores druids. But that's not really related to the free archetype, nor does it make Wiz/Druid required

The free archetype is Wiz/Druid because, as I understand it, Wizards and Druids are the primary attendees of the school. Not because it's required for the story.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:

I didn't say anything about using two staves at once, only carrying two. Use them one at a time. Or are you saying there's a rule against that? If so, cite please.

Far as I know the fighter's not wearing a hat.

You can carry two, but you wouldn't be able to use them both in the same day. Under Preparing a Staff "No one can prepare more than one staff per day, nor can a staff be prepared by more than one person per day"

Nethys Link

So you can carry around an animal staff and a divination staff, but each morning you'd pick which is invested.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I can only speak for my group, but I don't see people using guides to make the most optimized character. At least in 2e, 1e it almost felt required. My group just tends to make whatever sounds fun (Or try to remake a character from a movie/anime/video game).

Myself, personally, I use to reference guides alot in 1e. 2e, I find myself looking more at fun creative builds rather than guides. I don't know if you check who likes your posts, but I spend alot of time in your character creation thread haha

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Peenicks wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
This product will show as available if you've purchased the Pathfinder Adventure Path #182: Graveclaw (Blood Lords 2 of 6) PDF.
Why must I purchase a PDF version of this to get the Foundry ver. available for purchase? What if I have the physical copy of the book? I really don't get this.

Cause the module comes with the PDF, so if you already have the PDF this version is discounted.

The version that doesn't require you to own the PDF is Here

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Fumarole wrote:
I feel the same. They are the perfect solution when one of my five players cannot attend a session that it is critical their character be at.

I've been running pathfinder society scenarios for this very purpose. It's been alot of fun!